Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
Hedron Chamber is like the climax of the game action-wise so I can forgive it for being harder than the rest of the game. Most of the game is pretty easy outside some of the side bosses.
It just doesn't feel epic so much as just brutally unfair tho, and tbh, the Ashtray Maze felt like a way better climax than this section


Oct 25, 2017
I don't see why From Software gets appreciation and praise while Control's "checkpointing" is very much similar.

I did find the health pickup system onerous at times, forcing retreat more often than I like in a power fantasy. Pickups plus delayed autoheal could have rewarded aggression and still allowed retreat and heal, leading to less Dead End scenarios.

But, again, since when is challenge a bad thing? (When it expects you to look two directions at once, that's when).

The game vexed me a bit, but that also kept me coming back to it. Also a GOTY contender for me.

I'm also probably one of the few people here to recognize the lead actress from Bold and the Beautiful, which I ended up watching frequently over backgammon and lunch with my mom. I was like, hey! Sally Spectra! :o


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah these boss battles are sometimes insane. I remember being stuck on Salvador and oh god that Tomassi fight for so long.
Just talking about it wants to make me play it again.


Oct 25, 2017
There are some really stupid difficulty spikes. It's not just you. Great game, but I don't know what they were thinking with this.

I cheesed the shit out of Tomassi.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm playing it now and while it can be a bit frustrating, I'm not finding it particularly difficult. I read somewhere that you should max out Launch as soon as possible, so that's what I did. It really makes most encounters easy, especially with late game mods. I could see it being way more frustrating and difficult if you're relying primarily on shooting to take out enemies.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
I am really curious what the rationale was behind the difficulty balancing in this game. I've just moved onto other games now.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
[NO 2FA]
Frustration peaked at Anchor, Plant, and Penis Eye. Otherwise it felt tuned just right IMO. Any encounter can always get you killed if you're not careful.

Deleted member 56580

User requested account closure
May 8, 2019
I started this yesterday and yeah throwing stuff is my main way of dealing with everything lol.

Exactly ! its not that the gun is useless, but why would you bother running and gunning when you can one shot everything by just throwing things. Like, its so stupid you don't even need to target a specific part of your environment, Jesse straight up shred the floor or anything around then throws it away, and its basically an unlimited ressource as well

Like ... ok ? why tho

It sorta ruined the game for me, like it felt really weird you know ? im grateful I absolutely underestimated the shield power in my whole playthrough because its even more broken lol, at least I had to deal with things with the gun at times

I think they made the flying enemies very frustrating to fight on purpose, just so you'd spam stuff


Feb 13, 2018
Haven't beaten the game entirely yet, but yes, the difficulty spikes without warning at several points, and just as easily drops back down to just casually launching debris at goons. The optional bosses in particular seem to be the worst offenders.


Oct 25, 2017
Exactly ! its not that the gun is useless, but why would you bother running and gunning when you can one shot everything by just throwing things. Like, its so stupid you don't even need to target a specific part of your environment, Jesse straight up shred the floor or anything around then throws it away, and its basically an unlimited ressource as well

Like ... ok ? why tho

It sorta ruined the game for me, like it felt really weird you know ? im grateful I absolutely underestimated the shield power in my whole playthrough because its even more broken lol, at least I had to deal with things with the gun at times

I think they made the flying enemies very frustrating to fight on purpose, just so you'd spam stuff
I appreciate I can mainly rely on my psychic powers in a game about having them though. The main gun with a headshot mod is pretty useful backup though.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
The side bosses definitely have some weird difficulty spikes where i started working out ways to cheese them instead of doing them for "real"


Oct 25, 2017
It's perfectly balanced for me. If I died I would know where to improve.

I hate Ubisoft games where I hardly died even once during the whole normal playthrough .


Oct 25, 2017
I found it bizarre more than anything else. The difficulty felt very imbalanced or binary, being either really easy or really unforgiving.


May 27, 2018
The one part I recall feeling frustrated at was

the Mold plant thing with the tentacles

I just couldn't beat it.

Then one time when I entered into the hole the boss bugged out and didn't attack me, it was just perfectly still but would take damage from me, so I took the free win as you do


Oct 25, 2017
Game is a breeze outside of a couple optional bosses.

I maxed out launch with lowest cooldown possible mod. I also always kept the mod that increased the amount gained from health pickups. The enemies always dropped enough of those that it saved me countless times.

What you do with the gun really isn't that important imo, just use it when launch is in cooldown.


Nov 7, 2017
It gets way easier later once you start gaining more powers and weapons. Once my throw ability was maxed I barely needed to use anything else.
Oct 27, 2017
I like that you can be totally I'm the zone, kicking the game's butt and then all of a sudden get too complacent and it hits back really hard.

Reminded me of playing Ninja Gaiden Black on normal.
"I feel like a cool dude - oh wait, I'm dead".


Nov 14, 2017
The wave design and cheap 1 hit kills was the reason I never bothered to finish the last boss in Quantum Break. Sitting through a one minute load, then an unskippable cutscene, fighting the same waves of guys, then dying in one hit to some unavoidable bullshit from the boss? Then repeat?

If I have to use a guide to make me not want to break the disc in half, something is wrong.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't see why From Software gets appreciation and praise while Control's "checkpointing" is very much similar.

From's combat design has way more variety. From Games give you way more options than Control has on how to approach situations like this. Not to mention in most From Games you can grind out levels, heal mid-encounter or use optional summons (In some of the games). They give you lots of tools to get past difficulty spikes.
Oct 26, 2017
United Kingdom
It's super fucked OP.

Enemies do waaaaay too much damage, and the ridiculous over-use of particle effects and that blur/smear effect makes it almost impossible to see enemy attacks telegraphed to give you the chance to dodge them in time....

...and that's not even mentioning the frame rate that tanks so often, fucking over your input latency at just the wrong moment.

Fuck this game. At the same time, I love this game and would be really REALLY enjoying it if it weren't for all the shitty design choices that effect difficulty and the shitty frame rate.

Deleted member 7148

Oct 25, 2017
This is one of the reasons why I put the game down and never returned to it.


Oct 27, 2017
This is essentially the final fight, it's brutal and got me like four times, the last wave especially feels like it never ends.

It's not that bad though, never did any of the optional content either.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
Finally beat the game, the Ashtray Maze was great. The last two big action sections I beat in one try. Constantly running around hip shooting with Grip,(head shot mods are killer) launch and seize was pretty much all that I did. So yeah I'm one of those people who found it pretty easy overall.

It was only the Founder that was pissing me off cause I kept falling down the holes.


Deploying the stealth Cruise Missile
Oct 27, 2017
Control is probably my GOTY, suffice it to say, I did not find it too difficult. But playing on PC with a higher stable framerate and mouse aiming probably had something to do with that. I can imagine the game playing entirely different with a sub-30 stuttering mess of a framerate.


Oct 25, 2017
Finally beat the game, the Ashtray Maze was great. The last two big action sections I beat in one try. Constantly running around hip shooting with Grip,(head shot mods are killer) launch and seize was pretty much all that I did. So yeah I'm one of those people who found it pretty easy overall.

It was only the Founder that was pissing me off cause I kept falling down the holes.
I just finished the game myself. I mostly just used levitate a lot at the end I feel like enemy accuracy suffers as long as you're moving around. I only hip shot too it seems to have good auto aim and doesn't slow you down, and grip was just what I used 99% of the time. Though I mostly only did that when I couldn't just throw things.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm a shitty player and I got through Control without big problems. I'm not saying it's an easy game, but I usually set difficulty to easy so I'm far from an elite gamer. If I can get through this game, everybody can do it :)


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
If you haven't upgraded the launch ability, focus on that, it makes the game very straightforward.


Oct 31, 2017
No, I downloaded a trainer for the second half of the game.

Even with my health skills maxed out I kept dying in 1 or 2 hits, and dying from fungus spitters across the map. Add the poor checkpoints to that and it got in the way of enjoying the story.


Shinra Employee Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 28, 2017
I found it to be kinda easy tbh. Jesse dies easily, but is massively overpowered. Just always use hip fire and always stay mobile. Launch is definitely the best power to upgrade and rely on. And seize is underrated; it's incredibly useful to have decoys in scenarios with a lot of enemys like the last mission.


Oct 25, 2017
I found it to be kinda easy tbh. Jesse dies easily, but is massively overpowered. Just always use hip fire and always stay mobile. Launch is definitely the best power to upgrade and rely on. And seize is underrated; it's incredibly useful to have decoys in scenarios with a lot of enemys like the last mission.
I definitely think a big think is just to stay moving as much as you can.


Oct 27, 2017
I consider myself pretty bad at games overall and I think I only died in Control like two or three times.


Oct 25, 2017
The bosses can be tough but not too hard if you make use of all her powers and pick a gun type you like. Some are more effective than others.

My main issue is the optional boss
the weirdo alien where the floor breaks
where the camera doesn't pull out enough for me to see the area. PC allows you to change FOV but console doesn't.


Oct 27, 2017
Jessie is very squishy even with all of her powers maxed, you still take a lot of damage and a lot of fights do get frustrating but I think the combat was designed with the fact that you should be constantly on the move. Using mind control when you can helps greatly too against enemy adds in boss fights.


Nov 20, 2017
The last fight in the game is quite the difficulty spike, but it was also a cheap way to end the main story. Rather than fight some cool boss you just presented with waves of enemies that are increasingly overwhelming. I died a few times on it, but I wouldn't say it was unmanageable though. It just takes you by surprise because the rest of the game is pretty easy.

I probably did the Tomasi fight like 15 times though. I was not good at getting away from those invisible kamikaze things and they always took me down. If it weren't for them, it'd have been a fairy easy fight.


Oct 27, 2017
I found it to be kinda easy tbh. Jesse dies easily, but is massively overpowered. Just always use hip fire and always stay mobile. Launch is definitely the best power to upgrade and rely on. And seize is underrated; it's incredibly useful to have decoys in scenarios with a lot of enemys like the last mission.

An even better enemy to seize is the flyers with red surrounding them. They'll keep you healed if you seize them.


Dec 28, 2018
I had trouble with a few of the bosses... but also always felt the game gives you enough tools to change your approach and find a way that makes the fight easier.
I'm not a particularly good player and was able to finish the game by just changing things up whenever I encountered a wall.


Oct 25, 2017
Lack of regenerative health is what makes it more difficult than most third person action games.


Oct 27, 2017
I actually didn't find it too hard. Took me one retry. Such a cool fight. Wish there were more unique bosses like that.

Apparently that's supposed to be the hardest boss battle, but yeah I beat her on my first try and that fight was awesome. Really the only boss fight I actually enjoyed to be honest. Plus you get access to the best costume in the game after you beat her.


Oct 25, 2017
Apparently that's supposed to be the hardest boss battle, but yeah I beat her on my first try and that fight was awesome. Really the only boss fight I actually enjoyed to be honest. Plus you get access to the best costume in the game after you beat her.

I really hope we get some awesome new bosses in the DLCs. Pretty excited. Glad there's more content coming.