
Oct 25, 2017
Now go see it, for God's sake.


In the history of the Academy Awards — which celebrate their 91st ceremony this February — only three animated movies have ever managed to break into the race for Best Picture: Beauty and the Beast in 1991, Up in 2009, and Toy Story 3 in 2010. As the fervor around it grows, will the buzzy Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse be the next animated film to grab the brass ring?
The fact that animated features have largely been shut out of the Best Picture race has as much to do with the perception of animation as being meant "for kids" — or otherwise not as lofty an art form as its live-action counterpart — and the relatively recent introduction of the Best Animated Feature category in 2001.
Even therein, the category has largely been dominated by Disney and Pixar (only four films have bucked that trend), meaning the cards are stacked against everyone's favorite friendly neighborhood superhero, even before reckoning with the way that summer blockbusters — read: superhero movies — generally fail to come into awards contention.
Spider-Verse's win for Best Animated Feature at the Golden Globes, however, may signal the tide turning in its favor. The win establishes the film as one carrying significant awards season weight, as it beats out Incredibles 2 and the Hollywood Foreign Press Association's penchant for Disney's animated films.
The movie has also been building up momentum through word of mouth — Moonlight and If Beale Street Could Talkdirector Barry Jenkins is among the film's biggest fans — as well as other not-insignificant wins, including taking Best Picture and Best Animated Feature in the Utah Film Critics Association. The idea that Spider-Verse could snag a Best Picture Oscar nomination seems to be less and less of a distant possibility.

The fact that Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse has laid out an entirely new blueprint for animated films and the superhero genre is worthy of recognition. As the Academy begins to change as well, taking action to increase diversity and bring fresh blood into the pool, maybe this February will find Spider-Man swinging away not only with a Golden Globe, but with an Oscar as well.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
I just saw it today and it's one of the few times where I can say the hype is real.
Definitely deserved. Especially when it comes to the animation medium. I hope it's critical success will change things up with Disney/Pixar and other animation studios who've fallen into the same template for awhile now.
Oct 25, 2017
It damn well better have. Nothing this year comes close, and it easily lands top 5 of the last two decades. Easily.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope it can beat Disney for the Best Animated Picture but getting nominated of Best Picture? Its great but its not a phenomenon like those other animated films that were renominated. Though I suppose it can be argued something like The Lion King and a few other films of its caliber should have been nominated for Best Picture as well.

Edit: I'd LOVE to see Spider-Verse get a Best Picture nom but I just think its a reach. I'd gladly eat crow on this one.


Oct 25, 2017
Lord and Miller have been vindicated after Lego Movie got shut out of all the award shows in 2015.


Oct 27, 2017
Better stop making all these threads. Someone will get mad at the Era circle jerk lol.

Congrats to this amazing film. Hopefully this means it has a chance to win the Oscar even if the voters don't care.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Had to rewind since I missed this and so happy for the win, well deserved.


Oct 25, 2017



Oct 27, 2017
Good. Incredibles 2 was only okay, Wreck it Raplh 2 didn't grab my attention with any of the trailers, and I never heard of the other 2.


Nov 8, 2017
I haven't seen the other nominees, but it was a pretty decent movie. Very formulaic, though, not sure why people would insist it's trailblazing.

justin haines

Nov 27, 2018
The only thing that's been holding me back was I didn't know if it would be appropriate for my 5 year old. Was thinking by the time it came on sale on 4K he would be 7 at least.

I have free movie tix that were a gift to use up this year.


Oct 27, 2017
The only thing that's been holding me back was I didn't know if it would be appropriate for my 5 year old. Was thinking by the time it came on sale on 4K he would be 7 at least.

I have free movie tix that were a gift to use up this year.

Well, that's tough to answer as that depends on what you consider appropriate for a 5 year old.