
Oct 25, 2017

Nearly five years after the film first hit theaters, Joss Whedon has sat down with NY Magazine (via Twitter user Jumbled Beats) to discuss the troubled production of Justice League. The filmmaker, who was accused by multiple stars of harassment and toxic behavior on the set, criticized the film's stars and their behavior during reshoots, stating he had never worked with "a ruder group of people" and writing off Gadot's accusations of his threatening to kill her career. Whedon also criticized fans of Snyder for turning the Internet and his former actors against him in the name of the original filmmaker and their efforts to get the original vision of the film restored. Whedon closed out the interview with the statement below:

"The beginning of the internet raised me up, and the modern internet pulled me down. The perfect symmetry is not lost on me."

Dude continues to be trash. It gets worse.

This is threadmarked, but adding the original article here:
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Oct 27, 2017
What an asshole. That shit he did to Charisma Carpenter was VILE but I'm sure he doesn't mention it here.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Fuck off Joss. Go back to the late nineties when your 'aren't women powerful and sexy' shit was actually progressive.


Mar 9, 2020
"The perfect symmetry is not lost on me". Weird way of phrasing "Im a toxic, harrassing misogynistic trashheap and it now finally caught up with me." If the accusations against him are true, of course.
Oct 26, 2017


Jul 13, 2019
For a brief shining moment I thought he was gonna start criticizing his own behaviour.

10 years ago I'd have taken a bullet for that man. Now his legacy is being paid to make a movie worse.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Man who blames his failures on everyone else continues to blame his failures on everyone else.

It's a shame he's not making some cult nerd show anymore, because now he's just a prima donna instead of a bold independent visionary.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
"How DARE they stand up to me"

Bye Joss, hope we never see you again.


Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
Why is Whedon even getting a spotlight? He isn't working on anything, he is an irrelevance now.

The fact that he is blaming the Justice League cast and the internet is also pretty rich, when just a glance at his fall from grace made it clear that people from throughout his career were stepping forward with stories about him, and next to nobody, not even the ones he was close to like Fillion, stepping forward to defend him.

This is big "Alien: Resurrection was only a bad movie because the director didn't adapt my script properly" energy. Whedon could never just take the L.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
See, the thing is, even without the Snyder Cut I'd be rolling my eyes at what Joss is trying to pull here.

But, I've also seen the Snyder Cut.

And the sheer amount of shit that man cut, how he changed the tone of the film, how he degraded Wonder Woman's character -- Oh! and turned the (suspiciously) Black character into a background token when, come to find out, he was supposed to be the emotional core of the film...

Like, come off of it, Joss...


Oct 25, 2017
He's silent for months and this is what he comes back with? Woof, he really did not read the room or use this time to better himself huh.

Snyder twitter does my swede in, but Joss is trash and deserves to be thrown to them, frankly. Hope they have a good night roasting this prick.


Oct 25, 2017
Whedon is an ass bit he's also a fall guy and a distraction from the studio executives who quite literally decided to whitewash the film to remove focus on the "angry black man."

"The erasure of people of color from the 2017 theatrical version of Justice League was neither an accident nor coincidence."

Ray Fisher, interview with Sheraz Farooqi, ForbesInterview: Ray Fisher Speaks Out On "Toxic" Set And WarnerMedia Investigation Into Justice League Production– Oct. 29, 2020

Why There's An #IStandWithRayFisher Hashtag



Oct 27, 2017
Holy shit. "I didn't threaten her, the dumb bitch can't speak English!"

Really digging your own grave more Joss.


Aug 1, 2019
Yeah, I think everyone could tell how Whedon despised the material he was working on, and didn't even have the bare minimum, that is respect for the actors of the film.
More than anything I'm really sorry for Ray Fisher and all the bullshit he had to deal with during reshoots.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean the bullet thing is hyperbole, but you can't deny Whedon was a fanboy darling even up until the 2010s.
Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Serenity, X-Men, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Cabin in the Woods, Avengers 1 & 2.
You had fanboys here in this place still caping for him after the letter from his ex-wife and his creepy tweets about the word Nubile. That was just 3 or 4 years ago.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean the bullet thing is hyperbole, but you can't deny Whedon was a fanboy darling even up until the 2010s.
Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Serenity, X-Men, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Cabin in the Woods, Avengers 1 & 2.

Yep. It's a shame to think how many great things this asshole has been a part of.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Here's the article this sourced (Twitter thread):

I mean cmon:



Three things

1)Joss is a piece of shit
2)Looks like he really didn't address any of the accusations directly.
3)The tone of the article is very fucking weird at times...

…was known as Rebecca Rand Kirshner when she wrote for the last three seasons of Buffy; since then, she dropped her "patriarchal last name"..

…one day, I took a walk with Rebecca X around the Huntington Botanical Gardens near Pasadena. She wore dark glasses and a Hermes scarf tied around her dark-gold hair and spoke with an inflection that called to mind the mid-Atlantic accent of an old -fashioned Hollywood Star.

Wassup with the original quotes around 'patriarchal last name', the "X' as a last name akin to the 60's black muslim movement (which I find offensive because of that connotation) , and that weird rockstar sentence profile about how swagged out she is. In addition to the redemption path for an abuser this article might set up, this shit is weird.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, at least he's being original. A lot of people who are accused of being assholes make some sort of apology. Whether sincere or not. Digging your heels in and saying your accusers are just a group of rude people sure is a unique response.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Does he specifically respond to the accusations from Charisma Carpenter? I'm not seeing it but that Twitter thread with the pictures of the article is a bit hard to follow.

Also: why would he even do this interview?

The tone of the article itself is very strange and awkwardly written.