Is it possible to be a Republican and not be a bad person?

  • Yes

    Votes: 594 30.2%
  • No

    Votes: 897 45.6%
  • It’s complicated

    Votes: 478 24.3%

  • Total voters


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
There's a myriad of reasons why someone would have joined the R's, whether it's through previous appeal to the party, family history, or maybe just the part of the culture in the part of the states dictates "We're conservatives round these parts"

However, the horrendous, atrocious behavior of the GOP party leaves these people with a tough moral dilemma, because by standing with the party still, they are saying that THIS is their preference between the two political options the country has and that THIS is what will still get their support, whether they actively vote R, or don't decide to vote at all and make races just that much tighter.

So, it's complicated, because I'm sure that there are good people who were lead into the Republican party for one reason or another that's not malicious, but my gooooood, still thinking that R's are the way to go after these past 4 years is painting these people as fucked up


Oct 25, 2017
I've genuinely never known a Republican who isn't racist. They have no problem posing as accepting and good-natured, but behind closed doors it's a different story.
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4 Get!

Alt Account
Apr 8, 2019
Your cousin is a terrible person. Have the balls to accept it.

You don't know my cousin. He didn't participate in police brutality and nor is he trying to be a part of it. He was one of the cops standing on the other side of things and was reprimanded for it. His party of choice has nothing to do with being a decent human being.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
If we judge everyone's morality by the actions of the party they vote for, then Democrats aren't good people either.

I really wanna know the Democratic Party people talk about ITT that isn't complicit in racism, imperialism, and police brutality to name a few. Like, are people who voted for Biden in the primary complicit in all the awful things Biden has done and will do?


alt account
Aug 1, 2020
I live in a decently red area north of Houston (The Woodlands) so it'd be impossible for me to brush off like every other person as this irredeemable reprobate, though the shittiest people I know are Trump fans or just super conservative and racist in general. People are often products of their environment and more or less treat politics like nothing more than some innocuous window dressing or team sport to follow. It's really frustrating and it's usually reinforced by family/friends/religion/teachers/propaganda on Fox News or the internet so its kind of the default mode you're in if you spend your entire life growing up in a bubble.

The party itself and the politicians? Absolute fucking scum.


Oct 27, 2017
I would say no. I don't live in america but i get the sense the same thing happens there that happens here. Where people within certain communities/individuals will vote for one party because they always have, or because they supported them once 30 years ago for something and never changed sides.

I don't think ignorance/tribal voting is necessarily evil/bad. Although it is pretty stupid.


Nov 2, 2017
All people have both good and bad in them, and a lot of people just support whatever their enviroment tells them to support. I think you can be a generally decent person and be politically ignorant.


Oct 28, 2017
You don't know my cousin. He didn't participate in police brutality and nor is he trying to be a part of it. He was one of the cops standing on the other side of things and was reprimanded for it. His party of choice has nothing to do with being a decent human being.

I don't need to know him. If he is willingly part of a fascist party that is actively pushing a myriad of horrible things, than he is a terrible person.

Ignorance is not an excuse. Especially if he is old enough to be a cop.
Nov 18, 2020
You have to be either racist, filthy rich, brainwashed, and/or callous to be a Republican and willfully deny poor people and minorities of basic assistance on a routine basis. All Republicans I know are a combination of at least one of the above, deep down. You can however be a very nice, pleasant, friendly, and charitable person and still be a Republican. Hard to break off all ties with them in that scenario, especially when they're close family members.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
If you still support Trump after the past 4 years or refuse to speak out against him you are a bad person.

Of course they are levels to evil i guess.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
In years past, I'd call it complicated. With how bald-faced the Republican Party is on all social media platforms and being boastfully supportive of our racist, sexist president ... no. In 2020, there is absolutely no crossover of good people and Republican voters. They are wholly different.


Oct 27, 2017
Pretty much everything the GOP stands for is heinous. That being said is possible to be part of the Republican Party and not be a bad person? Do you consider every Republican you know to be morally bad on principle? It's something I've wrestled with a bit thinking about family and friends from my childhood that are Republicans. How do you make peace with it?
I think a lot people that label themselves Republican are more guilty of being ignorant as opposed to a bad person. Not that you can't be both or bad by extension. But it isn't a catch all.


Oct 30, 2017
We have this obsession with people being good and bad, IMO what matters is actions. Voting for a modern republican is a shitty, selfish action and not a justifiable one. It doesn't really matter how it sums into your overall character, it's a fucked thing to do


May 20, 2019
Before Trump? Sure. You probably could claim some degree of ignorance of the GOP's most heinous aspect. Post Trump? No.

4 Get!

Alt Account
Apr 8, 2019
I don't need to know him. If he is willingly part of a fascist party that is actively pushing a myriad of horrible things, than he is a terrible person.

Ignorance is not an excuse. Especially if he is old enough to be a cop.

The problem is that you're calling an entire party fascist, neonazis, etc, when I and others are giving you examples of the opposite. My cousin is neither and blanket statements like yours aren't helping. Again, political party isn't a straight definition for the type of human being you are. This isn't a video game, it isn't good, evil, jedi, sith, paragon, renegade, etc etc there are more nuances to it than that. You don't sign up to support every single little thing every single political party member is in support of depending on which side you're on. That would be insane.
Jun 10, 2018
You don't know my cousin. He didn't participate in police brutality and nor is he trying to be a part of it. He was one of the cops standing on the other side of things and was reprimanded for it. His party of choice has nothing to do with being a decent human being.
This insistence on placing the entirety of inherent immorality on one side is the exact reason why the Amy Coopers' of the world can continue to propagate oppressive systems.


One Winged Slayer
Sep 12, 2018
Question for you all: If someone is a registered Republican but has been disallusioned from the party the past 4 years, would you still consider them to be a bad person overall? I know some of these people and they support Biden, but still like some Republican policies.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't know that I have a great definition of what is a bad person, but yeah, I think pretty any way you can cut it pretty much all Republican politicians are bad people who work to make the world a worse place.

I don't think the same holds true to every person who vote Republican though.
Nov 18, 2020
The problem is that you're calling an entire party fascist, neonazis, etc, when I and others are giving you examples of the opposite. My cousin is neither and blanket statements like yours aren't helping. Again, political party isn't a straight definition for the type of human being you are. This isn't a video game, it isn't good, evil, jedi, sith, etc etc there are more nuances to it than that. You don't sign up to support every single little thing every single political party member is in support of depending on which side you're on. That would be insane.

I liken it as people tend to fall in line with the status quo. If you live in rural bumfuck nowhere and everyone and their neighbor is a Republican, you're very likely to be a Republican too, by proxy. Especially when it falls into the narrative of "Republicans care about us and our livelihoods, while Democrats just care about cities and illegals. Why don't they care about the Americans struggling in their own country?"

That narrative is unbelievably misguided but it's how a lot of America frames their support. Then all of a sudden, Trump doesn't seem so bad. He's a piece of shit, sure, but he's necessary to help further GOP ideals. Then there are the people who think Trump is literally the messiah who can do no wrong...those are the irredeemable cultists who 100% are racist.


Oct 27, 2017
My friends that are Republican that I consider good people all voted Democrat this last election to get Trump out of office. So they recognize how horrible Trump was and how shitty the Republican party has become these last few years with how popular alt-right/tea party/conservative crap has become and seemingly the main focus of the party. My Republican friends are also all rich (while I am not...) so that is their primary motivation to being Republican and they are hoping a return to a more centrist dogma but I doubt that will ever happen again.
People compartmentalize to a crazy degree.

I've known people who seem like the most progressive in the world, but only to people they personally know. To those outside their social circle, they suck up every right wing talking point and lie, and support anything republicans do.

So technically, good people to a limited circle - but supporting every bad thing in the world for everyone else. Complete ethical myopia.


Oct 26, 2017
I think we can all agree that politically supporting Republicans is some level of "bad", so the pertinent question is "how many bad things can you do until you become a bad person?"

Every American here probably pays tax. Tax revenue is used for the weapons trade (military industrial complex) or to invade non-American nations. I hope we can all agree the weapons trade and invading foreign nations are bad. So, does supporting a government who engages in weapons trade and military invasion make you bad? Are we the baddies? Well, yes we are, but that is besides the point.

The point is the good/bad dichotomy is highly flawed, every person in the developed world has blood on their hands by a few degrees of separation, the only people really free from the "sin" of modernity are the few uncontacted tribes remaining in the world and you can bet those cultures have their own standards of good and bad that are invisible to us.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
You don't have to like them or be their friend, but I think it's unhealthy to view half of the country as evil - and the other half as good by default. I think this is a really simplistic way to view the problems going on in this country right now.

People are a result of all sorts of contradictions and backgrounds. They internalize beliefs from their families and lifestyles. They take the news they're forcefed their whole lives as gospel and often live in environments where they will be socially reprimanded for breaking away from the consensus. (And this isn't just Republicans either!) Again, you don't have to get a beer with them or hug and kiss them. But if you want to fix "the problem," you have to view it as a problem from the top to the bottom. The politicians and powerful are the ones to blame for the current state of the country far more than the voters. Clean house on this evil white nationalist political party. Unfortunately I think we're on an unstoppable trajectory careening towards something really, really bad.

This opinion may have held up right after the election - pending how Trump supporters behave during his presidency - but it sure as hell doesn't hold up now. You're simply ignoring what the far right does and says and has been doing and saying for four years as it relates to Trump and really for decades as it relates to the far right.

I don't know if you simply can't face the undeniably simplistic reality of who these people are or you just haven't been paying attention.

When we're talking about the far right/Trumpists: they are evil. They are deliberately evil and intentionally cruel because they view America as belonging to them and they cheer for the brutalizing of anyone who threatens that, like anti-racism protesters and immigrants and literally just anyone who voted for Biden. They believe they are in a divine battle for America, a country that is favored by the creator of the universe and that the left are satanic pedophiles and their representatives in government deserve extrajudicial executions.

Their evil manifests itself in the the disinformation and conspiracy theories they spread; the death threats, violent assault and actual deaths of people like journalists and anti-nazi protesters. And now they want the military to step in to overturn an election who they say must have been fraudulent because of all the black people who voted in swing states.

Not only is it not unhealthy to recognize how evil these people are but I'd say it's unhealthy not to. You don't need to engage in any bullshit or intellectual dishonesty to do it because - as I already mentioned - we have seen and heard what these people think about how other Americans and non-Americans should be treated and it's absolutely evil.

As for the politicians who manipulate them - yeah that's a problem but they elect and re-elect those politicians, despite the politicians basically telling them the government is mostly pointless and shouldn't be helping them. They experience that lack of help but even as they're destitute they'll continue vote for them because those politicians also promise to protect whiteness and systemic racism and all the awful things about conservatism that results in the pain and suffering of everyone they hate.

People can continue to reference these magical, non-existent layers of complexity to Trump voters but simplistic doesn't inherently diminish the truth of something, and the truth is those people are fucking evil.


Nov 23, 2017
maybe before they turned into a domestic terrorist organization

I mean hell they even prefer treason to national security at this point


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
It is certainly impossible to be good while being a republican, in my eyes at least


Oct 27, 2017
being a rep doesn't mean you're a bad person. Being a rep in the last 4 years and willingly continue to vote for the GOP and their platforms make you a bad person.


Nov 11, 2017
Yes. Jesus.

Its complicated. Same as how most of us murder/torture animals for food and rely on slave labor in other countries for clothes, electronics you name it.

Its a shitty world and we all accept monstrosity and horror to make our lives go. We should change it and work toward better. But takes time and education.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
As far as I'm concerned, if you've been around during these last few years (read: decades) and you still feel comfortable identifying as a Republican, you're rotten to your very core.

You know what has gone on, you know what that party represents, what they condone, what they allow and what they want and you still think they're worth backing? You still think those politicians are looking out for you? Fuck you too, then.


Oct 16, 2018
Everyone in here getting all defensive saying they have republican family members who aren't THAT bad needs a reality check. Doesn't matter if they don't say "kill all black people" or "Jews will not replace us" out loud. Doesn't matter if they're the kindest person you've ever met. They have still decided that people who do say those things are worth hitching their wagon to. They are not good people.


Oct 27, 2017
I think that associating with the Republican party at this point means you are bad. Having conservative values does not inherently make you bad.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm of the opinion that if you are aware of everything that has happened in the world in your lifetime and you continue to vote Republican-then yes, you're evil.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
They are either bad or idiotic. Most of the time they are both.

Bad for voting against everyone's benefits and against progress.

Idiotic if they don't realize they are going against everyone's benefits and against progress.
Nov 17, 2017

Ultimately, does it really matter if you get to be labeled a good person or a bad person by your friends, family, peers, or even strangers? To each, the perspective changes the definition based on the things you do.

As a minority, I'm too busy trying to survive to stress myself trying to define your moral alignment. If you consistently do something that directly hurts me (voting Republican), I'm going to avoid you. You aren't good to me. You do bad things that I can't overlook. It's that simple.

And no, I don't think Democrats are automatically good.

My friends that are Republican that I consider good people all voted Democrat this last election to get Trump out of office. So they recognize how horrible Trump was and how shitty the Republican party has become these last few years with how popular alt-right/tea party/conservative crap has become and seemingly the main focus of the party. My Republican friends are also all rich (while I am not...) so that is their primary motivation to being Republican and they are hoping a return to a more centrist dogma but I doubt that will ever happen again.
Only the last few years? Can't really say I'd agree that the Republican Party was all nice and good up until a few years ago. Trump is a low hanging fruit. Anyone with some inkling of morality should know he's bad. If you're just jumping on the wagon now, it's probably just because it's embarrassing to be represented by him.

Obviously I don't know your friends and I'm sure they're good to you. If I knew them, I'm sure they'd be good to me. Up front at least. But if I knew they voted Republican for money, then I know they care about their wealth more than they care about me. How could I be their friend then? Of course I'm a minority so it's different. Maybe it doesn't effect you whether they vote R or not.


Oct 28, 2017
The problem is that you're calling an entire party fascist, neonazis, etc, when I and others are giving you examples of the opposite. My cousin is neither and blanket statements like yours aren't helping. Again, political party isn't a straight definition for the type of human being you are. This isn't a video game, it isn't good, evil, jedi, sith, paragon, renegade, etc etc there are more nuances to it than that. You don't sign up to support every single little thing every single political party member is in support of depending on which side you're on. That would be insane.

Your political beliefs are a reflection of your personal beliefs and the Republican party HAS been fascist since the party ID flip. I'm not going to get into a political history debate with you.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
All Republicans are scum.

If they are not in the nazi Trumper crowd, they are busy plotting invasion of brown countries. If not that, then they are busy advocating for wealthy people to get more rich and poor people to die. If not, then they are all up in women's Healthcare and choices. If none of the above, they are for less environmental regulations.

Tell me, which Republican hates Trump, is against invading foreign countries, is for clean environment, is for universal Healthcare and giving poor people a viable minimum wage? None? Thought so.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
This opinion may have held up right after the election - pending how Trump supporters behave during his presidency - but it sure as hell doesn't hold up now. You're simply ignoring what the far right does and says and has been doing and saying for four years as it relates to Trump and really for decades as it relates to the far right.

I don't know if you simply can't face the undeniably simplistic reality of who these people are or you just haven't been paying attention.

When we're talking about the far right/Trumpists: they are evil. They are deliberately evil and intentionally cruel because they view America as belonging to them and they cheer for the brutalizing of anyone who threatens that, like anti-racism protesters and immigrants and literally just anyone who voted for Biden. They believe they are in a divine battle for America, a country that is favored by the creator of the universe and that the left are satanic pedophiles and their representatives in government deserve extrajudicial executions.

Their evil manifests itself in the the disinformation and conspiracy theories they spread; the death threats, violent assault and actual deaths of people like journalists and anti-nazi protesters. And now they want the military to step in to overturn an election who they say must have been fraudulent because of all the black people who voted in swing states.

Not only is it not unhealthy to recognize how evil these people are but I'd say it's unhealthy not to. You don't need to engage in any bullshit or intellectual dishonesty to do it because - as I already mentioned - we have seen and heard what these people think about how other Americans and non-Americans should be treated and it's absolutely evil.

As for the politicians who manipulate them - yeah that's a problem but they elect and re-elect those politicians, despite the politicians basically telling them the government is mostly pointless and shouldn't be helping them. They experience that lack of help but even as they're destitute they'll continue vote for them because those politicians also promise to protect whiteness and systemic racism and all the awful things about conservatism that results in the pain and suffering of everyone they hate.

People can continue to reference these magical, non-existent layers of complexity to Trump voters but simplistic doesn't inherently diminish the truth of something, and the truth is those people are fucking evil.

Do you think all 75 million people who voted for Trump are far-right QAnon lunatics? I'm not saying these are people I would hang out with willingly or befriend. They don't share any of my core values and they vote for politicians that actively look to harm me or the people I love. But the reality is this is who lives among us and we have to look at the whole picture, especially when the politicians and rich are the ones doing things like funding propaganda and cutting education decade after decade, completely destroying their ability to perceive reality. The truth of the matter is most people, Democrat or Republican, don't think about politics too much even if they vote. Hell, a lot of people are genuinely under the belief that the Republican is the moderate/centrist party, as laughable as that is.

I'll never ascribe to a worldview that the common powerless people are more at fault than the few who actually have power. It's not a healthy mindset if you want to create real systemic change.


▲ Legend ▲
Aug 20, 2019
Yes like there are good cops.
But that's the point, (I'm not a native english speaker so I hope I don't fuck this up) they're part of something inherently awful that can't really be fixed or redeemed so we can't excuse them.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
By "Republican", are you including single-issue voters who vote conservative? If so, it gets more complicated, especially when religion gets involved.