Do You Still Regularly Play Your Wii U?

  • Yes

    Votes: 111 18.1%
  • No

    Votes: 503 81.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 28, 2017
No. I bought one for one of my kids on release date it was relegated quite soon afterwards. I gave it shot myself months later and discovered it was turd of a console.

Conrad Link

Oct 29, 2017
New Zealand
I used it a lot when it was current, funnily enough stopped playing it when they stopped releasing games on it! :O

Still gets a lot of use though as it became my main homebrew/retro console (replacing the Wii), which is awesome.

I miss Miiverse. :(
Oct 28, 2017
I would have voted for a 3rd option "No, are you out of your mind?"

I'm as big a Nintendo fan as they come, but that clunky system had the popularity it deserved. Praise be that they saw the light and the Switch is an aces piece of hardware.

And while we're at it, let me take a moment to dump on Miiverse. The UI slowing, garbage tier social media platform that people have somehow brainwashed themselves into praising. Was it "unique"? Sure. But tying things like screenshots to that platform was excruciating, and quite frankly the platform was full of depressing nonsense where kids were just looking for attention. Fuck "Squid Ink doesn't melt steel beams" memes. And fuck miiverse.

Sorry. Had to go off on one. People been gaslighting themselves that the Wii U was a quality platform since release.
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Oct 27, 2017
I still play my Wii U! I can't afford a Switch or a PS5, so the Wii U is all I've got to fulfill my video game needs.

I play Resident Evil Revelations the most (Raid Mode), I just can't stop playing it! I recently went through Zombi U and Fatal Frame 5. I am going to try to 100% Fatal Frame. I play Mario Kart 8 online a lot (I just can't get passed two certain cups on the 150 cc Grand Prix mode). I want to play through Bayonetta 1 & 2 on hard mode after I'm done with Fatal Frame.

I still use my Wii U to watch Crunchyroll as well (I can't seem to cast Crunchyroll from my laptop to my TV anymore).


Nov 14, 2019
I play mine fairly regularly, mostly either Monster Hunter 2 Ultimate or a handful of Virtual Console games I have on there. I gave it some heavy use recently with playthroughs of Star Fox Zero and DKC Tropical Freeze. Won't get rid of it, either, since it's the only way to play Fatal Frame V.


Oct 25, 2017
Kind of. My son loves Yoshi, and Woolly World is significantly better than Crafted World... So we end up turning it on every now and then, yes.


Nov 14, 2017
Every now and then I boot it up to play some rounds of MK8 (because I still did not get 10k coins for the last golden kart part) and SM3DW to play a few more levels with the characters I didn't to get 5 stars on my profile.


Jan 24, 2020
I bought one exactly 12 months ago for emulation. Since, I've used it to play one GameCube game (Luigi's Mansion) and 2 Wii games (Pikmin 1+2). I still have it plugged in and definitely plan to play more on it, but more new games have come out this year than expected so I've spent less time playing older games than I thought. And the next series I was going to dive into - No More Heroes - was also ported to the Switch. I think the only Wii U game I actually intend to play on it is Yoshi's Woolly World, because I'm pretty confident the two Zelda games and Xenoblade X will be ported to Switch where I'd rather play them.
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Oct 29, 2017
Midwest USA
It's a no from me. I just checked to see if I had any games left on my backlog on it, and realized I don't. It's main purpose now is MK8 when there's people over but without COVID, it means no people are over.
Oct 27, 2017
I last booted up my WiiU so I could play Metroid Prime 3, which is something I never got around to do. I only got a few hours in before abandoning it. It's essentially only around so I can play Metroid Prime every now and then.


Nov 20, 2017
I would because I didn't get a switch yet but my wiiu broke. Disk drive is malfunctioning and preventing me from booting the videogame. A damn shame. I'll try to fix this by disconnecting the drive, but so far I haven't had the time to do that and when I do I won't be able to play my physical copies anymore.


Oct 27, 2017
I last booted up my WiiU so I could play Metroid Prime 3, which is something I never got around to do. I only got a few hours in before abandoning it. It's essentially only around so I can play Metroid Prime every now and then.
Oh man keep going, it's so excellent. It actually starts out kind of aping some tropes from other successful FPSes at the time but it totally gets back to what makes MP the legendary series it is.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
Nope, I think I might sell it because I have no use for it anymore. I actually have the Wind Waker edition as well.

I'm 99% sure Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD will come to the Switch at some point, as the rest of the games I own on it have already been ported (Ultimate, DKC:TP, TW101, etc).


Sep 15, 2019
I actually just bought one this year and while I haven't touched it since the next gen consoles started, I did get some good use out of it and plan to go back to it soon. It's really great several good Wii U games as well as BC/VC. I was able to play through both HD Zelda remakes, Paper Mario 64, Sonic Lost World, Mario Galaxy 2 (once the Switch port said it was excluded!) and Yoshi's Wooley World (liked this more than I expected to).

It is clunky and I remember the painfully slow release schedule but I think it has value for sure.

Edit: The best part as mentioned above is the BC/VC for me. I was able to move my Wii/GameCube library over digitally which is great because it's with Wii U having HDMI it's just much simpler for ever revisiting those games.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
My children play Nintendoland on occasion. My daughter also dips into Windwaker. I keep it plugged up for that and Twilight Princess specifically.

Everything else is pretty much on our Switch now lol

Conrad Link

Oct 29, 2017
New Zealand
I wish I could still browse through my Miiverse posts. I treated them like albums of gaming memories, personally I really enjoyed just scrolling through my posts and looking at them over the years, and now they're not there. :(

Remember that time I made my wife draw a funny picture to go along with the thing we just did in Mario 3D World?

Remember that time I made my wife draw a funny picture to go along with that thing I just saw in Tomodachi Life?

It's a wonder she is still with me.

Ahh memories.

Now my Twitter is just endless New Horizons memory posts instead.
Yeah, I'll play it occasionally.

Considering a few of the Switch ports have more interesting features with the Wii U GamePad, I consider a few of them to be the original, definitive way to play that specific game.

Also, I refuse to buy Wii U ports on Switch unless it's obviously better.


Mar 27, 2018
Yeah. I wouldn't be able to play through the Metroid prime trilogy or any other older titles otherwise.


Aug 1, 2018
I had packed mine away to clear space but then my 5 year old started watching people play Wii U games on YouTube, so I told her she could actually play those games instead of just watching them. She likes to play SM3DW and Yoshi's Wooly World.

After getting it back out, I was able to finish off Captain Toad and Thomas Was Alone. I got her a Switch for Xmas and Luigi's Mansion 3, so the Wii U will probably be going back into the closet. I love the thing and still have a huge backlog for it, but we don't have space for 2 systems.


Nov 16, 2017
Unfortunately I sold my Wii U, but I still play my Wii regularly. Play lots of GameCube and Virtual Console/Wiiware games on that thing
Oct 25, 2017
Osaka, Osaka
I only got mine a few years ago, and the games were mad cheap, so I'm still playing through Wii and Wii U games on it. I still have NSMBU, DKC Tropical Freeze, W101, Xenoblade X, and ZombiU to check out.


I actually had it hooked up until just recently with the releases of the PS5 and Xbox Series X when I did some reorganization. It was finally time to box it up. I was pretty much only booting it up for Virtual Console at that point.