Phil me in

Nov 22, 2018
Edit can a mod correct the title please.

Half life 1 is a masterpiece in gaming, level design, story conveyance and enemy encounter, even if xen sucked.

Half life 2 isn't. The gravity gun and that robot might be cool and fun but I feel like the game holds your hand on safe rollercoaster, going down a call of duty corridor, while being spoon fed stuff about the combine.


Hl1 while minimalist it's superb. You're thrown in thinking wtf is going on and you think everything is your fault, although if you search before the cascade you can see aliens. You piece together what's going on, what to do and needs to be done. Although I can't remember why you had to launch that rocket mid game. It's mysterious but gives you enough easy pieces to put together. Not to mention part of the story is just to survive and escape.

Hl2 story sucks. Typical alien invasion, save the world crap. No real explanation why g man brings you back other than it's time lol. Most of the story is just thrown at you by nps, while they tell you what to do next. The end of the games Clift hanger sucked, can't remember episode 1, but episode 2 seemed better.

Enemy variety

Hl1 has many different aliens including those face lurkers that legit shit you up the first time you play it.
Marines and black ops.
Hl2 mainly alien foot soldiers and the odd bullet sponge mechs.
Giant tentacle thing you have to solve like a puzzle.

Level design

Hl1 while a linear game would make you think it isn't the first time you played it, especially in the late 90s. Many areas are open with different paths leading to stuff, the game wants you to explore and rewards you fairly. This openness, especially in areas with encounters is great. Sometimes you would be left thinking where to go next and watch to check without being overbearing.

Hl2 level design isn't on the same level. I legit feel like I'm walking down one huge corridor and encounters with the enemy foot soldiers who all have guns reflect the level design too. Tbf there are some areas that are fun and have good encounters but they're usually those scripted defend areas ie mini horde sections.

Hl1 most guns feel great and add to the survival horror near the start when you're using your crowbar and pistol. The shotgun is one of the best shotguns in gaming and is super useful. The marine is machine gun is fantastic as well.

That sub machine is utter shite in this and the shotgun is nowhere near as useful since you're fighting soldiers majority of the time. The heavy machine gun bouncy ball thing is good though. Gravity gun is overrated imo.

When I played hl2 on release I just felt something was missing and didn't get the urge to surge on I got form hl1. Hl1 got better and better as you went along bar xen which isn't a big part.

I'm sure there's more, but that's it for now.
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I didn't know they came out with a Half-n-Half 2. Coffee be stepping up.


Oct 25, 2017
I wanna play 1

2 was dated and awkward as someone who played it post 360 era with no history behind it (aka as a teen)


Oct 27, 2017

Yeah Half-Half was definitely bit more rich & creamy, Half-Half 2 was too pasteurized.


Mar 10, 2019
Half-half of 1 is ten times greater than 2.2 when averages are compared.


Nov 20, 2017
It's amazing how hard and pure Half-Life goes with its action. It's kind of ridiculous, and I love it. The alien invasion, launching a rocket, killing a giant mega-alien, launching air strikes, traveling to another fucking planet to blow shit up. You have probably one of the best weapon loadouts in FPS history, and the experimental science/alien weaponry alone puts Half-Life's 2 boring selection to shame. Half-Life 1 doesn't need to rely on a(n admittedly really fucking cool at the time) physics engine to make things interesting because it's constantly throwing you into amazing scenarios and settings. The horror atmosphere is fantastic and you're constantly on your toes. God, I could go on forever. Why the hell couldn't we at least get the Gluon Gun back for HL2?

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Yea I would agree. Not that HL2 was a problematic game, but the first really did feel a bit better devised.

Xen aside of course.


Jan 14, 2018
I do agree Half-Life 2 hasn't aged as well as Half-Life 1. It's honestly easier for me to go back and play through the first one.
At the time it came out though, it blew me away.

Laser Man

Oct 26, 2017
Don't you think you are exaggerating a bit here?

Realistically it's only 8.5 times better and not 10 times! Hyperbolic posts make me rage in my gamer chair!


"This guy are sick"
Apr 8, 2018
I didn't really love either game, but I think HL1 holds up better. There are large swaths of HL2 that I felt were boring slogs when it came out and I can't imagine time has been kind to it


May 17, 2018
I played black mesa then HL2, and I didn't like HL2 that much. It had Banjo Tooie syndrome where the scale went up too high in a lot of places, and I didn't like the pace.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey guys what if we interrupted our blockbuster FPS game for a SECOND clunky vehicle segment that almost feels like you're escorting the car.

For like a half hour.

Loading screens every 5 minutes because You cover ground faster in a vehicle.


Oct 27, 2017
To get serious, you can probably objectively say that the art direction in HL2 was a lot more grown up and modern.
Victor Antonov did half-magic at Valve with City 17, the used world feel, the overhead cabling and vertical scale details, the combine architecture overtaking the city. stuff is still being copied today.
HL2 is a lot more modern that way, HL1 still feels like most of the level design came straight out of a BSP worldcraft editor instead of using custom meshes and those being concepted by an actual artist.


Oct 25, 2017
HL1 was a prototype of how FPS games might be designed someday, HL2 was a showcase of how it was actually done.

I guess it depends what you value more: beeing the first one to come up with a new idea or beeing the first one to implement that existing idea.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know how well I'm able to compare the two games now - I've replayed them both within the last couple of years and neither holds up that well.

The first game has more satisfying weapons (outside of the gravity gun, which I do like) and encounters. It also has an abysmal ending.

The second game has some good segments, but replaying it I didn't find many of the weapons that fun to use and the vehicle segments are worse than I remembered. The game itself is too long for its own good and having to drive the stupid boat and car for ages doesn't help.


Oct 28, 2017
I agree. Half-Life 2 has some great gameplay, especially with stuff like the gravity gun, but the original game had a much better atmosphere and was a much more memorable and formative experience for me.


Dec 10, 2018
I like the story, world building, level design and pacing of HL1 more than 2. 2 does everything else better.

Xen can go fuck itself in the corner though.

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
Only part I dislike about Half-life 1 was when you get out of the facility and the soldiers are attacking.

It's a cool moment storywise, but I just hate playing through it. It's just hard as hell to me and doesn't feel quite right that this engineer Gordon Freeman suddenly is taking on an entire army.
Fighting against a bunch of aliens? Sure, that's fine, but an army of trained soldiers, invisible ninjas, tanks, and helicopters? Not so much IMO.

Half-life 2 I probably like PLAYING more, but it does drag on and on at times and lacks some of the great set-pieces of the first game (like the green tentacle, or meeting the army for the first time, or going to Xen, etc.).


Oct 25, 2017
Hey guys what if we interrupted our blockbuster FPS game for a SECOND clunky vehicle segment that almost feels like you're escorting the car.

For like a half hour.

Loading screens every 5 minutes because You cover ground faster in a vehicle.

Those loading screens are a thing of the past now with SSD. Same with Mass Effect 1 texture pop in.


Oct 25, 2017
HL1 was a prototype of how FPS games might be designed someday, HL2 was a showcase of how it was actually done.

I guess it depends what you value more: beeing the first one to come up with a new idea or beeing the first one to implement that existing idea.
I don't understand this post. Half Life 1 is a better game. What is it you're suggesting it didn't do? Or at least, didn't do first?
But the copter fight... and the physics...
Cool at the time. In retrospect, pretty clunky, barely worth its own air, and definitely not a pay off worth the entire airboat section. Nevermind that the car sections had NO payoff.


Oct 29, 2017
I played HL1 too late to appreciate its innovations at the time. While many praised its minimalist storytelling with everything happening
"live" playing it in 2001 made the trigger points where this thing happens or that thing happens too transparent. It was like going through a haunted house ride at the county fair. You hit the trigger, the monster jumps out.
HL2 to me was much better paced and just didn't age as badly as HL1 did.


Oct 26, 2017
A wrong thread at the right time can make all the difference in the world.

I think you're right. Persuasive argument, thumbs up.


Oct 31, 2017
Hey guys what if we interrupted our blockbuster FPS game for a SECOND clunky vehicle segment that almost feels like you're escorting the car.

For like a half hour.

Loading screens every 5 minutes because You cover ground faster in a vehicle.

I don't want to live in a world where people badmouth the Highway 17 chapter.

Deleted member 8468

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Half life 2 had near perfect pacing, and the art/ sound design was spectacular. As much as I love the first and always will it did have limitations and Zen was a down moment right at the end, while HL2 is a near perfect game in my eyes.


Oct 27, 2017
Hard agree. HL2 has a lot of dead air and the vehicle sections are worse than Xen ever was.
HL2's vehicle sections have to be seen in the context of time and evolution of fps engines.
2001-3 was around the time when Unreal and other engines developed more modern style terrain systems, finally making it possible to break out of smaller levels. Skyboxes at the edge of the map got better as well instead of the need to have walls everywhere.
Engines got the ability to have vaster swathes of terrain insead of the usual Quake engine simple blocky .BSP portal based labyrinths.
Couple that with the increased focus on physics gameplay and it seems quite natural that Valve built the vehicle sections.
I still like the on-the-road segments of the game, it makes it feel like a real journey across the country side instead of loading a bunch of levels. It is quite opposite to the repetitve hub/over worlds of today where you return to the same location over and over.