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Dark Souls Man
Oct 24, 2017
A bunch of people just seem salty that TB (rightfully) shit on their games if they were not in good shape. Calling it "harassment" lmfao
That's the seriously weak part.
Pretending to rally behind a cause but actually just getting a few hits in because the mean dead guy complained about your game (and probably did so for good reason too).

Another thing that really bothers me is that some people seem to think that they are somehow "brave" for that. Yeah, shitting on someone who just died of cancer in your own internet bubble sure is exemplary bravery. They should get a medal.

Real Hero

Oct 27, 2017
Imagine if people had said 'its sad but he did say the word faggot so it's not that sad' when ryan davis died. It's scary how people can easily view someone as inhuman when they mentally write them off as the enemy.


Oct 27, 2017
Man that BioWare member is a piece of garbage human being, how can you even say these things publicly and on the day the other person has died.


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
User banned (one week): thread derailment
The Bioware guy should be massively ashamed of what he just wrote. I've never seen such an insensitive, utterly amoral hot take on someones death, especially so soon after. Why didn't he say this to him when he was alive? What an absolute coward, hiding behind someones death to rant about them and be happy they're dead. Jesus christ.

Here's what he said by the way. He's made his tweets private now, but someone archived it. If EA/Bioware genuinely thinks this is acceptable public behavior, then I'm done with their games.
This garbage should lose his job and be fucking blacklisted. Like, he is just a shit of a human being.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Reading some of these tweets upsets me so much..

I hope that BioWare guy loses his job over this.

A bunch of people just seem salty that TB (rightfully) shit on their games if they were not in good shape. Calling it "harassment" lmfao

Enough Twitter for this week. Sad.
what games is he even referencing in those tweets? Not that it matters (Its still in very bad taste).


The Merchant of ERA
Oct 28, 2017
Those vile pieces of shit on twitter really need to find a fucking mirror to look in before spewing any more of their vitriolic garbage.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
If anything "good" can come out of this it's that I am sure as fuck meticulous about my bowels now. If I ever get even the hint of something wrong I will be to the doc's within 24 hours.


Oct 28, 2017
"Dissenting voice" sure is a nice way to paint people celebrating someone's slow and painful death

Celebrating someone's death is a nice way to paint people who are voicing their experience with him. We can play this game forever because the world isn't black and white, there are people celebrating his death just like there are people who found the strength to speak up.

I can understand Resetera wants the thread to be civil, but right now this is just a witch hunt, not an obituary thread.

I'm going to equally stop here, I was just voicing my disappointment is all.


Nov 11, 2017
Bioware eventually got rid of that Manveer Heir guy, so they'll fire him too.

I genuinely can't believe people would use the death of another human being as a platform for whatever axes they have to grind. Like, what kind of point are you trying to score by doing this? I just don't get it.
When you start reading it as well you realise how pathetic it is, "fuck that guy who just died because he moaned about graphics in a video game", seriously?! I was never much of a fan but he was always consistent and in depth in everything he talked about, it was never just ranting for the sake of ranting, he was passionate and invested in what he was doing and I feel like anyone who works in games should know how that feels.

Deleted member 7450

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sweethearts, you're all better than this.

This is a thread to mourn and also raise awareness for this horrible thing.

If you have mixed feelings, do it in private.

If you really need to get something out of your chest hit me in private, I'll promisse to be a good listener, honest.

Be excelent.


Oct 25, 2017
Yep, using this thread to hunt down people who did not like TB should be the spirit going forward.

Good call.

This post doesn't make even sense. It isn't about people who didn't like TB if you didn't like well go somewhere else but celebrating his death on twitter and saying good riddance after he fought with a long battle of cancer AND if you even work at a big company in the likes of are a piece of shit no more, no less.

Herr Starr

Oct 26, 2017
Yep, using this thread to hunt down people who did not like TB should be the spirit going forward.

Are you really that oblivious to the fact that there's a difference between not liking someone and making public, personal attacks against that person upon hearing of his death? Or did you just want to jump into this thread to claim some kind of imaginary moral superiority?

Deleted member 9237

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
The Bioware guy should be massively ashamed of what he just wrote. I've never seen such an insensitive, utterly amoral hot take on someones death, especially so soon after. Why didn't he say this to him when he was alive? What an absolute coward, hiding behind someones death to rant about them and be happy they're dead. Jesus christ.

Here's what he said by the way. He's made his tweets private now, but someone archived it. If EA/Bioware genuinely thinks this is acceptable public behavior, then I'm done with their games.
It takes a special kind of asshole to piss on someone's grave right after they've passed. Calling out a dead guy, way to go. Over complaining about graphic options too, no less.

That said, I don't see the sense it firing people like this. I hate the internet pitchforks out mentality.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
That said, I don't see the sense it firing people like this. I hate the internet pitchforks out mentality.
I mean, if I had an employee who identifies as my employee in their twitter bio, and then the guy tweets something like this, firing them would absolutely cross my mind. Reflects terribly on the employer to allow their employees to spread hatred like this.
Even if he stops now, he already did it. "Bioware employee mocks father and husband who died of cancer at the age of 33, bioware does nothing" sounds like a headline to be avoided.

Speaking of doing something, the fundraiser ( has already passed 125k after less than a day.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Yep, using this thread to hunt down people who did not like TB should be the spirit going forward.

Good call.
Hunt down? How does "making sure I don't support or give money to shitty individuals/devs who piss on the dead" anywhere near the same stratosphere of hunting someone down?

You took a giant leap in a direction it's not even going.


Oct 27, 2017
The Bioware guy should be massively ashamed of what he just wrote. I've never seen such an insensitive, utterly amoral hot take on someones death, especially so soon after. Why didn't he say this to him when he was alive? What an absolute coward, hiding behind someones death to rant about them and be happy they're dead. Jesus christ.

Here's what he said by the way. He's made his tweets private now, but someone archived it. If EA/Bioware genuinely thinks this is acceptable public behavior, then I'm done with their games.
The link doesn't work anymore. What did he say?

Oh nvm. It just work. And goddamn... What a fuckin piece of shit.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
The Bioware guy should be massively ashamed of what he just wrote. I've never seen such an insensitive, utterly amoral hot take on someones death, especially so soon after. Why didn't he say this to him when he was alive? What an absolute coward, hiding behind someones death to rant about them and be happy they're dead. Jesus christ.

Here's what he said by the way. He's made his tweets private now, but someone archived it. If EA/Bioware genuinely thinks this is acceptable public behavior, then I'm done with their games.

You've got to be a special kind of asshole to behave like this.

Awwww, this is a recent post on his account. Presumably his wife made this tweet:


Aw man... smart animals usually notice these things and their behaviour changes appropriately, this is sad. :(
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Nov 6, 2017
It's funny how these POS go back into their holes once they notice they fucked up
Well I hope you enjoyed your job at Bioware

RIP TB. You will be missed

If it's a first time offender and he or she publically apologizes for the comments I'd rather give most ppl a second chance.

But I also totally feel you. God awful to celebrate the death of living things. They can't respond at all, plus have some respect for the people that do love the deceased and are mourning.

Deleted member 18161

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
User banned (one week): thread derailment
The Bioware guy should be massively ashamed of what he just wrote. I've never seen such an insensitive, utterly amoral hot take on someones death, especially so soon after. Why didn't he say this to him when he was alive? What an absolute coward, hiding behind someones death to rant about them and be happy they're dead. Jesus christ.

Here's what he said by the way. He's made his tweets private now, but someone archived it. If EA/Bioware genuinely thinks this is acceptable public behavior, then I'm done with their games.

Thats absolutely gross. Does he still work for Bioware?


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
The Bioware guy should be massively ashamed of what he just wrote. I've never seen such an insensitive, utterly amoral hot take on someones death, especially so soon after. Why didn't he say this to him when he was alive? What an absolute coward, hiding behind someones death to rant about them and be happy they're dead. Jesus christ.

Here's what he said by the way. He's made his tweets private now, but someone archived it. If EA/Bioware genuinely thinks this is acceptable public behavior, then I'm done with their games.

And that's me not buying another Bioware game whilst this guy is still there. Holy shit.


Sausage Tycoon
Oct 25, 2017
Here's a good gauge, are you going to say something that will piss off people who are upset the man died? Well then don't say it here. It's common decency.

The question was aimed at the mods. If you go back a few pages you will see people getting banned left and right for thread derails, not just saying anything negative, and I agree with you as my posts in this thread will show. Now the thread seems to be fully derailed and no longer a obituary.

Thanks for your patronising reply though.

This is...

I just wanted to post this. Perhaps new news, new thread? Archive: (Link removed)

The reason i am against this is obvious, but this is like the Subnautica story. And this is a man's carreer we are still talking about. So im having moral doubts really, if this has to be pushed through or not.

Can any mod clear this up and see if this is okay for a new thread? I feel its more important than having this meta-discussion over an obituary thread (Or what it should be).
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Oct 27, 2017
Putting him on trial is not allowed but apparently trying to hunt and blast people who thinks their lives were affected negatively by him is entirely ok in resetera, it seems.

I'm just going to say I am entirely disappointed by the mod stance of Resetera, I did not think that the extent of discussion allowed in this forum is only to give room to one voice, and the one that remains is that is trying to find every dissenting voice and shutting them down to oblivion the same way they couldn't during Bain's lifetime.

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
This thread is meant to be a place for people who want to pay their respects to John Bain and nothing else. Do not drag what other people have said about him, especially off-site, into this conversation. Continued derailment will be moderated heavily.

This is now the third modpost required to preserve the integrity of this topic. Another derailment of this scale will result in the thread locked.


Oct 27, 2017
Not familiar where John's cancer started but I recently had a colonoscopy and endoscopy because I had some issues like constipation and stool changes (no blood though). I'm 31 and I was like lets knock everything out the way and get scoped from both ways. In the end the results turned out great (only a few polyps found) but my advice for everyone is if you have the insurance I would get at least a colonoscopy done. Don't wait until you're 50 years old because colon cancer is one of the most preventable cancers if you're on top of things.


Oct 27, 2017
New York, NY
Far too soon, he was so young. Passionate, self made and an original voice in game criticism whose influence will continue to be felt across the profession. Cherish your loved ones and get regular checkups. Rest in peace, John.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
What a shame, I never got into his games coverage, but I found his health struggles to be a moving personal story that I wish was shared and appreciated more within the broader games community. Sharing these stories are an important part if breaking down the anonymous barriers of the internet and have such potential for making the medium a more positive force for good, I hope that kind of personal storytelling by content creators and listening by audiences continues to grow


Oct 29, 2017
User Banned (1 Month): Ignoring Modpost + Calling for mob justice.
Can anyone make a thread about the little POS called David Crooks? Cancer is a cruel sickness and the memory of John Bain must be respectful even if you are not ok with him.
For other side that guy must be punish.


Oct 26, 2017
Bioware eventually got rid of that Manveer Heir guy, so they'll fire him too.

I genuinely can't believe people would use the death of another human being as a platform for whatever axes they have to grind. Like, what kind of point are you trying to score by doing this? I just don't get it.

EDIT: Manveer Heir was a huge GamerGate target and decided to start his own studio after finishing ME: Andromeda. I was trying to explain how shitty it is to take this talking point and act like he did something wrong because a bunch of racist harassers decided he would be the target of the week, but this is not the time or place.
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Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed his work on SC2. I lost my interest in it and PC gaming later on, so I didn't see much of his content later on, but as an overall SC2 personality he was one of the better ones.

Deleted member 6733

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm playing Mario Rabbids right now and just paused for thought. TBs coverage is what made me buy the game for fucks sake. Everything I do in gaming is reminding me of him.

I've never felt so attached to the death of someone I don't persinally know. Even the celebrity slaughter of 2016 didn't have this much an effect on me :(


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Saw the news earlier today and it still hits me really hard.

I first saw his content during the cataclysm beta but really got into his work with his wtf is series years later. He introduced me to so many other great voices in the community like Jim Sterling and everyone on the Co-optional podcast. My favourite content from him was definitely when he and Genna played games or watched E3s or trying international snacks together.

He will be deeply missed by many and my heart goes out to Genna and his other friends and family.

Fuck Cancer!
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