Oct 28, 2017
Im sure most people of a certain age or demo know this but for the small amount of members and lurkers who may not know this.

For the love of God don't do it!

I have babies who wait too long. I have old people that don't know how long to wait. And I have teenagers that just don't aim. And even if it just a small amount of splash back it adds up. So I know it may seem like a no brainer because bleach is added to a shit ton of household cleaning stuffs but please learn from the Old Man Soapbox, this Mother's Day, when your children decide to do something nice for mom like clean the bathroom. Don't use bleach.

I think I can smell the future now.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I use a mixture of soap and vinegar for regular surface cleaning.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Bleach is what you should use in the toilet bowl actually, and anywhere you have mildew. Just turn on the vent fan after. You do HAVE one, right?


Technical artist
Oct 27, 2017
I used to work on the maintenance team at a small university. One of the bathrooms was being remodeled, and after it was emptied it was my job to clean the floor.

It was time to get that floor REALLY clean, so I decided to use bleach, along with an ammonia-based cleaner.


I had no idea. Accidentally turned the bathroom into a war crime.


Oct 27, 2017
But, I like the smell of bleach. Not pure or too strong, but I like a light bleach smell with water. The only thing I actually use bleach on is just putting a bit in the toilet. Literally because I like the smell. Am I fucking crazy!?

Bleach abuse has done its number on you over the years, that's for damn sure.

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
Look, sometimes shit just happens. There are times my pee just split in two different directions and I'm lucky if one of those directions weren't on my pants.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Seriously. That doesn't seem like a real thing to be concerned about. And I mean, flush the fucking toilet after you clean it with bleach, any way. My routine is, put in some bleach. Let it sit for a while. Use the toilet brush, and then flush.

Flush it before too to minimize any urine in the bowl before you start, but yeah it's hard to imagine there's enough concentrated ammonia in the pee around the toilet that you have to worry about gassing yourself.

Learning not to mix the two cleaners is important overall though.


Oct 25, 2017
Because bleach and urine in a small space will literally kill you because of the chemical reaction
You should make sure the space is well ventilated if you use bleach at all, but there is not enough ammonia in the urine you're cleaning up to produce a dangerous amount of chloramine gas. The combination isn't good on principle, but the concentrations and amounts involved in regular cleaning usually aren't that high.


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
I'm sorry, but fellow penis-havers, what the fuck are y'all doing? It is not difficult to get the piss in the bowl. Maybe a little splash back - like a drop or two. I get that. But if you're just wildly pissing all over the seat, what's going on there**? Are you an agent of chaos, sent from the future to sacrifice our toilets to the Piss Gods?

Just AIM, folks. And for the love of all that is good in the world, put the seat back down. It takes a second. Have some compassion for people who pee sitting down.

**I'll give ya a free pass if you're like 12 or younger. I dunno, kids are uncoordinated and sometimes it's a more awkward angle when you're shorter. It's understandable. And if you've got a motor disorder or something that makes it difficult, then yeah, of course, I can see cutting you some slack on that. But if you're grown up and otherwise able to pee on-target, come on.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I used to work on the maintenance team at a small university. One of the bathrooms was being remodeled, and after it was emptied it was my job to clean the floor.

It was time to get that floor REALLY clean, so I decided to use bleach, along with an ammonia-based cleaner.


I had no idea. Accidentally turned the bathroom into a war crime.
Ok, now THIS is a good point.

mixing bleach with vinegar is also a no-no but less likely to burn your mucus membranes. Even strong bleach-only fumes without ventilation can damage eyes etc, and lung tissue.
Soapbox Killer
Oct 28, 2017
How much bleach and piss are you mixing together.

I have 7 boys. Non of them seem to aim.

Seriously. That doesn't seem like a real thing to be concerned about. And I mean, flush the fucking toilet after you clean it with bleach, any way. My routine is, put in some bleach. Let it sit for a while. Use the toilet brush, and then flush.
See above
You should make sure the space is well ventilated if you use bleach at all, but there is not enough ammonia in the urine you're cleaning up to produce a dangerous amount of chloramine gas. The combination isn't good on principle, but the concentrations and amounts involved in regular cleaning usually aren't that high.

They aim like chimps.


Aug 13, 2020
Because bleach and urine in a small space will literally kill you because of the chemical reaction
There might be some mild irritation, but you're not going to die from the very small amount of Chloramine gas produced from the small amount of ammonia in piss.

Mixing bleach with an ammonia based cleaning agent is a different matter entirely.


Oct 27, 2017
It takes a much higher concentration of ammonia to do that than urine contains. You'd have to dump a gallon or so of ammonia into the toilet along with a gallon or so of bleach.

Now, that being said, I have seen someone do that before. This was when I was in the Marines, so the guy that did it had the benefit of having a military-grade gas mask handy. But on the flip side, it did clean the shit out of that bathroom. It works every bit as well as you'd expect, as long as you can deal with the side effects.


Oct 29, 2017
Because bleach and urine in a small space will literally kill you because of the chemical reaction

If your really want a chemical reaction add bleach and vinegar.... NO DON'T!.. Trying to clean some nasty stains in a new (old) house I put some vinegar in the bowl, and then forgetting what I'd done I later added bleach, and made chlorine gas... That was bad, and really could kill you.


Oct 25, 2017
I have 7 boys. Non of them seem to aim.

See above

They aim like chimps.
Someone on Reddit did the math.
From Wikipedia:
Urine is an aqueous solution of greater than 95% water, with the remaining constituents, in order of decreasing concentration urea 9.3 g/L, chloride 1.87 g/L, sodium 1.17 g/L, potassium 0.750 g/L, creatinine 0.670 g/L and other dissolved ions, inorganic and organic compounds.

Subsequent to elimination from the body, urine can acquire strong odors due to bacterial action, and in particular the release of ammonia from the breakdown of urea.

Also from an MSDS (http://www.hasapool.com/pdf/msds/106.pdf) about 12.5% Sodium Hypochlorite bleach (seems like a common concentration)
Common household bleach solution is 12.5 % by weight sodium hypochlorite. That translates to about 12% by weight available chlorine content.

Knowing that it seems clear that the 9.3 g/L of urea is going to be our limiting reagent.
So: The density of bleach is 1.2 g/mL and the density of urine is essentially 1 since it is 95%+ water.
If we mix 1 mL of the two that means we are mixing 0.144 g of Chlorine with 0.0093 g of urea. Let's just assume that 100% of the Urea forms ammonia:
The molecular wt. of urea is ~60.1 with 28 of that being due to Nitrogen. So to make it easy we will say %50 of the urea is nitrogen. And since two ammonia can form from 1 urea, the math simplified amazingly, we basically can make 0.0093 g. of ammonia.
So, since the reaction of ammonia and chlorine is given as:
2NH3 + Cl2 → 2NH2Cl (thanks chemistry.com), you can make 0.0093 g. of chloramine gas per mL of urine and bleach you mix.
The human bladder can hold roughly 500 mL of urine, so if you mixed a full bladder with an amount of bleach over ~150 mL. You'd make about 4.65 g of chloramine gas. Which in any space but a very small shower would be below toxicity.
Now, the Chlorine gas: I can't find a good paper at the moment describing the amount of Cl2 gas emitted for a given mixture. And since it is a factor of the drop in pH caused by the ammonia as well as other reactions in the solution I don't feel like I can speculate too much.
So no, the amounts you could feasibly make during cleaning are unlikely to be dangerous. Maybe use something other than bleach to be on the safe side, but it's not like any combination of urine and bleach is going to make a bomb.


Mar 28, 2024
Urine is never concentrated enough to have enough ammonia to turn your bathroom into a mustard gas bomb if you use bleach.
Soapbox Killer
Oct 28, 2017
Upon further review I wonder did they use ammonia as well? It is soooo strong in there I just thought it was pee.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Sorry OP, but I'm always going to put a bloop! of bleach in my toilet bowl.
Soapbox Killer
Oct 28, 2017
It takes a much higher concentration of ammonia to do that than urine contains. You'd have to dump a gallon or so of ammonia into the toilet along with a gallon or so of bleach.

Now, that being said, I have seen someone do that before. This was when I was in the Marines, so the guy that did it had the benefit of having a military-grade gas mask handy. But on the flip side, it did clean the shit out of that bathroom. It works every bit as well as you'd expect, as long as you can deal with the side effects.

No not in the toilet, on the sides and behind it. They miss and then it dries out but the urine concentration still remains. And since I have so many boys… I normally get behind them often but if I don't. Today happens


Nov 13, 2018
They definitely used some all purpose cleaner or something that had ammonia in it as well, rather than it being the pee stains it's reacting with. Or maybe just way too much bleach and it's just the large concentration of bleach causing the irritation. If public restrooms can be cleaned with bleach without killing the janitor, pee is not the culprit.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Bleach is not really an all purpose cleaner. Better to use that shit with purpose, and of course, keep away from ammonia while you're using it. The first time I asked about bleach, this is what I was told. My parents weren't the most enlightened bunch but on this they knew exactly what to stress.
Soapbox Killer
Oct 28, 2017
Time for some bathroom renovations

Tell me about it.

Wait! This is a live situation unfolding!? Yeah, I'd probably be popping open some windows, turning on some fans, and getting out of the house if you think this is a real possibility.

I already aired it out but it is lingering like a trapped fart in a revolving door.

They definitely used some all purpose cleaner or something that had ammonia in it as well, rather than it being the pee stains it's reacting with. Or maybe just way too much bleach and it's just the large concentration of bleach causing the irritation. If public restrooms can be cleaned with bleach without killing the janitor, pee is not the culprit.

I thought they might have used something else but I don't see any of it here.

Get the fuck out of there Jesus

Yeah we already good.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes good reminder for everyone!

Too many cleaning products have vinegar in them, which when mixed with bleach creates chlorine gas ☠️

I am very careful when using bleach.


Oct 30, 2017
Because bleach and urine in a small space will literally kill you because of the chemical reaction

While it does release a bit of chloramine gas, it's nowhere near enough to be fatal. Incidents of chloramine gas poisoning require highly concentrated ammonia like in cleaning supplies.

As long as you aren't literally peeing in pure bleach and trying to inhale the built-up fumes, it's unlikely to post any health risk.

You still shouldn't mix them, but it's fine to use in toilets.


▲ Legend ▲
Jun 23, 2021
My husband cleans the shower with bleach, is that okay? Or are we just talking about toilets


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
I've been using bleach for like 20 years and nothing has gone wrong. So I might just continue to live dangerously.

Bizkit Krueger

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Sep 8, 2022
really worried about the gallons of piss I spilled all over my freshly cleaned bathroom right now