
Oct 30, 2017
Guy kicked him with the top of his foot. He looks like he knows what he is doing so I'm betting that he was just pulling punches.


Oct 30, 2017
Looks more like Richard Lewis to me.


Oct 28, 2017
I see there was a round 2 with a stick. Does that mean that the cameraman (or any neighbour) did not even try to call the police during round 1?

What a crappy neighbourhood. See two people fight, possibly with a weapon, focus on Internet karma instead of public safety, good job witnessing the start of a life-long neighbour fight which will destroy the little peace which was left in your neighbourhood for possibly ten, maybe twenty years...
People don't do this to get internet karma.

You need to get out more when the pandemic restrictions lift. A lot of people just like watching a fight and since shirtless dude was the neighboring villain they wanted to remember it properly.


Oct 27, 2017
Leave it to some parts of ERA to turn a wholesome story about a racist misogynist getting his ass beat into a rebuke on progressives for celebrating violence. Never change ERA, never change


Nov 16, 2017
That roundhouse to the face was impressive and a kicks to the ribs/liver would have hurt

round 2 - goldblum blocking the 2x4 must have also hurt a lot. I tried that once but with a skateboard.


Oct 25, 2017
That roundhouse to the face was impressive and a kicks to the ribs/liver would have hurt

round 2 - goldblum blocking the 2x4 must have also hurt a lot. I tried that once but with a skateboard.

Yeah he ended up with a broken arm.
I take it those kicks ended the fight? That roundhouse looked like it devastated the racist guy.

Nope there was a second round with the shirtless dude coming back with a 2x4.


Oct 27, 2017
That round house kick though! Shirtless guy is just bum, his stance is so shitty lol.


Nov 27, 2017
Nope there was a second round with the shirtless dude coming back with a 2x4.
Unskilled, drunk/high morons don't know when they've been beat. That's one of the bigger dangers of fighting people on the street. They don't know when they should quit and they'll escalate until people get hurt.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
You know I could see it being excessive and the guy could have called it early instead of destroying the dude's ribs (lmao) but he came back with 2x4 so fuck him.
Oct 27, 2017
Got a total TKD vibe from this. Nice turning kick at the end of round 1, but he probably should have kept at the guy until he was banjaxed, maybe a couple of leg shots or kick to the nads, because as we seen in the second video these fuckheads don't know when to quit. The TKD guy was obviously very reluctant to fight, you could see it.

I'm only a short guy, so sparing guys with legs like his are fucking a pain. Reach is hard to beat. I need to get back in training. On my turning kicks I'd usually pull my toes back and hit with the ball of my foot (the underneath part) its strong bone with padding and I've broken red bricks with it. It can be harder with shoes on but some of the newer TKD places use pads for semi-contact and that encourages the use the instep similar to Muay Thai. My favourite quick kick is a front kick to the lower stomach/nads area. Hard to defend, very quick or even a kick to the shins can be killer unless they are conditioned.