
Oct 25, 2017


Welcome to the official Japanese music OT. This thread has been created to discuss all things Japanese music related regardless of genre. We hope you enjoy your stay here & find some great music along the way. Below are some playlists to help you get started if you are new to Japanese music or would merely like to find some new discoveries.



https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgWh3ZTHPnKs9GtLtQTc5kYAPcnqwxpd8 (Thanx Kurita)






What is Shibuya Kei? Shibuya Kei is a genre of music that arose in Japan during the early 90's. Started by duo Flippers Guitar who consisted of Kenji Ozawa & Keigo Oyamada who would later go by the aliase of "Cornelius" & release one of the genres most beloved albums "Fantasma". The Genre is primarily influenced by 60's western culture & pop music. Early influences include Bossa Nova, Lounge, Ye Ye, & Psychedelic Pop. The genre would later go on to be influenced by House, Synthpop, Trip Hop, & many other genres thru the 90's. Prominent artist in the genre include Pizzicato 5, Fantastic Plastic Machine & Kahimi Karie.



What is City Pop? City Pop is a mixture of jazzy funk, disco & r&b influenced pop that began in the mid 70's & rose too popularity near the end of the decade as Japan's economy started booming in what is now called the bubble era. Later iterations of the genre would take influences from techno pop & synth pop artists like Yellow Magic Orchestra. Popular artist in the genre include Tatsuro Yamashita, Toshiki Kadomatsu & Anri.



Many Japanese artist & labels do not have their music easily available to those outside of Japan but those that do often have their music available on services like Spotify & Apple Music. If you'd like to purchase music, services like iTunes, Ototoy, & bandcamp will be the best way of doing that. In some cases you will need to creat a Japanese iTunes account to purchase music that isn't on your regions store & will require Japanese iTunes cards that can be purchase online.


[Apple Music US](https://www.apple.com/music/)
[Apple Music JP](https://www.apple.com/jp/music/)

A Japanese IP is needed to access their whole Japanese catalog.


They accept non Japanese credit cards.

Bandcamp: [Tokyo, Japan](https://bandcamp.com/tag/tokyo,-japan) [Japan](https://bandcamp.com/tag/japan) [Tokyo](https://bandcamp.com/tag/tokyo) [Japanese](https://bandcamp.com/tag/japanese)



[Make Believe Melodies](http://makebelievemelodies.com/)
[Coolest Sound](http://coolestsound.jp/)

How to make a Japanese Spotify account (Android):

1. Download Spotify if you don't already have it
2. Download a VPN app like Hola. Any will work as long as the VPN is located in Japan but i'm choosing Hola for this tutorial since it's pretty straightfoward.
3. Install both Spotify & Hola.
4. Open Hola first and from the app choose Spotify. It might not immediately show Spotify in the menu, if this happens i recommend restarting your phone, It should appear after that. After choosing Spotify click on the submenu that appears and choose Japan then click open.
5. The Spotify app should be in english after opening it. Everything is pretty straightforward. Fill out the required info. You'll know that you have a Spotify Japan account immediately after finishing the sign up based on some of the items in your home menu.
6. Go to your email to confirm your account. The email will be in Japanese but it's your usual confirmation email so you just need to click the link in the email.
7. You're Done! Congrats you have now have a Japanese Spotify account with access to the entire catalog. This will be a free account with limited features & ads. If you'd like premium features like unlimited skips & song selection you will need to use the tablet version of Spotify which includes these features free of charge. You can also use the official Spotify web player while using a Japanese VPN to access these features as well. Keep in mind that to continue accesing their catalog you will need to always be on a VPN. You can stick with Hola or choose to use another if you aren't comfortable with Hola knowing that you like idols.
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Oct 25, 2017
This OP is even more bare than the other one lol. I know you're working on it. Just giving you a little hell.

Anyways I'm looking forward to hopefully good Kyary Pamyu Pamyu music in the near future.

Oct 25, 2017
Devil Halton's Trap

I know this will look a lot better in some time. Just be sure to highlight some City Pop info/recommendations, and maybe a section for jazz/J-fusion (pretty please?). I'll try and check this place more often than I used to.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
I'm so glad we all made it here! Let's get things started:

I should probably get this in now because no way in hell is anyone going to talk about neo-Shibuya-kei Capsule (aka the GOLDEN AGE) ever again in this thread:

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Being sued right now, please help me find a lawyer
Oct 25, 2017

This thread have been blessed by SHISHAMO.


音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
So about the thread title, I think we should remove the ERA. I don't have many good ideas for the sub header, though.
Japanese Music |OT| Idle Hands and Idol Bands
Japanese Music |OT| We Only Listen to Enka
Japanese Music |OT| RSE46


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
i ripped that big album collection i got but i have no space on my phone :(


Oct 25, 2017
New Azusa Tadokoro album is out today, I really liked it tho I still prefer her previous one "It's My CUE." a little bit better.



Oct 25, 2017
Osaka, Japan
Hey people. I was wondering if any of you pay attention/listen to the utaite community? If so let me just say I've grown fond of alfakyun. over the past month, love feminine deep voices.



Oct 25, 2017
My favourite place to lurk is back !!! <3

I load this bad boi up when my friends ask me to show them a cool Japanese MV (heh)



Oct 25, 2017

Polkadot <3

Also, I knew ResetERA's logo reminded me of something, finally found out what:
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Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017

wow i know in all likelihood 80% of everything i consume is sponsored but this makes me feel really fucking weird, especially from Polkadot Stingray who didn't have a label until, what, the first half of this year?

also i've been to half these locations


Oct 25, 2017
wow i know in all likelihood 80% of everything i consume is sponsored but this makes me feel really fucking weird, especially from Polkadot Stingray who didn't have a label until, what, the first half of this year?

also i've been to half these locations

I think it's normal for them, they've appeared on Android CMs before when they were indie:

They must have had some connections before starting the band I imagine.

stump sock

Oct 25, 2017
that's weird, so that koto video was filmed 3 years ago?

also how rad is it that we can just embed videos here?


Oct 26, 2017
I managed to sign up here. I was a lurker on GAF but I'll try to post more here and I'll be interested in reading all the japanese music you guys like!
Lately, I've been listening to this song a lot despide not being spring and new single of Elephant Kashimashi comes out in 2 weeks. After seeing how the First Print Limited Editions of their singles and albums tend to get sold out very fast, I've been preordering them since the 30th anniversary best album came out.


音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US

50 year old single mother debuting as a Soul singer. Quite classy.

I managed to sign up here. I was a lurker on GAF but I'll try to post more here and I'll be interested in reading all the japanese music you guys like!
Lately, I've been listening to this song a lot despide not being spring and new single of Elephant Kashimashi comes out in 2 weeks. After seeing how the First Print Limited Editions of their singles and albums tend to get sold out very fast, I've been preordering them since the 30th anniversary best album came out.

Welcome back. Good to see you on here.
Yeah heard it when it came out, pretty cool.
Well aren't you cool. haha


音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
Need some Hip Hop on the front page, too. This year, as with previous years, JJJ and Kid Fresino are really great.
JJJ's new album, Hikari, is one of my favorite Hip Hop releases so far this year.

Kid Fresino's EP is just an EP, but it's good, too.

Despite sounding lame, Kandytown is also good.
Fla$hbacks collab with Fresino and JJJ, so they're dope, too.
Stuts is a producer I like.


Oct 26, 2017
La France
Tamaki Roy also released an excellent album this year too. So did Boku no Lyric no Boyoumi and Creepy Nuts (though it was just a mini. Their major debut single is out in 2 weeks!)

Man I kinda need to get more into Nogizaka46, they had some great tracks recently (I'm still shaking my head at the Wonder Woman theme song that was called "A woman can't sleep alone", like, how dense was everyone involved in this?? LMAO). I guess they're more traditional than Keyakizaka but still have some bangers. I especially love that unit track

Influencer was also pretty great.


Oct 26, 2017
La France
This band was sitting in my Youtube recs for a while and I'm only listening to them now (they've just released a new mini-album)

Really digging it!
Wouldn't be surprised to see them picking up some steam in 2018.
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音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
anyone else here into jazz
or older stuff in general. I'm looking for recommendations
Someone asked last month, so here's the same post I made then.
Soil and Pimp Sessions 1 2 They're legit. Played at The Blue Note Tokyo recently.

How about some Bossa Nova? Lamp

Let's go real old school with Little Fats & Swingin' Hot Shot Party

I love this guy's voice 勝手にしやがれ (Katte ni Shiyagare)

This group does covers of game/otaku shit, and they're all phenomenal musicians. Tokyo Active NEETs

The wonderful Hamada Maron is my favorite female Jazz singer currently. Met her once at a show, and she was so lovely.

If you wanna get really serious, Hiromi Uehara is highly respected. Really great trio, too.
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Oct 25, 2017
good shit, you two. definitely gonna be listening to these, thanks a lot

since you mentioned bossa nova. what is it with japanese singers and brazilian music? off the top of my head I can think of Taeko Onuki, Masayoshi Takanaka and Naoya Matsuoka that play some bossa nova/samba

not that I'm complaining though. I love it


Oct 25, 2017
Need some Hip Hop on the front page, too. This year, as with previous years, JJJ and Kid Fresino are really great.
JJJ's new album, Hikari, is one of my favorite Hip Hop releases so far this year.

Kid Fresino's EP is just an EP, but it's good, too.

Despite sounding lame, Kandytown is also good.
Fla$hbacks collab with Fresino and JJJ, so they're dope, too.
Stuts is a producer I like.

I'm always looking for awesome Japanese hip hop so thanks for this!


Oct 26, 2017
La France
good shit, you two. definitely gonna be listening to these, thanks a lot

since you mentioned bossa nova. what is it with japanese singers and brazilian music? off the top of my head I can think of Taeko Onuki, Masayoshi Takanaka and Naoya Matsuoka that play some bossa nova/samba

not that I'm complaining though. I love it
Dunno if it's related but Brazil has a big Japanese community (biggest in the world IIRC) since Japanese people immigrated over there last century.


音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
good shit, you two. definitely gonna be listening to these, thanks a lot

since you mentioned bossa nova. what is it with japanese singers and brazilian music? off the top of my head I can think of Taeko Onuki, Masayoshi Takanaka and Naoya Matsuoka that play some bossa nova/samba

not that I'm complaining though. I love it
Brazil and Japan have had a strong relationship for a very long time, and it's represented through the population, arts, and industries, so that's likely why it's popular.
I used to live near a big factory in the Japanese countryside where most of the workers (and many were my neighbors) were of Brazilian descent. Many Japanese live in Brazil, too!


Oct 25, 2017
I'm aware of the japanese community in Brazil but didn't know the opposite was also true, though I guess it makes sense. that's cool


Oct 25, 2017
Disappointing lack of mainstream classic pop on the first page. Here's some Namie info to start:

Complete tracklist is out. For the "new" songs:

40. Red Carpet / コーセー ESPRIQUE TVCM ソング
41. Mint / 関西テレビ・フジテレビ系火曜22時連続ドラマ「僕のヤバイ妻」主題歌
42. Hero / NHKリオデジャネイロオリンピック・パラリンピック放送テーマソング
43. Dear Diary / 映画『デスノート Light up the NEW world』主題歌
44. Fighter / 映画『デスノート Light up the NEW world』劇中歌
45. Christmas Wish / セブン-イレブン Magical Christmas イメージソング
46. Just You and I / 日本テレビ系水曜ドラマ「母になる」主題歌
47. Hope (新曲) / フジテレビ系アニメ「ONE PIECE」主題歌
48. In Two(新曲)
49. How do you feel now?(新曲) / NTTドコモ 25th Anniversary CMソング
50. Showtime (新曲) / TBS系 火曜ドラマ「監獄のお姫さま」主題歌
51. Do It For Love(新曲) / Hulu CMソング
52. Finally(新曲) / 日本テレビ系「NEWS ZERO」テーマ曲

CD + DVD cover

CD + BD cover

CD cover

Exclusive posters:




Tower Records

Tsutaya Records

Lawson HMV

Shinseido WonderGoo


Everywhere else

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