
Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
My only Silent Hill experiences are 2 and 3 in the HD collection which, before you say anything, I still loved but I get why people shit on them. So like a year ago I bought a hard copy on 360 because i found out it was BC and with the pandemic on I decided to install it finally.

I'm pretty early, just out of the graveyard, and yeah I can see in places where it doesnt quite feel the same but it's still pretty good so far? It's got great atmosphere, and the music is pretty good and I find myself occasionally creeped out. Not just that but I am surprised at how good this looks. I'm on a One X, and the lighting and shadows just really pop for me (I should have taken screen shots).

So is this game secretly underrated? Because any time I had seen it talked about it's felt like people literally spit on the floor before they talk about it.


Oct 28, 2017
I´ve played only once when it released and back then I hated it so I would say no, but who knows with time
Downpour on the other side was rough, but had some interesting ideas, would loved Vatra to had another go with the franchise

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
I have a review I like to copy and paste any time Homecoming comes off, which is basically my opinion on the game.

A bit of a warning, this will be my rantiest review I think I've ever done.

Let me start off by politely, and courteously, taking a moment to ask why, out of every Silent Hill game, is this the only one on Steam? Now don't get me wrong, I'll get to Homecoming in a moment, but as most other entries in the series had PC ports, why. biased Konami, is this the only one Steam gets?

With that out of the way, Silent Hill Homecoming is the sixth main entry in the SH series, a psychological survival-horror series that has come to be known best for its atmosphere, story, surrealism, and creepy monster designs.

Silent Hill Homecoming came out on the heels of the Silent Hill film, and it shows. Several monster designs and much of the visual look of the game can be attributed to the film. Most notably, the game has some impressive Otherworld transition sequences inspired by the movies. They look cool, and sound cool, so they at least get the job done there.

And that's something to be said for Homecoming. It's not a terrible looking game, the designs of the characters and monsters at least look cool, the environments look appropriately ominous, and the fog effects, while a bit sparser than other entries in the series, are still rather well-handled.

However, the film inspiration becomes a bit much in areas. This was the game that shoe-horned Pyramid Head in for no reason, and I literally mean no reason. Oh, he appears in cutscenes, but not a single time in gameplay. Not once. And that's not even arguing on how he has no reason to be here. Both in the fact he literally does nothing in the story and it goes against on what Pyramid Head was in SH2. And then there's scenes that were so obviously inspired by the movie, and enemies inspired by the movie. It essentially is an extension to the Silent Hill movie in game form, honestly.

But so much goes against what the SH series is. I was literally in hysterics during a scene almost half-way in the game when suddenly you get a sassy black sidekick comic relief character and escape a police station being invaded Dawn of the Dead style by giant hammerhead land-shark monsters. Don't get me wrong, this is brilliant B-Movie hamminess, but what the fuck is it doing in the fucking Silent Hill series?

And that's what I think one of Homecoming's biggest problems is. It doesn't know what the SH series is. I am convinced the creators just watched the SH movie and made the game based off of that. There's no other explanation for it. Homecoming must of at one point in development been a video game adaption of the movie, because it has so much in common with the film; the nurses work just like they do in the film, so does the cult, and the aesthetics... But it's almost nothing like how the rest of the series is.

But let's get off our fixations of its identity crisis and focus more on the game as its own experience.

Silent Hill Homecoming tells the story of a man named Alex Sheppard who's returning from the military to visit his home in Sheppard's Glen (of course conveniently named after his family). He's been gone for a long time and finds that his hometown has completely changed. There's a few people still living in town, but the place is mostly deserted. Alex comes home to find his brother and father are missing, and his mom seems completely out of it with a pistol on her lap. Alex goes to investigate what exactly has happened to his family, and to this town, and what sort of connection it has with the nearby local resort town of Silent Hill.

To the story's credit, I did end up liking a few of the characters, most notably Alex, who did end up earning some sympathy from me through his journey. And Wheeler, your sassy black comedy relief character, was enjoyable, though so out of place. Most everyone else was forgettable, however. The plot twists unfortunately are mostly super predictable, the worst of all being the 'main' twist, and while I don't want to spoil the game, towards the end we get into some ludicrous Saw-inspired segments that just feel completely out of left field and unneeded. Homecoming also holds my personal honor for having the worst multiple endings I have ever experienced in a horror game. I'm not kidding, they are that bad.

The game has a few puzzles, and by puzzles I mean over half of them are sliding tile puzzles or this puzzle about crossing wires. Whoever the fuck at Double Helix thought that making most of the puzzles in the game fucking sliding puzzles really deserves a solid kick in the ass.

The game is also overly focused on combat. The combat to be fair isn't bad, with a very Zelda-esque system, being able to lock-onto enemies and circle and roll-dodge from them, but the weapons are notably unbalanced with some being far better than others. Also while technically the 'best' combat system in the series (and they try to rationalize it with the fact Alex is an ex-soldier), the series was never really about the combat, making it feel like the developers missed the point.

This so far makes it sound like I hate Homecoming, but in earnest I didn't.

Homecoming has so much wrong with it, as a Silent Hill game, as a horror game, and as an action game, that it's easy to mention, but it's actually not a terrible game, and has several quite good moments and actually is an okay to good game, though I'd argue one of the weakest in its series.

Homecoming has some decent moments. Exploring the house is both interesting and a bit haunting. Going into the basement the first time is a bit unnerving. A few of the boss fights, especially the second one, are actually well-done. The game isn't too repetitive and does have moments that split away from just combat or just exploration. Speaking of that, there's a decent exploration element in this game that often is a bit rewarding for little extra tidbits, imagery, and sometimes goodies and hidden weapons. The game has some fun unlockable costumes and weapons.

The story is enjoyable in a B-fare kind of way, and is backed by good music and sound design. While not Akira's best work, the music still holds up well for the title. There are small touches to the game too and details that are appreciated, including each grave stone in the graveyard having a different description on them (and there are many), some small scares that the player may miss if they aren't observant or don't explore a bit. The atmosphere is okay, though the game really isn't scary.

But I didn't hate my time with it, in fact, I would say I enjoyed myself playing it. It's got so many flaws and they're so easy to point out, but despite it all there is an enjoyable game in here. It honestly probably would of been better if it was Silent Hill The Movie: The Game though, as it really does things that just doesn't sit right as a fan of the series. But in its own way, it's an enjoyable B-Movie sort of horror game that has dips into legitimately good moments and ideas.

If you go in expecting some B-Horror fun, as opposed to a Silent Hill game, it's a pretty okay to good game in its own right, just has some flaws, but I wouldn't say the flaws ruin the game and there is some fun and interesting sections to be had as the game goes on. If you go to it for a Silent Hill fix, however, I think you'll be bitterly disappointed. A misguided, but ultimately pretty okay game, that could of been a good game if it wasn't bogged down by a few problems.


Oct 27, 2017
I think all of the US developed ones are, they're derivative and lacking polish, but they're all decent AA releases. I enjoyed the nebulous little stories in Homecoming, the stuff you could miss. There's a little bit with a car beeping as it drives past an explorable house, that has it's own little reason for being that always sticks in my mind.
Oct 25, 2017
Milwaukee, WI
It does have some very vocal defenders. But at this point, it's kind of hard to tell where i lies. People were just so ready to hate Silent Hill games, and for good reason. But allowing these titles to stand on their own without the impossible expectation of Silent Hill 2? Well, that's a perspective I'd like to hear from.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Dec 4, 2017
No, the game is pretty bad in opinion. Downpour on the other hand is underrated and is also BC on Xbox one.


Oct 25, 2017
No, it's awful. Everything it does manages to scrap by being passable but nothing if very memorable either. I'd dare to say it's the most forgettable game I've ever played because I can't even remember anything other than the dullness I felt playing it.

Downpour is the underrated one because it actually tried to be creative despite still being a bit shit.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Washington, DC
I've always thought it was okay if you go into it not expecting much. It absolutely pales to the greats of the series though, and if you go into it expecting a SH2 experience, you will hate it.
Oct 27, 2017
I think downpour is moreso underrated personally.
No, the game is pretty bad in opinion. Downpour on the other hand is underrated and is also BC on Xbox one.
I would agree, it's not perfect but it s certainly better than homecoming and did genuinely try some cool ideas out

Downpour was an overall good game IMO, its only real problems were the bad enemy design and the occasionally iffy framerate.


Jun 9, 2018
I think the underlying storyline is pretty interesting tbh.

The whole Shepherd family being hard on Alex because he's supposed to be a sacrifice. His father trying to pass off the accidental death of his other son as the planned sacrifice (and failing). I think the Alex twist is weak, but it's probably my favourite cult-related storyline.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
Homecoming? Absolutely not. It's easily the worst, and thats not an easy feat since everything that came after SH4


Oct 25, 2017
OP it's shit and it has that game breaking save bug that stopped me right in my tracks.


Nov 7, 2018
I'm inclined to say yes, edpecially when you dig into its lore and symbolism, but the actual experience of playing feels very by-the-numbers, and I don't think its scenario, level design, and puzzles compare favorably to those from the first three games.

So, I'd say it's a bit too bland and too much of a retreat to be considered great in context, but, in a vacuum, I'd agree that it's underrated.


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't like Homecoming as a SH fan, and I enjoyed Downpour and Shattered Memories. Just not a good SH game and a very "ok" game in general.

What I do enjoy about later games, although not so much in Homecoming, is the protagonists acting more like how a human being would act in the situations they are thrown in. Murphy is great at this, and especially the characters in SM. The earlier games are classics, sure, but everyone sort of acts like a space cadet.


Oct 31, 2017
It's a terrible game. I could go on and on about the many subjective reasons I dislike it, but here's some objective ones:
  • It has no way to invert Y axis for camera control.
  • It has bugs that will prevent you from finishing the game that can be triggered by performing perfectly normal actions in a perfectly normal sequence.
  • It has no easy mode, despite the massive focus on combat (a new for the series) that tries to be challenging but ends up being very frustrating instead.


Oct 28, 2017
I think downpour is moreso underrated personally.

I would agree though if I could transplant the Homecoming soundtrack into Downpour I would. Of the post Team Silent SH games, Shattered Memories and Downpour are the only two games that I think are worth checking out.

Origins and Homecoming always felt corny to me. On the surface they read as Silent Hill but there's something incredibly hollow and soulless about them. Shattered Memories and Downpour definitely have their rough edges (SM has a great story but doesn't play well and Downpour is just kind of rough in a lot of ways) but they're both more interesting and I think take more chances than either Origins or Homecoming, which are two very uninspired games.


Oct 28, 2017
OP try and play Silent Hill Origins. It was a PSP game but was released on PS2 later. Its a british made silent hill but is probably the closest to team silent game out of all the non team silent games


Oct 25, 2017
Everything SH2 gets praise for regarding designs and themes and such Homecoming does equally as well.

The amount of shit Homecoming gets makes me believe very few people actually appreciate SH2 and just parrot what they heard someone else say to sound like they do. Every person who moans "Why is pyramid head there" outs themselves as secretly not given a shit about the lore and themes.


Oct 25, 2017
its literally the Sonic 06 of Silent Hill games. I love it, but its broken, shitty, stupid, and DUMB.

Technical problems:
-Can't keep a consistent framerate with drops to single digits in a few otherworld sections
-textures take ages to load in, or sometimes just don't, or some textures are just so awful they look unloaded
-several spots have game breaking bugs/softlocks, a notorious one in the house is a full game ender with no way to continue.

As a general horror game:
-thinks copious amounts of gore and sexual violence is cool and scary
-has the color pallette of gravestone, except for the otherworld where everything is ORANGE
-combat balance is broken as the knife stunlocks everything and any depth there is is just broken and mostly unusable

as a silent hill entry:
-takes a series known for mixing Japanese horror with western settings by completely tossing any cultural nuance out of the window and being a bog standard horror game with no innovation or unique ideas.
-Nearly every enemy design is a bootleg knockoff of another better monster in the series(Smog, Siam, Dogs, Nurse) and the few original designs are awful and hamfisted(Needler, Schism). The bosses are maybe the one saving grace here, Scarlet and Asphyxia are pretty amazing.
-Pyramid Head.... but again. Except he does nothing the two times he appears besides kill Alex's dad for drama

It's broken lore:
-Alex's excuse for being the first combat capable character is that hes a soldier, but the twist is that he isnt, so thats all bullshit.
-Alex is like 10 years older than Josh but is always treated as if they were just a few years a part, including radio shows and playing toys while Alex's VA doesn't even try to sound younger
-Shepherds Glen is 70% a cemetery and MY HOUSE, while also somehow touching Toluca Lake even though previous entries' maps show that being impossible
-All the early imagery is straight ripped from jacobs ladder wholesale

Thats just off the top of my head, but holy shit is the game unsalvageable. The few saving graces are the really cool wall peeling effect they stole from the movie and a few bosses, but besides that? Lol.

It's always weird to me how many people think its a good game. I despise Shattered Memories but that's still a much better game.


Oct 25, 2017
No, it's awful. Everything it does manages to scrap by being passable but nothing if very memorable either. I'd dare to say it's the most forgettable game I've ever played because I can't even remember anything other than the dullness I felt playing it.

Downpour is the underrated one because it actually tried to be creative despite still being a bit shit.

its literally the Sonic 06 of Silent Hill games. I love it, but its broken, shitty, stupid, and DUMB.

That about sums it up.


Oct 25, 2017
Everything SH2 gets praise for regarding designs and themes and such Homecoming does equally as well.

The amount of shit Homecoming gets makes me believe very few people actually appreciate SH2 and just parrot what they heard someone else say to sound like they do. Every person who moans "Why is pyramid head there" outs themselves as secretly not given a shit about the lore and themes.
Except for the fact most of Homecoming's imagery is whole ass ripped from SH2/3. Smog is just a Lying Figure, Siam is a Sexy Closer, Nurses are hot for no reason.

Imagery without implication means nothing. Alex shows no signs of sexual frustration or ANYTHING remotely sexual/romantic, yet a chunk of his monsters are sexualized because they looked at SH2 and thought "mmm sexy".

Pyramid Head is James' monster, I think you're the one parroting shit without know lore lol.

Edit: also why is Smog Alex's monster. Alex doesn't smoke, has no implication of having any shits given to the concept. Atleast Heather in 3 canonically smoked and dropped it, so the Insane Cancer did have personal meaning.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
It's not nearly as bad as its reputation would suggest, but it is pretty mediocre overall. Has some bright spots though.

If anything, Downpour is the underrated western Silent Hill.


Oct 25, 2017
Ya'll sleeping on Origins tbh. It had nowhere near the potential that Downpour did, but Origins' take on the Otherworld, most of its monsters(Especially things like TwoBack), and it's bosses are RAD as HELL(Sad Daddy's design is one of the few western designs I feel matches up with 1/2/3/4's quality)

If only Origins didn't ruin Lisa and mishandle Alessa's stuff so much. The Travis stuff is all pretty good.

Baked Pigeon

Oct 27, 2017
As a huge fan of Silent Hill, I'm pretty bummed I never got to play Homecoming. I bought it to only find out there was no inverted camera option. I requested a refund and never looked back :(

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
I also agree with all the others. Homecoming is broken and rough and bad. Downpour is rough too, but it's very interesting and genuinely creepy.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
origins was okay as a psp game. its not good, but its not horrible either. plus the theatre was a cool location and the upside down dolls were creepy. it had a cool puzzle too.
downpour is interesting but sidequests do not work for silent hill and the monster design is horrible


Oct 25, 2017
Except for the fact most of Homecoming's imagery is whole ass ripped from SH2/3. Smog is just a Lying Figure, Siam is a Sexy Closer, Nurses are hot for no reason.

Imagery without implication means nothing. Alex shows no signs of sexual frustration or ANYTHING remotely sexual/romantic, yet a chunk of his monsters are sexualized because they looked at SH2 and thought "mmm sexy".

Pyramid Head is James' monster, I think you're the one parroting shit without know lore lol.
Perfect example of someone blind to symbolism and didn't pay attention to any of the lore.

I'll see if I can find an old post going in to how well done it all is.

Edit: lol it's a post pointing out how wrong one of your statements is. Posting it seperate.


Oct 26, 2017
I haven't played it since it came out but I remember having a good time. I think I remember it being pretty good. It had flaws but they were things I could over look.


Oct 25, 2017
Copy + paste of old post explaining why Homecoming so great. If you actually appreciate what SH2 did Homecoming should be a really enjoyable game.

So, to that posters claim that Homecoming enemies are "good monster design but they didn't play into the story the way SH2 did. It was just nonsensical creatures."

I'll focus on a single enemy as going into all of them is too much. The Schism. Everything about these creatures is related to the Shepard family. I'll put in spoilers as some are needed.

To focus on their physical design, their heads are shaped like a pendulum, a torture device that slowly ticks back and forth (Schism shake their head so if observed while unnoticed) getting closer to the victim until they confess the truth, the same as Alex himself does throughout the game as he slowly realises the truth where he has really been and why.
Additionally the 'pendulum' of the Schism is split into two blades which can reference the Shepard family crest, the split in the family between Alex and his parents and even Alex's own split personality, the latter of which ties into the electric shock therapy ending which was once used as a cure for such disorders.
A really great thing done with the Schism are when you visit the Shepard home in the Otherworld, there are 4 Schism in the house, when you reach the attic you find 3, one is laying on the floor barely moving, representing Alex's mother, another is crouched over scared and crying, representing Alex's brother, the third is angry at Alex and attacks him, the father. It's very strange to see the three of them like this, but the most revealing one is the fourth Schism, found in the basement it has been sacrificed and beheaded using Alex's father's tools. Foreshadowing that this was meant to be Alex's fate, sacrificed by his own father. The actual story revelation doesn't take place until much later in the game.
There is also the split of the Silent Hill cult's religion, with the town being punished with monsters representing the split once they failed their sacrifice payment, but I think I've made my point, the enemies in Homecoming are very well designed and symbolic of the world, the characters and the story all by themselves. That was just one monster, they are all done extremely well.

Being the first console SH without the original team tainted this games chances at being viewed fairly and a large amount of criticisms I've seen over the years seem to be from people who must have never played it ("lol a hospital for no reason, just copying SH2" - like wtf did you play the game?) or just hating for not being original team, or never realised SH2 was good themselves and just parrot.


Oct 25, 2017
Perfect example of someone blind to symbolism and didn't pay attention to any of the lore.

I'll see if I can find an old post going in to how well done it all is.
no, again, symbolism without implication is bad symbolism. just because all the shit in homecoming does mean something, doesnt mean its well written enough to matter. Siam's being a personification of Alex's dad being abusive and overpowering his mother means little when the monster itself is just a mediocre bootleg of Closers(who were already reused Mandarins)

The dogs are literally just skinless

Needlers are big spider people with metal limbs and a head as their junk, which could easily be construed as birth imagery, except it shouldn't because nothing in Homecoming has to actually do with birth(a problem with amnion, too)

Nurses are sexy with fetuses in their guts for no reason beyond looking cool when the effect works. Again, monsters were only sexy for James because he was sexually fucked up. Alex isn't.

Pyramid Head/Boogeyman are literally just a rehash of the executioner theme and even if he has a tie to Alex's need for revenge, who cares? Its a carbon copy of SH2 with a slight difference. Even the Butcher and Bogeyman are better attempts at PH 2.0

Schism is maybe the best attempt, with a decent allegory to Alex's fractured memory, but by even Homecoming that concept was getting old.

Smog is literally just a smoke monster and whatever symbolism it COULD mean in reference to war is mute because Alex was never a soldier, and theres no other real reference to fire or smoking with Alex as a character so it doesnt work in any context besides wanting to force more silent hill 2 fanservice in.

You cant deny the SH2/3 bootlegging because half the achievements are whole ass SH2/3 references.

The only monster imagery that works is the bosses but, in amnions case, it does not work at all. Amnion is more of a monster based on their mom than Josh, despite every previous boss clearly being based on the children themselves.


Oct 25, 2017
Copy + paste of old post explaining why Homecoming so great. If you actually appreciate what SH2 did Homecoming should be a really enjoyable game.

So, to that posters claim that Homecoming enemies are "good monster design but they didn't play into the story the way SH2 did. It was just nonsensical creatures."

I'll focus on a single enemy as going into all of them is too much. The Schism. Everything about these creatures is related to the Shepard family. I'll put in spoilers as some are needed.

To focus on their physical design, their heads are shaped like a pendulum, a torture device that slowly ticks back and forth (Schism shake their head so if observed while unnoticed) getting closer to the victim until they confess the truth, the same as Alex himself does throughout the game as he slowly realises the truth where he has really been and why.
Additionally the 'pendulum' of the Schism is split into two blades which can reference the Shepard family crest, the split in the family between Alex and his parents and even Alex's own split personality, the latter of which ties into the electric shock therapy ending which was once used as a cure for such disorders.
A really great thing done with the Schism are when you visit the Shepard home in the Otherworld, there are 4 Schism in the house, when you reach the attic you find 3, one is laying on the floor barely moving, representing Alex's mother, another is crouched over scared and crying, representing Alex's brother, the third is angry at Alex and attacks him, the father. It's very strange to see the three of them like this, but the most revealing one is the fourth Schism, found in the basement it has been sacrificed and beheaded using Alex's father's tools. Foreshadowing that this was meant to be Alex's fate, sacrificed by his own father. The actual story revelation doesn't take place until much later in the game.
There is also the split of the Silent Hill cult's religion, with the town being punished with monsters representing the split once they failed their sacrifice payment, but I think I've made my point, the enemies in Homecoming are very well designed and symbolic of the world, the characters and the story all by themselves. That was just one monster, they are all done extremely well.

Being the first console SH without the original team tainted this games chances at being viewed fairly and a large amount of criticisms I've seen over the years seem to be from people who must have never played it ("lol a hospital for no reason, just copying SH2" - like wtf did you play the game?) or just hating for not being original team, or never realised SH2 was good themselves and just parrot.
Ya'll are looking way too deep into it, just like people look way too deep into sh2/3 and it makes this community tiring


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
"The enemies in homecoming are well designed because i overnanalyzed this one enemy"
Thats not how it works chief.
If you want to convince people Homecoming is this precious gem everyone else is too dumb to understand, put the work. Explain Smog. Explain the relevance of Pyramid Head on it. Explain all the flaws people are pointing out instead of cherrypicking the one example you can gush over and close your ears to everything else.


Oct 25, 2017
I literally grew up on the worse Silent Hill games with Homecoming being the first I ever owned instead of renting at age like 11/12, and I loved it at the time. I was never clouded by an obsessive love for the others lol sometimes games are bad and its fine to still like/love them


Oct 25, 2017
no, again, symbolism without implication is bad symbolism. just because all the shit in homecoming does mean something, doesnt mean its well written enough to matter. Siam's being a personification of Alex's dad being abusive and overpowering his mother means little when the monster itself is just a mediocre bootleg of Closers(who were already reused Mandarins)

The dogs are literally just skinless

Needlers are big spider people with metal limbs and a head as their junk, which could easily be construed as birth imagery, except it shouldn't because nothing in Homecoming has to actually do with birth(a problem with amnion, too)

Nurses are sexy with fetuses in their guts for no reason beyond looking cool when the effect works. Again, monsters were only sexy for James because he was sexually fucked up. Alex isn't.

Pyramid Head/Boogeyman are literally just a rehash of the executioner theme and even if he has a tie to Alex's need for revenge, who cares? Its a carbon copy of SH2 with a slight difference. Even the Butcher and Bogeyman are better attempts at PH 2.0

Schism is maybe the best attempt, with a decent allegory to Alex's fractured memory, but by even Homecoming that concept was getting old.

Smog is literally just a smoke monster and whatever symbolism it COULD mean in reference to war is mute because Alex was never a soldier, and theres no other real reference to fire or smoking with Alex as a character so it doesnt work in any context besides wanting to force more silent hill 2 fanservice in.

You cant deny the SH2/3 bootlegging because half the achievements are whole ass SH2/3 references.

The only monster imagery that works is the bosses but, in amnions case, it does not work at all. Amnion is more of a monster based on their mom than Josh, despite every previous boss clearly being based on the children themselves.
I could type up plenty of examples why your missing loads of symbolism on these enemies, but honestly, the wiki points out loads of them. Your post is just wrong.


Oct 28, 2017
The best way to think of it is this: Homecoming got a couple aspects of the "Silent Hill formula" alright and some horribly wrong, and Downpour did the opposite elements right/wrong. Homecoming generally has solid monster design (even if their gameplay designs are trash and not enjoyable to fight/run away from) and otherworld design, but fails spectacularly in plot/story/characters. Downpour was slightly better in story/general area design, but its creature designs are truly awful and the otherworld left me scratching my head. That isn't to say I enjoyed Downpour's story. I didn't, but the atmosphere as you walked through town was decent.

I hated both games to be completely honest, but as far as Homecoming goes, there are some head-scratching moments. Pyramid head's inclusion. The knife is the best melee weapon in the game despite all the "upgrades" thrown at you. Monsters don't leash AT ALL, so you can wind up running through town as a comical conga line forms behind you.

And the worst of all is a spoiler, but keep in mind that the "improved" combat is because Alex is a soldier, and is therefore better at fighting than someone like James or Harry. Once you finish the game, come back and read this spoiler.

The dude has never been a soldier, so why would he be any better than other SH protagonists at fighting freak monsters? It's hilarious to think about.

Also, lmao anyone who asks why pyramid head is there doesn't care about the themes? You're joking, right?