
Oct 25, 2017
Let's face it. Nintendo has been absolutely thriving both as a company and worldwide brand these last seven years since the original Switch launched. In fact, I'd argue that Nintendo as a brand today is the strongest it has ever been since its dominant period in the 80's and early 90's with the NES.


March 3, 2017 marked the beginning of a new era for Nintendo with the launch of their greatest success to date

But one could also argue that we've been in this twilight period of first-party Nintendo software on the Switch for the last year or so, with most of their "major" releases coming in the form of ports or light remasters/remakes of older titles. If the Switch wasn't bolstered by such a strong third-party library to help fill in the gaps between those Nintendo releases that might have been a slight issue for Switch owners, but all things considered I think that it's a factor in the stars aligning for one hell of a launch for the Switch 2 next year.

I, like many others, was very sad to hear reports that the late 2024 launch had been delayed into 2025 in order for Nintendo to better meet the anticipated hardware demand. That's just because I'm impatient and want a more powerful Switch successor ASAP, but I think that added time it going to make it a staggeringly successful lead-up and release going into next year. If this happens it's pretty significant for a number of reasons. For one, it will be a deviation from the tick-tock cycle that Nintendo has been in for a while with their home consoles alternating between success and failure with each generation. The Switch has been their greatest success in their long history, so if the Switch 2 could potentially match that or even come close it would be incredible both for Nintendo and consumers IMO.

Secondly, that kind of success would be unique in this tumultuous current gaming landscape and possibly have a ripple effect similarly to how the Switch capitalized on the blue ocean of hybridized console/handheld offerings. Traditional console sales have been contracting lately both in terms of hardware and software, and Nintendo has been riding high with their AA budgets and high software sales for years now while their peers have been in a downward spiral of increasingly unsustainable AAA development practices and selling hardware as a loss-leader to get people into their digital ecosystems. Nintendo has been relatively old-school with the Switch and has seen remarkable success in doing so, and I can't help but think if a repeat of that with the Switch 2 would more definitively legitimize their approach as maybe the healthier one going forward.


The Mario movie's record-setting success will likely have notable knock-on effects going into the future for Nintendo

So that's the setup for the potential backdrop for the eventual Switch 2 launch early next year, but I think it's important to also consider the software side of this equation as well. It's clear that the bigger internal teams within Nintendo have been cooking up sequels to their biggest mainline franchises for a good while now in complete secrecy, and as a result I think it's likely that the Switch 2 will be able to launch with a killer app (or two) similarly to how BotW launched with the Switch. I don't think I need to explain what a difference that can make for the adoption rate of a new console, especially these days. I think that the slight launch delay is going to allow Nintendo to line up an absolutely sensational bevy of quality releases on the Switch 2, evenly metered out over the first year or two of its lifecycle to drive sales. I think it's quite likely that they'll start things off with a big bang in the form of the next full-fledged Mario Kart sequel, and it's safe to assume that that would drive a ton of demand for the new console Day 1.


The sales potential for a true successor to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is astronomical

This is all coming off of the astronomical success of the Mario movie and the launch of the Nintendo areas in Universal parks in both Japan and California too. But the biggest potential boon in this area for them will come with the opening of Epic Universe in Orlando, FL next year. If the park is completed on time, that will be one hell of a one-two punch for Nintendo in 2025: launching their Switch successor at around the same time as the flagship version of their theme parks opens up in the tourism capital of the world. It just feels like a perfect storm for them, and if they don't make any egregious business mistakes along the way it could set them on a path for continued success that others in the industry could only dream of right now.


I understand that Nintendo isn't for everyone, so much of this might read like pure fanboyism. Don't misunderstand, I am a Nintendo fan and like to see them succeed because that means more of the games that I love from them can be made and sold to me. I'm also a big proponent of some of their business practices compared to their competition in the industry, but I won't go down that rabbit hole in this OP. But even if you don't care for Nintendo, I'd like to think that you could have a rational opinion on what their 2025 might look like with all things considered. What do you think?


Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait for the Switch 2! Unfortunately theme parks and Florida are two of my least favorite things though, so Epic Universe means nothing to me. Glad you're excited though!

Fleet of Foot

Oct 27, 2017
Springboro, OH
I've used my Switch more than my PS5 and Series X combined. I cannot wait for the next Switch but at the same time, I've grown so used to how underpowered it is that I'm fine with it for another year or however long it is. Whenever it comes out I'll buy it but in the meantime, I'm fine with the Switch as it is, despite its faults. I have a huge library for it and half a dozen big games I haven't even opened yet.


Nov 11, 2017
Fingers crossed for a new Monolith Soft game in the first year again.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Isn't Mario Movie 2 also 2025? So it's very Nintendo packed.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If the PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS, and Nintendo Swirch have taught me anything, it's that having the most powerful dedicated gaming hardware means nothing in the face of a compelling exclusive software library.

Given that, their next console should have nothing to worry about either.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Aug 28, 2019
I don't really think the theme park will change much about their business at all for them. I'm sure they have some sort of rev share with universal or whatever but it's pretty marginal compared to their broader business. And I thought it was already open? What does this new "Epic universe" thing even change other than adding a bit? (Edit: oh it wasnt open in this particular location yet)


Nov 1, 2017
Columbus, Ohio
So curious about the next Zelda game. Pretty sure this thing is gonna launch with Mario, but I wonder if they'll tease the next Zelda? Something tells me it's not as far off as we all tend to think.


Oct 25, 2017
So curious about the next Zelda game. Pretty sure this thing is gonna launch with Mario, but I wonder if they'll tease the next Zelda? Something tells me it's not as far off as we all tend to think.

It has to be really far off unless a completely different team has been working on it alongside TotK, which I think is highly unlikely.


Jul 25, 2021
It'll be interesting to see if regular families and folks see an imperative to upgrade to the switcheroo.

Don't expect a Wii U catastrophe but also think there will be a lot of people for whom the Switch 1 is good enough. Probably good up front sales but legs might attenuate faster idk.


Feb 28, 2023
It'll be interesting to see if regular families and folks see an imperative to upgrade to the switcheroo.

Don't expect a Wii U catastrophe but also think there will be a lot of people for whom the Switch 1 is good enough. Probably good up front sales but legs might attenuate faster idk.
that's what exclusive Switch 2 games are for, right?

a kid won't stay with the Switch 1 for long when the next Zelda or Pokemon or Mario are only on the switch 2
Oct 27, 2017
It'll be interesting to see if regular families and folks see an imperative to upgrade to the switcheroo.

Don't expect a Wii U catastrophe but also think there will be a lot of people for whom the Switch 1 is good enough. Probably good up front sales but legs might attenuate faster idk.

I think that's a fair guess. I do think the Switch 2 will be quite successful, but some/many people will be happy with the first. However, I do unfortunately expect articles like "is Nintendo about to go under? The Switcheroo 2 is a colossal failure!" if it only sells 80% of the first.


Jun 20, 2019
Yea Nintendo has been a very good spot for a long time now. I'm surprised that you seem soworried about GaaS threatening traditional games, but optimistic about Nintendo. It looks like these are going to be fine.


Oct 27, 2017
Epic Universe in general is going to be amazing. Nintendo and Universal are going all in together on theme parks.

In addition to Super Mario Land and Donkey Kong Country at Epic Universe, it's rumored that the first expansion to Epic Universe is going to be a Luigi's Mansion land connecting Super Mario Land to Dark Universe.

And at Universal Orlando, it appears the Simpson area will be razed to make way for a large new Pokemon themed land, with a Zelda land also being built at Islands of Adventure.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
It better be a good year for them considering how trash this one is

Crossing my fingers for new Kirby and Xenoblade games pretty early in the Switch 2's lifespan


Dec 25, 2017
Having your theme park attraction in Florida is on brand sadly. Why have it somewhere that LGBT and women aren't having their rights removed when you can set the tone for your Saudi Investors (2nd largest shareholder).

If any company is big and beloved enough to setup a successful theme park somewhere safer for people it's Nintendo. Especially with how much is getting removed by Universal for Nintendo stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
oh i have full faith in nintendo botching it, like making it exceedingly difficult to actually get a switch 2 or announcing zero backwards compatibility

and still after 2-3 years it'll be their best selling console ever.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
If certain reports are to be believed, the internal delay was for a good reason. Nintendo needs to ensure that they have a steady clip of big games for the first year of the Switch 2's life if they want the best chance at repeating the success of its predecessor.

I guess there is Xenoblade 4 in 2025 for Switch 2. Will be an epic year. Mark my words.
It better be a good year for them considering how trash this one is

Crossing my fingers for new Kirby and Xenoblade games pretty early in the Switch 2's lifespan
Xenoblade 4 is probably gonna come out in 2026 at best, as we just got Future Redeemed last year & XB3 the year prior. There was 4 years between XB2 Torna (2018) & XB3 (2022), so I'd imagine that something similar will happen here. A new 3D Kirby could be 2025, but that's honestly a coin-toss.


Oct 25, 2017
As long as 3D Mario is there next year I'm happy.

So curious about the next Zelda game. Pretty sure this thing is gonna launch with Mario, but I wonder if they'll tease the next Zelda? Something tells me it's not as far off as we all tend to think.

If it's not a direct sequel like TOTK I expect it no sooner than 7 years from now.

Game development is hard. Zelda is the most ambitious title of all for Nintendo. Even a direct sequel that re-used a ton of assets spiralled into an absolutely massive project that took 6 years to release. Could see it being cross gen with Switch 3, as depressing as that sounds.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Having your theme park attraction in Florida is on brand sadly. Why have it somewhere that LGBT and women aren't having their rights removed when you can set the tone for your Saudi Investors (2nd largest shareholder).

If any company is big and beloved enough to setup a successful theme park somewhere safer for people it's Nintendo. Especially with how much is getting removed by Universal for Nintendo stuff.
For what it's worth, said investor doesn't make up nearly enough of a share to meaningfully influence Nintendo's games (8.26%, which is still the minority). That's not to excuse the shithole that is Florida, as I also wish Nintendo went somewhere safer for marginalized groups. But I'm not sure the Saudi crown prince's shares are a factor.


Jun 27, 2023
Should have way bigger third party support. I bet that Microsoft will put a lot of games on Switch 2. Like 10 games on it's first 6 months.


Oct 25, 2017
Yea Nintendo has been a very good spot for a long time now. I'm surprised that you seem soworried about GaaS threatening traditional games, but optimistic about Nintendo. It looks like these are going to be fine.

Nintendo is kind of on their own island with this stuff though. I'm worried about traditional games from everyone else falling out of favor.


Mar 27, 2024
I am begging for Nintendo's new vision for Mario Kart, it has been TEN years.

It's so funny because when Mario Kart 8 originally came out on Wii U, I felt like Nintendo had built an engine and a foundation for Mario Kart that should last far longer than it's Wii U release, and thankfully it has with the Switch. But it really is time to see what a brand new foundation for Mario Kart looks like from Nintendo. Give us the next Kart game that will last us the next 10 years, I'm really expecting something ambitious from them. I cannot wait!


Oct 31, 2017
Hope I won't see more "open area" or what they called last 2 mainline Zelda games and they got classic 3D Zelda cooking somewhere
But Prime 4 and maybe a new 2D Zelda would be enough for starters in my opinion

New Donker

One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Really interested in what third party support will look like.

Between the Switch being insanely popular, and the rumored power to be that of around a PS4 Pro, I'm hoping we see quite a few big games from developers. The amount of cross gen titles we've had could be hugely in Switch's favor


Oct 25, 2017
Really interested in what third party support will look like.

Between the Switch being insanely popular, and the rumored power to be that of around a PS4 Pro, I'm hoping we see quite a few big games from developers. The amount of cross gen titles we've had could be hugely in Switch's favor

Given the rumored specs I think it will be closer to the power of a base PS4. But yeah your point still stands.


Nov 20, 2017
Having your theme park attraction in Florida is on brand sadly. Why have it somewhere that LGBT and women aren't having their rights removed when you can set the tone for your Saudi Investors (2nd largest shareholder).

If any company is big and beloved enough to setup a successful theme park somewhere safer for people it's Nintendo. Especially with how much is getting removed by Universal for Nintendo stuff.
The simple fact is Nintendo needed a theme park partner, Universal is that partner, and Universal already has the real estate in Florida. There's not much they can do to change that short of Universal deciding to pack up the massive investment in Orlando and leaving. Universal's presence in Florida is likely to outlast the current wave of Republican governments there.

It has to be really far off unless a completely different team has been working on it alongside TotK, which I think is highly unlikely.

I wouldn't be surprised if the next Zelda comes a lot sooner than anyone is expecting.

Reusing the world from BotW feels like it was a deliberate choice so they could focus on cooking their physics engine. But that work is now done, and they can use the physics engine for whatever they feel like next. And one of the leads on the game has said that they spent the last year or so before release just polishing the game, so it's not impossible that lots of people had already moved on to the next one in 2022.


Oct 28, 2017
I can't begin to express how excited I am for a new 3D Mario.

The next 3D Zelda will obviously come out in 2040 but imagine if we also got a new 2D Zelda in the mix at launch. A person can dream. Sigh.


Nov 14, 2017
If it features full backwards compatibility and can get hits like Mario, Zelda, Xeno, Kart out quickly…they are gonna do gangbusters.


Nov 10, 2017
I'm really hoping for the return of Pilotwings along with 3D Mario.

Hopefully Elden Ring is the Switch 2's Skyrim.

My only big ask for the hardware is analog triggers.


Avalanche's One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
they were also primed to dominate after the Wii and the Wii U happened.

a lot can happen in a year.


Apr 14, 2022
This time I have zero doubts about third party support. Switch sold way too much, including alot of positive stories about software sales from non Nintendo titles, that I am very optimistic that big publisher are trying to get a piece of that cake. And even if the hardware is yet again more behind as we expect, based on that previous success, the risk of investing more money to get ports on the machine, is worth taking for those publishers.

Hope I won't see more "open area" or what they called last 2 mainline Zelda games and they got classic 3D Zelda cooking somewhere
But Prime 4 and maybe a new 2D Zelda would be enough for starters in my opinion
I really don't want to say it, but open world zelda is here to stay. Just look at the sales numbers. I am with you on the "2d" Zelda and also believe that this will be the place, where you will get your old school experience in the future.

I am with you to think that Prime will be there on switch 1+2 , but it needs a more mainstream/wide appeal game to push hardware sales. Prime will be the game that gaming media and hardcore fans most likely praise, but only a "limited" amount of people actually buy. My bet is also on a new Mario Kart, followed by a new 3d mario as the first holiday title.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This is all coming off of the astronomical success of the Mario movie and the launch of the Nintendo areas in Universal parks in both Japan and California too. But the biggest potential boon in this area for them will come with the opening of Epic Universe in Orlando, FL next year. If the park is completed on time, that will be one hell of a one-two punch for Nintendo in 2025: launching their Switch successor at around the same time as the flagship version of their theme parks opens up in the tourism capital of the world.
They're opening up a theme park in Paris? /s

Kidding aside, this has all the ingredients of a strong year, but I'm still somewhat worried because nobody can mess up a console launch quite like Nintendo.

For one, it will be a deviation from the tick-tock cycle that Nintendo has been in for a while with their home consoles alternating between success and failure with each generation. The Switch has been their greatest success in their long history, so if the Switch 2 could potentially match that or even come close it would be incredible both for Nintendo and consumers IMO.
This is actually the biggest factor working against them, not for them; historically, when a console is extremely popular on a grand scale, the publisher has always struggled to sell the next one.

The 3DS and PS3 came out on the heels of the best selling consoles of all time, and both had gloomy first years where the console was sold on promises and middling lineups because publishers were sticking to the established install base of their predecessors. For both, it took a very long time for console sales to finally pick up the pace - for the 3DS, it even needed a price cut.
The PS Vita and Wii U were both basically dead on arrival - they had to contend with being the successors to top 10 consoles, they once again had middling lineups because their predecessors were stronger, and Sony/Nintendo completely failed to communicate to consumers why they should pick the new consoles over the ones they already had.

So the real question is, how will Nintendo convince consumers that the Switch 2 is worth the extra purchase when every household already has a Switch?
But more importantly, how will they convince publishers to deliver killer apps for a new, unproven console, rather than the console every household already has?

St. Eam the 3rd

â–˛ Legend â–˛
Aug 18, 2022
Incredible software library and unique hardware versatility, me and SO have played this thing more than anything. We also think this is the beginning of a new steam-size ecosystem, with the new hardware I expect eshop to at least double in size due to more capable hardware( 15k games right now, 18-19k when switch 2 will came out, so at least 35-40k). Steam level sales, gold coins, vouchers and two copies of each digital game i own and I'm in.
keep the detachable controls, flat body, a good stand and physical support, make a new menu for eshop and make it navigable and 2025 launch will be unprecedented(thanks mostly to Mario Kapart 9:))


May 31, 2019
We're talking about a console that has not been announced as even existing, along with all kinds of dreams about unannounced game projects coming out for it.
It's nearly June now, when would you expect Nintendo to announce a new console for it to come out in early 2025? If it exists I'd bet xmas 2025, so maybe HALF an exciting 2025 and a drought of SandLand proportions until then.
Oct 27, 2017
We're talking about a console that has not been announced as even existing, along with all kinds of dreams about unannounced game projects coming out for it.
It's nearly June now, when would you expect Nintendo to announce a new console for it to come out in early 2025? If it exists I'd bet xmas 2025, so maybe HALF an exciting 2025 and a drought of SandLand proportions until then.
Switch was announced in October and launched in March.


Oct 25, 2017
We're talking about a console that has not been announced as even existing, along with all kinds of dreams about unannounced game projects coming out for it.
It's nearly June now, when would you expect Nintendo to announce a new console for it to come out in early 2025? If it exists I'd bet xmas 2025, so maybe HALF an exciting 2025 and a drought of SandLand proportions until then.

All signs seem to point to a Spring 2025 launch, which would mean an announcement sometime this fall probably.


Oct 28, 2017
Personally can't wait for the reveal. I want to replay Odyssey and BotW so bad but wait in hope to see what kind of (or if) improvements it gets through bc.

Wonder if they finally introduce some kind of achievement system.


Jun 8, 2018
We're talking about a console that has not been announced as even existing, along with all kinds of dreams about unannounced game projects coming out for it.
It's nearly June now, when would you expect Nintendo to announce a new console for it to come out in early 2025? If it exists I'd bet xmas 2025, so maybe HALF an exciting 2025 and a drought of SandLand proportions until then.
Switch 2 first trailer was in october and released in march. And this time they don't have to promote a new kind of concept

Metro Cow

Nov 28, 2020
It has to be really far off unless a completely different team has been working on it alongside TotK, which I think is highly unlikely.
Honestly, I wish Nintendo did have a B team working on 3D Zelda as well. I don't see why every game has to be produced by Aonuma and take 6 years to release. 3D Zelda used to be my favourite franchise but I honestly got so burned out by BOTW and TOTK that I've fallen out of love with it a bit. I'd love a smaller, more focused side game while we wait until 2029 for the next inevitably massive open world game.

I look at From Software releasing incredible games every 3 years or even less (sometimes every year which is crazy) and I wish Zelda was more like that. I'd love Nintendo to have faith in another studio or even another production team of EPD to make a 3D Zelda game.


Oct 27, 2017
This is going to sound silly, but although I have a Switch, for the last while I've mostly been buying games in sales and "saving" them to play on Switch 2. More powerful hardware can't come soon enough.


Oct 25, 2017
This is going to sound silly, but although I have a Switch, for the last while I've mostly been buying games in sales and "saving" them to play on Switch 2. More powerful hardware can't come soon enough.

That's a big gamble. No guarantee whatsoever that Switch games will run with any enhancements on Switch 2.