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Nov 20, 2017
Wait you use the same tactics? Well done I guess. I point out that Isreal are murdering unarmed people and children on the reg, you accuse me of wanting all Jews dead. Great fucking leap in logic. At least you have the UK politics play book down.

Actually I'm illustrating the difference between your own position and the position of the people whose racist views you're tolerating.
Roberto Larcos
Oct 25, 2017
User warned: arguing in bad faith and misrepresenting post on purpose.
Given what they have suffered at the hands of Israel, I can understand why they have that position.

This might be the most disgusting thing I've read on this site. No, under no circumstances should you advocate wiping out all Jews. Jesus, fuck

Turns out a goose-step away was underestimating it.


Oct 26, 2017
This might be the most disgusting thing I've read on this site. No, under no circumstances should you advocate wiping out all Jews. Jesus, fuck
That's not what the poster said. He said he understands why there are Palestinians that get that radicalized. With their conditions over the years and decades, that's no rocket science.
Nov 20, 2017
Do you believe what Israel is doing to Palestine is a war crime?

Yes, as a matter of fact I do. You're free to say this. You're free to say that Israel's government is racist. Same way as you can quite rightly say that the Palestinians are institutionally racist. The problem with the Corbyn's of the world is that this is a genuinely complex and nuanced issue, and reducing it to Israel is evil and secretly controls the world is textbook antisemitism.


Oct 25, 2017
This might be the most disgusting thing I've read on this site. No, under no circumstances should you advocate wiping out all Jews. Jesus, fuck

He didn't, he said he can understand where the hate comes from and why people think things like that, I can understand why the Conservatives in Israel think like they do as well.


Oct 25, 2017
This might be the most disgusting thing I've read on this site. No, under no circumstances should you advocate wiping out all Jews. Jesus, fuck
To be clear I'm talking about Israel, as the latter is very much attempting the eradication of Palestine.

Then Israel doesn't help matters by declaring themselves to be a Jewish state, effectively to some degree taking the mantle of the Jewish people.

Mama Robotnik

Gaming Scholar
Oct 27, 2017
This might be the most disgusting thing I've read on this site. No, under no circumstances should you advocate wiping out all Jews. Jesus, fuck

Turns out a goose-step away was underestimating it.
What the hell is wrong with you?

"I understand why circumstances allowed a group that has a reprehensible idea to form" DOES NOT EQUAL "I agree with genocide".

You are debating in appallingly bad faith. So far, some those that have offered contrary opinions have been accused of being goose-stepping nazis and evil advocates of genocide. You are doing to them what you are doing to Corbyn.


Oct 25, 2017
London, United Kingdom
What do we think the next smear is going to be?

We've had foreign intelligence agents.
We've had war memorial dancer and food stealer.
We've had racist.

I reckon Nazi or Fraudster.

"Corbyn Hitler Shrine Shocker" (Jeremy Corbyn visits a World War 2 museum and walks past a photo of Hitler)

or "Corbyn Stole My Nan's Pension" (Man's grandmother is a Labour member and pays a membership fee, grandson - Tory youth member - annoyed)

I can picture The Sun right now.

"Fake news by the biased conservative media" is not a defence when Corbyn's comments are on tape.

This is "la la la I can't hear you" - it's echoing the same sort of thing Trump supporters say.

"Supporting antisemites to own the Tories"
Roberto Larcos
Oct 25, 2017
To me, 'I can understand why they believe that' means that it's a logical position to hold. The eradication of all Jews is not a logical position to hold, even for Palestinians, sorry.

It's apologism, and I won't abide it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Actually I'm illustrating the difference between your own position and the position of the people whose racist views you're tolerating.

I never claimed to tolerate anyone? Im fairly certain I didn't even mention a name.

To me, 'I can understand why they believe that' means that it's a logical position to hold. The eradication of all Jews is not a logical position to hold, even for Palestinians, sorry.

It's apologism, and I won't abide it.

And I sure as hell never defended that position jfc.

I expect similar empathy for those who have lost family members to suicide bombers in Israel joining the IDF will be incoming any moment now.

Everyone who's lost someone to it deserves empathy it isn't about sides. The issue is the conflict itself and no governments do much to even acknowledge that its an ongoing issue.
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Nov 20, 2017
What the hell is wrong with you?

"I understand why circumstances allowed a group that has a reprehensible idea to form" DOES NOT EQUAL "I agree with genocide".

You are debating in appallingly bad faith. So far, some those that have offered contrary opinions have been accused of being goose-stepping nazis and evil advocates of genocide. You are doing to them what you are doing to Corbyn.

To me, 'I can understand why they believe that' means that it's a logical position to hold. The eradication of all Jews is not a logical position to hold, even for Palestinians, sorry.

I expect similar empathy for those who have lost family members to suicide bombers in Israel joining the IDF will be incoming any moment now.
Oct 31, 2017
Do you think Jews should be wiped from the earth? Because that's what the pro-palestinian groups that Corbyn is hosting events for believe. In fact it's written into their charter.
No it doesn't, they changed there charter in 2017:

and showed a willingness to accept a peace agreement with Israel as early as 2008:

The idea that meeting with the elected representatives of an oppressed and dehumanized people is an act of racism is nonsense. I'm sure you would have also called those who supported the ANC's legitimacy as a political entity, terrorist sympathizers during apartheid.


Apr 16, 2018
To me, 'I can understand why they believe that' means that it's a logical position to hold. The eradication of all Jews is not a logical position to hold, even for Palestinians, sorry.

It's apologism, and I won't abide it.
It's not a logical position. It's an emotional position. Human beings are rarely logical. What the previous poster said is also not apologism, and your reactions are only likely to inflame the other side.
Nov 20, 2017
No it doesn't, they changed there charter in 2017:

and showed a willingness to accept a peace agreement with Israel as early as 2008:

The idea that meeting with the elected representatives of an oppressed and dehumanized people is an act of racism is nonsense. I'm sure you would have also called those who supported the ANC's legitimacy as a political entity, terrorist sympathizers during apartheid.

When did he do all of this?


Oct 25, 2017
To me, 'I can understand why they believe that' means that it's a logical position to hold. The eradication of all Jews is not a logical position to hold, even for Palestinians, sorry.

It's apologism, and I won't abide it.

I understand lots of things that I don't condone, that's s a strange position to take in my opinion.

Mama Robotnik

Gaming Scholar
Oct 27, 2017
To me, 'I can understand why they believe that' means that it's a logical position to hold. The eradication of all Jews is not a logical position to hold, even for Palestinians, sorry.

"I understand the history and circumstances that led to the contemptable Emperor Palpatine's rise to power" = I AM DARTH VADER AND I WOULD PERSONALLY KILL EVERYONE ON ALDERAAN AGAIN.


Oct 26, 2017
Yes, as a matter of fact I do. You're free to say this. You're free to say that Israel's government is racist. Same way as you can quite rightly say that the Palestinians are institutionally racist. The problem with the Corbyn's of the world is that this is a genuinely complex and nuanced issue, and reducing it to Israel is evil and secretly controls the world is textbook antisemitism.
"the Palestinians are institutionally racist"

What all of them?!?
Nov 20, 2017
He a shit leader anyways, get Lammy in

That is literally all it takes. A progressive, left wing social democrat with charisma and competence.

Personally I would prefer a woman but acceptable candidates are thin on the ground. Rayner is the best one I could stomach but I increasingly feel constricted by who is acceptable to momentum rather than the Labour party.


Nov 6, 2017
Where the Fenians Sleep
To me, 'I can understand why they believe that' means that it's a logical position to hold. The eradication of all Jews is not a logical position to hold, even for Palestinians, sorry.

It's apologism, and I won't abide it.

You've said a lot of stupid stuff but this takes the cake. Understanding why someone feels some way isn't condoning it. I understand why people here have thrown old west Britain under the bus but I don't condone it.


Oct 26, 2017
To me, 'I can understand why they believe that' means that it's a logical position to hold. The eradication of all Jews is not a logical position to hold, even for Palestinians, sorry.

It's apologism, and I won't abide it.
It's not. Every time people argue that Israel needs to stop what it's doing or get sanctioned for it, people bring out this argument that if they're gonna do that, Palestinians will push them into the sea. It's no surprise there are a sizeable number of radicalized Palestinians given the conditions they had to endure, and it's certainly no excuse to keep the status quo and pretend any progress is impossible as long as there are Palestinians that have that stance.

Maybe you had no intention of that, but that's what it reads like every time people bring this up, while Israel gets to be just as if not more radicalized without being under any real existential threat with all its western backing.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd use the term ineffective. He should be polling well ahead of the Tory trashfire by now.

The trouble is the country is divided, I don't think it's that easy to pick up votes, ukip and the libdems are tiny, both major parties have fairly high poll numbers.

I don't think the old rules will work at the moment. Hopefully that changes but Labour can just as easily lose vote going centre ground remain as win them.
Roberto Larcos
Oct 25, 2017
It isn't a logical position to hold, that is the point.

I'm gonna say on such a tense topic that you really have to be more clear on that.

To others, 'kill all Jews' has very few parallels, but I'll give one that may give more idea of where I'm coming from. If anybody says, "well actually, I understand why white Americans wanted to enslave people from the Carribbean", they'd get accused instantly of apologism. By nature of even saying such a heinous thing is understandable, logical, it's apologism. It's also deeply offensive and entirely unacceptable.


Oct 29, 2017
This reads like you're one post away from using Soros conspiracies.

I didn't mention any conspiracy.
A conspiracy would involve people acting together. I believe capitalists defend their interests individually. They end up defending the same policies because it benefits them the most, but they don't meet up every Tuesday to overthrow this or that government, if that's what you think I'm saying.

Noticing a global trend against a political ideology doesn't mean I'm into conspiracies...


Apr 16, 2018
The trouble is the country is divided, I don't think it's that easy to pick up votes, ukip and the libdems are tiny, both major parties have fairly high poll numbers.

I don't think the old rules will work at the moment. Hopefully that changes but Labour can just as easily lose vote going centre ground remain as win them.
Perhaps you're right. It just seems like Labour should be doing better under the circumstances. If he was a stronger remainer I bet he would be.


Oct 28, 2017
I had always assumed that in the UK the term Zionist meant 'Nationalist Jews' that seek to push the Muslims out and not share the Holy Land of Israel between all the Abrahamic faiths involved.

I thought that was clear? Nothing wrong with Jewish people (who I would call Jewish, or moderate), and of course, nobody at all from anywhere should be getting murdered, but the slow creep of Nationalist Jews (who I would call Conservative, or Zionist) into British politics I feel is a result of the UK swinging more into the hysterical realm of US politics and 'lobbying'.

I personally sympathise with moderate Palestinian Muslims and moderate Israeli Jews that want to live in peace. No land grabbing, no embassy switching, no guns, no bombs.


Apr 16, 2018
I'm gonna say on such a tense topic that you really have to be more clear on that.

To others, 'kill all Jews' has very few parallels, but I'll give one that may give more idea of where I'm coming from. If anybody says, "well actually, I understand why white Americans wanted to enslave people from the Carribbean", they'd get accused instantly of apologism. By nature of even saying such a heinous thing is understandable, logical, it's apologism. It's also deeply offensive and entirely unacceptable.
It's not apologism. Understanding and supporting or sympathizing are two different things.
Roberto Larcos
Oct 25, 2017
I had always assumed that in the UK the term Zionist meant 'Nationalist Jews' that seek to push the Muslims out and not share the Holy Land of Israel between all the Abrahamic faiths involved.

For a long time in the Labour Party, particularly among Trotskyists and Militant, Zionist has been used as a euphemism for Jew.


Oct 26, 2017
I think before you could argue he was simply rubbing shoulders with bad people as an unfortunate consequence of being a Palestinian rights campaigner. And you could say that the Labour party has handled the Anti-Semitism issue poorly.

Now though, with this, I don't really see how you can any longer claim that he's not personally anti Semitic. He's not a BNP style, "kike yid" racist, but this is classic "othering". Even if you give him an enormous level of benefit of doubt that, frankly, he's long since burned through, and assume he is talking about very specific people, rather than Jews or even Zionists generally, this is still abti-semitic. He's specifically saying that "you being, despite being here all your loves, aren't sufficiently English." It doesn't matter if he's talking about a specific person or specific set of people - that's utterly racist to suggest that because of a political difference, they aren't as English as him (and apparantly don't understand "English irony" as well as the Palestinian envoy?)

But of course, he wasn't talking about specific people. Obviously he wasn't. Obviously he wasn't talking about a mixed group who included both Jewish and non-Jewish people. It doesn't make sense. To use an example I've seen floating around on Twitter, Tony Blair is a zionist. He's lived in the UK most of his life. Even if he had been at the parliamentary event (staying thankfully silent during it, natch) and then came up to contest the contents after - would *any* of what Corbyn said make sense? Not even remotely. He was talking about Jews, plain and simple. And he thinks that, because they disagree with him, aren't really English. And if they're not really English, what are they? They must have some sort of loyalty to something else.

Dick Justice

Oct 25, 2017
This might be the most disgusting thing I've read on this site. No, under no circumstances should you advocate wiping out all Jews. Jesus, fuck

Turns out a goose-step away was underestimating it.
This is nicely representative of your thread in general. Deliberately misrepresent other people's points, wipe away any sense of nuance and shriek about oppression and Antisemitism, all while Palestinian civilians are actually being oppressed and ethnically-cleansed.
Oct 31, 2017
When did he do all of this?
I wasn't specifically referring to Corbyn, but since you asked here:

The broader point is that the ANC and Nelson Mandela were once "Terrorists" who couldn't be negotiated with. Sinn Fein were "Terrorists" who couldn't be negotiated with and according to the same people who said the ANC and Sinn Fein couldn't be negotiated with, Hamas are "Terrorists" who can't be negotiated with.
Nov 20, 2017
I had always assumed that in the UK the term Zionist meant 'Nationalist Jews' that seek to push the Muslims out and not share the Holy Land of Israel between all the Abrahamic faiths involved.

I thought that was clear? Nothing wrong with Jewish people (who I would call Jewish, or moderate), and of course, nobody at all from anywhere should be getting murdered, but the slow creep of Nationalist Jews (who I would call Conservative, or Zionist) into British politics I feel is a result of the UK swinging more into the hysterical realm of US politics and 'lobbying'.

I personally sympathise with moderate Palestinian Muslims and moderate Israeli Jews that want to live in peace. No land grabbing, no embassy switching, no guns, no bombs.


Zionism is the political belief of a nation-state homeland for the Jews. The majority view is that this should be in Palestine, but as an ideology zionism has adapted in time and comes in many flavours.
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