
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Framing the bad guys as Nazis is nothing revolutionary, they've literally been the de facto stock bad guy ever since WW2 ended.

Indiana Jones doesn't get woke points for punching Nazis when he's also a pedophile.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
They wouldn't even know what any of this means.

You're right, this is the sort of "materialism" philosophy that takes Charles Murray and, hell, phrenology seriously. Just applied to genitalia

Trans rights are eel rights

Deleted member 11413

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Oct 27, 2017
Misandry runs deep among the TERF crowd. It's the source of their enmity towards transgender women.
True, same reason why all the hatred gets directed at trans women and not trans men. Of course, they still misgender and deny the existence of trans men, they just don't try to foment histerical panics around them because they still view those men as women. Also the existence of trans men entirely disproves their idiotic fearmongering about trans women so they have no choice but to ignore them.


Oct 25, 2017
Is she? Her books are full of dodgy examples, which maybe wouldn't be such a problem if she didn't constantly double down on them and make up crap that wasn't really there.

True story. I only read the first book. It wasn't for me. I'm referring to some of her prior social media and charity stuff. The good stuff. But then all this kept creeping out.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
Mark, it's not "transgenders"


Yeah this is peak "well-meaning but speaking out of ignorance", probably part of why the patronizing tone of the JKR tweet went over his head.

I mean it's admittedly very subtle even if you're closely tied to the issues, because it sounds positive until you actually think about both the way it subtly normalizes transphobic expectations of society and dismisses structural oppression as just a series of personal choices.



Mar 5, 2018
Yeah this is peak "well-meaning but speaking out of ignorance", probably part of why the patronizing tone of the JKR tweet went over his head.
Look at when Mark tweeted those. The one where he used "transgenders" is from April this year, it had nothing to do with the recent JKR stuff. Judging by his tweets he is very supportive of trans people so why be mad at a minor mistake he made?


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh, UK
This series of events surely is showing me which artists to avoid in the future. It's incredibly disappointing that some people's empathy and progressiveness stops at something so arbitrary - how are they even remotely affected that they would carry such hate. Just let people be who they are.


Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
Look at when Mark tweeted those. The one where he used "transgenders" is from April this year, it had nothing to do with the recent JKR stuff. Judging by his tweets he is very supportive of trans people so why be mad at a minor mistake he made?

Please don't dismiss trans people's concern over phrasing like this. I've no doubt he means well, but the way he expressed himself reduces trans PEOPLE to just being their descriptive adjective. It's like saying "gays" or "blacks". We aren't the adjectives that describe us. We're transgender *people*.


Always bets on black
Oct 25, 2017
7,410 did you not know? He's been tweeting transphobic shit nearly daily for years
Never looked at his Twitter. I figured he was a stand-up guy though I haven't followed his stuff for a few years. Really disappointed to hear he's such a shitheel.

The world needs less Ricky Gervaises, and more Mark Hamills.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
I mean the signs were there -- the goblins, Cho Chang, that Ravenclaw named Giuseppe Spaghetti-Fagettaboutit who kept trying to use the Cementonis spell on everyone's shoes.


Oct 28, 2017
I mean, the villains of the books are Wizard Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan.

I don't think that's a defense of Rowling, but they've certainly got some progressive themes.

Vilifying Hitler and the KKK isn't really something that takes a lot of work to do, and probably shouldn't be counted as a progressive value. I think it's more like the baseline of what's acceptable.

Deleted member 3294

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Never looked at his Twitter. I figured he was a stand-up guy though I haven't followed his stuff for a few years. Really disappointed to hear he's such a shitheel.

The world needs less Ricky Gervaises, and more Mark Hamills.
That might explain why I guess. Even outside of Twitter, at least lately (I don't know about before) his entire thing has been complaining that people are just too gosh darn offended these days.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
I kind of use the guideline that anyone over 50 is probably not going to change their politics and beliefs significantly.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand people's needs to be purposely hurtful towards a group of people. Who cares if you don't think trans women are women. It doesn't hurt you. Just keep your hurtful opinions to yourself and treat people with kindness man. Its so weird.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't understand people's needs to be purposely hurtful towards a group of people. Who cares if you don't think trans women are women. It doesn't hurt you. Just keep your hurtful opinions to yourself and treat people with kindness man. Its so weird.
Yeah, as someone that recently (last 4 months) realised they're trans, I am not looking for everyone to support me, but if you don't, just shut the fuck up. I already am suicidal most days because of it all, I don't need hate directed towards me when I am a good person, I just happen to have gender dysphoria, I didn't mean to be like this, I wish I wasn't. But I don't deserve hate. So yeah, if you don't support us, cool, whatever, but just shut the fuck up about it.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand how people are only just realising this about JKR. She's a piece of shit.
She is, but given that previously she expressed her views through likes and follows instead of directly tweeting about it, she kinda flew under the radar.

Now the mask is gone and there's no deniability or ambiguity anymore. It's plain for all to see, even those who don't scrutinise her.

Deleted member 426

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Oct 25, 2017
Is mumsnet a toxic place out of interest? I know a terf who uses it but I didn't consider that was connected.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Is mumsnet a toxic place out of interest? I know a terf who uses it but I didn't consider that was connected.

Mumsnet is to British transphobia more like what 4Chan is to American fascism. The tendencies were already there, but a messageboard to amplify them and recruit people to the cause never hurts.

Mumsnet: The UK Forum for Moms Where Feminism Can Mean Transphobia

Mumsnet boasts of its political influence and hosts chats with Hillary Clinton and UK politicians. So how has it become ground zero for British transphobia?

Opinion | How British Feminism Became Anti-Trans (Published 2019)

A surprisingly mainstream movement of feminists known as TERFs oppose transgender rights as a symptom of “female erasure.”


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Edit: Damn Kyuuji, you fast.
Unfortunately had need for them recently so was quick to grab. Nothing personnel, kid.

Thanks for the responses. That's sad :(
The UK has a serious transphobic issue, and it is sad. Prominent newspapers regularly feature articles espousing TERF rhetoric and Rowling is emblematic of the tactic they use. This sickly 'nice person' reframing that has people jumping in to defend because she's distorted the issue.

Detestable and cowardly woman content with hiding behind the same "oh what's the issue, I wasn't doing anything wrong" snide smokescreen that's no different from the tactics alt-right shitheels use around things like the OK hand symbol.

Deleted member 38573

User requested account closure
Jan 17, 2018
I wonder if her brazenness this time around could be related to the recent UK election results, in the same way that racists felt emboldened by Trump.

Absolutely. Labour Left (basically Labour at this point thank goodness) and the LDs have been getting into twitter spats with TERFs.

Both parties that weren't transphobic were thoroughly smacked in the election so it's safe to say they are feeling very confident right now. JK Rowling is a Shy Tory for sure.