Deleted member 3812

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
WaPo is reporting that IRS workers who were being called into work with no pay to process tax refunds are using a union contract provision to not work for the IRS with no pay, this could delay tax refunds "for months":

Hundreds of Internal Revenue Service employees have received permission to skip work during the partial government shutdown due to financial hardship, and union leaders said Tuesday that they expected absences to surge as part of a coordinated protest that could hamper the government's ability to process taxpayer refunds on time.

The Trump administration last week ordered at least 30,000 IRS workers back to their offices, where they have been working to process refunds without pay. It was one of the biggest steps the government has taken to mitigate the shutdown's impact on Americans' lives.

But IRS employees across the country — some in coordinated protest, others out of financial necessity — won't be clocking in, according to Tony Reardon, president of the National Treasury Employees Union, and several local union officials. The work action is widespread and includes employees from a processing center in Ogden, Utah, to the Brookhaven campus on New York's Long Island.

"They are definitely angry that they're not getting paid, and maybe some of them are angry enough to express their anger this way," said Reardon, whose union represents 150,000 employees at 33 federal agencies and departments. "But these employees live paycheck to paycheck, and they can't scrape up the dollars to get to work or pay for child care."

The employees summoned back from furlough to process tax refunds are paid between $25,800 and $51,000 a year, depending on their seniority. IRS employees will miss a second paycheck Monday if the government does not reopen this week.

"I'm at the point where I cannot afford to go to work," said Marissa Scott, 31, an IRS customer service representative who is out on hardship leave. Scott lives outside Kansas City, Mo., and drives 98 miles round trip to work each day. "I cannot afford to fill my gas tank."

Scott, who has worked at the IRS for four years, says she typically helps as many as 50 people a day with their returns during tax season, including U.S. troops stationed overseas. She said the shutdown could delay refunds for months, and without employees like her on the job, "it's going to be a disaster all around."

Many of the IRS employees who are choosing not to come to work despite getting called back are taking advantage of a provision in the union contract that allows them to miss work if they suffer a "hardship" during a shutdown, according to the labor groups.

That could mean a blown car tire, an empty gas tank or a child-care bill.

"I have fielded no less than 30 to 40 calls, emails or text messages about hardship requests from employees daily since Thursday," said Shannon Ellis, president of the NTEU's Chapter 66 in Kansas City.

In Andover, Mass., more than 100 customer service representatives, electronic filing workers and other IRS employees plan to use the hardship exemption and won't report to work, said Gary Karibian, chapter president of a local union.

"I would say a majority of employees are calling out under hardship," Karibian said. "I'm getting reports whole teams are requesting out. One person told me, 'I'm the only one on my team here.' "

The union lacks an official head count of absent workers — the IRS declined to share data on hardship exemptions — but staffers in Fresno, Calif.; Austin; Andover; Kansas City and Atlanta, among other locations, say they won't be showing up for work, Reardon said.

Duncan Giles, who has worked for 24 years at an IRS call center in Indianapolis, said more workers are requesting hardship leave as they learn it exists.

"The more this goes on and the tougher it is to get to work — they simply cannot afford it," said Giles, president of NTEU Chapter 49, noting that about 30 of the 170 employees who have been called back to work in Indianapolis have requested the exemption. "Every single person wants to be at work. They want to help the American taxpayer. But we have to pay for gas and child care."

The hardship exemption allows IRS employees not to have to use sick days to be absent from work, and managers must approve the exemptions.

Some front-line managers at the IRS have threatened their employees and said they could lose their jobs if they put in for the exemption, but Reardon, the union leader, said most have been instructed by senior management to approve the requests.
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Oct 28, 2017
People not getting their tax return on the scheduled month would have devastating results on so many industries planning their fiscal year around tax time sales. This is when things get ugly.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
People not getting their tax return on the scheduled month would have devastating results on so many industries planning their fiscal year around tax time sales. This is when things get ugly.

i doubt these fools like the turtle have empathy for that


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Can we get a link to the article? The First post is missing a link.


Dec 10, 2017
Yeah obviously. Unless you have massive savings, it doesn't make sense to 'waste' money on gas and other things it takes just to get to work, when you may have to use that money on rent/groceries/other basic life needs.

Fuck this working for free narrative; more like working for negative money. It's not feasible to ask people to do this. I honestly believe these workers should be given extra compensation on top of back pay once this is over. It's bullshit this country can't pay our people for actually working.
Oct 25, 2017
No pay = no work. You don't even need a union for this, just stand your ground. What are they going to do? Not pay you? Wait until they're heavily backed up and fire everyone?

Lord Fagan

Oct 27, 2017
Surpassing the record of the longest shutdown was one thing. That alone was a pretty good line for political ads to run along.

But delaying the tax returns will break the spirit of his 32-35 percent base, irrevocably.

GOP is flirting with handing the whole government back to the Democrats come 2020. That downballot effect will be profound if President Shitbag takes this nonsense into March.


Don't Watch the Tape!
Oct 27, 2017
This will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. As far as I know, Republican shitheels need their tax returns, too. Once they find out they aren't getting one or it will be delayed indefinitely, there will be no more cries for a wall, and instead cries of "storm the walls" that surround their representatives posh living areas. Nearly all representatives across the country are so far removed economically from the people that they "serve" that this will be a wakeup call, I am sure.

Good, I say. GOOD.


Oct 25, 2017
Someone I know was on the phone trying to contact the IRS for about 4 hours, I didn't want to break it to them it was kinda funny.


Oct 25, 2017
irs workers not processing returns is definitely gonna get a huge portion of the american public to care about the shut down.


Oct 25, 2017
I believe other contracts also have the hardship provision, management isn't going to retaliate because with so many doing it the grievances will just be another headache and paperwork for a lost cause. Who's really screwed is the FBI because they can't freelance due to national security reasons.

Deleted member 3812

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I had no idea they were trying to get them to do all that for free. That's so fucked.

Yep, I'm hoping this union contract provision goes viral and the IRS is totally crippled from processing tax returns, delaying tax returns for months and waking people up that the government shutdown can indeed affect the American public in large numbers.


Oct 25, 2017
I had no idea they were trying to get them to do all that for free. That's so fucked.
Basically the WH knows how deviestating it would be to their political position (precarious as it already is) if the general public and corporations dont get their refunds on time.

This will expand the affected people to milions of people instead of "just" the 800K federal workers.


Oct 25, 2017
I had no idea they were trying to get them to do all that for free. That's so fucked.
Yeah they've been trying to mitigate the public feeling the effects of the shutdown by declaring tons of federal employees as "essential" to force them back into work without pay. There's been several stories of industries contacting the admin to get them to redesignate employees/abuse the loophole to mitigate their losses.

"Could you make these guys essential?': Mortgage industry gets shutdown relief after appeal to senior Treasury officials

After an intense lobbying campaign by the mortgage industry, the Treasury Department this week restarted a program that had been sidelined by the partial government shutdown, allowing hundreds of Internal Revenue Service clerks to collect paychecks as they process forms vital to the lending industry.

The hasty intervention to restore the IRS's income verification service by drawing on revenue from fees — even as 800,000 federal employees across the country are going without their salaries — has intensified questions about the Trump administration's unorthodox efforts to bring certain government functions back online to contain the shutdown's impacts.

Critics, including many former IRS officials, described the move as an act of favoritism to ease the burden on a powerful industry.

"It seems crazy to me that a powerful bank or lobby gets to bring their people back to do their work," said Marvin Friedlander, who served as a senior IRS official in the mid-2000s. "How about the normal slob who can't even pay his rent?"

Shutdown shrinks as thousands more employees called in to work without pay

In addition, the Interior Department is bringing back dozens of furloughed employees to work on selling oil and gas drilling leases in the Gulf of Mexico — key to President Donald Trump's priority of promoting U.S. fossil fuel production.

Meanwhile, the Environmental Protection Agency has recalled dozens of employees, according to its revised shutdown plan, days after Senate Democrats questioned how the shuttered EPA could justify making workers prepare acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler for his confirmation hearing Wednesday. And the Department of Housing and Urban Development said it is bringing back an undefined number of "additional intermittent employees as needed."


Oct 27, 2017
But but.. I was told that they agree with and support the shutdown 100% & don't mind not getting paid because they support the wall.

Is that not the case?



Oct 27, 2017
Kansas City
As an IRS employee it's a ghost town where I work. I got called back last Thursday. Only stayed 2 hours. This is gonna screw up timing with tax returns big time.


Oct 27, 2017
Surpassing the record of the longest shutdown was one thing. That alone was a pretty good line for political ads to run along.

But delaying the tax returns will break the spirit of his 32-35 percent base, irrevocably.

I kind of doubt it. The base is so racist that as long as they know this is somehow hurting minorities, they'll say "Even my suffering or my kids lives being damaged by financial hardship is worth it as long as racism prevails. All I care about is my racism, nothing else."
Oct 26, 2017
Don't you need to maintain a good credit score to work for the IRS? So all these workers credit is gonna go down the toilet and then they won't be able to work for the IRS anymore. This fucking sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
Good. I hope they won't work until they get every penny and then some that they should be getting. Fuck being forced to work for free.

And I'll be getting a 10k+ refund. It can wait until everybodies getting paid.

Lord Fagan

Oct 27, 2017
I kind of doubt it. The base is so racist that as long as they know this is somehow hurting minorities, they'll say "Even my suffering or my kids lives being damaged by financial hardship is worth it as long as racism prevails. All I care about is my racism, nothing else."

And I might agree that while about half to two thirds of that dumb as dogshit base will actually stay right there, there's more than a little wiggle room of not-quite-true-self-deceivers to remember that being a hateful asshole won't pay the bills nor fund the luxuries they can barely afford yet still must have to feel like Real Americans™.


Oct 27, 2017
Interesting because I was just speaking with a friend who has already submitted his taxes yesterday and they've been accepted today.

Hopefully this has more of a tangible impact to the non government worker. I don't necessarily need my tax return immediately but it's always nice to have, I'd be willing to endure a delay if it meant potentially millions actually caring about the shutdown since there seems to be little empathy from the general public.


Oct 26, 2017
Can't have your tax returns released if you close the tax office.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Good on them.

A few days without pay when you'll get it back, sure whatever, lots of people would do that.

We're passing, what, day 33 now? No one would work a month without pay, that's insane.


Nov 4, 2017
As much as I need my tax return, do it people. End this nonsense. It's absolutely ridiculous the government expects these people to work without pay. They are not your slaves.

When I get back to work I'm claiming 0. Not playing your games Trump, sure I know my taxes ain't much but I'm not letting you hold onto my excess money again.


Oct 28, 2017
Please keep this up. If I have to miss my return check, that puts me in the same boat as these workers that are forced to work with no pay. It's kist not right.


Oct 25, 2017
When I get back to work I'm claiming 0. Not playing your games Trump, sure I know my taxes ain't much but I'm not letting you hold onto my excess money again.
Other way around I believe. The more exemptions the more you keep. Just see what you're overpaying and make sure to not over do it because they'll get you for that too.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think this should even be called a shutdown any longer if all of these departments / arms of government are being exceptioned and being labeled as "essential". I think we are now past the term of "shutdown" and should relabel it, as a selective defunding and shuttering of departments the admin doesn't like / don't have use for.

Jie Li

Alt account
Dec 21, 2018
Good. That's why capitalism needs working unions to check on its greed. People who suck on Reagen and thatcher's dicks for tunning the modern capitalism system to the current unchecked stage are cold hearted golems.
Oct 26, 2017

I was reading about this yesterday, the internal teams are coordinating, and about only 1 member of a 20 member team are showing up to work.

OPen the damn government.

No one should be forced to work without pay for weeks, let alone months.