
Nov 1, 2017
It's good to know you can post a Square-Enix work interview from 6 months ago and people will take it as a face value statement about the progress of the remake.

Stay healthy and sane, folks.


Oct 25, 2017
It's gonna suck that this'll release a few years into PS5's lifecycle and we'll be stuck with a game that's still targeting last gen specs.


Oct 25, 2017
KH3 was announced in 2013 though, that's 6 year's it took to come out.

Which isn't abnormal for a game of its size. Especially considering it's probably only been in full swing production for possibly 3-4.

And nomura said they only announced it that early cause fans were bitching about non numbered titles. It's damned if you do damned if you don't.


Jan 27, 2018
It had an engine change and was made by the handheld team, no doubt the team expanded but was small to start. All things considered 5 and a half years sounds pretty good to me.
No, for a game with less content than KH2 & far less ambitious than FF7R. Add that with the cartoony visuals taking less time than FF7R's realistic visuals, it's not, FF7R is a PS5 title in the early 2020's.
Square & Blizzard both need to get their act together, taking way too long to release titles.


â–² Legend â–²
Oct 25, 2017
I don't worry about it being cancelled but I do worry about them releasing all of it.

The episodic nature to me seems like it also gives them an out if the first release doesn't go well.


Nov 1, 2017
KH3 was announced in 2013 though, that's 6 year's it took to come out.
It's also an impressive looking game that had a 1 year false start with a different engine and years of back-and-forth with the Disney Corporation. Plus a month or two delay that the marketing teams basically caused.


Oct 25, 2017
The bolded are SE's most popular games. It's no surprise people are more vehement about them.

I don't really understand this comparison. We already know the story to Final Fantasy VII. It was already released in one package (one could argue about Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus I guess).
Doesn't mean you can't split the original story into three acts of an overarching story (e.g. The Hobbit movie - final quality aside) and flesh out everything to make two or three full-sized games out of it. You can actually split it in three parts that make dramaturgical sense:

Part 1 = until after Midgar, realizing the whole world still lies ahead of you
Part 2 = the real journey, ends in Northern Crater, shit going down
Part 3 = final third's spectacle, including the Weapons

Here are all plot points as a refresher:
Including Sector 1, Sector 8, Tifa's 7th Heaven and the No. 5 Reactor.

Sector 5 Slums
The meeting in the Church and Aeris's House.

Wall Market
Gaining entry into Don Corneo's Mansion and the Honey Bee Inn.

Sewer and Train Graveyard
Traversing through the Sewer, Train Graveyard and the battle at the Sector 7 Pillar.

Sector 6
Back to Aeris's House, through the Wall Market and ascending the Plate Section up to the Shinra Building.

Shinra Building
Floors 59 through 70 and the motorcycle chase.

Including the flashback scenes in Nibelheim, the Shinra Mansion and the Mount Nibel reactor.

Chocobo Farm
How to capture a Chocobo, cross the swamp and avoid the Midgar Zolom.

Mythril Mine
Crossing paths with the Turks.

The town under Junon, the parade and sneaking on to the Cargo Ship.

Cargo Ship
Traveling from Junon to Costa del Sol.

Costa del Sol
Arriving off the Cargo Ship on the way to Mount Corel.

Mount Corel
The Corel Reactor, Mount Corel and passing through North Corel on the way to Gold Saucer.

Gold Saucer
The first trip to Gold Saucer.

Corel Prison
Getting thrown into the Corel Prison after the massacre at Battle Square.

Traveling to the ruined reactor and Gongaga Village.

Cosmo Canyon
The first visit to Cosmo Canyon including the Cave of the Gi.

Returning to Cloud and Tifa's home town as well as the Shinra Mansion and Mount Nibel.

Rocket Town
Meeting Cid and escaping in the Tiny Bronco.

Gold Saucer
Traveling through North Corel, retrieving the Keystone and the Date Scene.

Temple of the Ancients
Retrieving the Black Materia and meeting with Sephiroth.

Bone Village
Including how to dig up the Lunar Harp for the Sleeping Forest and traveling through the Corral Valley.

Forgotten Capital
The Forgotten Capital, Forgotten City and the end of Disc 1.

Forgotten Capital
The Forgotten City and the Corral Valley Cave leading to the Icicle Inn.

Icicle Inn
Traveling from the Forgotten Capital and snowboarding into the Great Glacier.

The Great Glacier
Where to find all of items and Materia hidden throughout the Great Glacier and the path to the Base of Gaea's Cliff.

Gaea's Cliff
Climbing from the Great Glacier up to the Whirlwind Maze.

Whirlwind Maze
Traveling through the Whirlwind Maze to find Sephiroth in the Northern Crater.

Barret, Tifa, Cait Sith and Yuffie escaping capture and execution at the hands of Shinra.

Finding and rescuing Cloud from the Mideel clinic.

Mount Corel
Returning to North Corel and the Mount Corel Reactor to retreive the first Huge Materia.

Fort Condor
Defending Fort Condor from the Shinra assault to collect the second Huge Materia.

The battle against Ultimate Weapon and rescuing Cloud from the Lifestream.

Underwater Reactor
Traveling through Junon to reach the Underwater Reactor in search of the third piece of Huge Materia.

Underwater Submarine Battle
Destroying the fleeing Red Submarine to retrieve the Huge Materia.

Rocket Town / Cosmo Canyon
Returning to Rocket Town to recover the fourth and final piece of Huge Materia and then returning them all to Cosmo Canyon.

Forgotten City & Diamond Weapon
Taking the Key to the Ancients into the Forgotten City and the battle against Diamond Weapon near Midgar.

Parachuting into Midgar to stop Hojo from using the Sister Ray cannon.

Northern Cave
The split paths in the the Nothern Crater Cave that lead to the final battle against Sephiroth.

The final battles against Jenova, Bizarro Sephiroth, Safer Sephiroth (the One-Winged Angel) and the end of the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't mean you can't split the original story into three acts of an overarching story (e.g. The Hobbit movie - final quality aside) and flesh out everything to make two or three full-sized games out of it. You can actually split it in three parts that make dramaturgical sense:

Part 1 = until after Midgar, realizing the whole world still lies ahead of you
Part 2 = the real journey, ends in Northern Crater, shit going down
Part 3 = final third's spectacle, including the Weapons

Here are all plot points as a refresher:
Including Sector 1, Sector 8, Tifa's 7th Heaven and the No. 5 Reactor.

Sector 5 Slums
The meeting in the Church and Aeris's House.

Wall Market
Gaining entry into Don Corneo's Mansion and the Honey Bee Inn.

Sewer and Train Graveyard
Traversing through the Sewer, Train Graveyard and the battle at the Sector 7 Pillar.

Sector 6
Back to Aeris's House, through the Wall Market and ascending the Plate Section up to the Shinra Building.

Shinra Building
Floors 59 through 70 and the motorcycle chase.

Including the flashback scenes in Nibelheim, the Shinra Mansion and the Mount Nibel reactor.

Chocobo Farm
How to capture a Chocobo, cross the swamp and avoid the Midgar Zolom.

Mythril Mine
Crossing paths with the Turks.

The town under Junon, the parade and sneaking on to the Cargo Ship.

Cargo Ship
Traveling from Junon to Costa del Sol.

Costa del Sol
Arriving off the Cargo Ship on the way to Mount Corel.

Mount Corel
The Corel Reactor, Mount Corel and passing through North Corel on the way to Gold Saucer.

Gold Saucer
The first trip to Gold Saucer.

Corel Prison
Getting thrown into the Corel Prison after the massacre at Battle Square.

Traveling to the ruined reactor and Gongaga Village.

Cosmo Canyon
The first visit to Cosmo Canyon including the Cave of the Gi.

Returning to Cloud and Tifa's home town as well as the Shinra Mansion and Mount Nibel.

Rocket Town
Meeting Cid and escaping in the Tiny Bronco.

Gold Saucer
Traveling through North Corel, retrieving the Keystone and the Date Scene.

Temple of the Ancients
Retrieving the Black Materia and meeting with Sephiroth.

Bone Village
Including how to dig up the Lunar Harp for the Sleeping Forest and traveling through the Corral Valley.

Forgotten Capital
The Forgotten Capital, Forgotten City and the end of Disc 1.

Forgotten Capital
The Forgotten City and the Corral Valley Cave leading to the Icicle Inn.

Icicle Inn
Traveling from the Forgotten Capital and snowboarding into the Great Glacier.

The Great Glacier
Where to find all of items and Materia hidden throughout the Great Glacier and the path to the Base of Gaea's Cliff.

Gaea's Cliff
Climbing from the Great Glacier up to the Whirlwind Maze.

Whirlwind Maze
Traveling through the Whirlwind Maze to find Sephiroth in the Northern Crater.

Barret, Tifa, Cait Sith and Yuffie escaping capture and execution at the hands of Shinra.

Finding and rescuing Cloud from the Mideel clinic.

Mount Corel
Returning to North Corel and the Mount Corel Reactor to retreive the first Huge Materia.

Fort Condor
Defending Fort Condor from the Shinra assault to collect the second Huge Materia.

The battle against Ultimate Weapon and rescuing Cloud from the Lifestream.

Underwater Reactor
Traveling through Junon to reach the Underwater Reactor in search of the third piece of Huge Materia.

Underwater Submarine Battle
Destroying the fleeing Red Submarine to retrieve the Huge Materia.

Rocket Town / Cosmo Canyon
Returning to Rocket Town to recover the fourth and final piece of Huge Materia and then returning them all to Cosmo Canyon.

Forgotten City & Diamond Weapon
Taking the Key to the Ancients into the Forgotten City and the battle against Diamond Weapon near Midgar.

Parachuting into Midgar to stop Hojo from using the Sister Ray cannon.

Northern Cave
The split paths in the the Nothern Crater Cave that lead to the final battle against Sephiroth.

The final battles against Jenova, Bizarro Sephiroth, Safer Sephiroth (the One-Winged Angel) and the end of the game.

And people forget that XIII-2 and LR had much shorter production times than XIII because so much of the groundwork was already laid.

I foresee it releasing on the PS4 sometime in the first half of 2020, then s6-12 month later getting a rerelease on the PS5. Then possibly 18-24 months after the original release we'll get episode two, and so forth for episode 3.


Oct 25, 2017
Sure if a friend buys it I'll check it out like with ff15 I sure as hell am not spending money on it.

Yes nothing abnormal about a 6-7 year + dev time. How are you saying this with a straight face? Look at the average AAA dev cycle I think it tends to be more like 3-4 years.

Are you going to answer back with an outlier like red dead 2 taking 8 years? In that case lol.
Some examples of recent games: Horizon: Zero Dawn took 6-7 years, God of War took 5 years, Detroit: Become Human took 5 years, Uncharted took 4-5 years, BOTW took 4-5 years, AC: Origins took around 4 years and AC: Odyssey 5 years, ME: Andromeda took 5 years, DMCV and MHW took over 4 years, Anthem is in development since 2012 and will come in 2019, Red Dead Redemption took 8 years, Cyberpunk 2077 was announced in 2012 and isn't coming before 2020 at best probably (preproduction seemingly had partially started during TW3's development already), and there are many more examples. Even something like Persona 5 took 5 years.

And people forget that XIII-2 and LR had much shorter production times than XIII because so much of the groundwork was already laid.

I foresee it releasing on the PS4 sometime in the first half of 2020, then s6-12 month later getting a rerelease on the PS5. Then possibly 18-24 months after the original release we'll get episode two, and so forth for episode 3.
Yeah, that sounds plausible to me too.
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â–² Legend â–²
Oct 29, 2017
This game is 2030 hahaha im so funny

Seems like its taking shape. Maybe itll finally appear st E3 again soon.
Oct 29, 2017
No, for a game with less content than KH2 & far less ambitious than FF7R. Add that with the cartoony visuals taking less time than FF7R's realistic visuals, it's not, FF7R is a PS5 title in the early 2020's.
Square & Blizzard both need to get their act together, taking way too long to release titles.
Lol what the hell does that even mean? The game has an insane amount of detail and is close to a Disney movie. Get out of here with that cartoon garbage.


Nov 21, 2018
No, for a game with less content than KH2 & far less ambitious than FF7R. Add that with the cartoony visuals taking less time than FF7R's realistic visuals, it's not, FF7R is a PS5 title in the early 2020's.
Square & Blizzard both need to get their act together, taking way too long to release titles.


Oct 25, 2017
Some examples of recent games: Horizon: Zero Dawn took 6-7 years, God of War took 5 years, Detroit: Become Human took 5 years, Uncharted took 4-5 years, BOTW took 4-5 years, AC: Origins took around 4 years and AC: Odyssey 5 years, ME: Andromeda took 5 years, DMCV and MHW took over 4 years, Anthem is in development since 2012 and will come in 2019, Red Dead Redemption took 8 years, Cyberpunk 2077 was announced in 2012 and isn't coming before 2020 at best probably (preproduction seemingly had partially started during TW3's development already), and there are many more examples. Even something like Persona 5 took 5 years.

Some examples of recent games: Horizon: Zero Dawn took 6-7 years, God of War took 5 years, Detroit: Become Human took 5 years, Uncharted took 4-5 years, BOTW took 4-5 years, AC: Origins took around 4 years and AC: Odyssey 5 years, ME: Andromeda took 5 years, DMCV and MHW took over 4 years, Anthem is in development since 2012 and will come in 2019, Red Dead Redemption took 8 years, Cyberpunk 2077 was announced in 2012 and isn't coming before 2020 at best probably (preproduction seemingly had partially started during TW3's development already), and there are many more examples. Even something like Persona 5 took 5 years.

Yeah, that sounds plausible to me too.
Dunno what point you're making here but even with those conveniently picked examples the average is still 4-5 years. Not 6-7 years which still would be the outlier. Also ignores that projects like Andromeda had a lot of problems the same problems people fear in this very thread but FF fanboys somehow try to paint as just normal. But sure I guess everything is perfectly dandy for square and 1 third of the remade FF7 will definitely fulfill all our wildest expectations cause Square's track record is 10 for 10 on that.

It's comical for people to pretend like there is no reason to worry when we already know that the project was already reset once when they took it back from cyberconnect I think was the studio a few years ago. *shrug*


Oct 27, 2017
Square Enix is handling their remakes all wrong and the result is always either a ridiculously cheap looking mobile game or a ridiculously expensive-looking modern experience that takes forever to come out and will certainly not please many fans of the original.

All I wanted from an FFVII remake were

Brand new English localization
1080p (or higher) rendering of the original models with HD textures and a new lighting system to make models fit more naturally in the pre-rendered environments.
New HD renders of the original background renders that attempt to preserve the look of the originals as closely as possible
Optional arranged soundtrack

That's it! That's all I want.

Here's a fan-made example of a new HD background render


Do people not realize that the aesthetic of this game is half the charm?


Like, if this were a FF8 remake it would make more sense to go for a modern FF look, but I WANT those chunky low-poly models in FF7!

Now you might say, "hey, that's not a remake, that's a remaster!" and to that I would say, "you underestimate the amount of assets that would have to me remade"

Here's sort of the equivalent way I would want Square Enix to approach a remake of FF6:


Surprise! It's obvious.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still confused. Mass Effect was a Trilogy. Does the first episodic content end where the original FF7 ended?
nope gonna be likely it's ff7 hacked into 2-3 parts. Not that it can't work if all those parts are filled to the brim with new meaningful side content cause the story has good points to stop on. But like track record wise I expect more cheap bloat like the whole FF15 hunt monster system.


Oct 25, 2017
Square Enix is handling their remakes all wrong and the result is always either a ridiculously cheap looking mobile game or a ridiculously expensive-looking modern experience that takes forever to come out and will certainly not please many fans of the original.

All I wanted from an FFVII remake were

Brand new English localization
1080p (or higher) rendering of the original models with HD textures and a new lighting system to make models fit more naturally in the pre-rendered environments.
New HD renders of the original background renders that attempt to preserve the look of the originals as closely as possible
Optional arranged soundtrack

That's it! That's all I want.
here you have your remake:



Oct 25, 2017
Dunno what point you're making here but even with those conveniently picked examples the average is still 4-5 years. Not 6-7 years which still would be the outlier. Also ignores that projects like Andromeda had a lot of problems the same problems people fear in this very thread but FF fanboys somehow try to paint as just normal. But sure I guess everything is perfectly dandy for square and 1 third of the remade FF7 will definitely fulfill all our wildest expectations cause Square's track record is 10 for 10 on that.

It's comical for people to pretend like there is no reason to worry when we already know that the project was already reset once when they took it back from cyberconnect I think was the studio a few years ago. *shrug*
I didn't say nothing about 6-7 years, but you said "Look at the average AAA dev cycle I think it tends to be more like 3-4 years. ", which you just realized is wrong. It's more like 4-5 now. And how many other AAA examples do you want? Those are many of the biggest titles of the last years. I could list dozens of others in that range.


Oct 25, 2017

Which is why I wanted SE to show something so they can shut these doubters up. Like damn.
I take issue with a lot of what RDR2 turned out to be but the thing is Rockstar just flatout has a better track record. Don't think that stand up for debate even if one does not enjoy their games in the slightest. Secondly maybe we don't take the goddamn industry outlier as the THING we measure all game development against cause that's just a very dumbass thing to do.

I didn't say nothing about 6-7 years, but you said "Look at the average AAA dev cycle I think it tends to be more like 3-4 years. ", which you just admitted is wrong. It's more like 4-5 now.
Lol how did I admit that? Must have been right when I also pointed out the insane biase in your picked list. Cause I can for sure find more AAA games with 3-4 years dev cycles if I googled for it. AC Origins just of the top of my head was a 3 year thing. DMC5 is going to be a 4 year thing. All the Souls title probably also fall into a similar dev time frame.
Also it wasn't even the point anyway. The real point was obviously pointing out how ridiculous it is for people to say 6-7 years is somehow a norm in AAA games dev. It isn't every example that does go to 6-7 years is up there as an outlier from the general average.

Looking at your other answer with the AI neural network I see you're just HIGHLY disingenuous.
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Oct 27, 2017
Can I play it on consoles?
Does it have a new English translation?
Do the backgrounds seem richer and more detailed?
Is there new lighting to further the illusion that the characters live in these backgrounds?
How are those FMVs holding up?

To be quite honest, all I *really* want is a new localization I can play on my Switch, although I'd deal with playing it on my PS4 if I had to.

FF7 "remaster" is coming to Switch soon and even though I already bought it on PS4 (even though I already had the PS1 Classic on PS3 and Vita) I know I'm going to buy it again. I just really, really want a new translation. That would be something "new" that would actually make it worth playing all the way through again for the umpteenth time. The Remake is going to have a whole new script on the Japanese side, I'm sure, so it's not like it will be a localization of the original game's script.

I know there is a PC mod for a fan-translation but Do Not Want.

Like, I never would have played Mother 3 if I wasn't able to play an inject of the fan-translation on my Wii U gamepad. The Switch has made it all the harder for me to want to play anything i'm forced to play sitting in front of a TV or monitor.
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Nov 6, 2017
Considering the variation in environments and the pretty huge scale of the game, all the art they have to produce have to be freaking nightmare.


Oct 25, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
Man... I know the first episode coming out the end of this year is probably a pipe dream, but could you imagine a year with the incredible remake of RE2 at the start and the (hopefully incredible) remake of FFVII at the end?

Deleted member 11421

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
2015 + 5 or 6 years dev time = 2020 or 2021. People need to realize that an announcement trailer from Square Enix means that a game is just starting development, not that it's well into development.

Rebooting after firing the developer is the real reason we don't already have Episode 1. I mean they had to hire an entirely new team and literally spoke about the domestic workforce population being an issue.

They thought they'd have a product out faster, which is mismanagement, yes, but these attempts at doing the math rarely seem to address that the game originally had a different plan that would avoid all of this nonsense.


Oct 27, 2017
Rebooting after firing the developer is the real reason we don't already have Episode 1. I mean they had to hire an entirely new team and literally spoke about the domestic workforce population being an issue.

They thought they'd have a product out faster, which is mismanagement, yes, but these attempts at doing the math rarely seem to address that the game originally had a different plan that would avoid all of this nonsense.
This is just classic modern SE when it comes to their big Final Fantasy games. Total mismanagement. This is a case where "a delayed game is eventually good" is bullshit.


Oct 27, 2017
Looks promising. Not sure if I want to experience this in sections though. Msy wait until the last part is released and get the first 2 used. We shall see


Oct 25, 2017
Looks promising. Not sure if I want to experience this in sections though. Msy wait until the last part is released and get the first 2 used. We shall see
Feels like the smart way to do it. Let the fanboys fund this production get it for cheap and more complete later if it's worth it at all.
SE should learn from Capcom and their RE 2 remake
They could learn from their own Dragon Quest production as well.


Oct 27, 2017
Feels like the smart way to do it. Let the fanboys fund this production get it for cheap and more complete later if it's worth it at all.

They could learn from their own Dragon Quest production as well.

Yeah, I mean I won't look down on anyone that buys it an "episode" or whatever at a time but damn...I hate that kind of set up personally... besides seeing their track record with the past few final fantasy games does NOT inspire confidence in regards to them keeping a tight release schedule


Oct 27, 2017
Despite the track record of SQEX and the long dev time and whatever about this remake that worries people....I'm going to be hype as fuck when I see the next piece of footage. I can't help it.


Oct 30, 2017
Las Vegas
This makes me feel really stupid for being exited when this was announced. It almost sounds like they scrapped everything and started over when they brought it in house.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I mean I won't look down on anyone that buys it an "episode" or whatever at a time but damn...I hate that kind of set up personally... besides seeing their track record with the past few final fantasy games does NOT inspire confidence in regards to them keeping a tight release schedule
Tbf, after FFXIII was done they were able to get out FFXIII-2 and LR out in 2 years each. So who know, maybe if the foundation is done with FFVIIR-1 they'll be able to get the other games out relatively fast. The last third of the game has a lot of backtracking too.

The Last One

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Square Enix is handling their remakes all wrong and the result is always either a ridiculously cheap looking mobile game or a ridiculously expensive-looking modern experience that takes forever to come out and will certainly not please many fans of the original.

All I wanted from an FFVII remake were

Brand new English localization
1080p (or higher) rendering of the original models with HD textures and a new lighting system to make models fit more naturally in the pre-rendered environments.
New HD renders of the original background renders that attempt to preserve the look of the originals as closely as possible
Optional arranged soundtrack

That's it! That's all I want.

Here's a fan-made example of a new HD background render


Do people not realize that the aesthetic of this game is half the charm?


Like, if this were a FF8 remake it would make more sense to go for a modern FF look, but I WANT those chunky low-poly models in FF7!

Now you might say, "hey, that's not a remake, that's a remaster!" and to that I would say, "you underestimate the amount of assets that would have to me remade"

Here's sort of the equivalent way I would want Square Enix to approach a remake of FF6:


Surprise! It's obvious.

That would be horrible. I'm really happy they're doing a full remake like Capcom did with Resident Evil 2. The game needs modern mechanics to appeal to a broader audience too, they can't rely only on nostalgia for such a project.