
Oct 26, 2017
One of our TV channels is broadcasting a 3 part documentary filmed over the last 8 months inside the US embassy in the UK. People have mistaken it for a comedy, with the US ambassador's only qualification being an $18 million donation to Trump.

The two people giving the briefing are Thomas Williams, Minister Counselor for Political Affairs, and Seneca Johnson, Deputy head of Economic Affairs. The guy being briefed is Michael Huerta, head of the Federal Aviation Administration, come to talk to the UK government about how US airlines will be able to operate within the UK come Brexit.

HUERTA: Aviation and aerospace is 5% of our GDP. The UK is a huge chunk of that. With the UK exiting, their status under the European safety agreement evaporates. So something needs to be in place.

WOODY (US ambassador): So, how does this impact ticketing? Can travel agents do their business out past '19, March '19?

HUERTA: Generally the airlines run their schedules 6 months out. If they don't know what the future state is going to look like, it's very hard for them to sell tickets. So it's a pretty big deal.

WOODY: No, it's a very large deal. You know, it's a given that we all can buy, we go down online, we buy our ticket and we go wherever we want. But you can't take that for granted. That may not happen unless this is elevated. And this is like a basic thing. I mean, it's like driving your car.

HUERTA: I think there is concern on industry's part here that this is not high enough on the agenda for the department of exiting the EU and that it needs to be elevated so that they can have the certainty they're looking for.

WOODY: Well then, you've gotta have a real good lever for elevation, and you've gotta figure out what new lever you can pull.

NARRATOR: With hundreds of billion of dollars at stake, the US must put pressure on the UK to face the problem. To secure American interests, the embassy has teams of political officers, experts on the British economy and Westminster. They brief Michael and his team on their inside view of Brexit and its likely impact.

HUERTA: Do you think that the public has a clear notion of what the conditions of exit actually are?

WILLIAMS: I think the public is sceptical because right after the vote, people told them "abandon all hope, ye who have voted for Brexit because everything is going to fall apart", and yet the numbers keep coming up. So right now people are like "I've got a job", they're almost at a full employment economy, wages are pretty good, people are out there spending for Christmas and the holidays. People haven't yet internalised "the economy is going to tank, I better sit on my cash".

The EU27 says "We're a club, here are our rules. You tell us how many of the rules you're prepared to accept and we'll kinda tell you where in the clubhouse you can go". That is not the British conception of what this is at all. They sort of see it as a negotiation between two equal parties. But the British government is not interested in telling people "you know, this thing that 52% of you said that you wanted, here are the range of options: there's less good, and then there's very very bad".

They haven't actually done a lot of macroeconomic modelling of this, almost like deliberately, like "We don't want to know, because leaving is going to be great, and it's what people voted for, so let's not spend government money on analysis that suggests maybe people got it wrong".

JOHNSON: Y'know, growth is starting to slow down but what we're probably going to see is a longer-term slower slide of lower economic growth. Inflation went up from 0.5% to 3%, so it's quite a significant increase and that's not inflation from a growing bubbly economy, that's inflation from an outside shock, so that's the worst kind of inflation. That's going to be a problem. This is coming at the end of a long period of austerity. People are very, very tired of it. They're very frustrated by it. And some of those longer-term economic issues are some of the things that fuelled Brexit. So if Brexit ends up not helping them, or not obviously helping people economically, that could have political knock-on effects.

WILLIAMS: But if, I think, the economy sinks then that's going to put political pressure on the government. And for the people that voted to leave, they are terrified because this is something they've been fighting to achieve for almost 40 years. I mean, it's a generational struggle. They've now won, and they're absolutely terrified that it's going to be snatched away from them.


Master of the Reality Stone
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
One of our TV channels is broadcasting a 3 part documentary filmed over the last 8 months inside the US embassy in the UK. People have mistaken it for a comedy, with the US ambassador's only qualification being an $18 million donation to Trump.
Not going to lie the look and feel of this is very much The Thick of It.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I am getting the feeling these people haven't given must thought beyond the campaign


Oct 25, 2017

Got ya!



Oct 27, 2017
You think the US is being silly with tariffs on the EU?
Good luck on your own UK, thinking you are on equal terms with the US... or China or Japan or anyone else


Oct 28, 2017
Brexit is going to be fucking disastrous, everyone can see it apart from our own Government.


Oct 25, 2017
Am not going to worry. This is only a tiny bit of crap in a whole world full of crap. Its terrible everywhere.
So because the world is crap everywhere, you go out and deliberately smear crap all over yourself, for no reason or benefit?
A 2% lead in a poorly understood referendum, fuelled by lies and false hopes, isn't a great reason to tank your economy, and hope the generation after you cleans up the mess. And the funniest part of the last bit, is that it will likely require a Norway style deal, which will still mean that EU regulations will need to be abided.


Oct 25, 2017
Idiotic. In my head Canon everyone who voted to leave was a racist London cabbie. "Problem wife these foreigners mate, is blah blah fucking blah"


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, Brexit was the most obvious dumb decision possible. It wasn't even a "maybe itll be good" situation.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually believe they know this, but to do a 180 would be political suicide. It is like the US where R wont go against the administrations just to keep power.
Yup. The Tories would have continued to ignore the Eurosceptics in the party if it wasn't for UKIP siphoning off their voters, so they promised a referendum to stop the bleeding. Nothing but a disgusting display of self-preservation.
Jan 30, 2018
I voted remain and I'm not particularly optimistic about the future.

Saying that - I'm not 100% sure why this briefing is significantly credible in its outlook?

Unable to buy plane tickets? No chance.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I am getting the feeling these people haven't given must thought beyond the campaign
The vote was 2 years ago, and there are 9 months left. Unless there are a ton of things we're not seeing, it feels like that guy who starts working on the eve of his finals, sees there's too much to do and goes on a drinking binge instead. Except this is on the scale of a nation.

I assume competent governments will eventually be elected and start seriously working on it, but it's going to be some time before it gets better.

Big Boy

Oct 25, 2017
Our government is run by people like Boris who, no matter how shit it gets after Brexit, will comfortably ride it out. Much like the all the gammon joints that cry treason and "project fear" whenever someone mentions how royally fucked we will be.



Nov 8, 2017
At least I can take comfort that voters elsewhere are as dumb as in the US. Better to have company while going down in flames.

Any Questions

Oct 27, 2017
So because the world is crap everywhere, you go out and deliberately smear crap all over yourself, for no reason or benefit?
A 2% lead in a poorly understood referendum, fuelled by lies and false hopes, isn't a great reason to tank your economy, and hope the generation after you cleans up the mess. And the funniest part of the last bit, is that it will likely require a Norway style deal, which will still mean that EU regulations will need to be abided.

Reign in that beak chap. I voted to stay. But the words of the US ambassador don't carry much weight with me.


Oct 27, 2017
At this point, I think we need another Great Depression to snap people back to their senses.

Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
Fuck this.

How about the UK government stop messing about now and cancel Brexit. They're making up 'plans' as they go along and know full well this will fuck the economy.

Fuck Boris Johnson. Honda, Airbus, BMW have all raised concerns about leaving the single market. All have flagged warning sings they could leave the UK. How does Boris respond?

"fuck business"

No. Fuck you Boris. You fucking Worzel Gummidge looking prick. You lying, two faced, shitty ass-hole. Fuck you for a thousand generations.

*Spits on floor in disgust*
Jan 30, 2018
Im entirely ignorant of the way your guys government works. Is there literally nothing you all can do?

It's a weird situation I think. The "people" have voted to leave... Big red bus with NHS funding promises etc influence accepted.

There's a push for another public vote on the "deal" but, in the unlikely event that happens, what if the vote is to still leave (I think it would be)? Keep on pushing for votes until you eventually get the result that's palatable to you?