
Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
I fired it up yesterday after Nitro-Fueled was announced and god, this game still plays better than most kart racers. The most popular comparison is Mario Kart, and the only MKs that, imo, have better controls are Mario Kart 8 and DS.

The graphics still hold up very well, and are miles ahead from any racing game of that era. Of course, it's still a PS1 game in the end so textures are pixelated and it doesn't have the most detailed models, but the overall quality is still nice.

If they keep the same feeling for Nitro-Fueled and add some of the Nitro Kart tracks, it'll easily become the best kart racer ever.


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego County
Yep. This was in regular rotation just a few years back. Less so now because most of my close friends have moved away and, being a PS1 title, it had no online anything and requires me to drag along my PS3 if we want to play it at any get-togethers. But we're all very stoked for Nitro Fueled. I just hope the netcode doesn't suck! And that the game is as tight and fun as the PS1 original.


Oct 30, 2017
I fired it up with friends last night on my PS3. Still fun.

The store mode and controls are wonderful. It's the best kart racer that gen for my money.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Yes! I hope they keep the controls and feel untouched in the remake.


Oct 28, 2017
CTR is so tight I pop it back up from time to time to do the adventure mode.

The lack of a single-player mode in other kart racers kills my enjoyment because I don't feel i'm working towards something to feel i'm not wasting my time. In CTR I know what to do, i get my 5 hours of fun and then i do something else.

The bump system in this game is art too. You always do something, very rare are the moments where you just go through a straight line doing nothing.

It nailed the feel of a tight racer and the feeling of accomplishment