Mansa Mufasa

Jun 17, 2019
DCAU won because Bruce Timm understood the nuances behind the characters. He and Filoni are very similar where because they understand the universe and characters so intimately, they can experiment go as far left as possible but because they have that anchor. It works.

Superman 76 understood this thats why it works. Superman Returns didn't understand this, that's why it failed.


Oct 25, 2017
When are the DCAU shows coming to HBO Max? I've been big Batmanin' lately and would looove a TAS (rewatch) and BB (first watch!) while I'm still locked down.

The Justice League DCAU show is supposed to be pretty good too, yeah? I basically missed every series aside from Batman when growing up.

Basically, the entire DCAU is good. Whether it's BTAS, STAS (Superman: The Animated Series), Batman Beyond, JL, and JLU. It's all good and top notch stuff. For me, as much of a fan as I am of the MCU, the DCAU is still my gold standard for universes.

Static Shock is also good! Don't want to forget about that one.

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
I mean DCAU DCCU and DCEU are vastly different universes and interpretations which reach out to completely different audiences only being joined by a gen diagram.


Oct 25, 2017
I doubt this is a controversial opinion here but the movie verse really should have stuck closely to the tone and writing of the DCAU. Some of the most popular and well-regarded interpretations of the characters and they threw it away because they couldn't help but chase that gritty Batman money.

Sou Da

Oct 25, 2017
I doubt this is a controversial opinion here but the movie verse really should have stuck closely to the tone and writing of the DCAU.
I agree in a way, the movies shouldn't have bothered with any sort of origin stuff. Just made them in an already established world full of superheroes and history, I've always felt like WB doesn't really get that they can flex their muscles and be confident that most of the world has been familiar with their characters for ages.


Oct 28, 2017
When are the DCAU shows coming to HBO Max? I've been big Batmanin' lately and would looove a TAS (rewatch) and BB (first watch!) while I'm still locked down.

The Justice League DCAU show is supposed to be pretty good too, yeah? I basically missed every series aside from Batman when growing up.
Justice League is that real good shit.


Oct 26, 2017
When are the DCAU shows coming to HBO Max? I've been big Batmanin' lately and would looove a TAS (rewatch) and BB (first watch!) while I'm still locked down.

The Justice League DCAU show is supposed to be pretty good too, yeah? I basically missed every series aside from Batman when growing up.

Basically, in much the same way that the Marvel cinematic universe was built up over many years and different series always leading to a new Avengers movie, the cartoons, in hindsight, really were building up the Justice League series when they started those. It wasn't so much as sprinkling inklings of a bigger picture with the old shows, but newer shows not forgetting what happened in the older ones and often referencing them.

I think it's one of the most frustrating things to me about how their live action division handled this. They already had a perfect roadmap, but they decided to ignore it and go in a vastly different direction that was largely considered popular to begin with.


Dec 26, 2018
It fucking wishes it could be.

Still powerful. Batman's presence without killing/hurting anyone, Superman strength and Question resolve to take a fall for the greater good. Good times.

It's just a shame that the we haven't got this stuff since then.

I know these are the most circulated videos but nearly every episode is a highlight in some regard.


Oct 25, 2017
Hot take: the MCU isn't fit to kiss the feet of the DCAU.

Bruce Timm/Paul Dini/Boyd Kirkland/Dwayne McDuffie/Alan Burnett, etc. >>>>>>> Kevin Feige/John Favreau/The Russo Brothers/Josh Whedon/James Gunn, etc.
That's a hot take but it's also a bad take both have merits and deserve credit for what that accomplished

Zak little 4 hour thing will be nowhere near as good as JL or JLU. Zak wishes he could touch the levels of the cartoon.

Zak's tweet comes off as petulant and childish.
That's a given but whatever the Snyder cut is will still be bad lol and probably worst than justice league was.


Oct 30, 2019
Terrible topic but Beyond is the best (solo) show about Batman to this day. Quite edgy too. Kinda weird that only the RotJ tie-in game used this setting as it is ripe for videogames.

Did you know that Batman killed 2 people in the comics in 2020? Omega and Alfred Stryker (this week) but that second case is obviously a Tec 27 remake. Cancel Scott Snyder and Grant Morrison/Bill Finger!


Oct 25, 2017

Its a small touch but I love how the police cars look like futuristic versions of the retro cars from TAS


Dec 30, 2017
Batman Beyond is so damn cruel to Bruce, it's a tragic conclusion to his war on crime.
Oct 25, 2017
The intro song feels too much like a modern version of the 90s version of Spiderman's series.
Hey, Batman Beyond was secretly a Spider-Man cartoon in a lot of ways.

Wisecracking teenage high-schooler superhero dealing with the death of a father figure.
Their rogue's galleries were similar in a lot of ways too.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
(I got inspired by the Superman thread)

We could fill a whole thread full of moments from the DCAU that completely obliterate anything ever attempted in the Snyder movies (or even the original comics), but this one continues to stand out to me decades later.


In particular, the one shot where Bruce literally shakes with terror and disgust over having to use a gun to deescalate an encounter with a criminal still gets my eyes watery. Here's a man who dedicated his entire life to stopping crime using his own set of morals, and he had no choice but to break them simply because he's too old. Jumping from the BTAS series to the start of BB made this especially heartbreaking.

Inversely, I was filled with my own disgust watching Batman gun down people in BvS because some stupid asshole director thought it would be more bad-ass. It's left such a sour taste in my mouth that I honestly don't believe anything they release afterwards will make up for that shitfest.

The Batman looks "okay", but doesn't feel like it will come close to making up for the sheer disrespect they gave Bats (not to mention Supes, who they've pretty much given up on at this point).

I think your version of who Batman should be is heavily influenced by the DCAU.

And Snyder's version of who Batman is happens to be different than yours. I don't think that makes him a stupid asshole director.

It's all up to the execution. Snyder's Batman is a valid take. It's just nowhere near as well executed as DCAU's Batman so yes....DCAU Batman >>>>> BvS! Batman
Last edited:


Jul 17, 2019
Going back to the synth pop of Batman Beyond, this scene STILL gives me chills because of the BTAS theme rising up out of the shadows.

Bruce Wayne vs Inque

My favorite moment out of the entire series. Bruce puts on the mantle of Batman one last time.From Batman Beyond "Disappearing Inque" Note: All content belon...


Oct 28, 2017
I think your version of who Batman should be is heavily influenced by the DCAU.

And Snyder's version of who Batman is happens to be different than yours. I don't think that makes him a stupid asshole director.

It's all up to the execution. Snyder's Batman is a valid take. It's just nowhere near as well executed as DCAU's Batman so yes....DCAU Batman >>>>> BvS! Batman
I'm in the same boat. Like Batman can use all kinds of tanks and firearms and often does throughout his billion or so representations. If BvS was a well executed and entertaining movie it would have been fine. But it wasn't.