
Nov 6, 2017


Taiwan's efforts in epidemic prevention during the COVID-19 pandemic have been commended worldwide, leading to international media coining the term "The Taiwan Model."
Taiwan's government benefits from transparency, so there is less friction and more respect from its people for public policies. The island avoided an educational crisis and a severe blow to its economy.

Doing this through a rigorous quarantine early on in the growth of the pandemic and enforcing strict border restrictions, it maintained a civil and orderly environment.
Taiwanese people have a deep respect for each other and the democratic society they live in which aided the containment of the virus.
Wearing masks became a social norm, alcohol sanitizers were available in public areas, social distancing was enforced, while schools and offices operated safely.

According to Mung Chiang and Jonathan Moore who published an article on the U.S. Department of State's website, "A formula consisting of respect for human rights, accountability, rule of law, and transparency has made the people of Taiwan more nimble, innovative, and successful in combating international health threats, including COVID-19."

Whereas Taiwanese citizens are understanding of the thorough procedures that involve phone tracking and other strict quarantine measures, Western societies may find this invasive.

Taiwanese people are obliged to wear masks in all public transportations and other public areas. They respect the greater good which demonstrates a utilitarian society. While people in the United States strongly oppose something as basic as mask-wearing.

Analysis | Is the 'Taiwan Model' the panacea for virus prevention? | The China Post, Taiwan

TAIPEI (The China Post) — Taiwan’s efforts in epidemic prevention during the COVID-19 pandemic have been commended worldwide, leading to international media coining the term “The Taiwan Model.” The island has set a high international standard in its strategies for combatting the virus but does...


Dec 1, 2017
Malaysian here and we're kinda doing the same thing as them. Our cases have been double digits for a long while now, (save for a spike recently). And life has really gotten back very close to normal just with a lot of precautions and rules of course but I think that's the way to go. The quicker you get used to it the faster we get it under control.

I was talking to a friend from New York. He said this will never happen in US because they're just too rebellious in nature. An intrinsic value embedded so deep it'll be hard to convince people to just follow simple rules to curb the virus. And having politics folded into it must be a nightmare too! I feel you guys.


Oct 25, 2017
Osaka, Japan
Isnt this just the genral East/Southeast Asian model/practice. Japan pretty much operates the same way minus the phone tracking. Though South Korea is pretty much the same from article from what ive heard


Oct 25, 2017
Citizens of many Asian countries have a sense of collective responsibility that us here in Western countries simply lack. Certainly makes it easier to get situations like these under control.


Oct 29, 2017
Having or knowing the model isn't the problem in the US.

Never mind for a second that people in the US resist every compulsory measure for their own protection, you can't even convince the federal government (or states, especially) to do contact tracing or test adequately.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess things wouldn't get so bad in the west if the simple act of "wearing a mask" doesn't turn into circus of stupidity. How asking citizen to wear a mask become such controversy issue.


Oct 26, 2017
They already had few practice runs with previous regional pandemics, and it also helps that they don't trust mainland China and have started quarantine procedures before WHO started ringing the bell. They are also small country with easily enforceable border quarantine.

They did a great job.

I still rank them as best place to be in a worldwide zombie apocalypse, and one of the most important places to defend during zombie apocalypse [because of their ability to create almost anything including processing chips].


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Isnt this just the genral East/Southeast Asian model/practice. Japan pretty much operates the same way minus the phone tracking. Though South Korea is pretty much the same from article from what ive heard

From what I have seen the news for the various SEA/East Asian countries, Taiwan is the most successful when it comes to implementation and results. They don't even have to wear masks in the public anymore because the numbers are so low. Pretty much back to normal besides the lack of tourists. The other Asian countries are still catching up because we started later than they did. They never had a big outbreak and never had to do a lockdown because they handled it right from the beginning.


Oct 29, 2017
Glasgow, Scotland
Oh to be Taiwan. I hate that my country Scotland is relatively forward thinking but we still have the usual dog-eat-dog racist conspiracy theorist types. That mentality tears us apart when it's really not that difficult to just get along, have respect and listen to the experts. See where it gets you!


Oct 27, 2017
This just won't work in the west. People have first world problems and can't be bothered to cut down their lifestyle even one bit for the greater good.

Furthermore, Asian culture is more open to this kind of action. You can't change hundreds of years in a short time.

From what I have seen the news for the various SEA/East Asian countries, Taiwan is the most successful when it comes to implementation and results. They don't even have to wear masks in the public anymore because the numbers are so low. Pretty much back to normal besides the lack of tourists. The other Asian countries are still catching up because we started later than they did. They never had a big outbreak and never had to do a lockdown because they handled it right from the beginning.

Vietnam was one of the most successful worldwide but somehow didn't get much coverage.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
This just won't work in the west. People have first world problems and can't be bothered to cut down their lifestyle even one bit for the greater good.

Furthermore, Asian culture is more open to this kind of action. You can't change hundreds of years in a short time.

Vietnam was one of the most successful worldwide but somehow didn't get much coverage.

Yup. That too. Their numbers did increase ever now and then but generally remained low or at zero daily.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
I love Taiwan. Amazing food, low cost of living for ex-pats, everything from big cities to beautiful rural areas easy to visit within a day, and generous & friendly people. And now add "Best at COVID-19" to the list.


Oct 27, 2017
Thailand is doing basically the same thing. It's been amazing. I'm so glad I was here when things started - life is basically back to normal save for the constant mask wearing and sanitizing/temp checks. I don't even wear a mask at the gym working out.


Oct 30, 2017
Isnt this just the genral East/Southeast Asian model/practice. Japan pretty much operates the same way minus the phone tracking. Though South Korea is pretty much the same from article from what ive heard

Taiwan really hasn't had an outbreak since the navy ship in...April? Compared to other SEA countries that started having blow ups when they began opening. Life has been pretty normal here since the end of Feb, while I've been listening to my parents slowly go insane in the US.