
Oct 28, 2017
She's being a white liberal.


"Love Me, I'm A Liberal"
I cried when they shot Medgar Evers
Tears ran down my spine
I cried when they shot Mr. Kennedy
As though I'd lost a father of mine
But Malcolm X got what was coming
He got what he asked for this time
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal

I go to civil rights rallies
And I put down the old D.A.R.
I love Harry and Sidney and Sammy
I hope every colored boy becomes a star
But don't talk about revolution
That's going a little bit too far
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal

I cheered when Humphrey was chosen
My faith in the system restored
I'm glad the commies were thrown out
Of the A.F.L. C.I.O. board
I love Puerto Ricans and Negros
As long as they don't move next door
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal

The people of old Mississippi
Should all hang their heads in shame
I can't understand how their minds work
What's the matter don't they watch Les Crain?
But if you ask me to bus my children
I hope the cops take down your name
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal

I read New republic and Nation
I've learned to take every view
You know, I've memorized Lerner and Golden
I feel like I'm almost a Jew
But when it comes to times like Korea
There's no one more red, white and blue
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal

I vote for the democratic party
They want the U.N. to be strong
I go to all the Pete Seeger concerts
He sure gets me singing those songs
I'll send all the money you ask for
But don't ask me to come on along
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal

Once I was young and impulsive
I wore every conceivable pin
Even went to the socialist meetings
Learned all the old union hymns
But I've grown older and wiser
And that's why I'm turning you in
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
I mean, they were disrespectful shitheads, but he literally walked right into their crowd and right up to the smirking kid. The racist whooping and tomahawk chopping is white frat boy nonsense that should be, and has been, rightfully condemned, but given the original, outrage-generating spin was that they'd spontaneously surrounded and actively tried to intimidate him, not that he'd intentionally walked into a configuration where they would be encircling him, there is at least some incumbency to point out the dishonesty of the original framing.

How is that dishonest framing? I watched pretty much the whole video. The kids weren't encircling that man until after he approached them. That wasn't their original configuration.


Oct 26, 2017
She's in Kanye territory now.

Meaning people on Era will still love her regardless.

Kanye: I think the 14th amendment should be abolished and black people chose slavery

Jamie Lee Curtis: I spoke hastily about a picture without seeing the entire context and for that I'm sorry



Oct 26, 2017
Dunedin, New Zealand
Report the cunt post instead of framing your meta commentary about the forum as if we're all calling her a cunt.

I went through the first 100 replies just now, ignoring most of the meme responses (which were numerous, especially everybody's favorite "not like this!")

Add another one to the shitty pile.
yeah but all lives matter
Why did she even bring this up in the first place? Like she should have just kept her mouth shut.
she's become too regular, the shit's coming out her mouth now
when you have the choice between being a shit idiot or being a nice, normal human being, and you choose shit idiot. it's just wowiez.
But she chose ''Normal idiot''.
He's been cancelled? Who is still subscribing to Chris Pratt other than the thirstiest of thirsties? He's low grade; people need to treat themselves to some better celebs.
Welp, there goes another person i admired down the drain.

I threw in the Chris Pratt one just to provide evidence that the insults extended even beyond JLC.

But, sure, let's pretend there's only a single person in this entire thread that resorted directly to insults. By the time you add in all the one-liners of "not like this" etc., you're down to maybe 10% of replies that do anything to actually encourage discussion or consideration as to whether or not she has any basis for her statement. I'm not even saying she is in the right - I'm just saying, the discussion of politics on ERA has turned into a circlejerk of which poster can meme on someone faster/better, with a bit of misogyny thrown in to spice things up in this specific case (e.g., "keep her mouth shut").
Oct 25, 2017
I went through the first 100 replies just now, ignoring most of the meme responses (which were numerous, especially everybody's favorite "not like this!")

I threw in the Chris Pratt one just to provide evidence that the insults extended even beyond JLC.

But, sure, let's pretend there's only a single person in this entire thread that resorted directly to insults. By the time you add in all the one-liners of "not like this" etc., you're down to maybe 10% of replies that do anything to actually encourage discussion or consideration as to whether or not she has any basis for her statement. I'm not even saying she is in the right - I'm just saying, the discussion of politics on ERA has turned into a circlejerk of which poster can meme on someone faster/better, with a bit of misogyny thrown in to spice things up in this specific case (e.g., "keep her mouth shut").
That would be a mere ten percent of the first 100 posts.

You're proving my point.

Deleted member 8468

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I think he's referencing the fact that ERA/GAF actually majorly condones violence against MAGA members.
Maybe I misread the fact that we're saying people should be harassed in their houses and punched. Let alone others agreeing. I don't always get tone on here and these threads get a bit crazy. I'll just show myself out.


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Another case of Era blindly hating a public figure (and Jamie Lee Curtis, of all people, who has a pretty strong record of being a very cool woman) because they said one thing they don't like (the one thing in this case being largely harmless, too).

Sometimes the people on this site show their true colors is pretty sad ways.
No more 'Oops', no more excuses, one wrong word, and ERA's deemed you an unredeemable piece of shit person.

I hope no one actually finds the political decorum here respectable as a whole.
Hating/dislike a public figure that sees nothing wrong what a bunch of white kids did to an Indigenous man, nothing like a bunch of white kids with MAGA hats trying to intimidate a Native American etc./ I dont know about you but someone who is trying to spin the both sides when one person is clearly drumming in celebration of their culture and a kid is up on his comfort zone is a trashy thing to do.

All in all there is no OPPS moments, an oops is me leaving my car keys in my car, an opps is forgetting the laundry in the wash, supporting and or playing a both sides card is not an opps.

You have a problem with being labeled go to Gaf, they'll welcome you with open arms.


Oct 30, 2017
Those kids are pieces of shit. The smirk gave me all the context I need.


Oct 29, 2017
This is not true, Trump basically ensured he got every single evangical catholic vote by simply saying he is pro-life despite the fact that he hasn't done a single thing for these people. In fact in the book Fear he is quoted as saying that he doesn't really care about the issue and if anything he is pro-choice.

It's literally the reason why all these kids from a Catholic skill were wearing MAGA. They were apparently meeting at this point to catch a bus to a pro-life rally.
I think you missed an "and" in there because Evangelicals and Catholics are two different sects which is why they get split up in polls and demo breakdowns. Evangelicals typically dislike, if not hate the Catholic church, the evangelistic movement came out of Protestantism, which by large is made up of Southern Baptists in the U.S. which *surprise* is what what the KKK came out of as it became a "Christian organization" in the first revival of the Klan back in the 1910s to 1940s they very anti-Catholic and against any immigrant/ethnicity who came out of a Catholic (especially Irish and Italians) country along with their hating of Black and Jewish people.

Obviously there's going to be some cross segments, especially with something like abortion which is probably why so many Catholics voted for Trump.
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Nov 11, 2017
How is that dishonest framing? I watched pretty much the whole video. The kids weren't encircling that man until after he approached them. That wasn't their original configuration.

If someone walks into the middle of a crowd in public doing something performative, do they not typically gather around that person in a circle to see what they're doing? And even if that's true only a certain % of the time, does it necessarily connote attempted intimidation when it happens? There's certainly a good deal of condescension, and "Get a load of this guy" eye rolling and smirking, but I think it's a flex to say these kids had intimidation on their minds.

Moreover, I find it hard to dispute that Philips is the one who put about that amount of distance between himself and the smirking kid, which also kinda takes the teeth out of the original framing that suggested the kid was intentionally putting himself in that position to be the spearhead of the intimidation, and the full video shows that, if "Build the Wall" was chanted, it was not by "the crowd", and in fact wasn't even prominent enough to be audible, or at least I couldn't hear it.

Like, there was a very clear "pack of white kids wandered around DC, saw an isolated minority protester, and intentionally surrounded him intimidatingly" narrative, and I find it hard to hold onto that framing in my brain when I see the full video.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
If someone walks into the middle of a crowd in public doing something performative, do they not typically gather around that person in a circle to see what they're doing? And even if that's true only a certain % of the time, does it necessarily connote attempted intimidation when it happens? There's certainly a good deal of condescension, and "Get a load of this guy" eye rolling and smirking, but I think it's a flex to say these kids had intimidation on their minds.

Do they gather around them to mock them? No. Not that's not usual.


Oct 29, 2017
Wait. So the kid that was just standing there is the bad guy? I heard that some classmates said some racist things. What did this kid in particular do? The video I've seen just shows him standing there smiling. Did he say something?


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Weird, i didn't see any swastikas or stuff like that. Just hats with a presidential campaign slogan.
Oh right, I forgot that the current President is literally Hitler.
Please state your argument of how the President is not a white supremacist and MAGA hats are not supporting racism.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Wait. So the kid that was just standing there is the bad guy? I heard that some classmates said some racist things. What did this kid in particular do? The video I've seen just shows him standing there smiling. Did he say something?
Did you see the hat he was wearing? That said it all, he didn't have to say shit. The kid is a racist piece of shit.

Edit: Sorry DP


Oct 26, 2017
Weird, i didn't see any swastikas or stuff like that. Just hats with a presidential campaign slogan.
Oh right, I forgot that the current President is literally Hitler.
Extremely similar tactics and rhetoric.

As Jim Jeffries said, Hitler didn't start out full-Hitler. But sure, let's act like there's nothing wrong with what Trump and his deplorables are doing. MAGA has the same connotations as a swastika or a confederate flag. To pretend otherwise is either being disingenuous or willfully ignorant.


Oct 25, 2017
People need to have a more direct discussion on the offensiveness of MAGA.

It is clearly the underlying topic here. People dont seem to know their history


Oct 29, 2017
Did you see the hat he was wearing? That said it all, he didn't have to say shit. The kid is a racist piece of shit.

Edit: Sorry DP
Right, a MAGA hat. I wonder if the responses would be the same if he weren't wearing that hat. The other guy may not have even approached him. The classmates that were chanting or saying racist things should be expelled. This kid, I don't know. The school obviously allowed him to wear the hat. And there's no evidence that he said or did anything.

Deleted member 4452

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Dont be so sure of those canadian catholics

Catholics would vote trump on the abortion issue alone

While Im sure they detest a lot of things trump has done, hardline catholics absolutely stand by the pro life president
Most canadian catholics are from Quebec, and many are more secular than actively practicing due to the Quiet Revolution. Quebec is very pro-choice and hates the Conservative party.
Oct 25, 2017
People need to have a more direct discussion on the offensiveness of MAGA.

It is clearly the underlying topic here. People dont seem to know their history

Do we really need to, though? He campaigned for two years spouting endless xenophobic rhetoric with the MAGA slogan. Everybody knows what it means and anybody who says it isn't a symbol of white supremacy is either lying or too stupid to reach with words.

Deleted member 2809

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Do we really need to, though? He campaigned for two years spouting endless xenophobic rhetoric with the MAGA slogan. Everybody knows what it means and anybody who says it isn't a symbol of white supremacy is either lying or too stupid to reach with words.
Well technically they're not building gas chambers so technically they're not the same, you see.


Oct 27, 2017
People need to have a more direct discussion on the offensiveness of MAGA.

It is clearly the underlying topic here. People dont seem to know their history

We really don't. This isn't "history". People posting ITT have been alive for the past three years. If you wear a MAGA hat, you're openly showing your support for Trump's policies, and those policies are racist. It ain't deep


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Isn't a MAGA follower going to the Super Bowl. I hope none of you are rooting for Brady.
This is totally out of context of the thread and has nothing to do with anything said here. Talk more about what you perceive as double standards from the left.
Right, a MAGA hat. I wonder if the responses would be the same if he weren't wearing that hat. The other guy may not have even approached him. The classmates that were chanting or saying racist things should be expelled. This kid, I don't know. The school obviously allowed him to wear the hat. And there's no evidence that he said or did anything.
It doesn't matter "what if", he is wearing the hat. Racism doesn't deserve to be promulgated in any situation. The video shows him wearing the hat, that's all the evidence necessary. If the school doesn't take action against him, they are complicit with the message the students are spreading.


Oct 25, 2017
We really don't. This isn't "history". People posting ITT have been alive for the past three years. If you wear a MAGA hat, you're openly showing your support for Trump's policies, and those policies are racist. It ain't deep

Yes, but its clear people are implying MAGA is okay by defending the kids, so thats where the conversation is.

Its really not around who confronted who, but thats the front that's being discussed outside here, so the point of the discussion is now lost and now about this idea of civility and boundaries. Take away the smokescreen.


Oct 29, 2017
This is totally out of context of the thread and has nothing to do with anything said here. Talk more about what you perceive as double standards from the left.

It doesn't matter "what if", he is wearing the hat. Racism doesn't deserve to be promulgated in any situation. The video shows him wearing the hat, that's all the evidence necessary. If the school doesn't take action against him, they are complicit with the message the students are spreading.
But how can they take action AFTER they allowed him to wear the hat? He is on a school trip. He wore the hat in front of school staff. No one told him he couldn't. And now he is supposed to be expelled after behavior the school allowed?

Going forward maybe the school should not allow MAGA hats to be worn, but to punish this kid now for wearing it, I don't agree with that. No, he shouldn't wear the hat. The school allowed it though.


Oct 26, 2017
She's excusing a racists racist behavior so yes, I'll stand by the gif.

She isn't excusing anything, she's saying her initial impression was based on limited information and that she is sorry for tweeting before knowing everything involved.

Calling her a "cunt" is completely sexist.


Oct 25, 2017
Holy goddamn shit I thought the literal neo-nazis pushing this delusional bullshit narrative as if it exonerated these racist little shitgoblins or contradicted anything at all were crazy for thinking it would do them any favors, but liberals always fall for ref playing conservatives so I don't know what I was thinking. Fuck them and anyone else running interference to excuse how that man was treated.


Oct 29, 2017
Lol, the little shit just aped the Native American man's story and reversed roles. Why would you believe that smug jerk?


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
She isn't excusing anything, she's saying her initial impression was based on limited information and that she is sorry for tweeting before knowing everything involved.

Calling her a "cunt" is completely sexist.
maybe then people should do some research before they take to twitter, especially public figures that some people may idolize......


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
She isn't excusing anything, she's saying her initial impression was based on limited information and that she is sorry for tweeting before knowing everything involved.

Calling her a "cunt" is completely sexist.
Maybe I'm reading her tweet wrong but she's literally saying "Maybe the racist and the person they were being racist towards can meet in the middle". And she also tweeted 2 hrs ago that maybe Trump should have them both over for a root beer... Not a good look.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
But how can they take action AFTER they allowed him to wear the hat? He is on a school trip. He wore the hat in front of school staff. No one told him he couldn't. And now he is supposed to be expelled after behavior the school allowed?
Going forward maybe the school should not allow MAGA hats to be worn, but to punish this kid now for wearing it, I don't agree with that. No, he shouldn't wear the hat. The school allowed it though.
Right, they allowed it so they need to be held accountable too, but he made a conscious decision to wear it, nobody forced him.


Oct 26, 2017
Maybe I'm reading her tweet wrong but she's literally saying "Maybe the racist and the person they were being racist towards can meet in the middle". And she also tweeted 2 hrs ago that maybe Trump should have them both over for a root beer... Not a good look.

That's not excusing their behavior, that's her trying to seem "reasonable".

While I agree that a MAGA hat is a clear indication that the wearer is racist, that's a minority opinion in America and it's clear that Curtis does not see the kid as racist. It may "not be a good look" but it's certainly not some wild ass hot take that deserves sexist vitriol.


Oct 26, 2017
But how can they take action AFTER they allowed him to wear the hat? He is on a school trip. He wore the hat in front of school staff. No one told him he couldn't. And now he is supposed to be expelled after behavior the school allowed?

Going forward maybe the school should not allow MAGA hats to be worn, but to punish this kid now for wearing it, I don't agree with that. No, he shouldn't wear the hat. The school allowed it though.
Have you read the Twitter accounts of the priests who run that school? If anything, they encouraged wearing the hats.


Oct 25, 2017
South East Asia
Ignorance doesn't excuse you from supporting MAGA wearing assholes. It's 2019, Jamie Lee Curtis is a grown ass woman and she's smart enough to know what wearing that hat implies. Stop giving these pricks the benefit of the doubt. We're in this mess because that shit. doesn't. work.


Oct 26, 2017
Ignorance doesn't excuse you from supporting MAGA wearing assholes. It's 2019, Jamie Lee Curtis is a grown ass woman and she's smart enough to know what wearing that hat implies.

Again, our opinion is the minority opinion. Hell, you had Anderson Cooper surprised when AOC called Trump racist.

The white majority in America has set the bar incredibly high for racism, for obvious reasons, so when Curtis sees that hat she doesn't see a KKK hood like most of us do.
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Oct 28, 2017
As if we don't know what a maga hat means. I'm sure the little piece of shit "doesn't have a racist bone in his body".