
User banned at own request
Oct 25, 2017
Finally, I've been on this fucking ride and I'm not getting off.



Oct 27, 2017
What was Pixar's last criticality acclaimed movie? This really needs to be good. They need to live up to the first one and the era where Pixar was nothing but hits.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Man I really liked the first one, especially the bonus "baby sitting Jack-jack" short.

Hopefully the sequel lives up to that highs of the first movie.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder who the villain will be in this. Syndrome was a pretty great foil for Mr. Incredible and his family.
Oct 25, 2017


Hell yes!! Let's fucking go!!!!


Oct 25, 2017
HELL YEAH BOI I can't wait to see the graphical leap it's taken since the first movie

What was Pixar's last criticality acclaimed movie? This really needs to be good. They need to live up to the first one and the era where Pixar was nothing but hits.
Oh for crying out loud.

2017 Coco - 97%
2017 Cars 3 - 66%
2016 Finding Dory - 94%
2015 Inside Out - 98%
2015 The Good Dinosaur - 77%
2013 Monsters University - 79%
2012 Brave - 78%
2011 - Cars 2 - 39%

So their last critical dud was in 2011. Even Cars 3 is considered fresh.


Oct 27, 2017
HELL YEAH BOI I can't wait to see the graphical leap it's taken since the first movie

Oh for crying out loud.

2017 Coco - 97%
2017 Cars 3 - 66%
2016 Finding Dory - 94%
2015 Inside Out - 98%
2015 The Good Dinosaur - 77%
2013 Monsters University - 79%
2012 Brave - 78%
2011 - Cars 2 - 39%

So their last critical dud was in 2011. Even Cars 3 is considered fresh.

But was Cars 3 actually good on the level of Ratatouille or Pixar's best? I don't remember Good Dinosaur receiving any outstanding praise. All I'm saying is I feel like they've had some missteps over the past few years. Even Brave was just alright - not excellent, and not up to their previous standards. Inside Out was pretty good though, I can definitely give them that.


Oct 25, 2017
But was Cars 3 actually good on the level of Ratatouille or Pixar's best? I don't remember Good Dinosaur receiving any outstanding praise. All I'm saying is I feel like they've had some missteps over the past few years. Even Brave was just alright - not excellent, and not up to their previous standards. Inside Out was pretty good though, I can definitely give them that.
You asked what their last critically acclaimed movie was, I provided a list of their last 7 films and the current rating of their 8th due out in like a week. I in no way meant to imply that all of those movies were critical darlings so I apologize if it came off that way, but the only critical BOMB of their last 8 films was Cars 2. If we're gonna get into our own personal feelings on their recent output fine, but that's not what you initially asked unless I completely misunderstood you.

I will say that while probably not on the level of something like Ratatouille or Pixar's best, Cars 3 is unquestionably not only the best of the 3 Cars movies, but also a really excellent film on its own about a very surprisingly adult subject matter. I know the Cars movies get a lot of shit not just here but in the world, but Cars 3 is a good movie. The Good Dinosaur isn't... bad... but it is fucking WIERD.

But Coco isn't even out here yet and it's already critically acclaimed, and so was Finding Dory and Inside Out. Even though I wouldn't call Cars 3 "critically acclaimed" it did review much better than the other two and it seems like a pretty unanimous "it's the best of the three" despite still getting a middling score so, *shrug*. I don't think Pixar would ever be able to make a Cars movie that got critical acclaim honestly, people just can't get past the "kiddy" talking cars thing.

You can kind of chart a wave like Disney's, they had their golden period then their dark period then their resurgence, Pixar seems to be making that same pattern and starting with Inside Out they're back on the upswing again (minus Cars obviously but again, it's Cars), with Coco already reviewing extremely well, and their next two films being Incredibles 2 and Toy Story 4 which I can't even fathom being bad.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Awesome. Not sure I want a college Violet and high school Max. I feel like their sibling relationship wouldn't be as enjoyable at those ages like it is now.

If they had aged in real time, they'd be a lot older than that. It's been 13 years... Dash would be 23 or so, Violet would be pushing 30, and JackJack would be in high school.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah. It might be cool to see a scene or so like that, but the movie is better off picking up where it ended.