
Oct 25, 2017
Should teach them to sit if they can't aim their piss into a toilet.

Also, bleach is fine.


Nov 26, 2017
I thought this was about putting bleach in a toilet tank or how it's corrosive and breaks down rubber seals.

Something about the Aizen?


Oct 28, 2017
Because bleach and urine in a small space will literally kill you because of the chemical reaction

My husband did this once while cleaning up an area of his basement where his ex girlfriend's dogs would pee in. They had been peeing on this one spot for six months. He obviously wasn't thinking right and poured some bleach on it. The resulting chloramine gas nearly put him in the hospital.


Oct 27, 2017
-If- this was entirely the result of them cleaning up piss with bleach, at least use this as a teachable moment as to why they should try to aim.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I always use bleach to clean the bathroom! The only thing that gets the shower and sink sparkling clean for me. And all of my sweatpants are ruined because of it.

Windows open and vent fan on!


Oct 6, 2022
Because bleach and urine in a small space will literally kill you because of the chemical reaction
Your original post that contains zero details suggested to me you have no idea what you are talking about, this post confirmed it.

You sound like the kind of person that would have strong opinions on complex social/political issues, but as soon as someone counters you with some facts, you would tell them 'go and watch the video I saw on Facebook'.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Chemist here: please do not mix bleach with other cleaning products.

Because yes, in some cases it produces chlorine gas that can kill you.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Because bleach and urine in a small space will literally kill you



Apr 21, 2024
if cleaning urine with bleach is making mustard gas you need to go to the doctor something is very wrong with your kidneys

Fall Damage

Oct 31, 2017
My father in law was over the other day and I noticed a small piece of TP on the floor in front of the toilet. It was only after I tried to pick it up that I realized it was the remnants of his failed attempt to clean up the massive puddle of urine he somehow left behind, and it was stuck to the tile. I don't how one even does this without trying but a couple clorox disinfectant wipes later the crisis was averted. I suppose I should hold my breath next time.
Soapbox Killer
Oct 28, 2017
Your original post that contains zero details suggested to me you have no idea what you are talking about, this post confirmed it.

You sound like the kind of person that would have strong opinions on complex social/political issues, but as soon as someone counters you with some facts, you would tell them 'go and watch the video I saw on Facebook'.

If you read this entire thread and all my follow up comments and you still came up with the same conclusion then you have made a well informed statement.


Oct 27, 2017
You know if you sit the piss goes where it's supposed to, and doesn't splash droplets outside the toilet.

Also, can't remember the last time I cleaned with bleach.


Oct 25, 2017
I use bleach without fear. Everywhere. Thanks to my mom for ingraining that; if it don't smell like bleach it ain't clean.


Apr 1, 2019
Just sit down when you pee, that way you can think about your life choices and have 100% accuracy rate

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
Ok many already cleared it up but I'm just gonna re-emphasize

There is not enough ammonia in ordinary daily exposures to urine to combine with bleach to produce enough chloramine gas to make you sick. Turn the fan on/open a window and have at it. The concentration is too low.

But in general since I have cats and dogs and deal with piss regularly, I stick to Lysol-like products.


A chemical engineer
Soapbox Killer
Oct 28, 2017
Are you sure a cat isn't pissing in your bathroom?

This is a good point.

Why don't you teach your kids to sit while peeing at home?

3 toddlers wanting to pee like big boys and as archaic as it may sound, I never taught my older boys to sit and pee. I just wasn't a thing. Overall this is probably a one-off since the population of my house has exploded or like Red Fire said might have been one of the cats.


Oct 27, 2017
Bleach + ammonia = no
Bleach + vinegar = also avoid but you're less likely to do a war crime (vinegar isn't that strong of an acid)
Bleach + urine = uhhh I think you'd have to mix a lot of urine in to run into an issue, but yeah I guess it might smell bad


Oct 27, 2017
When potty training I would always shout "Stay on target...STAY ON TARGET" and that hasn't failed me yet aside from some laughs.

But with older boys that you have, maybe tell them to actually piss in the bowl. My cousin does that shit where he takes his phone with him just to pee and there's always a puddle of piss after, I don't get it.


"This guy are sick"
Jan 8, 2018
Strange one this. I mean sure if you're in an extraordinarily small and narrow unventilated bathroom? That would probably cause issues. But I've used bleach in the toilet for years and it's fine. I prefer to use a cleaner for limescale elsewhere in the bathroom and otherwise only really use bleach to unclog the shower drain / sink drain but I really don't get the issue with it in the toilet.
Soapbox Killer
Oct 28, 2017
Strange one this. I mean sure if you're in an extraordinarily small and narrow unventilated bathroom? That would probably cause issues. But I've used bleach in the toilet for years and it's fine. I prefer to use a cleaner for limescale elsewhere in the bathroom and otherwise only really use bleach to unclog the shower drain / sink drain but I really don't get the issue with it in the toilet.

NOT IN THE BOWL. On the side and the back because boys aim like firemen fighting a 4 alarm blaze in the forest.
Soapbox Killer
Oct 28, 2017
Why don't you just flush it before anyone uses it?

I'm sorry. When young boys miss, the miss the toilet COMPLETELY. They get the floor and the behind it and since I have so many boys, I thought this was just an accumulation of misses that dried behind the toilet but it very well might have been the cat or even a bad O-ring. I normally clean it but I don't clean with bleach first.

I really should get a urinal in the house.


Oct 27, 2017
I get some people the stream might go mad now and then but some people just take the piss (Literally) and don't even clean up after themselves (And I have slightly tight foreskin, it's an issue but not one I've let destroy toilets). Had a couple of friends over the years and went for a piss after him at my slightly better off friends house. Had to embarassingly layer up and wipe up after him. (We aren't friends anymore, told the better off mate and he was like fucks sake, he has kids and they can wipe a drop on the seat now and then).

Had another mate who would just go wild, I was convinced the toilet was leaking until we stopped hanging out and it stopped. All over the floor and like it was one of those size of a cubicle toilets, right up to the door almost.

Also alway used bleach. Flush first and around the bowl. Leave in till next time the toilet is used and flush. My mum has too, did that last night and the toilet is nice and white and no weird smell.


Oct 25, 2017
Do you have a cat? Cat piss is super high in ammonia and will create chlorine gas when mixed with bleach but human pee shouldn't be doing this.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I used to work on the maintenance team at a small university. One of the bathrooms was being remodeled, and after it was emptied it was my job to clean the floor.

It was time to get that floor REALLY clean, so I decided to use bleach, along with an ammonia-based cleaner.


I had no idea. Accidentally turned the bathroom into a war crime.
Most places don't stock both kinds of cleaners for this exact reason.


May 31, 2022
Men, it's time to start peeing sitting down. I've been doing it for a couple years now and I'm never going back.


Mar 4, 2024
I just sit when I pee at home, my boys are 4 and potty trained and they use a child seat ladder thing when the go on the big boy toilet. I only stand when I'm at a public toilet.