
Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
First of all, I have to say, I like the prequels movies, I think that Phantom Menace is a cool "Baby's first Star Wars" Return of the Sith is an entertaining and epic movie and I have nothing good to say about attack of the clones even back then when I was a 12 years old boy., but overall the trilogy was good enough to make me interested into the original trilogy and eventually into the sequel trilogy, so for the most part of this decade, I have defended them as much as posible (which is not that much to be honest, because I have always being aware that the movies has a shit ton of flaws that are imposible to defend)

So with that in mind, is really baffling to see suddenly people praising the movies for a lot of weird reasons that for the most part, feel like desperate excuses to try to shit on the Disney era movies, like, where were all of you guys on the last 15 years when people weere claiming that George Lucas LITERALLY raped their childhood with those movies?.

Now, I'm aware that there is a decent crowd from my age range that considers the prequels to be the standard bearer of Star Wars and that also rarely goes into nerd fórums to have discussions about the franchise, but still, feels weird that only now people are coming out to defend the movies


Nov 9, 2017
I mean we've established at this point, at least in America, that a solid third of people are actually complete and total idiots.

Idiots need movies, too.


Jan 8, 2018
All the kids who grew up with the prequels are now adults. It's as simple as that.


Oct 25, 2017
But hey, they didn't had too much women or black dudes, so it is not like they need to be remade for how bad they were
Oct 26, 2017
OP---did you not like people praising prequels when The Force Awakens was released? Or just since The Last Jedi got shit on for being garbage?

Smash-It Stan

Oct 25, 2017
First of all, I have to say, I like the prequels movies, I think that Phantom Menace is a cool "Baby's first Star Wars" Return of the Sith is an entertaining and epic movie and I have nothing good to say about attack of the clones even back then when I was a 12 years old boy., but overall the trilogy was good enough to make me interested into the original trilogy and eventually into the sequel trilogy, so for the most part of this decade, I have defended them as much as posible (which is not that much to be honest, because I have always being aware that the movies has a shit ton of flaws that are imposible to defend)

So with that in mind, is really baffling to see suddenly people praising the movies for a lot of weird reasons that for the most part, feel like desperate excuses to try to shit on the Disney era movies, like, where were all of you guys on the last 15 years when people weere claiming that George Lucas LITERALLY raped their childhood with those movies?.

Now, I'm aware that there is a decent crowd from my age range that considers the prequels to be the standard bearer of Star Wars and that also rarely goes into nerd fórums to have discussions about the franchise, but still, feels weird that only now people are coming out to defend the movies
I feel the same way when the new spiderman movies came out. Amazing spiderman suddenly brought all these people out of the woodwork "Sam Raimi is a hack!" "Not my spiderman!" "Emma Stone > You!" Like wtf? Where were they all hiding?

Big One

Oct 25, 2017
All you'd have to do to realize the quality difference between the prequel films and the original trilogy is to watch other movies than Star Wars. I means the original trilogy weren't these perfect films like some people claim, but the prequel movies are literally incompetently made. The sequel trilogy continues the trend of the original trilogy of flawed, but largely well-made and good films.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Funny timing as I've been going through all the Star Wars movies based on year of release (showing my daughter for the first time).
Phantom Menace was even worse than I had remembered (although the last 20 minutes or so are good).
Attack of the Clones was fine. Certainly it doesn't hold a candle to the OT, TFA, or TLJ, but it's passable.
Return of the Sith is fine/decent.

People tend to get hyperbolic about movies. Spider-Man 3 is not as bad as most say, for example, while Spider-Man 1 is not as good as many think.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Kids pretty much always liked the prequels as I remember. Now they've grown up without really seeing them in the way those of us who were adults when they came out did. People are nostalgic for them. That's how old they are. Like, my generation gets nostalgic for absolute tripe like He-Man, and the prequels are better than that.


Oct 27, 2017
I remember going to the midnight premiere of RotS and trying to convince myself that it was good. It's not, even TPM is better. Yes, even with trade wars and Jar Jar. At least it had adventure.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I've liked the prequels since I watched 'em. Okay, Attack of the Clones is garbage, but TPM is actually entertaining, and RotS has been among my favorites since I finished watching the series the first time as a kid. They're hugely flawed movies, but I enjoy them, and respect what Lucas was going for, even if he didn't quite nail it.

But hey, they didn't had too much women or black dudes, so it is not like they need to be remade for how bad they were
Okay, first off, this statement is categorically incorrect (among two of the most prominent characters in the movies include a black guy and a woman), and secondly, not everyone who dislikes TLJ is a fucking bigot.

I mean we've established at this point, at least in America, that a solid third of people are actually complete and total idiots.

Idiots need movies, too.
Yes, of course, impossible to like the prequels unless you're an idiot.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree OP. When they came out he world was in agreement that they all sucked. Then at some point all those kids that grew up with them just bought in on a lie that they are great.


Jan 24, 2018
I love them.

Star Wars is all about these cool robots and magical space knights and they're just fun.

I also saw all 3 with my father, list as he saw all original 3 with his aunt. It's a family tradition of sorts.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The world is full of idiots.
Contrarians run rampant on the internet. It's where they thrive the most.
Kids who grew up watching those movies are grown and are expressing themselves online.

Take your pick.

I pick all of them.


Oct 28, 2017
Well when something really shit comes along like the new mainline trilogy you come to appreciate more of what you had.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Funny timing as I've been going through all the Star Wars movies based on year of release (showing my daughter for the first time).
Phantom Menace was even worse than I had remembered (although the last 20 minutes or so are good).
Attack of the Clones was fine. Certainly it doesn't hold a candle to the OT, TFA, or TLJ, but it's passable.
Return of the Sith is fine/decent.

People tend to get hyperbolic about movies. Spider-Man 3 is not as bad as most say, for example, while Spider-Man 1 is not as good as many think.
I'll never understand how people can say TPM is worse than AOTC. The romance stuff is just so bad, and the droid factory, hoo boy.


Jan 12, 2018
St. Cloud, FL
It's weird that even with the Jar Jar debacle, Phantom Menace is a better and more cohesive movie that the other 2. AotC is a shitfest and RotS is just Lucas trying to wrap things up as quickly as posible to get to the Obi Wan/Anakin fight and the Vader moment, which turned into a joke and several memes.

If there is anything to praise about the prequels is how great actors like Liam Neeson, Ewan and Natalie Portman worked wonders and survived with some of the worst scripts in the history of cinema and Lucas shoddy direction.

Deleted member 14002

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Only good things to come from the prequels:
  • Darth Maul
  • More John Williams music
  • Pod Racing
  • "This is how liberty dies, to a thunderous applause"
Aside from that the movies are mediocre at best.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Funny timing as I've been going through all the Star Wars movies based on year of release (showing my daughter for the first time).
Phantom Menace was even worse than I had remembered (although the last 20 minutes or so are good).
Attack of the Clones was fine. Certainly it doesn't hold a candle to the OT, TFA, or TLJ, but it's passable.
Return of the Sith is fine/decent.

People tend to get hyperbolic about movies. Spider-Man 3 is not as bad as most say, for example, while Spider-Man 1 is not as good as many think.
Attack of the Clones is definitely the worst Star Wars movie. Literally nothing happens.
TPM is at least entertaining, and RotS is actually really great.


Oct 27, 2017
So with that in mind, is really baffling to see suddenly people praising the movies for a lot of weird reasons that for the most part, feel like desperate excuses to try to shit on the Disney era movies, like, where were all of you guys on the last 15 years when people weere claiming that George Lucas LITERALLY raped their childhood with those movies?.

You do realise that most people who liked the prequels were children when the prequels were released, right? You expect me as a literal child in 2001 to go arguing against some 40 year old who had a completely different childhood than mine?


Oct 25, 2017
So with that in mind, is really baffling to see suddenly people praising the movies for a lot of weird reasons that for the most part, feel like desperate excuses to try to shit on the Disney era movies, like, where were all of you guys on the last 15 years when people weere claiming that George Lucas LITERALLY raped their childhood with those movies?.
Why would I want to engage with these people. There's no point. I enjoyed the prequels and I've kept to myself since they released. I was 13 or 14 when Episode I released and I already was a huge SW fan.


Oct 28, 2017
The new trilogy is at least competently shot. The prequel trilogy is a complete mess from a directorial standpoint.

The prequel trilogy had lore that the new trilogy simply can't match. It had planets, species, etc. Think of how many new shows, books, games, were based on the prequels. The new trilogy a word? Unimaginative

I'd argue majority of the Star Wars mythos were a result of the prequel trilogy.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
I don't care for the philosophical whatevers in Star Wars. I just want to see space wizard samurai throw laser swords and fight each other. I got that in prequels so I'm OK with that. They're popcorn adventure movies, not something I really want to invest energy, time, and thought into.


Nov 2, 2017
I've always enjoyed and defended the prequels and maintained that Revenge of the Sith is on par with the original trilogy films. I'm happy that people are finally coming around to appreciating the prequels now.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
It really bothers me when people don't think the prequels were good and forget about General Grievous, the greatest character in Star Wars. He alone automatically negates whatever "criticism" you have of the prequels.


The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
1, The younger generation that grew up with the prequels make up a sizeable amount of those that like them and they weren't a force on the internet or the fandom cause you know....young.

2. It wasn't worth talking about liking the prequels when you were guaranteed to deal with people shitting on you, it became a mortal sin to like them, the Plinkett reviews really ramped it up. As you can see in this thread there are still assholes who call anyone who likes them idiots or attacks their character.

3. Prequelmemes came and gave them a second wind.

4. Finally new SWs movie after a decade and people had something new to compare back to the prequels.


Oct 27, 2017
Is there any relation at all between the themes of the prequels and the current political situation in the USA? I'm old enough to have already been an adult by the time the prequels arrived, and while I agree they are mess, and that I do prefer the new trilogy, I have to admit, between that "So this is how democracy dies" line, and all the other ways that the trilogy shows the collapse of the Republic, I have a new, grudging respect for Lucas at least covering that stuff in light of recent developments.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
I was just thinking about the prequels today. Honestly, I feel like they are closer in tone to the original trilogy than these new films. Piss poor acting from Anakin and Padme aside, Revenge of the Sith is still one of my favorite entries, and I can even somewhat stomach The Phantom Menace. Only Attack of the Clones is still borderline unwatchable to me.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
The prequels were the first Star Wars films I saw in theaters so I'll always think of them fondly.

Podracing, Ewan McGregor, Darth Maul, Battle of Geonosis, Coruscant, & Kashyyyk, and if we're counting anything in that era, The Clone Wars tv show>>>>

I even have this poster framed in my room:


Oct 25, 2017
I think the recent popularity of the films is more due to r/prequelmemes taking off on reddit, which allows fans to express both their ironic and unironic love for a series that they couldn't admit to living before.

By the very definition the people who hate on the new Star Wars movie are a vocal minority. You can tell this by the insane lengths they go to vocalize their opinions and the scorn which follows whenever an article is posted about them.

The two phenomenon are unrelated.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
That's the other thing, the prequels tried to tread new ground:
  • They tried to expand the Star Wars universe by striking out and doing their own thing, adding new lore, new locations, new characters, new species, and new plot movements to the series
  • They tried to deal with heftier political and social themes than the original trilogy had
  • They tried to break new ground in terms of the CGI
Now, did they actually succeed on these fronts? Apart from the first point, I want to say they did not. Their political subtext was hamfisted, and holy shit was the CG bad. But at least they tried to break new ground, rather than- whatever the hell the new movies are doing.