
User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
yelling "don't touch that!" Being too late and the kid learning on their own, various ways man.

No . We keep really young children away from any danger. We talk to them and eventually a dialogue starts, and they begin to learn more about the world. We can certainly intervene to save the child from unexpected danger, but a firm grasp of their wrist is more effective than a slap.

But if I had ever found myself needing to do that in my own home or on the street, that would have meant I hadn't been paying attention to my primary task as carer for an infant.
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User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017

In some countries, perhaps even some American states, a parent may lawfully slap their child's face. That doesn't mean the moderators have to condone it, but my point of view is that we can have a reasonably open dialogue if people are allowed to defend and advocate for practices others may find unconscionable.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
In some countries, perhaps even some American states, a parent may lawfully slap their child's face. That doesn't mean the moderators have to condone it, but my point of view is that we can have a reasonably open dialogue if people are allowed to defend and advocate for practices others may find unconscionable.

I don't think an open dialogue is needed when it comes to an adult hitting a child just because they feel it's child hitting time.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Lol, for real. I don't know who here has admitted to "child abuse via physical assault."
I mean, there was someone who literally said "I beat my child", which 100% qualifies for physical assault. Unless he's using the word "beat" wrong.

I forgot the question.
I know you're having fun here, but I'll make it simple. Gravy Boat asked you:
So you're going to keep slapping your child across the face until science develops a drug that controls their behaviour? Why is medication even in the discussion here?
This was because you:
a) said you slap your child across the face in the process of child rearing
b) said you were hoping for "science" to "discover" a solution "that is about 99% effective in child rearing."
You also clarified you mentioned the 99% threshold because "in pharmacology, you want a drug to be effective in 99% of the population. It's not something I invented.".

So, Gravy Boat wishes to know if that means that you're basically slapping your child until science provides you with a kind of medication (or drug) that will control their behaviour, since that's what you basically said.


Nov 4, 2017
I mean, there was someone who literally said "I beat my child", which 100% qualifies for physical assault. Unless he's using the word "beat" wrong.

I know you're having fun here, but I'll make it simple. Gravy Boat asked you:

This was because you:
a) said you slap your child across the face in the process of child rearing
b) said you were hoping for "science" to "discover" a solution "that is about 99% effective in child rearing."
You also clarified you mentioned the 99% threshold because "in pharmacology, you want a drug to be effective in 99% of the population. It's not something I invented.".

So, Gravy Boat wishes to know if that means that you're basically slapping your child until science provides you with a kind of medication (or drug) that will control their behaviour, since that's what you basically said.
Gotcha. Thank you for the clarification.


Nov 4, 2017
So...going to answer the question?


Edit: My ban gave me time to think and realize the error of my ways. I shall never ever strike another living creature ever again. In addition, I have decided to become a vegetarian. Thank you all for helping me change my life. I'm very grateful. I still hope that science can come to our aid in this matter.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Case in point if my son comes home drunk one night disrespecting his mom and is not listening to reason he might get smacked. Some of that is my own frustration, some of that is his disrespect and disobedience, I'm not looking at a parent sideways and judging them for getting pissed off in a situation like that.

Hypothetical situation btw, I don't have a son ;-(

It sounds like the hypothetical person you're contemplating assaulting in this scenario is an adult. I suppose if you're the type to get into violent affrays in your own home, such fights might involve a close family member.

As your profile gives your domicile as New Jersey and the legal age for drinking in the United States is currently 21, I think you're probably not talking about childrearing techniques here. Not that I condone brawling between adults.


self-requested temp ban
Oct 27, 2017
It sounds like the hypothetical person you're contemplating assaulting in this scenario is an adult. I suppose if you're the type to get into violent affrays in your own home, such fights might involve a close family member.

As your profile gives your domicile as New Jersey and the legal age for drinking in the United States is currently 21, I think you're probably not talking about childrearing techniques here. Not that I condone brawling between adults.
Don't you have kids? Teens try things out, go through rebellion phases, etc...

I feel like your being judgmental as you have all the tools to be the perfect parent and have executed it flawlessly. That's not realistic or honest to me. But agree to disagree I guess? Not sure this is worth carrying on I've said my peace on it.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Don't you have kids? Teens try things out, go through rebellion phases, etc...

I feel like your being judgmental as you have all the tools to be the perfect parent and have executed it flawlessly. That's not realistic or honest to me. But agree to disagree I guess? Not sure this is worth carrying on I've said my peace on it.

My kids are now both grown up. They did try their own thing, yes. I'm not a perfect parent at all. They each separately and in different ways let me and their mother know exactly where we went wrong, once they reached the age where they could think independently and express themselves with confidence. In other words, they started to act like adults in every way. While they were still inexperienced, they started to spread their wings in many ways.

What can I say? It's what we expected to happen. It would have been disturbing, would it not, had they failed to do so? What can any parent do when ones children cease to act and think like children? We continued to listen, and where appropriate we admitted our failings and apologised. We continued to provide guidance, and this was heeded more often than not.

In this thread I've tried to avoid being judgemental. If I've failed I apologise. My aim has been to advocate for a form of child-rearing that developed organically in my own family, through the basic principle of constant dialogue.


self-requested temp ban
Oct 27, 2017
My kids are now both grown up. They did try their own thing, yes. I'm not a perfect parent at all. They each separately and in different ways let me and their mother know exactly where we went wrong, once they reached the age where they could think independently and express themselves with confidence. In other words, they started to act like adults in every way. While they were still inexperienced, they started to spread their wings in many ways.

What can I say? It's what we expected to happen. It would have been disturbing, would it not, had they failed to do so? What can any parent do when ones children cease to act and think like children? We continued to listen, and where appropriate we admitted our failings and apologised. We continued to provide guidance, and this was heeded more often than not.

In this thread I've tried to avoid being judgemental. If I've failed I apologise. My aim has been to advocate for a form of child-rearing that developed organically in my own family, through the basic principle of constant dialogue.
No worries man, points well taken. Can't pick up tone across the Internet.

God bless to u and your family.


Oct 26, 2017
I dunno, I was beaten and whatnot and now I'm deathly afraid of making anyone unhappy with me and have depression/anxiety, you tell me.