
Oct 25, 2017
Some of the biggest and/or recognizable franchises from Japan are guilty of this, especially JRPGs since they tend to have different kinds of characters. These child/childlike characters usually serve as the party members of the group, and younger than the main hero/heroine. Now that as you probably know, lots of Japanese games star young characters, mainly high schoolers in their late teens. Just imagine how young those younger characters are. From relatively niche franchises like YS and Star Ocean to a more mainstream franchise like Final Fantasy, these are only from some of the most popular franchises that I can remember, and it'd take me hours to list the rest of them.


What's problematic about all this is obviously the sexualization of these underage girls. Some of them are blatantly sexualized, some others are more subtle or only serve as a romantic option (like Futaba from Persona 5), and some others aren't sexualized at all (like Veronica from DQXI). I'm probably biased as I obviously haven't played most Japanese games out there, but I feel like the former 2 are more common that the last one. Especially if you think of games from smaller studios like Marvelous, Media Vision, Nippon Ichi, Compile Heart, Idea Factory, Gust, etc. Another problem is that how people tend to eat up whatever excuse the authors give to them. Like, if a character looks underage but the author says that she's actually a 1000 year old dragon, people just accept it like a fool. And I think it's extremely disturbing that people are against censorship of sexualized minors in video games, and generalizations like "Well, it's Japanese culture" as if everyone in Japan is okay with this kind of stuff, not to mention that these games are actually being sold worldwide.

Simply put, I just find it silly and problematic that these child/childlike characters are somehow a must have trope in a lot of Japanese games. Of course, there are lots of exceptions too, especially from games with more mature and/or non-anime aesthetics like From, Capcom, Konami, and Platinum games, among others. Meanwhile if you compare it to Western games, they barely exist. Children are usually just some random NPCs or unimportant characters in there.

There are far too many Japanese games with little/underage girls in the cast. It's already normalized so everyone is somehow 'obliged' to include one in the cast of characters in their games to please their audience. Why I see it's problematic is because after it's normalized, the devs need to make these girls to stand out. One of the most easiest and effective way is by sexualizing them. It also leads to the birth of sub-genre of pedo games, like many have mentioned here already. This is only a thing in Japanese games, because this kind of characters barely exist in Western ones. Yes, Western games have sexualized girls too, but they're always women because children have no place in their visions. Also, I'd like to repeat myself that these games, pedo ones or not, are being sold worldwide.
I don't think it's undermined. I took it that OP's core point was the Japanese fascination with youth that sometimes manifests as something tropey and silly and sometimes as something sexualised and harmful.
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Oct 26, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Downplaying the sexualization of minors over a series of posts, numerous accumulated infractions related to dismissive behavior towards sensitive topics
Japanese games tend to go for less mature story and setting, and aim at less mature audience. So yeah, the characters are younger, big fucking surprise.

Also, Konami is the company that made Love Plus and Tokimeki Memorial series. Sounds like you don't know your Japanese games very well.


Oct 28, 2017
Why did you include Veronica if you even admit she isn't sexualized at all ? She has no business being remotely close to Nowi


Oct 25, 2017
Oct 25, 2017
I think appealing to Japanese teenage boys and then pushing that content world wide is pretty bad.

I've mentioned it before, but games like Persona would benefit greatly by moving to a college setting. Age the characters up a few years and it'll have more of a global appeal while not being as creepy.

Really hope FE knocks it off with the dragon girls too


Oct 26, 2017
Also, why only pick out undergae girls, when the most common characters are teenage boys? It's not like they specifically make the girls look younger, the entire cast is young, and that's because the audience is young.


Oct 25, 2017
Persona is in a really weird spot with the high school setting and dating. If you pair up with the adults, it's creepy because the MC is a teenager, but if you pair him up with other teenagers then they're underage.


Mar 2, 2019
Japanese games tend to go for less mature story and setting, and aim at less mature audience. So yeah, the characters are younger, big fucking surprise.

I don't think it's just that. There is definitely some weird sexualisation of younger characters...
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Oct 27, 2017
Also, why only pick out undergae girls, when the most common characters are teenage boys? It's not like they specifically make the girls look younger, the entire cast is young, and that's because the audience is young.

I think the problem is less that the cast is young, but that the cast is young and sexualised in a way that is creepy.


Oct 26, 2017
I think appealing to Japanese teenage boys and then pushing that content world wide is pretty bad.

I've mentioned it before, but games like Persona would benefit greatly by moving to a college setting. Age the characters up a few years and it'll have more of a global appeal while not being as creepy.

Really hope FE knocks it off with the dragon girls too
It's the other way around really. Teenagers are extemely under presented in western games, and these Japanese games fill the niche pretty well. You are asking for homogeneity which is always bad. I don't want to start up a Japanese game and find a gritty white man who lost his child. Let people have choice. Western games are already as one homogeneous as they can get.


Oct 26, 2017
edit: admittedly I did't read OP at first.

Yeah, it's a problematic trope and sadly i don't see it ever change.
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Sep 2, 2018
Yeah in the west real life underage girls are sexualized in every other industry instead

Edit: clarified in later posts; not a handwave
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Oct 25, 2017
I don't know that camera for got pretty male gaze-y for an underaged character.

It's been awhile but I guess I don't really recall that. The only thing I can specifically remember is the scene when you finally meet her again and she takes off the uniform and reveals what she normally looks like.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
The sexualization of children and child-like characters in Japanese games is extremely problematic.

Some of the characters in the OP are weird inclusions but the overall premise is absolutely spot on. Futaba was one of my favorite characters in Persona 5 and it was so awkward every time they leaned into the romantic relationship angle.


Oct 31, 2017
I know people joke about the dragons meme

but why can't a creator just say a character's age is like 20 to begin with? I mean since they're not real people, they can just give whatever age they want


Oct 27, 2017
I know people joke about the dragons meme

but why can't a creator just say a character's age is like 20 to begin with? I mean since they're not real people, they can just give whatever age they want
This is the problem with extrapolating age from a cartoon to begin with, context is usually the only evidence of their actual age. Just take a 20 year old character, make them flat-chested, and suddenly they're underage.


Oct 28, 2017
It's been awhile but I guess I don't really recall that. The only thing I can specifically remember is the scene when you finally meet her again and she takes off the uniform and reveals what she normally looks like.
That's literally the only thing the camera does 90% of the time she's on screen. And she's only 15.

The camera in FF10 is garbage


Oct 25, 2017
Simply put, I just find it silly and problematic that these child/childlike characters are somehow a must have trope in a lot of Japanese games.
But why? Obviously is bad if they are sexualized but there is nothing wrong with having children in the cast whatever is boys or girls.


Sep 2, 2018
Phrased that poorly but this kind of thing always gets relegated to a Japan problem because people only consider video games here
But all it takes is a quick look at a social media discovery tool like the snapchat stories on the right side to see an example of what I'm referring to
It's a bit off topic though so my apologies

Red Devil

Oct 29, 2017
I don't think tagging a child in the party isn't necessarily bad. That's just a plot device; you have to do something to keep the story interesting, and putting a child in the group usually leads to great interaction between characters.
What's not okay is when devs trying to make them potential love interest/fanservice girl for adults by shoehorning some really questionable background ("thousand years old dragon girl" thing for one). C'mon, that's just an excuse. What the hell.

Here's relevant Awkward Zombie comic (image grabbed from here):

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