
Oct 27, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
Was there more business in duping conservatives and putting a conservative spin on his conspiracy stuff? I remember way back when he was saying both sides are the same.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
It's likely just seeing a huge temporary surge due to IW diehards flocking to the nearest mass market medium for that site. I expect it to eventually die down as the site struggles to find an audience amidst its mass deplatforming.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Believe this is called the Streisand Effect.

Hardly surprised this is still on the App Store, heaven forbid Apple curate anything on that marketplace.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Cleveland, OH
Infowars Official, the app named after Alex Jones' controversial radio talk show, has become the fourth most popular news app in the United States that's currently available in the iOS App Store, according to public rankings. It was the 47th most popular just two days ago.

The free app, which launched in June, streams live shows and written pieces from Jones and other conservative pundits. It also links to the Infowars store where visitors can buy T-shirts and skincare products. An Android version of the app is available in the Google Play Store; there, it jumped from being the 31st most popular news app to the 11th.

It shouldn't even be in that category. It's not news. It's entertainment at best.

Following these removals, the Infowars app was flooded with five-star reviews championing the idea of free speech, with titles like "Infowars WILL NOT be silenced."

"When I have to seek out and search for the information and views I want to hear rather than them be available to me from any and all platforms, I know who's side is corrupt and treasonous," said one review. "I was 50/50 on the fence about Alax Jones, but now that they have taken away my rights I'm 100% sure infowars has been truth all along."

If you have to "seek out and search for the information and views you want to hear" then you are not reading the news, you are reading opinions. Opinions are not news. Also, if you were 50/50 on "Alax Jones" before but the removal of his crap is what pushes you to be a fan, you have to re-consider your priorities in life. Plus, taking an app away doesn't mean that they're "taking away your rights."
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Oct 25, 2017
a parallel universe
I dunno. It makes sense that its that popular right now since a lot of those morons that like Alex probably didnt have the app and now that they cant go to YT or the other platforms to get their truthfacts of knowledge they are all jumping to the app. I bet it has crazy spyware and shit in it lol. suckers.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Bay Area, California
The Play Store version says 10K total downloads. Not sure how often it refreshes. If that's updated, it's a very small percentage of the following that he had on YouTube. Don't know what the raw numbers on iOS are though, where it seems to be much more popular. Hopefully both stores take the app down.


Oct 27, 2017
There are too many people out there reporting on this while simultaneously having downloaded the app. I saw a journalist earlier with a screenshot when it started to rise with an "open" symbol bext to it.


May 15, 2018
I posted earlier but when I think about it

When you silence someone you either completely crush them or u make them stronger in a way no three ways about it.

YouTube silencing him only made his fan base more supportive and probably got him new fans


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I'm thinking that too, but it's usually the other way around. One party trying to remove and hide some information about themselves, whereas here it's other parties doing that. He's reveling in his newfound exposure.
I feel like the only way to stop this maniac is to completely nuke him from social media (Twitter's all that's left) and digital distribution services (App Store, and/or Play Store)

Normally I would say that people wouldn't go directly to Jones' website for their "news" as most people just get their news from places like Facebook, Twitter and Reddit... but I think all bets are off at this point, real life is so crazy that I wouldn't be surprised if it was a homepage for most of those people.

I posted earlier but when I think about it

When you silence someone you either completely crush them or u make them stronger in a way no three ways about it.

YouTube silencing him only made his fan base more supportive and probably got him new fans
I'm sure there are some people who are following Jones after this, but they're probably people who are already so far right, they weren't coming back anyhow. I don't think there are many moderate conservatives reading this news that went "wow, I guess Google really doesn't want us to know that they're turning the frogs gay, must certainly be a conspiracy."
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Oct 25, 2017
Apple users tend to have more wealth than the average person, ergo they're probably more likely to be right-leaning.
In case you're wondering, nobody is fooled by your shift from "Apple users are gullible" to "Apple users tend to be richer."

After (rightly) getting upset at people for judging SonicFox wearing a fursuit at EVO, making comments like this is hypocritical in the extreme.


Oct 25, 2017
Wait....how big are news apps? I've never even heard of one before.

Is like, going from 47th to 4th like "went from 5000 users to 50000" users?


Oct 27, 2017
Like I've said all along. All everyone is doing is giving this idiot the exposure he craves, including the folks here. He is the sort where just ignoring him will punish him greater than anything else you can do.