
Oct 29, 2017
Most of these billionaires grew up in upper-middle class/upper class households.

Even if you reduce it to upper-middle/upper class (suddenly we're away from 'anyone else'), most peoples parents don't have $250,000 kicking around to give them for a start up in 1995. Median net household worth isn't that high.


Oct 27, 2017
Even if he doesn't want to give much to charities, research, startups to help the future, etc, the least he could do is make Amazon a more desirable place to work for lower level employees. How about longer than 6 minute timed restroom breaks and a higher salary? Has 28 million to burn everyday.


Nov 4, 2017
That's the thing... They don't need to deal with those. At the first hint of bullshit just storm out*. Your self worth should be more than that.

*personal experience when starting out with a job. Fuck Best Buy :p

Not everyone has a family or safety net of some kind to rely on and quitting would mean they or their child can't eat or they lose the shitty apartment they can afford.

Fuck outta here.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah that goes against everything that Amazon stands for. Amazon is waiting to replace their employees, not treat them better (unless there is financial incentive to do so). They are waiting for the day they can replace all their employees with robots. It's going to happen really soon as well.

True. It's just crazy to think of Amazon selling everything and it mostly being all automated. Damn crazy, man....


Oct 25, 2017
It doesn't fucking matter!

I agree he should do more but the fact he might only have $3bn in accessible liquid assets rather than $150bn in cash does matter, relatively. But yeah he, with Amazon, should do more for their employees.

You can be sure the breaking point will come and people will rip the rich to shreds if the government isn't using the military before them.
Also, people praising him for being good and stuff, doubt he is a genius as most business run themself after a certain point and amount of wealth. There is a reason why you make the ship comparison, the biggest ship will crush any smaller one in its path just by sheer size.

A bloody proletariat revolution isn't going to happen.

I am sure he actually has quite a bit of money if he makes 28 million per day. Normal people never make that much money all their life.

Making $28m per day is in reference to Amazon share prices, not how much actual cash he is earning per day.


Oct 27, 2017
We just gonna ignore that he probably worked really hard to get here?
I kinda say "doubt" here. Surely he put in work but you can never work hard enough for 150 billion, cash or stock.

I feel like all this inequality is worth it if just one man can live like a god-king. He worked hard for his money. Millions and millions of times harder than his low level workers.
Surely, once he can cut workers he doesn't have to fear anything anymore and can make more money will everybody else starves to death.

See, that's an argument I could get behind. Has little to do with how rich Bezos is, since he's not pulling an obscene salary or anything. It's not like he inherited his wealth either, which may not make a difference to some but he's not like this advantaged kid that got all the breaks.

Plus if Amazon tanks like Moviepass (which is highly unlikely) that wealth goes poof, so it's not like he's got this Scrooge McDuck moneybank he swims around in and just hordes.

The article mentions that his salary is extra low to avoid taxes... .
I doubt Amazon can die outside of a government crushing it. Once companies are of a certain size it is difficult for them to die as long as there is no idiot involved.

This inherently insinuates his employees simply aren't working hard enough.

A few posters in this thread make this argument. "Bootstraps" /s

To begin with he was not alone when he created Amazon and you could replace Bezos with a goat in a tux and Amazon would still be running.
Most of the workers this company rests on are the one providing value since without them the company cannot actually work.
Bezos having a good idea 20 years ago doesn't mean he should reap all the benefits at the expense of the people actually making his idea a reality.

Some posters believe it should be that way, they will probably worship the company even more once no human works there anymore and Bezos sits on his golden throne at the top while the black number races higher by the second.

Bezos didn't just have a good idea 20 years ago, for the last 20 years it's his 24/7 execution & innovation that were key to make Amazon this successful.

If Bezos was stupid and led Amazon to bankruptcy by year 3, those workers that we are talking about wouldn't even have these jobs at all.

Oh please... . Once you cross a certain threshold it is difficult to fail.

I'm not arguing that really.

You insinuated that Bezos isn't superman and that his employees are close to him in terms of ability. I am saying that Bezos is pretty close to Superman. Just like Superman has the ability to shoot lasers from his eyes, Bezos has the ability to create a mega corp like Amazon and no one else does.

Your worship is disgusting, how can a human be that blind.

No, the company he's Ceo of will pay for it. Others will design, as part of a team, and build it for the company. At the end of the day, it was done under his direction, so he takes the credit. That's how it works.

Doubt that how it works or should work. But I am not expecting much from your posts going by the things you said in this thread.

In other aspects? Absolutely. In this aspect? Who knows. Yet, why does it matter how hard he's working at this point?

They need support systems to perhaps start up new business, or be pro active on their job search. Is a career change or a city change needed? Perhaps. Maybe pickup a trade? Maybe.

Most don't have the change or the opportunity to do that. Basic Income could make that possible but then Amazon would loose workers, which they don't want just yet. ;)
How you can be so naive and blind is something I don't understand.

You did, when you implied that people working for him worked just as hard as he does, therefore "deserve" some of his wealth.

and I pointed out that Bezos was the only one that could have done the incredibly difficult job of executing, innovating, and leading Amazon to its current state.What Bezos did was not easy, it was really, really hard. Therefore he did work really hard, more than any of his warehouse employees, by a lot.

I disagree but I doubt we could have a good discussion here. You are saying he deserves all the wealth despite using a modern slave/serfdom system to actually get anything done. If all workers would stop tomorrow then Amazon would collapse no matter how hard Bezos would work.

If some asshole supervisor told me I need to take a piss in a bottle I'll do it alright, and then shove it down his throat. This is my personal experience and this is how I work, but back then I had a lease to pay and college to pay but I won't let some asshole mistreat me in any way. I went through some pains but got over it. Still, I know not everyone's life experiences are like this. I was young, single, and no kids with no major health issues at that time. It was more straightforward than most people.

At this point I think everyone and their mother knows that Amazon treats their people like shit. Hell, I completely declined an offer from Amazon HQ in Seattle for software development because I read feedback on how shitty they treated the engineering people (and everyone apparently). People don't need to work at Amazon, that's my whole point. Just don't work for them until they fix their bullshit.

Naive, Naive to the maximum.

Compared to Bezos, they probably are "lazy bums", but that doesn't mean that they don't deserve better pay or better working conditions. I believe that Amazon should treat its employees better for sure.

You casually calling everybody outside Bezos lazy, wow... .

but Bezos working hard is exactly why there is a disparity though. If anyone else had the capability (and some luck), they could be in his position.

Again, the question isn't:

Did Bezos work hard enough to deserve this amount wealth?
In my opinion, that answer is yes.

The question should be:

Bezos worked hard to get this amount of wealth, does he have a duty to give it back & not hoard it all to himself?
In my opinion, that answer is yes.

He won't ever give anything back, he will hoard it more and more as the quotes in the article say.
Also, he doesn't deserve this amount of wealth. No amount of work is worth that much money, no character/personality is worth that much money.

Yeah that goes against everything that Amazon stands for. Amazon is waiting to replace their employees, not treat them better (unless there is financial incentive to do so). They are waiting for the day they can replace all their employees with robots. It's going to happen really soon as well.

You will probably kiss and worship the ground of Bezos when he replaces his workforce and can save more money while sucking more money out of everybody. Because that is the only thing I can read in all your posts, naivety, blindness and probably someone really young.

This is true, and is an even more damning indictment of capitalism. People working themselves to the bone to generate wealth, and they don't even get a share of it. They should get the fruit of their labor.

Going by the posters in this thread they are just cogs or meat slaps in a machine to funnel wealth to God-King Bezos so he can hoard more money. Disposable tools and nothing more... .

Honestly, I quoted a lot but I am so tired and simply fed up to try to make legitimate points against people that are blind, naive and possibly childish. Some seem to not understand that wealthy people should be held to higher standards due to their wealth.
Oct 27, 2017
The year is 2043, an amazon drone just dropped off my weekly ration behind my prison tent in the Sahara desert where I dig up raw material to be used in the construction of digger drones that will soon replace me.


Oct 27, 2017
Imagine having 28 million dollars to spend PER DAY. I couldn't even fucking imagine. Buy a new mansion every day?


Oct 27, 2017
I agree he should do more but the fact he might only have $3bn in accessible liquid assets rather than $150bn in cash does matter, relatively. But yeah he, with Amazon, should do more for their employees.

A bloody proletariat revolution isn't going to happen.

Making $28m per day is in reference to Amazon share prices, not how much actual cash he is earning per day.
I know, but I doubt he has 0 dollars in cash, would make little sense for him being such a genius as people say in this thread. But I guess he probably knows or gets warnings to sell off everything in case Amazon does fail, like some nice under the table information.

He is the CEO of Amazon, he could invest the money he makes into different things. But he chooses not to but rather keeps it, let it sit or uses it on things that aren't beneficial to others.

You seem to underestimate people. You don't need much as we have seen with Trump for people to rally behind someone with Charisma.
In any case, eventually the matter has to be addressed or society will crumble. If only Amazon is left then something has to happen from either side.


Nov 11, 2017
Really makes me feel disgusted shopping on Amazon.

The only thing that trickles down is his shit onto his workers.


Oct 25, 2017
I know, but I doubt he has 0 dollars in cash, would make little sense for him being such a genius as people say in this thread. But I guess he probably knows or gets warnings to sell off everything in case Amazon does fail, like some nice under the table information.

No one has said he has 0 dollars in cash.

What under the table information could he possibly have? If he knows Amazon is suddenly about to crash before the public and sells all his shares then that is illegal insider trading.

He is the CEO of Amazon, he could invest the money he makes into different things. But he chooses not to but rather keeps it, let it sit or uses it on things that aren't beneficial to others.

He has made many investments into different things. His investments are very diversified. In terms of charitable donations he's gave over $100m to a single cancer research organization iirc, like $30m to an immigrant scholarship fund, as well as other charities and has indicated he's going to lean into strategical philanthropic endeavors more after this summer. The $150bn figure makes it seem like he's sitting on it because something like $120bn of that is shares, that then leaves like $30bn of his worth for all his other companies/investments/personal wealth.

But again I'll say I agree with your general idea that yes he should be do far more philanthropically. He's one of the very few uber billionaires that isn't in The Pledge.

You seem to underestimate people. You don't need much as we have seen with Trump for people to rally behind someone with Charisma.
In any case, eventually the matter has to be addressed or society will crumble. If only Amazon is left then something has to happen from either side.

The closest the US got to in modern times was the Occupy movement, and if you want to mention Trump if there hasn't been a revolution against him there won't be one against 'rich people'. I don't think society is about to crumble but there is rampant inequality that needs to be addressed.

In any case we agree in the overarching sense of things. Inequality is a problem, Government needs to intervene, rich people need to be more accountable and philanthropic.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
this biggest takeaway from me in this article is that McDonald's setting up non-competes now? What in the world?


Oct 28, 2017
This is like the singularity equivalent in business. Nobody is worth that much money intrinsically.
Nov 16, 2017
I kinda say "doubt" here. Surely he put in work but you can never work hard enough for 150 billion, cash or stock.

Surely, once he can cut workers he doesn't have to fear anything anymore and can make more money will everybody else starves to death.

The article mentions that his salary is extra low to avoid taxes... .
I doubt Amazon can die outside of a government crushing it. Once companies are of a certain size it is difficult for them to die as long as there is no idiot involved.

A few posters in this thread make this argument. "Bootstraps" /s

Some posters believe it should be that way, they will probably worship the company even more once no human works there anymore and Bezos sits on his golden throne at the top while the black number races higher by the second.

Oh please... . Once you cross a certain threshold it is difficult to fail.

Your worship is disgusting, how can a human be that blind.

Doubt that how it works or should work. But I am not expecting much from your posts going by the things you said in this thread.

Most don't have the change or the opportunity to do that. Basic Income could make that possible but then Amazon would loose workers, which they don't want just yet. ;)
How you can be so naive and blind is something I don't understand.

I disagree but I doubt we could have a good discussion here. You are saying he deserves all the wealth despite using a modern slave/serfdom system to actually get anything done. If all workers would stop tomorrow then Amazon would collapse no matter how hard Bezos would work.

Naive, Naive to the maximum.

You casually calling everybody outside Bezos lazy, wow... .

He won't ever give anything back, he will hoard it more and more as the quotes in the article say.
Also, he doesn't deserve this amount of wealth. No amount of work is worth that much money, no character/personality is worth that much money.

You will probably kiss and worship the ground of Bezos when he replaces his workforce and can save more money while sucking more money out of everybody. Because that is the only thing I can read in all your posts, naivety, blindness and probably someone really young.

Going by the posters in this thread they are just cogs or meat slaps in a machine to funnel wealth to God-King Bezos so he can hoard more money. Disposable tools and nothing more... .

Honestly, I quoted a lot but I am so tired and simply fed up to try to make legitimate points against people that are blind, naive and possibly childish. Some seem to not understand that wealthy people should be held to higher standards due to their wealth.
Yeah you clearly never got the nuance in my argument. Thanks for joining the discussion.
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
Why are some of you mad at Bezos for having all that wealth? He's a smart guy, tooks risks, risks paid off, now filthy rich. He deserved it for playing the game very well.

People only start hating people once they get rich. Then it becomes lots of whining like "he doesn't deserve that!" "What can you even do with that money?" Bezos probably has absolutely no concern of "inequality". It doesn't even cross his mind. People like him just aren't wired like that


Nov 11, 2017
Why are some of you mad at Bezos for having all that wealth? He's a smart guy, tooks risks, risks paid off, now filthy rich. He deserved it for playing the game very well.

People only start hating people once they get rich. Then it becomes lots of whining like "he doesn't deserve that!" "What can you even do with that money?" Bezos probably has absolutely no concern of "inequality". It doesn't even cross his mind. People like him just aren't wired like that

I think its mostly to do with the fact that he built that wealth on fucking people over like his workers. Horrible working conditions, he gets all the wealth, they get pennies.


Oct 28, 2017
Why are some of you mad at Bezos for having all that wealth? He's a smart guy, tooks risks, risks paid off, now filthy rich. He deserved it for playing the game very well.

People only start hating people once they get rich. Then it becomes lots of whining like "he doesn't deserve that!" "What can you even do with that money?" Bezos probably has absolutely no concern of "inequality". It doesn't even cross his mind. People like him just aren't wired like that
People that rich definitely are aware of profits and what his employees are / are not getting. He's also no doubt aware of things like political contributions as thus knows he has the ability to donate money to other possibly more philanthropic causes.


Oct 29, 2017
Why are some of you mad at Bezos for having all that wealth? He's a smart guy, tooks risks, risks paid off, now filthy rich. He deserved it for playing the game very well.

People only start hating people once they get rich. Then it becomes lots of whining like "he doesn't deserve that!" "What can you even do with that money?" Bezos probably has absolutely no concern of "inequality". It doesn't even cross his mind. People like him just aren't wired like that

Because to get that wealth he had to exploit hundreds of thousands of people's labour by giving them awful pay and terrible working conditions. All while paying virtually nothing in taxes and lobbying governments around the world to worsen conditions for people so he can continue to make money he can't use fast enough.


Oct 25, 2017
Why are some of you mad at Bezos for having all that wealth? He's a smart guy, tooks risks, risks paid off, now filthy rich. He deserved it for playing the game very well.
There are probably some people that don't like him because he is rich, but really I don't see a lot of people saying these kinds of things about Bill Gates because he is also philanthropic while being rich. Meanwhile, there isn't a day that goes by without hearing how terrible Amazon working conditions are for people.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Why are some of you mad at Bezos for having all that wealth? He's a smart guy, tooks risks, risks paid off, now filthy rich. He deserved it for playing the game very well.

People only start hating people once they get rich. Then it becomes lots of whining like "he doesn't deserve that!" "What can you even do with that money?" Bezos probably has absolutely no concern of "inequality". It doesn't even cross his mind. People like him just aren't wired like that
It's well explained why people hate him.


Oct 25, 2017
Because to get that wealth he had to exploit hundreds of thousands of people's labour by giving them awful pay and terrible working conditions. All while paying virtually nothing in taxes and lobbying governments around the world to worsen conditions for people so he can continue to make money he can't use fast enough.

I doubt treatment of its workers, good or ill, had anything to do with Amazon's success. Amazon succeeded because it had a good business model and continually innovated.

Deleted member 29676

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 1, 2017
There's a storm coming, Mr. Bezos. You and your friends better battendown the hatches, because when it hits, you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.


Nov 21, 2017
Why are some of you mad at Bezos for having all that wealth? He's a smart guy, tooks risks, risks paid off, now filthy rich. He deserved it for playing the game very well.

People only start hating people once they get rich. Then it becomes lots of whining like "he doesn't deserve that!" "What can you even do with that money?" Bezos probably has absolutely no concern of "inequality". It doesn't even cross his mind. People like him just aren't wired like that
People are mad at him because he made that much by paying his workers less than half a peanut. People are mad at him because while he is making that much, his workers are living in their car, pissing in bottles, and are unable to live a basic life. People are mad at him because he could have paid his workers a living wage and he would still have enough money to not work a single day in his entire life, but he doesn't.

No one is mad at him because he's rich.

Sorry for not automatically worshipping another rich man for exploiting his workers.

If you have to worship a rich man for being rich, here is one you could look at:


But you know what's better, don't worship because someone is rich. Praise them when they do things right, and criticise them when they do wrong, like one would anyone else.

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
Bezosbulb's coffers are filled with the life force of us, his loyal subjects. In return, he shall continue his river of goods and services from the depths and is working to expand his empire so all may share in his gifts. Some who are not yet his subjects worry for the health of his minions. He understands their concerns and says all shall be revealed once his empire has finished its needful expansion. All shall soon be under his domain.

Praise our Dark Lord and may his drones soon darken our skies.


Oct 29, 2017
I doubt treatment of its workers, good or I'll, had anything to do with Amazon's success. Amazon succeeded because it had a good business model and continually innovated.

Could Amazon be a successful business if it paid its workers more and paid tax? Potentially, yes.

Would it and Bezos be this successful? No.


Oct 25, 2017
The ludicrous stuff I'd be into would probably cost me about fifty million for the rest of my life and that includes a private island. I don't want a vehicle I don't personally drive or a house I can't navigate in the event page blackout.

Art? I prefer to travel and see it.

Cars. Sure a fancy SUV (Audi rather than Bentley) a practical sedan and maybe a Caterham 7 for effing around.

I'm already vastly better off than I was in childhood.

And I'm not a libertarian.

But that fifty million would be ludicrous luxury.

So two days of being Bezos!


Oct 29, 2017
Bezos would be just as rich if every worker was happy. Amazon didn't just succeed by pinching pennies.

Look if you really believe this, then why doesn't he just do that? Do you think he enjoys making people suffer or something? Is he a sadist? If the worker's happiness isn't a factor in the company's profitability, why don't they make Amazon a paradise to work at and ensure amazing PR and super productive, loyal employees?

Because in reality to make the workers happy you'd need to increase their wages and improve working conditions, both of which increase labour costs for Amazon. And if they had to do that, and actually pay tax they'd be less profitable.

Deleted member 29676

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 1, 2017
Bezos would be just as rich if every worker was happy. Amazon didn't just succeed by pinching pennies.

You don't think paying every worker more would have an impact on Amazon's EPS and therefore sharevalue which is where the majority of his wealth is?

Amazon has around half a million employees. If everyone made just $1000 more a year it would be half a billion dollars off of profit. That would absolutely reduce amazon's stock value.


User requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
Why are some of you mad at Bezos for having all that wealth? He's a smart guy, tooks risks, risks paid off, now filthy rich. He deserved it for playing the game very well.

People only start hating people once they get rich. Then it becomes lots of whining like "he doesn't deserve that!" "What can you even do with that money?" Bezos probably has absolutely no concern of "inequality". It doesn't even cross his mind. People like him just aren't wired like that



Oct 25, 2017