Oct 31, 2017
People are gonna replay XIII one day and they will all be like "wow I never noticed that she decks Snow like 50 times in cut scenes" and then they will realize


Oct 28, 2017
Hardly. It's the most polarizing ff entry by far. And it's really recent that it has been upgraded from "most people seem to hate it or be really down on it" to "polarizing."

I used to dislike them based on a bad first impression of XIII. I won't go into some impassioned defense, but i will say after some replays, they became my go to brainless relaxation games. Really my main criticisms just 180'd into what I now consider strengths-the linearity and peak up-its-own-ass final fantasy designs. Now I appreciate how much detail is on the presentation and it's chill that I know it like the back of my hand lol
Nothing rose-tinted about it. Booted up the original to polish off a Platinum Trophy that, according to my save file, wasn't attempted since 2011. Played just fine and was fun to do. Would I make some changes/tweaks? Definitely! But it's not just some strange nostalgia haze that I'm viewing this game through.
I still think XIII is terrible. XIII-2 has some OK aspects but it's not that enjoyable imo. Replayed it like a week and a half ago. Maybe remove Mog's voice and the dialog choices and some other things and it would be ok. Oh yeah also give Lightning less monotone voice direction.

Academia and the music are the most redeemable things.


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
I think FF XIII looks incredible on Series X. Native 4K, Auto-HDR, locked 30fps.

Sure, a remaster would be nice but idk, the games already look fantastic with Enhanced BC.
Oct 31, 2017
They didn't port anything, what are you talking about? That's the 360 version running through BC.
They remastered the cutscenes in 4K.

I know for some reason you want to act like XIII created the coronavirus and want it to be eliminated but this is definitely not going to be a "forever ignored" entry.

I can't believe people are like this. I mean, I still think XV is disgraceful to the franchise in many ways, and I would never be like "don't remaster it." Grow up.


Chicken Chaser
Nov 5, 2017
Heartfelt requests like this are why I got into PC gaming so many years ago.

I wanted a game to look better. I realized there was a community that felt the same way. Lo and behold, a modding scene was around - and active. And my game became amazing to see in action.

Fans do what publishers won't. But only with the tools available to them - which requires some PC tinkering and like-minded peers.


Oct 27, 2017
lol people really hate 13
It's a game which garnered relatively few hardcore fans, but had a larger-than-usual portion of its series fanbase hate it. A majority of players thought it was somewhere on the spectrum from "alright" to "pretty good", but moderate voices generally don't want to speak up in a heated firestorm. And since a large majority of the strong opinions were strongly negative, the internet discourse became a strongly-negative echo chamber.

Over the last few years, tempers have cooled, and more moderate voices are speaking up. This gets interpreted as "people coming around to the game" or "rose-tinted glasses", depending on who you ask. Both stances are mostly wrong: the opinions haven't changed so much as the room they're being discussed within.
They remastered the cutscenes in 4K.

I know for some reason you want to act like XIII created the coronavirus and want it to be eliminated but this is definitely not going to be a "forever ignored" entry.

I can't believe people are like this. I mean, I still think XV is disgraceful to the franchise in many ways, and I would never be like "don't remaster it." Grow up.

They didn't do a damn thing, microsoft did that


Oct 27, 2017
The games have a good story? Lightning is a rounded character? Wow, some of those takes in this threads are quite something.
The story is a trainwreck and all characters are as flat as the netherlands. The only redeeming qualities were the gameplay and music.


Comics Council 2020 & Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
It will get a remaster one day. There isn't a schedule for these things. They'll slot something in when they think they'll have a gap in releases and have a team do a remaster to sell decently.


Oct 27, 2017
I would snag a remaster and replay. Games have a ton of neat ideas in them. Hell I loved XIII outside of the length of time where they essentially hold your hand. Had that been balanced a bit better XIII would be a top tier entry.

Jon God

Oct 28, 2017
XIII? Before we have a proper remaster for Chrono trigger, Chrono cross, final fantasy 4-6, vagrant story, xenogears, and so on? There are so many more fan requested games that have better critical reception, and fan reception.
Oct 27, 2017
I think FF XIII looks incredible on Series X. Native 4K, Auto-HDR, locked 30fps.

Sure, a remaster would be nice but idk, the games already look fantastic with Enhanced BC.

XIII on PC is pretty easy to brute force to a nearly solid 60, and at 4k, it's gorgeous. Random things will temporarily tank it still even after fan fixes, but it's enough to make me want all of them at solid 60fps.

Also since the battle system depends on timed presses, 60fps helps there too. Gotta the ATB recharges from paradigm shifting at the right time, every time


Oct 30, 2017
i blame kh and nomura's perfectionism for this and not 13 trilogy since Agito 13 did come out with the 13 trilogy as Type zero, versus could have absolutely had come ut during that time

FF13 was directly affecting Versus 13. You can't blame Nomura, when he had a skeleton team assigned to him, with resources meant for Versus going to finish the troubled FF13 project.

They had their fair share of problems, but they all absolutely started with 13.


How Final Fantasy 15 almost destroyed itself (with help from FF13)

Back in 2008, things weren't going well for Final Fantasy 13. A few short years after it was announced as the leading entry in Square-Enix's Fabula Nova

So again, I wish 13 is forever forgotten, and never gets ported/remastered to anything. It had more resources poured into it (and fucking two sequels!!) than it ever deserved.

Let it stay dead.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
XIII? Before we have a proper remaster for Chrono trigger, Chrono cross, final fantasy 4-6, vagrant story, xenogears, and so on? There are so many more fan requested games that have better critical reception, and fan reception.

Agreed. There are plenty of RPGs in S-E's lineup that need a remaster before FFXIII and the sequels. The Xbone X BC enhancements are pretty decent and with PC, I'd assume the fan fixes/patches make the game a lot better.


Nov 7, 2020

FF13 was directly affecting Versus 13. You can't blame Nomura, when he had a skeleton team assigned to him, with resources meant for Versus going to finish the troubled FF13 project.

They had their fair share of problems, but they all absolutely started with 13.


How Final Fantasy 15 almost destroyed itself (with help from FF13)

Back in 2008, things weren't going well for Final Fantasy 13. A few short years after it was announced as the leading entry in Square-Enix's Fabula Nova

So again, I wish 13 is forever forgotten, and never gets ported/remastered to anything. It had more resources poured into it (and fucking two sequels!!) than it ever deserved.

Let it stay dead.
Uh yes nomura could have gotten the game out with a skeleton team instead he didn't. The 13 trilogy isn't at fault for this. Again type-0 was still able to come out even with the development problems. So yeah nomura is at fault. He even admitted that he would constantly send people back to the drawing board if the stuff they did wasn't perfect


Oct 27, 2017
XIII? Before we have a proper remaster for Chrono trigger, Chrono cross, final fantasy 4-6, vagrant story, xenogears, and so on? There are so many more fan requested games that have better critical reception, and fan reception.

It's not like it wouldn't sell more than a Vagrant Story remaster
Oct 25, 2017
Would buy them day 1 if they were on PS4/5. I'm still waiting on the Xbox versions to go on sale so I can get them on that and play on Series X at the very least, since it seemingly is the best place to play them at the moment. I believe it even has some upside over the PC version barring mods and shit which I don't mess with.


Jan 3, 2018
I'd only be interested in replaying XIII-2, which is upper echelon Final Fantasy to me with a great story and characters, good combat, good music, etc. The story in the other two games - especially Lightning Returns - is so bad that I might as well be replaying X-2 if I'm skipping cutscenes.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 23, 2017
Listen, not everyone can be a Pulse L'cie, an enemy of cocoon. We all know that the queen must not be forgotten and some day, we'll get those remasters.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it would be a waste of time and not worth it to remake the 13 series right now. Maybe in another 10-15 years when nostalgia is at an all-time high and people have forgotten all the bad stuff about the games. I'd much prefer a remake of FFVI.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Xbox enchantment version aside, SE has mentioned the FFXIII series though their official twitter during their games anniversaries for example.

So, I don't get the whole SE is ignoring the series. haha It's also nice to see a that despite some negative Nancy's, there are people under any FFXIII related post they make asking for a remaster.


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
This is the company that thought a Last Remnant remaster was worthwhile

And has remastered The World Ends With You twice now despite it being a more niche property

Xbox enchantment version aside, SE has mentioned the FFXIII series though their official twitter during their games anniversaries for example.

So, I don't get the whole SE is ignoring the series. haha It's also nice to see a that despite some negative Nancy's, there are people under any FFXIII related post they make asking for a remaster.

Which one of you is @segagamer?
Jan 27, 2020
Washington, DC
This is the company that thought a Last Remnant remaster was worthwhile

lol, now I'm going to remember this every time I want a remaster out of Square...

Edit: I just remembered they also did that Crystal Chronicles that (I hear) managed to botch the multiplayer, i.e. the only reason to play it. I think some people's notion of the bar for a remake is way out of wack with reality (excluding the FF7 treatment, which was a new game essentially). It's really just: how much would it cost, how much would it sell.

Re: divisiveness, just remember that resetera and gamer forums in general are a bit of a bubble.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I'd buy it. I made it to the open world part of the first game and then stalled out for some reason. Would like to give the games another try (although games with time limits stress me out so I am not really looking forward to FF13-3).


Nov 5, 2017
Seeing as how a lot of fans of gaming in general has seemed to come around on story-focused linear experiences, it's mind boggling that the FFXIII trilogy still remains as the big title that a good chunk of people just can't get over it being that way.

Especially considering for that gen, a lot of AAA titles were very hand holding, linear games, or watered-down versions of a previous iteration. It's frustrating that FFXIII is the game that gets singled out. When looked at in a vacuum outside of traditional Final Fantasy trappings, it's a really cool game and there's nothing inherently bad about a linear RPG. It's actually kind of unique.


Jan 8, 2020
I'd get it for sure.

And if they'd even go as far as to tweak the battle systems I'd be there day one. FFXIII actually has a very interesting battle system, but the game rarely ever makes you utilize it. If they did a hard mode that removed auto-battle and made things difficult enough for you to make use of all the systems, it would truly be a great battle system.


Oct 30, 2017
Uh yes nomura could have gotten the game out with a skeleton team instead he didn't. The 13 trilogy isn't at fault for this. Again type-0 was still able to come out even with the development problems. So yeah nomura is at fault. He even admitted that he would constantly send people back to the drawing board if the stuff they did wasn't perfect
Him releasing FF7R and KH3, while also having worked on FF15, on the same generation, tells an entirely different story.

FF13 was largely at fault. They were supposed to be equally ambitious and have the same type of investment - They didn't.

Type-0 was a PSP game and nowhere near as ambitious as what Nomura was trying to create. A skeleton team can't do that - What would releasing a shitty, unfinished game do?

They had problems. FF13 isn't entirely to blame. Just... Mostly. Read the article I linked to.

Again, FF13 wasn't ever worth it. Each subsequent sequel sold substantially less and arguably made people less and less excited about the future of the franchise.

FF13 is Square's RE6 moment. I'm hoping FF16 is Square's RE7/RE2R - A true return to form!

Until then... I will never not want 13 not to exist, for a multitude of reasons - But to each his own! 😊
Oct 29, 2017
It'll happen someday. This is Square Enix we're talking about.

I'm in day one. Loved all three of these games, FF13 and Lightning Returns especially. They're way better than people give them credit for.


Oct 27, 2017
Him releasing FF7R and KH3, while also having worked on FF15, on the same generation, tells an entirely different story.

FF13 was largely at fault. They were supposed to be equally ambitious and have the same type of investment - They didn't.

Type-0 was a PSP game and nowhere near as ambitious as what Nomura was trying to create. A skeleton team can't do that - What would releasing a shitty, unfinished game do?

They had problems. FF13 isn't entirely to blame. Just... Mostly. Read the article I linked to.

Again, FF13 wasn't ever worth it. Each subsequent sequel sold substantially less and arguably made people less and less excited about the future of the franchise.

FF13 is Square's RE6 moment. I'm hoping FF16 is Square's RE7/RE2R - A true return to form!

Until then... I will never not want 13 not to exist, for a multitude of reasons - But to each his own! 😊
FF16 could really only be an RE7 kind of thing because it looks like it's taking combat in a new direction


Nov 5, 2017
I'd get it for sure.

And if they'd even go as far as to tweak the battle systems I'd be there day one. FFXIII actually has a very interesting battle system, but the game rarely ever makes you utilize it. If they did a hard mode that removed auto-battle and made things difficult enough for you to make use of all the systems, it would truly be a great battle system.

I don't remember all of the intricacies of the battle system, but I do remember the challenge wasn't necessarily surviving as it was playing fast. I think it was designed so anyone could hobble through a battle and win, but what makes it one of my favorite systems is exploiting it to the fullest and blazing through each battle and getting a 5 star score. It's also just a treat to watch visually and the battle music NEVER gets old.