
Oct 25, 2017
Palpatine gets talked about a lot but I've never been under the impression people actually "liked" him. He's the main villain but I've never seen people talk favorably about him. Not even about the actor's performance. It usually about his actions more then anything.
Oct 27, 2017
Palpatine gets talked about a lot but I've never been under the impression people actually "liked" him. He's the main villain but I've never seen people talk favorably about him. Not even about the actor's performance. It usually about his actions more then anything.

I never liked him. Making the Emperor the literal personification of evil was one of the things the OT did wrong for me.


Oct 25, 2017
That's what he's supposed to be tho

A pathetic and insecure Vader fanboy. That's his character.

You know what. That's .. a good point. Strangely enough, all the marketing got to my head so I went into the movie expecting him to be legit and deadly, like Vader, but after that excellent intro of his character in the intro attack, I think I got pissed off because he turned out to be such a dork. He had become my own personal Jar-Jar. I wanted someone scary.

But.. you guys are right. he's supposed to be a phoney.

His vader fanboyism got him to roll in deep wayyyyy over his head and he ended up caught up into that serious space war and he fucking killed his father over it.

He's like those rich guys who end up killed by mexican cartels because they wanted to document their self-discovery trips and they ended up killed after accidentally filming some Cartel's compound in the background of their facebook video update.

In a way, he's a very tragic character. This is what space opera is all about.

Thanks for the input, guys.
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X1 Two

Oct 26, 2017
Darth Vader at 49 %? The most iconic villain in movie history? And K-2SO doesn't even make the list? He should be higher than C3PO.


Oct 31, 2017
Well at least we can say Finn made it as the Han solo the new trilogy.

Now if only they gave him something to do that isn't job or fight other jobbers *cough*.


Oct 25, 2017
You know what. That's .. a good point. Strangely enough, all the marketing got to my head so I went into the movie expecting him to be legit and deadly, like Vader, but after that excellent intro of his character in the intro attack, I think I got pissed off because he turned out to be such a dork. He had become my own personal Jar-Jar.

But.. you guys are right. he's supposed to be a phoney.

His vader fanboyism got him to roll in deep wayyyyy over his head and he ended up caught up into that serious space war and he fucking killed his father over it.

In a way, he's a very tragic character. This is what space opera is all about.

Thanks for the input, guys.


Oct 25, 2017
Everyone in this thread knows who Poe, Finn, BB-8, Kylo Ren and Snoke are but you. Pretty sure it is a memory issue.
im not referring to us, a bunch of nerds on a nerdy message board. im talking about those people surveyed. of course a bunch of star wars fans who gobble up all the info instantly and dissect it everyday on a message board are gunna know.

Deleted member 11157

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Well, I would say that's very different than Kylo being convenient and contrived.
Sure it is. The execs are like let's bring back Han and Leia. People love those characters. Then they're like let's have their son be the bad guy. Totally the opposite of Luke being the good guy. Internet people will LOVE the dichotomy between the light and dark again. Okay. Let's make him whiny and annoying. Okay that might work since he's a villain. But he's just annoying and whiny. Instead of making him a character with depth, how about we take a shortcut and have him kill Han? Brilliant!


Oct 30, 2017
This survey makes sense, honestly. The more popular characters are also the oldest and the nostalgia factor is the main reason that graph looks like that. And, they're also the characters with the greatest name recognition.

And despite how popular TFA's new characters seem right now, they still have only appeared in just one movie from two years ago. Others have been around for 40 years and many movies.

As much as I like Rey, Poe and Finn, they have a long way to go before I name them my favorites of the entire saga, I mean, come on. Leia, Luke , Solo, Vader and Obi-Wan are still by far my favorites. And Lando.


Oct 25, 2017
im not referring to us, a bunch of nerds on a nerdy message board. im talking about those people surveyed. of course a bunch of star wars fans who gobble up all the info instantly and dissect it everyday on a message board are gunna know.
If you honestly think that most people who saw The Force Awakens don't remember Finn's, Poe's, BB-8's or Kylo Ren's name, then I honestly have no idea what to say because that's crazy talk.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
It always make me cringe when people say Kylo Ren should have been bad arse under the mask, which misses the point so much. It only became interesting when we realised he wasn't just a clone of Darth Vader, but someone very insecure trying to mimic him. It's like complaining in Bio Shock that you don't have a fist fight with Andrew Ryan, it just sounds like it misses the point.

Deleted member 11157

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It always make me cringe when people say Kylo Ren should have been bad arse under the mask, which misses the point so much. It only became interesting when we realised he wasn't just a clone of Darth Vader, but someone very insecure trying to mimic him. It's like complaining in Bio Shock that you don't have a fist fight with Andrew Ryan, it just sounds like it misses the point.
So he's a lamer version of Darth Vader.
I guess my problem with him is I didn't want a low rent Vader character in the movie to begin with. And his lightsaber is lame too.

...you think Kylo Ren doesn't have depth? You think killing Han Solo was a shortcut?
Yup. I'm probably predisposed to not liking him, so he had a long hill to climb to convince me.


Oct 25, 2017
First impressions are important, look at the top of the list vs the bottom and think about their first scenes.

As someone else stated, these characters have been household names for 40 years. That doesn't mean people don't greatly enjoy the ones introduced in the new films, just that it's a ridiculously lopsided comparison to make.

Also, all three of the new characters in TFA had fantastic introductions.


Oct 25, 2017
So he's a lamer version of Darth Vader.
I guess my problem with him is I didn't want a low rent Vader character in the movie to begin with. And his lightsaber is lame too.
No, he's NOTHING like Darth Vader. That's the point. He WANTS to be, though.

It's weird how so many want him to be Darth Vader and are actively asking for a 2 dimensional character. They'd rather sacrifice drama and storytelling because they want a badass villain.


Oct 25, 2017
Just because Kylo Ren is an atypical Star Wars villain doesn't really make him all that fun of follow and his presentation so far hasn't been all that interesting. The idea behind him has some interesting enough potential but so far they haven't done all that much to endear him to me.


Oct 31, 2017
It always make me cringe when people say Kylo Ren should have been bad arse under the mask, which misses the point so much. It only became interesting when we realised he wasn't just a clone of Darth Vader, but someone very insecure trying to mimic him. It's like complaining in Bio Shock that you don't have a fist fight with Andrew Ryan, it just sounds like it misses the point.

I mean it's star wars, the franchise is filled with power fantasies and movie itself is not without it's plot contrivance. You'll get that sort of thing lot everyone like those sorts of plot pilots in their space adventure power fantasies.


Nov 5, 2017
lol please. Finn is a great character along with Rey.

I'm happy for you. To me he was basically the Ron Weasley of the movie, nothing that mattered would have changed without him there. He also loved murdering his former friends despite knowing from experience they can change and have been brainwashed. Sorry, I don't like him. If it makes you feel better I don't like most of the original cast either, and they are above all these people on the poll.

Finn was my favorite newbie in TFA.

And Jyn, like the rest of the R1 cast, blows.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The poll agrees with you, be happy. =) Edit: also I got Jyn confused with Poe, the pilot guy. I can't keep these SW names straight sometimes. Why isn't Poe up there? Madness!
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Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
As someone else stated, these characters have been household names for 40 years. That doesn't mean people don't greatly enjoy the ones introduced in the new films, just that it's a ridiculously lopsided comparison to make.
Finn and BB-9 are very close to running with the headliners.


Oct 26, 2017
BB8 is just a reskinned R2. Riding on R2's coattails. Living off his glory. Rolling in his shadow.
Nah man, R2-D2 is actually useful, he saves everyone from an imminent death in A New Hope. Hell, even the three seconds he has in The Force Awakens have him solving the entire plot. Meanwhile, BB-8 didn't do a single useful thing in The Force Awakens.


Oct 25, 2017
Finn and BB-9 are very close to running with the headliners.
They're close to running with the side characters from the OT, not the mains. BB-8 and Finn will probably be in every single movie, compared to Jabba and Lando, who both appear later and have much smaller parts.

Compared to the mains introduced from the beginning, they're still pretty far off. Nostalgia, time, and pure originality of the SW brand accounts for such high numbers, I think.

Rey is just as high, she's off by 1%.


Oct 26, 2017
Han Solo being below Luke is already a bad look. The rest is even worse. I'm ashamed of the people polled.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if "favorable impression" causes some people to automatically rank villains lower. Vader is the face of SW, so I'm wondering if that has to do with his tanked rating in comparison to the heros. I'm also wondering if the question should have been phrased as something like "do you enjoy this character in Star Wars?


Oct 31, 2017
They're close to running with the side characters from the OT, not the mains. BB-8 and Finn will probably be in every single movie, compared to Jabba and Lando, who both appear later and have much smaller parts.

Compared to the mains introduced from the beginning, they're still pretty far off. Nostalgia, time, and pure originality of the SW brand accounts for such high numbers, I think.

Rey is just as high, she's off by 1%.
Yeah rey it's far off and your right in tems of nostalgia which pretty much doesn't need to be stated since the nostalgia of the old films are the vast majority of the reason of the response of the TFA as the IP is so beloved. Audience members were just waiting for a new good movie.
Oct 25, 2017
Darth Vader at 49 %? The most iconic villain in movie history? And K-2SO doesn't even make the list? He should be higher than C3PO.
Seems like villains get rated lower. Some people who took this survey may have misunderstood the question as who you're most identifying with or who you like the most. Nobody actually sympathizes with Space Hitler.


Oct 25, 2017
The mere fact that Anakin Skywalker beat out Vader tells me that there was confusion about the question.

Maybe people took it as "well I don't really favor Vader, as he is a huge baddie"


Oct 25, 2017
People disturbingly want the villains to be just as much (if not more) of an escapist power fantasy as the heroes. They want someone who either fucking wrecks fools like it's no one's business, a cunning strategist 8 steps ahead of everyone else or a sympathetic figure who's burning everything down for REASONS the audience can relate to. Kylo is none of the above, and in fact is pretty much a critique of the kind of whiny, ineffectual dipshit would look up to Space Nazis and Space Satanists, and that clearly hit too close to home for a lot of people.

Also, this thread gives me an excuse to post this, so I'm gonna take it:



Oct 31, 2017
The mere fact that Anakin Skywalker beat out Vader tells me that there was confusion about the question.

Maybe people took it as "well I don't really favor Vader, as he is a huge baddie"
I don't see how that works against Vader but not Anakin. Vader ends the trilogy redeemed. Anakin ends the trilogy as a failed evil idiot.

Anakin is simply fairly relatable and well known even if his characterization is largely crap.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, that statistics are totally bullshit. No need to comment.

Also, Kylo Ren was awesome until his pulled out the mask. They screwed up him for the Han Solo, Rey scenes.

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Oct 27, 2017
Kylo Ren to me is a more modern villain. He's unsettling and not confident when the mask is off, he's kind of an entitled fuck who throws tempter tantrums. Like an Elliot Roger 4channer school shooter type of person. Not the crisp space nazis in their space hugo boss but real weird dudes. We all about to see what happens after he got beat and rejected by a girl.

He's only chasing what he imagines/hopes Darth Vader was like. In fact, he makes the opposite choices. The character was clearly set up to invoke Darth Vader and then subvert his arc. Of course we only have one movie out of three so we'll see where it all ends up.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't see how that works against Vader but not Anakin. Vader ends the trilogy redeemed. Anakin ends the trilogy as a failed evil idiot.

Anakin is simply fairly relatable and well known even if his characterization is largely crap.
You're forgetting about how Anakin is originally portrayed in the OT. As the hero who saves his son and gets redeemed in the final act of the trilogy. Pretty much the last thing audiences see is Anakin Skywalker posing with Yoda and Obi as the good guy who saved the day.

Not to mention, the PT tries to humanize Anakin even further, by showing him at a very young age and as a young man, before he transforms into Vader.

I'd definitely argue that most people see Darth Vader as the evil baddie.


Oct 25, 2017
As someone that loves talking smack about TFA, Kylo is one of my favorite Star Wars characters period. Great writing and a great performance from Adam Driver. Kylo is Anakin done right.