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The Kid

Oct 25, 2017
Austin Theory: shows up every day. Goes hard every day. Posts on Twitter every day.

Our 2020 role model has arrived.


Sounds like a future WWE PPV.

Austin Theory is king shit. He doesn't get into stupid twitter wars, doesn't tell me that I need to watch Raw, and doesn't praise Donald Trump. He uses Twitter for its intended purpose: promote your shit and your shit only, inspire others with your words, and post shirtless pics. If this isn't gimmick of the year then I don't know what is #allday


Oct 25, 2017
Austin Theory: has not lost a Twitter feud against Will Ospreay
Seth Rollins: has lost a Twitter feud against Will Ospreay

Check and fucking mate.

Also, DNA Wrestling and/or BREED Pro Wrestling needs to book Jay White so they can title a show "Breed with the Switchblade." Imagine a joint show: "BREED Pro Wrestling Presents Breed with the Switchblade, sponsored by DNA Wrestling."


Nov 1, 2017
Coming this summer, WWE presents ALL DAY. A special night of wrestling where every match features Austin Theory, including a pose-down challenge between Austin Theory and Austin Theory.


Oct 25, 2017
Just realised I've still got ZSJr vs Sanada, Moxley vs Juice and Goto vs Kenta still to watch.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's some Carny votes from a guy just barely in the loop

Male WWE Superstar of the Year
Kofi Kingston, for finally making it even if he'll never see this position on the card again. God damn I was rooting for the guy during that fued with Orton all those years ago only for him to get backstage power'd into oblivion by one of the E's golden boys.
I expected him to drop the belt back to Bryan in like a month or two but they actually gave him a decent length run, granted what Iscattered bits I saw post his title win was admittedly just okay and ended with a moment that took me from "let me see what NEW smackdown is all about then" to "hahahah fuuuuuck this".
Regardless, Kofi's face champ run truly looks better when you look at that guy on the other show who was also supposed to be a face champ, and really how often does WWE have face champs that aren't complete goobers? not very and somehow Kofi avoided that, probably because all that New Day time has helped round out a comfortable promo skillset.

Female WWE superstar of the Year
Shayna Baszler....
She does consistent work and was the heel to beat!

Best Male Non WWE Wrestler of the year
I can't believe I'm voting for that WEEB Will Osprey but I just kinda have to admit that he's pretty gud, even with the lame Ass Creed reference move.

Best Female non WWE wrestler of the year
I voted Tessa simply because I can't help but feel she's somehow keeping Impact relevant in 2019 and beyond

Best Tag Team
shit, I'm out of my depth here with only the UE and Lucha Bros feeling like ones I've seen enough and enjoyed.
UE are always consistent, so I gave them the nod, after all I already snubbed their leader in the male WWE spot.

Drizzling Shits
Awwwww here we go!
Immediately I defaulted to Lacey Evans who was the post mania feud for Lynch of all things. Now stop to think about this for a sec.
You have the first women's main event at mania, you crown the biggest thing your company has going for you in a crappy era, and then you put her in a multi month long feud with this absolute scrub, that's like if he who shall not be named followed up his Mania 20 title win with like Rico or something.
Tie her to another nominee in Corbin and hoo boy, you got a stew going.

Rusev Award
I was torn between Black and Luchasaurus.
I feel like I can forgive Luchasaurus for it still being early days in AEW, Black meanwhile has been stuck waiting for people to knock on his door for what feels like two years now.

Hot Take
It's jericho, it's fuckin' Jericho, it will always be Jericho as long as his drawn out borefest main event matches of paint by numbers for 20 plus minutes keep getting dem starz because reasons I cannot fathom.
Yes he's a good promo and has had some fun character work this year, but cripes, I don't need to see him in big matches in the year of 2019 and beyond yet I can't escape on either side of the world's wrasslin' stage.

Comeback of the year
I voted Kenta but then thought that the last weeks festivities probably factored into my decision and that's a 2020 thing.
Well even so, I wasn't expecting to hear from him much again yet here he is, Itami meant Pain indeed but he's bounced back well.
HM to Mox I guess? I only really considered his last few months of WWE being particularly awful to be honest so I never felt like he had that big a hole to clamber out from.

Fall from Grace
Somehow it ended up between Omega and Rollins, while Omega just feels underutilised for some strange reason, Rollins stands out as digging his own pit and bloody relishing in it.
He also managed to make Becky Lynch infinitely less cool by association and had to be emergency heel turned because he's such a knob no one wanted to cheer him, and this was after being given the Lesnar rub.
Bra-fucking-vo Seth Rollins, you may be the champ but you are no one's champ.

Most Improved Wrestler
(who are these people? i'm 2 casul)

Please Retire
You think I, the threads resident Ziggler hater since before it was cool, would miss the opportunity to vote Ziggler? oh ho
Never forget that this year actually started off with his SHOCKING return after he "walked out" in Dec 2018, if only...

Best Gimmick
This thread ensured I had to vote Austin Theory, how could I not with such inpsiring messages?

Worst Gimmick
I stand as the one person on this planet who doesn't dislike shorty G at all, I mean beforehand he's just some guy with a WWE generator name of Chad Gable, at least this gives him something for the casual audience to remember him by, and damn it he's a hero to shorties like me, just call me SHORTY OWL.
So my actual vote is The Dark Order, maybe it's too much calling them the worst but I dunno, my eyelids would droop whenever they were part of something in AEW.
As a Library Assistant I can't knock the Librarians, they keep me in work!

"What a Maneuver!"
Judas Effect, I dunk on Jericho but who can deny such a DEADLY striking blow?
(I do really like Death Rider but then again I always loved the double arm DDT)

Best Theme
Evil Io's theme slaps hard

WWE Match of the Year
I recall really enjoying Pete Dunne vs WALTER, something that stocked the burnt out flame in my wrassle heart

Non WWE Match of the Year
Ocean Spray vs Shingo also helped fan said flame before it poofed out later in the year

Worst Fucking Match
Rollins vs the Fiend for sure.
Now keep in mind this is supposed to be a main event match, it's like the second time or something there's even a Fiend match, this is the make or break moment and they fucked it so hard it's hilarious.
It's also a hell in a cell that's red, with red lighting so you REALLY can't see shit and ends with finisher spam to a ridiculous degree because DA FIEND is invincible which is the stupidest motherfucking dumbshit I think I've witnessed in years.
How do you book around that? you don't! You can't! and it still somehow ends in DQ!

Like no one expects Taker and Berger to deliver at their age fighting for blood money reasons, but I think the poor saps paying for HiaC expected something better than minus five stars

Promotion of the Year
I think I just voted randomly, and I don't remember what it was.

Show of the Year
Had to give it to Double or Nothing for being the moment that really cemented that maybe this AEW thing was actually gonna work, there's plenty of great takeovers and wrestle kingdoms but this was the beginning of something that could really go places

Best Angle
Kofi vs Bryan, it was basically my actually watching WWE on a somewhat regular basis swansong. The perfect way for me to drop out after no breaks since 2004.
I got excellent work from the planets champion, an underdog title win story and an actual mania moment that wasn't some hokey shit with Cole being made to yell "what a mania moment" over it to try and force it.

Ashamed to be a fan award
WWE still doing saudi stuff? yep, now multiple times a year!

I think people got a lot of mileage out of Cody Ear gif

Moxley at double or nothing, that moment was like the icing on the cake for the event leading back to my previous point.

Carny motherfucker
Maybe he doesn't fully deserve it but going back to what I said earlier, Seth Rollins just doing himself in is magical.
He makes more money than your faves and is going out with THE MAN, he's cool dammit!

Fun Carny
Riddle dunking on Goldenberger always gets a laugh out of me.
What I witnessed of Summerslam this year was through that free youtube stream with the wrestlers and Riddle was just going in and it was glorious.

Geek of the Year
Just to stop from voting Rollins every time, Omega for that shitty Sans cosplay, that's like next level Geekdom.
Shit wasn't 2019 also the undertale Wrestle Kingdom bit? just stop Omega, it's a pretty neat game but jeeeeezus.


Oct 25, 2017
Geek of the Year
Just to stop from voting Rollins every time, Omega for that shitty Sans cosplay, that's like next level Geekdom.
Shit wasn't 2019 also the undertale Wrestle Kingdom bit? just stop Omega, it's a pretty neat game but jeeeeezus.
Oh Jesus, 2019 did have Omega's Undertale Wrestle Kingdom bit with the cosplay.
Oct 25, 2017
I also put Omega as geek of the year. While IRL he's not so bad like Seth is, the shit he brings with him makes me ashamed.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Best Male Non WWE Wrestler of the year
I can't believe I'm voting for that WEEB Will Osprey but I just kinda have to admit that he's pretty gud, even with the lame Ass Creed reference move.

Geek of the Year
Just to stop from voting Rollins every time, Omega for that shitty Sans cosplay, that's like next level Geekdom.
Shit wasn't 2019 also the undertale Wrestle Kingdom bit? just stop Omega, it's a pretty neat game but jeeeeezus.
Dang, you're not a big fan of video games huh.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh Jesus, 2019 did have Omega's Undertale Wrestle Kingdom bit with the cosplay.
I can't be alone in feeling like whatever message it's trying to deliver with the chairman bit is immediately undone because IT'S UNDERTALE KIDS!
Dang, you're not a big fan of video games huh.
I only enjoy the finer things Luce, like playing Blanka in Street Fighter, I'm quite cultured.

I'm not one for moves that constantly remind me that this happened, and the industry let it happen

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'm just happy I'm not the only one that thinks Kenny is a huge dork. Dude is talented like no other in the ring, but he is a huge geek, his mannerisms and the cadence of his promos and general speech is just corny.

That being said, it clearly goes to Seth this year. Booked fairly well up till the Fiend shit, ruined it for himself. Even PEAK ROMAN REIGNS wasn't this big of a dork, and I'm talkin' sufferin' succotash, son! At least Roman gave a wink to the camera to acknowledge he was being forced to be a geek. Seth IS a geek.
Oct 25, 2017
Dang, you're not a big fan of video games huh.
just...don't cross the streams

combined its just too much

I'm just happy I'm not the only one that thinks Kenny is a huge dork. Dude is talented like no other in the ring, but he is a huge geek, his mannerisms and the cadence of his promos and general speech is just corny.

Let's not forget his tights promoted a company that installed a crypto miner on peoples' PCs...


Oct 27, 2017
Awesome job Avengers!

Fall from grace is 100% locked in ROH. They went from the #2 company in America to barely shindie level with their attendance and buy rates plummeting to death levels. Like Impact they are lucky their parent company owns the TV station they are on, otherwise they'd be dead. Their decision making has been SHIT SHIT SHIT. Like, you sold out MSG on the back of your partnership with NJPW, so then you do everything in your power to destroy it. Then all the stories coming out about how they treat fans and their workers are just the cherry on top of the shit sandwich. Fuck ROH. Can't believe I actually agree with GoD. Fuck ROH.





Oct 25, 2017
Right? For 2020 I gotta tell y'all it's embarrassing when people try so hard to dunk on geek shit from a video game message board.

...And if the response to that is "I don't like video games like that" ...that's even more embarrassing lol.

You're right Sagey boy, I hate them kideos, you'd never catch me spending far too much time talking about them on the internet.
Who has time to make self indulgent essays for their Game of the Year posts? NERDS that's who!


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
You're right Sagey boy, I hate them kideos, you'd never catch me spending far too much time talking about them on the internet.
Who has time to make self indulgent essays for their Game of the Year posts? NERDS that's who!
I wrote an essay once.

It was regarding FANG's balancing in Street Fighter V.

I wish i liked video games less.


Nov 1, 2017
Dynamite looks pretty rad tonight.

It's all in the execution, but it at least looks good on paper. I just want the Memphis tribute thing to be as brief as possible.


Oct 27, 2017
Not a big fan of Gresham's "otocpus" thing.

That will only ever be Zack Sabre Jr to me with the way that dude wraps around people.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
I voted for the Carnies. Wooo.

Anyone who votes for anything other than the Adam Cole into Oblivion gif is a null entity.


Nov 1, 2017
The AEW rankings don't ruffle my feathers much. When you say "quality of wins matter," you're leaving the door open for interpretation and giving your bookers more freedom to play with the rankings. I think it works for wrestling so they're rarely totally cornered. A win against Shida means more than a win against Leva Bates, for instance. You could be 3-0 but still be ranked lower than someone who's 1-0 if the 1-0 came against a top contender, and the 3-0 came against job squad members.


Oct 25, 2017
Do ya think Kris gets the title tonight? Or is this the fake out before she wins it a Revolution?

I'd hold off on Kris winning. They don't have all their ducks in a row yet to have challengers for Statlander.

I'd prefer a heel to take the belt off Riho, but there's not really a great candidate unless one of Kenny's promised "2020 signings that will shake up the division" fit the bill.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm so excited for them to get to the Punk/Gibson/Danielson title reigns era, which is when I was super into ROH. Joe vs Kobashi and Danielson vs KENTA remain the greatest live matches I have ever seen.
Even forgotten things like Punk vs. Rave, the Embassy vs. GenNext, Low Ki and Homicide with the Rottweilers, the series of Homicide vs. Danielson matches, Homicide vs. Cabana, and so on. There's so much good shit in that era, and I really want ThROH the Years to at least last through the CZW vs. ROH feud.


Oct 25, 2017
Beef's votes must be the modern JR commentary of entries, which is to say even more clueless than my own.

The Kid

Oct 25, 2017
Even forgotten things like Punk vs. Rave, the Embassy vs. GenNext, Low Ki and Homicide with the Rottweilers, the series of Homicide vs. Danielson matches, Homicide vs. Cabana, and so on. There's so much good shit in that era, and I really want ThROH the Years to at least last through the CZW vs. ROH feud.

Agreed. Plus I love their reporting of the backstage news for every show. When I was watching ROH I wasn't really up to date on the dirtsheets or I have forgotten most of what I read. I'm really excited to learn more about really random wrestlers and storyline, like how Jimmy Yang got fired for promoting a match without approval from Gabe.
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