
Oct 25, 2017
I would also note that if you're a straight woman or gay man,. Marvels movies *are* more sexualised than previous decades. We get a topless hunk, or a close up shot of Chris Evans ass in every film. There are multiple scenes whose only purpose is to look great for people who fancy guys.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't see how media not meeting your arbitrary measure of sexualization makes it "sexless" and a trend towards "repressive puritanism". It doesn't seem like a genuine or honest framing of what you're trying to say.

Cymbal Head

Oct 25, 2017
I agree there's less sex in theatrically released films. People don't need T&A in their movies anymore because we can all instantly call up infinite amounts of porn on our phones.

Everything else, lol.

If anything, people are more openly horny about their particular preferences than ever before (see: tall vampire lady, or any reply under a post by a woman asking for feet).
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Oct 25, 2017
OP just because you're only interested in family friendly movies and shows aimed at kids doesn't mean all of pop culture is sexless lmao


Oct 25, 2017
OP really created a thread to tell the world they consume the most sterile pop culture possible


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
this might be the most disconnected from reality thread title I've ever seen on this site

and that covers a lot of ground


Self-Requested Ban
Dec 9, 2017
MCU might not be number 1 in sex appeal but the idea that it's sexless due to not having random nudity like movies from the 80s is kind of ironic. A lot of 80 films feel pretty skeevy these days and come off as less sex positive than the countless shows that do have more overt sex scenes these days.


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (1 Month): Inflammatory Generalization; Prior Bans for Dismissive, Inflammatory and Inappropriate Commentary
game of thrones

idk why you would be looking for sex in a franchise aimed at children and poorly adjusted adults (marvel)


One Winged Slayer
Dec 2, 2017
There is some sexualized content still, but its fringe and not mainstream.

Mainstream pop culture is completely sexless. Like the MCU. And there are fewer r rated movies.

The guys at Marvel know what they're doing. The way they sell sex doesn't have to be lewd or explicit. It just has to be sensuous.




The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
WAP came out like months ago so I don't think so.

And the TV shows I watch are sexed as hell. Most of the major shows over the last 5 years have had wild sex scenes in them, nudity, much more than the 90s. Nudity in 1990s/2000s HBO shows was like a stripper showing her boobs in Sopranos, that guys penis in Rome, some male butts in Oz. Now, True Detective has pretty major celebs getting freak naked in a hot ass sex scene, Lovecraft Country has multiple wild sex scenes.

I think that media is more concerned with objectifying people than it was 5-10 years ago. It is a little more rare to just have eye candy in new episodes of shows, where a characters' role is specifically to objectify them. With pop music I think artists and videographers are more concerned about objectifying people than they were 15, 20 years ago. An overwhelming amount of male-made 90s hip hop and pop songs are mysoginistic, where basically a woman's role is to look good, shake her ass, nice boobs, have sex with her, and get lost. In the 80s it was the same with rock. In the 2000s it carried through, you still had massive pop songs which were basically all about women's asses.
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Caped Baldy

Dec 11, 2017
Hollywood movies used to have nudity and sex scenes back in the 80s and 90s. Those are almost totally gone now.

We live in an era when porn can be viewed in 2 seconds on your phone. Nudity was a novelty in a lot of 80s/90s movies because it was a way to shock the viewer into attention. What purpose would tits and/or dick serve in a MCU or DCU movie?


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
OP fondly remembering the rampant sex scenes in Disney's Robin Hood.

Navidson REC

Oct 31, 2017
Its a nitpick but I never liked this one part because he lets go of the railing and the helicopter doesn't even react to suddenly having all that tension released, even for a split second.
Ha I was gonna point out the exact same thing. Good thing his biceps is too distracting to really dwell on this detail though lol


Oct 28, 2017
If anything we live in a world now where people almost want to out do each other with how freaky they are with no shame whatsoever, like a competition.


Oct 25, 2017


Hmm, I've been listening to this as I do (wash) the dishes and bopping around my kitchen. Seems pretty sex orientated to me and it's only 2 mins long. I'd suggest looking outside the MCU for the horn.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like all the TnA in movies just moved on to the first episode of new streaming/hbo shows.


Jan 8, 2019
US pop culture has never been more open about sex than it is now...have no idea what this thread is.

But it's all one sided. It's the women who are sexualized and not the men. You don't see popular music with women fully dressed objectifying almost naked men.

The OP is wrong but would be right if they said more liberals speak out against female sexualization than the past. In the past it was conservatives and religious people only.


Oct 25, 2017
Birmingham, UK
Pop culture, probably not. Music videos I'd argue are a good example of this. Some are sexed up to the extent that it's detrimental to the song itself due to tonal whiplash (a song with sad or meaningful lyrics for example, but sold with the singer's oiled up cleavage), and there seem to be more songs and videos that are unsubtly sold with sex than at any point I can think of.

However, I do think that there are a lot more people falling over themselves to express views that sound eerily reminiscent of old school prudishness than there were a decade or two ago. The stated reasoning behind these views tends to be different to that in the past, but the implications of them if acted upon are basically the same.
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Oct 27, 2017
Umm no. Literally everyone has an Onlyfans and daytime tv shows joke about it. Sex positivity is a thing. I think the culture is still horny, just not as gross and exploitative to women and other groups.


Oct 25, 2017
I think we are 18-24 months away from a major pop hit song that is almost completely pornographic in nature. Like a nonstop, completely detailed narration of a sexual encounter.

There's only a few ways left for artists to be edgy and transgressive, and pushing the limits of sexual content is one of them.

bill crystals

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The posts on this forum are so fucking weird it's like they come from aliens or are some kind of modern art.
Dec 25, 2018
Bowsette, 2B and the Tall Lady from the new Resident Evil had fanart of various levels of 'Horny on Main' posted over most of the art communities I followed these past few years so no.


Nov 27, 2017
However, I do think that there are a lot more people falling over themselves to express views that sound eerily reminiscent of old school prudishness than there were a decade or two ago. The stated reasoning behind these views tends to be different to that in the past, but the implications of them if acted upon are basically the same.

That is a lot of what I was referring to. You can see it on Reddit all the time.


Oct 25, 2017
I think we are 18-24 months away from a major pop hit song that is almost completely pornographic in nature. Like a nonstop, completely detailed narration of a sexual encounter.

There's only a few ways left for artists to be edgy and transgressive, and pushing the limits of sexual content is one of them.

Try 86 years ago

WAP ain't got nothing on this.
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