
Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
Infinite Undiscovery R multiplatform finally.



Oct 27, 2017
Sounds less like that and more in-depth backstories which will come out during gameplay. Which…could be good.

SoD1 was story heavy as initially there was a relatively set group of survivors and you had to finish the game by escaping. Plot dictated when you moved bases, etc.

SoD2 was more freeform. Choose a map with randomly generated survivors, pick one of the four goals you want to go for, and play that. The only plot was just radio chatter about some factions doing stuff in the background that you never see (there was an extra game mode released with a set story and a choice of two sets of main characters though). It got old really quickly - I was always just like "SHUT UP SO I CAN GET BACK TO THE FANTASTIC GAMEPLAY"

But also, because everyone was a randomly generated survivor, their backstories were very minimal, so I get why they might want to go the other way. But on the other hand, the gameplay was so good that I just didn't care about the story at all.

Yeah that radio stuff sounds like it'd get grating pretty quickly. I was wondering if maybe they were thinking of taking a page from TLOU/Naughty Dog walk and talk style segments but for a survival game like this I'm not how well that would work with the more chaotic sandbox nonlinear nature of it all. Curious to see what they have in store just the same.


Jan 12, 2024
btw announce Gears 6, Fable, SoD 3, Perfect Dark all coming in 2024, if Halo MCC under codename Latitude coming to PS that's all internet will talk about and that'll be hardware's end imho.


Feb 25, 2020
Like someone already said, they won't show multiplat stuff. Didn't they make Atlus delay a multiplatform announcement for a day a few years ago? Like… 😐 You're not getting PS games there, mate.


Oct 31, 2017
I can hardly be excited for BD and LO remasters when both of these games are already back compat. Yeah, it would be good to release them on PC/PS5/Switch but it changes nothing for existing Xbox users imo.

Like someone already said, they won't show multiplat stuff. Didn't they make Atlus delay a multiplatform announcement for a day a few years ago? Like… 😐 You're not getting PS games there, mate.

Tbf, at the time they probably thought that Xbox has a chance to win the mindshare and gamepass would grow steadily, both of which didn't happen later into the gen. I think they should focus on selling software by any means. But yeah, who knows how they will approach this.
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Oct 27, 2017
I hope Gears 6 is more of an reboot. Absolutely loved the series on Xbox 360, but thought 4 and 5 were rather meh.

I don't doubt Coalition will push the graphics to next level.


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
He wrote "showcase period", which doesn't necessarily mean they'd announce it on-stage.

I think Jez means within the week of, as he uses the phrase Xbox Showcase period. Here in the U.K. we use the term period differently to America (where it means full stop / for certain), here it means 'a period of time'.

So I assume this just means they'll announce in a blog after the show that some games shown are also coming to PlayStation players and then Sony will have trailers up on their PS socials.

Oh, good point.

That would make more sense. I just left my night shift and still barely functional that I missread lol
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Oct 27, 2017
Why would they use the Xbox Showcase to announce this?
They could just do it on a blog or twitter
I think Jez means within the week of, as he uses the phrase Xbox Showcase period. Here in the U.K. we use the term period differently to America (where it means full stop / for certain), here it means 'a period of time'.

So I assume this just means they'll announce in a blog after the show that some games shown are also coming to PlayStation players and then Sony will have trailers up on their PS socials.


Oct 27, 2017
Any reason you're being disingenuous and not listing the other decent sellers like Infinite Undiscovery, Eternal Sonata, Magna Carta 2 and went straight for the low levelers like Ziria, Enchanted Arms and Spectral Forces 3?
I think you're confused about the first post of mine you replied to. I was saying Blue Dragon did as well as it could have on the system as it was probably the best selling game in the genre on the 360 alongside Lost Odyssey by a sizeable amount (in response to someone saying it sold worse than Lost Odyssey and that it had nothing to do with the system it was on, both of which are wrong).

But also those three examples you used are funny because one is part of a disastrous earnings report that resulted in SE halving their market cap over a couple months, the other relegated the studio that released it to permanent support status because it bombed (sucks, Eternal Sonata is a cool game), while the last one seemingly killed its series.

Chippewa Barr

Powered by Friendship™
Aug 8, 2020
I'll be psyched for BD but the lost odyssey fans are gonna be big mad if that title gets ignored lol
Rightly so as LO is the way better game! Though BD is awesome in its own way too.

Would love sequels to both if I'm honest lol.
I just want Fable to be good even if it takes long as fuck. I don't care about anything else MS is making right now. Just Fable.
This is how I feel about any nostalgia-catalogue pull lol.

I feel they are just gonna hope the name is enough for these type of games and they won't hit the spot.

Terrifiedy optimistic lol.


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
Surely they wouldn't announce the multiplatform stuff directly at the showcase. Stuff like the big 3 going to other consoles would overshadow everything else.

They absolutely should make a clear stance on what their plans are finally. Case by case wont work out. I would clearly state a goal there for stuff at other platforms "games older than 1 year" etc. something like that.


Oct 30, 2017
Capetown / South Africa
Just be clear in your messaging, Switch 2 is around the corner and I'm this close of getting a PS5. You make it confusing like last time and we are done. It's simple as that.


Oct 27, 2017
One is part of a disastrous earnings report that resulted in SE halving their market cap over a couple months
IU was probably an insignificant part of that anyway. The game started out as MS bankrolling tri-Ace to develop an exclusive game for them in the first place. SE only got on board as producer/publishers after MS finally broke ground with them years later and got FFXIII on the console.

Would love to hear the background of the development of that game. My guess is that MS offered up the publishing rights to SE as part of the deal that lead to SE finally supporting the X360.


Sep 7, 2020
They absolutely should make a clear stance on what their plans are finally. Case by case wont work out. I would clearly state a goal there for stuff at other platforms "games older than 1 year" etc. something like that.

This is something you do in a press release, not on stage at a showcase.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't read Jez's multiplatform statement to mean they would announce at the showcase, but maybe talk about it around the show aka showcase season.


Chicken Chaser
Nov 19, 2019
As a person who has both xbox and ps5 I think MS should realese Forza Horizon 3, 4 and 5 on ps5 . These game is to good to not be played by everyone.
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Oct 25, 2017
Utah, USA
In this scenario, it absolutely is the case. Why would they chose to not market/advertise their games to a new audience at their own event?
Because it will take attention away from the games and everyone will only be focused on those games coming to other platforms instead of being hyped for the games, that's going to dominate the discussion. They will make a blog post after the showcase is over saying DOOM or whatever is coming to PS5 but they won't announce that in the showcase. They are just going to say "Bethesda Presents" (no mention of exclusivity) and "Play It On Game Pass" during the actual showcase itself.


Nov 2, 2017
First, MS should release all games Spencer & Co. announced years and years ago.

And than I'm curious what Spencer has to say about the Studio closures. Still not a single word from him.


Oct 26, 2017
I'd be quite surprised to see multiplatform games there, at least for now I'd expect Microsoft to be a bit more low key about that.

Me too...he talks about an "update during the Showcase period", but how would that work? Reveal Doom and then talk about it coming to PS5 in am interview afterwards? A press release? Maybe start with the Gears collection like it was rumored?

in any case if Doom is coming to the PS5 as Jez suggests, they'll have to talk about it at some point, but that could be during the summer holidays for example....


Oct 25, 2017
Utah, USA
I thought Perfect Dark was in a bad state a few weeks ago but now it's coming along nicely?
NateDrake said that Grubb's info was probably outdated and that he's heard the project is in a good state and will be showed at the showcase. Matt Booty also said the next time they show it would be a in depth gameplay dive, so I think it's a 2025 game.


Oct 25, 2017
Utah, USA
Me too...he talks about an "update during the Showcase period", but how would that work? Reveal Doom and then talk about it coming to PS5 in am interview afterwards? A press release? Maybe start with the Gears collection like it was rumored?

in any case if Doom is coming to the PS5 as Jez suggests, they'll have to talk about it at some point, but that could be during the summer holidays for example....
When they announced Minecraft Legends, it was announced at the Xbox Showcase with "Xbox Game Studios Presents" (signifying it was first party but not saying anything about exclusivity) and then the end of the trailer only showed a Windows 10 and Xbox One logo, but right after the show was over, it was announced via blog post on Xbox Wire to be coming to Switch and PS4.

I assume DOOM will probably be a similar case if they make it multiplatform day and date.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
I hope Gears 6 is more of an reboot. Absolutely loved the series on Xbox 360, but thought 4 and 5 were rather meh.

I don't doubt Coalition will push the graphics to next level.

I loved Gears 1- 3 and hated 4... 5 was quite good again so i'm open to Gears 6 finishing Kait's story.

Also need to see my man Del again.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't know if Doom coming to ps5 counts as part of a multiplatform shift to be honest. Wouldn't have be insane to keep exclusive, but I don't think they'd ever mentioned it would be.

???....It's exactly the same case as The Elder Scrolls 6 or Fallout 5, they were supposed to be exclusive not even a few months ago.


Oct 25, 2017
Utah, USA
so, is Contraband in or out. i don't get it.
It sounds like Contraband is in development hell so I personally would not expect to see it. We will see all of the other games Xbox announced years ago like SoD 3, Fable, Perfect Dark, etc.

I definitely would like to see all of them show up in June (all of the games announced in 2019 and 2020) and would be pleasantly surprised if we see Contraband or Neverwild though!


Oct 25, 2017
For their multiplatform releases Starfield is the top candidate.

If I see Age of Empires 4 and the Remake of Age of Mythology multiplatform it would be my highlight of the summer.


Oct 26, 2017
When they announced Minecraft Legends, it was announced at the Xbox Showcase with "Xbox Game Studios Presents" (signifying it was first party but not saying anything about exclusivity) and then the end of the trailer only showed a Windows 10 and Xbox One logo, but right after the show was over, it was announced via blog post on Xbox Wire to be coming to Switch and PS4.

I assume DOOM will probably be a similar case if they make it multiplatform day and date.

But didn't they move away from saying "exclusive" in the last reveals? At least is what I read on Era elsewhere....I don't think we'll be able to tell during the Showcase.

But what you say about a blog post afterwards makes sense....although I don't know, don't you feel they should talk about it in an interview? After all it was on that podcast and following interviews Phil said it was just 4 games at that point in time, as a type of a test, so if they've decided to expand that to more games I feel Spencer shoud be the one to communicate that in another one on one. Rip the band-aid off and say from now forward more games will follow, on a case by case basis, just not all games.


Dec 3, 2018
I do not own an xbox but I do watch for third party.

More so now than ever I think a lot of people are going to watch due to the state of Xbox.

How better to get people to buy your games on another platform than to announce them coming across in a showcase.


Dec 3, 2018
But didn't they move away from saying "exclusive" in the last reveals? At least is what I read on Era elsewhere....I don't think we'll be able to tell during the Showcase.

But what you say about a blog post afterwards makes sense....although I don't know, don't you feel they should talk about it in an interview? After all it was on that podcast and following interviews Phil said it was just 4 games at that point in time, as a type of a test, so if they've decided to expand that to more games I feel Spencer shoud be the one to communicate that in another one on one. Rip the band-aid off and say from now forward more games will follow, on a case by case basis, just not all games.

I think you'll see some new wording like "Coming first to Xbox/Coming first to Game Pass" instead of exclusive.

This will be their way around the whole "exclusive" thing while making all the loyalists happy.