Deleted member 7051

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Oct 25, 2017
That's not what Rian said at all. He said he wants to be entertained, surprised, and thrilled. How you got that he doesn't care if IX is good or bad I don't know.

Where did I say that? I didn't mention the quality of Episode IX once. I said Rian Johnson doesn't care if anything from The Last Jedi sticks in Episode IX and that's true. Abrams could retcon everything that happens, bring back Snoke and Luke and make Rey the daughter of Yoda, and Johnson wouldn't care.

That lack of interest in his own work is a shame because regardless of whether I like the movie or not, it does some things very well and I shouldn't care more than he does that certain things are kept.

I mean they do these franchise genre films to then have free reign to produce an original work that's free from studio involvement.

Yeah, it makes sense when you look at it purely as a business decision. Can't really fault that at all and if it means his own trilogy is entirely his, that can only be a good thing and should guarantee it's a much more coherent and focused piece overall.

Just kind of a shame that he isn't as passionate about this movie as the people that defend it. Not sure you can even defend some of those choices if the guy that made them doesn't care if they're kept.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
TLJ was great (mostly as a stand alone film) but I truly wish it was a direct sequel to the even better TFA.

Having these separate directors really fumbled things up.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Rian Johnson made the worst Star Wars movie, and that's saying something

Dude, no.

I am very critical of TLJ and can see it has a myriad of flaws, but even I know better.

The movie is mostly solid, with some very weak spots. To say it's the "worst" of the bunch when Attack of the Clones exists...yeah, that's some really really questionable taste.
Oct 28, 2017
So like almost every movie ever made?

Some movies start from a desire to tell a story and have a strong artistic urge to create. It's from that vision that will put butts in seats and satisfy investors. mother! for example was definitely born from Aronofskys mind and sure to challenge audiences. Other films, particularly franchise films like Star Wars, Avengers, Harry Potter, are ways to ensure profit and offset losses on riskier films.


Oct 25, 2017
TLJ was worse than every prequel. I'd rather watch the prequels than TLJ. At least they don't put me to sleep


Oct 28, 2017
New York
Kevin Feige could plan 25 movies
Zack Snyder could plan like 4

These folk couldnt een do 3?
Some movies start from a desire to tell a story and have a strong artistic urge to create. It's from that vision that will put butts in seats and satisfy investors. mother! for example was definitely born from Aronofskys mind and sure to challenge audiences. Other films, particularly franchise films like Star Wars, Avengers, Harry Potter, are ways to ensure profit and offset losses on riskier films.

I get what you're both saying. And I think they had a plan/outline from the start, which is mostly still the same, but sometimes things change :/


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
After TLJ had to stuggle to make up for TFA's failures (and was largely successful imo), it'd be a damn shame if they came back and dragged everything back down again. It's good that these movies are made as their own things and are given the opportunity to go in different directions, but the idea of doing something like "actually turns out she's a Skywalker or a Kenobi or something after all! Don't forget, not everyone can be Spider-Man!" is just disheartening


Oct 27, 2017
The idea of retconning TLJ is honestly ludicrous to me. TLJ's problems (and I say this as someone who really liked TLJ) are on a micro scale - the movie struggling to execute its own ideas within its own narrative. To outright retcon TLJ suggests that these ideas are faulty on a macro scale, as in in the context of the whole franchise.

And sure, we could reverse course and have Rey actually be Luke's long-lost daughter or something like that, and have Snoke still be alive and be the master villain, and have Kylo Ren still be redeemable, and not have Leia have Force powers (not that it matters because Leia's going to be written dead anyway).

Or we could just.....not.


Oct 26, 2017
That thread headline sure will validate some dips.

Her Parents were never truly revealed. Only mentioned as nobodies.

Barely a retcon, even if they did that.


Oct 29, 2017
Rian's handling of that plot point was incredible - it just pissed off some ultra-fans who wanted some EU-tier bullshit about her being a "secret Kenobi" or some other crackpot theory.

TLJ is one of my favourite SW movies as it stands, I'm not sure I'd change much from an "armchair director" perspective outside of retooling the casino planet.

I am no big fan and think it sucked. SW has become boring. Been boring since the awful prequels. JJ did the best out them other than the OT.


Oct 27, 2017
Of course he'll retcon the parents thing.

Kylo is a liar and he wants Himself to be the most important thing in the Universe to Rey he clouded her thoughts, thats why I think Snoke is a lie manifested by Kylo also.

Snoke is from Bens imagination to decieve the first order, to decieve the Knights of Ren to make him look the most important always, to Rey like I mentioned, to Luke and everyone else in the Galaxy, think about it without Snoke's approval how would Kylo be the Master of the Knights of Ren? how would he be anything to anyone especially given his temper issues, his insecurities and so on by using an Avatar/Projection of a Emperor like character that gives him approval over the others.

Snoke is probably Projection like in The Wizard of Oz & Ben is the little man behind the curtain, that's why Snoke was not important and Ben projects his internal conflicts through the Snoke Avatar too.

It just makes sense to me that way.

Maybe just maybe the Real Snoke does show up maybe with the Knights of Ren and then makes Kylo look like the amateur he is, the oathetic child.

So will we then have a scene of Kylo and First order fight against Snoke & Knights of Ren? or do we keep Snoke as an illusion that never existed and just the Knights themselves who figured out Snoke never existed still go after Kylo for that very reason.


Oct 30, 2017
Ehhh, it's hardly even a retcon since we don't know for sure that Kylo Ren was telling the truth.

But some consistency movie to movie would be nice. I feel like this trilogy had 0 planning from the jump and they're just throwing together 3 movies rather than a cohesive trilogy.


Oct 27, 2017
He never said he was happy with a retcon or confirmed there would be one. All he said was that he is happy to be hands off and be surprised.

Deleted member 4247

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Wouldn't even have to be a retcon per se. Could just have been Kylo saying that to mess with Rey.

And I hope IX does retcon everything it can without it feeling forced. VIII was not a good direction for the trilogy to go.


Jan 6, 2018
So the guy who makes esentially a theme for theme remake of Empire Strikes Back is excited to see something Origional...

Given the expectations this trillogy has set they will just do a worse remake of Return of the Jedi to round out the trillogy


Oct 25, 2017
Rian Johnson is a fan of Star Wars, and one element he likes is the surprise that the series brings with each new entry. So, like a fan and a creative individual, he is excited to see how the next movie unfolds. If that means a different reveal of Rey's lineage than the what Kylo said in his film, then he's okay with that because that's the process. This isn't new by the way, Rian's explained before that he had Kylo say those lines as part of Rey's development for TLJ. He knew people could see Kylo has a liar but that Rey had to confront the possibility that her parents were not who she thought they were. And that's a theme throughout the saga. Luke had to come to terms with Vader being his father and not having to follow in his exact footsteps. I think Rey has a strong head on her shoulders and is equipped to deal with new information about her parents should it come along. It doesn't change her arc in TLJ, just her expected development in 9, and perception by fans of the reveal in TLJ. There is a way to make sense of her being related to older characters, that's what creative people do.


User Requested Ban
Dec 29, 2017
"I want him to do stuff that I wasn't expecting him to do"

Don't make IX and it will be maximum subversion!

The most divisive movie could be the one that is never made...


Mar 28, 2018
Ehhh, it's hardly even a retcon since we don't know for sure that Kylo Ren was telling the truth.
Wouldn't even have to be a retcon per se. Could just have been Kylo saying that to mess with Rey.

Rey is the first person that said her parents are nobody.

But from this flash back scene

I think that someone might take care Rey sometime before sent her to Unkar and left from Jakku for whatever reasons.

Book One

Oct 25, 2017
Really feels like there's a very underreported story there about the disconnect between what the first two movies were doing. For how much control Disney tries to hold over this property, it seems very odd.
Oct 26, 2017
TLJ is fine and that would be a dumb thing to retcon. why do rey's parents have to be anyone? what's with this hereditary rule bullshit?

Bear and bird

Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't view it as a retcon if one or both of her parents were revealed to be someone special. All we have to go on is Kylo's word, and since when was he the most trustworthy person in the galaxy?

Plans change behind the scenes all the time. That doesn't make them retcons.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Rey being a nobody was seriously the best part of the movie. Her being Lukes daughter is just some fan fiction wank.
If you think The Last Jedi is a worse movie than Attack of the Clones, you can't be taken seriously.
So true. It's not only the worst Star Wars movie it's one of the worst movies ever made. You take the name Star Wars off that movie and people would have walked out of the theater.


Oct 27, 2017
Why is this the thing that people are hung up on? Isn't it a good lesson for kids these days to know that you don't have to come from royalty to make a difference?


Oct 27, 2017
It's kind of absurd that they didn't hire someone to write the overarching story before comitting to actually filming the movies. Sure, the original trilogy wasn't preplanned, but at least those movies had the same writer. I vastly preferred TLJ to Abrams remake of the first movie, so I sincerely hope he isn't afraid to actually continue down the road that we're on now. I also hope he can write an actual ending and resist the urge of creating even more asinine "mystery boxes".