
Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
So about a year and a half ago I remember one of my co-workers talking about how much they were going to beat their kids when they acted up. I remember thinking how fucked up that was, but despite that, a couple other workers agreed with her since "My parents did it to me and I turned out fine". You know, that general sentiment.

As someone who has been a victim of this and lived in constant fear of it whenever I did something that might be wrong, and even witnessed this go "too far" with a sibling of mine, I am 100% against "beating" your kids for any reason. Fuck that. Even if it's a spanking. But you would might be surprised to find many people around my age thinking it's okay to do that because that's how they were raised. And it's exceptionally hard to talk someone out of that mindset because they were taught from a young age that that was how you dealt with children who broke your rules.

It's been so normalized and it's bizarre because it's you, a parent, causing harm upon your child to get your anger out. How is that acceptable now? There really hasn't been a movement around not hitting your kids because they knocked over a vase or got a bad grade in a class. It's not worth the anxiety for that kid to deal with later. But, in the moment, I'd assume parents aren't considering that.

What do y'all think? Is physically reprimanding your kid by hitting them child abuse?

EDIT: And feel free to elaborate a little. I didn't expect so many yeses because of how normal I thought this was. Which is very fucked up in of itself. But.... oh well.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry you had to go through with that, OP. People's ignorance on the topic causes real harm to kids.

Deleted member 9838

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Oct 26, 2017
10000% percent

Spanking is absolutely barbaric and traumatizing.

Glad society is raising in conciousness and sees this.


Oct 28, 2017
Yes. Of course. Just because you were hit as a kid doesn't mean you should too. I was never hit nor would I hit my son


Oct 26, 2017
I dont think so. But I understand we are in a different era now. My kids are grown over 20 now so at least I don't need to worry about getting CPS called on me for disicplining my children

Deleted member 9838

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Oct 26, 2017
"I turned out fine"

I hate hearing this

No, you didn't turn out fine. You are miserable and depressed on some level.


Oct 25, 2017
I have spoken to actual developmental psychologists about this because I'm going into that field and they've confirmed that it is indeed bad. Who would've thought amirite?


Nov 11, 2017

While I don't think everyone who spanks there kids is abusing them, no good comes from establishing violence in a child's life. Especially teaching them that violence comes from people they love.


Oct 25, 2017

Now it doesn't mean that any parents that did minor spanking or slapping are terrible people or abuser, often it's just plain ignorance... a lots of people will perpetuate it cause they were educated like that and it "worked" for them!

but now we know better and we shouldn't do it at all! They should talk about it in school and everywhere so that the message is spread that it's not okay anymore


Oct 28, 2017
As someone who was physically hit and spanked as a kid, I'm wondering what the alternative is for a misbehaving child. What do you do when a stern talking to doesn't work?

Some of you folks should elaborate because I'm genuinely curious how others deal with punishing their kids for bad behavior.

EDIT: I'm not endorsing physical punishment, in fact I'd like to avoid that if I ever have them. But I want to hear what others do in a situation where their kids misbehave.
Oct 29, 2017
I don't personally spank my kids, but am I going to call the police on one of my friends who felt the need to give their 5 year old a one time minor pop on the backside when they were acting up too much? Probably not.


Oct 26, 2017
People who are frustrated with unruly children, those children who "need a whipping" didn't put in the consistent work to teach those children how to behave, manage their emotions, and the consequences of their actions.

I'm a teacher and I can tell you that screaming is the easiest thing for an adult to do, just as hitting is the easiest thing for a kid to do. They learn this behavior first from their parents.

It is harder to sit down with a kid and actually show them what you expect every day until they internalize it.


Oct 25, 2017
Ottawa Canada
I think the reasoning and logic some people use to justify it is suspect or lazy. People really need to think it through and try to understand why they believe corporal punishment is more effective than other means.


Oct 26, 2017
As someone who was physically hit and spanked as a kid, I'm wondering what the alternative is for a misbehaving child.

You can't think of an alternative to physical punishment? What about for adults should they also be beat when they do something wrong? What does it teach you?


Nov 11, 2017
Nah, no need to pass violence onto another generation. They've got enough problems coming up. But you have to be a stern parent, and discipline your children. There is some myth that not beating your children = parents whose kids are tearing up the store while we all watch.

I was spanked and whopped with fucking Sorority Paddles, switches, belt buckles. I didn't deserve any of that, and learned to resent your parents.

You're eventually going to become bigger than the pain of a whoopin. So what are you going to do then?

Deleted member 176

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Oct 25, 2017
As someone who was physically hit and spanked as a kid, I'm wondering what the alternative is for a misbehaving child. What do you do when a stern talking to doesn't work?

Some of you folks should elaborate because I'm genuinely curious how others deal with punishing their kids for bad behavior.
This is why it's bad parenting, you grow up to believe that violence is the best way to solve problems.


Oct 25, 2017
As someone who was physically hit and spanked as a kid, I'm wondering what the alternative is for a misbehaving child. What do you do when a stern talking to doesn't work?

Some of you folks should elaborate because I'm genuinely curious how others deal with punishing their kids for bad behavior.


Oct 28, 2017
You can't think of an alternative to physical punishment? What about for adults should they also be beat when they do something wrong? What does it teach you?

I never suggested that. I said that I'm wondering what the alternative is, which no one has provided yet. I've edited my post for clarification.


Oct 26, 2017
As someone who was physically hit and spanked as a kid, I'm wondering what the alternative is for a misbehaving child. What do you do when a stern talking to doesn't work?

Some of you folks should elaborate because I'm genuinely curious how others deal with punishing their kids for bad behavior.

If a stern talking to doesn't work, you did something wrong along the way to make it so a stern talking to doesn't work.

Double back and reinforce the basics.


Oct 25, 2017
not automatically, no.

but, positive reinforcement, ie. rewarding desired behavior, is more efficacious than punishing unwanted behavior.


Oct 25, 2017
When I think of my Dad and my childhood, I think of getting spanked by a belt. It's clear, and it never really leaves you. If you want your kids to remember you when they are older by how you beat them, I guess, that's a good way to do it.


Oct 27, 2017
All I know is that when my parents use to spank me, it didn't feel like love, kinda felt like they were taking out some of their aggression on me... "spare the rod and spoil the child" was always the justification.

I don't think it worked on me, but maybe it does help some kids.

Kayo Police

Nov 4, 2017
You have a be stern parent, not their fucking best friend.

To many parents nowadays are too concerned about being the "cool" mom or dad.


Oct 28, 2017
What do y'all think?

Oct 27, 2017
Time outs work. My kids hated staring at the corner of a wall for a couple of minutes while the other one got to play. Once they got older taking stuff away did the trick. Also encouraging good behavior. Neither of my kids has ever been spanked.


Feb 25, 2018
yes, but discipline is absolutely necessary. I think raising your kid without any kind of discipline = spoiled kids is another big problem for society.

I don't know of anyone who still spank his kids, but I know a lot of parents who are totally slaves of their children by their own lazyness.

My parents never hit me but I'm sure if I did what some kids to these days, my father would have slapped me behind the head... Being unrespecfull to my mother, for example, would have ended badly lol