
Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales


Oct 26, 2017
He thinks its worse than JP3. I think it's safe to ignore his bullshit.

It's by far the worst Jurassic Park movie in my opinion, too. Why would you call to ignore him and his "bullshit" without even knowing if you'd like JW2? I mean, I get being kinda mad when your opinion of something doesn't get reinforced (even if only by a small minority of people) least make sure you actually like the thing? :o


Oct 26, 2017
The thing that bothers me with the World movies are the "monsters". First we had Monster T-Rex... now Monster Raptor for what it seems. It even acts like an "horror" monster in the trailer. I dunno, these monsters look stupid to me.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I watched the first Jurrasic World last night after refusing to watch it forever becasue of dude chilling with Raptors and riding with them on a motorcycle in the trailer. In the movie, it made some sense and wasn't quite as ridiculous and I really liked it overall as dumb fun.

Deleted member 10193

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Oct 27, 2017
I'm confused by this. Which film was made up on the fly?

If JW2 was made up on the fly, then why shouldn't it be called out? Shouldn't people demand that they want well made movies, rather than films rushed out on the fly to meet deadlines?
Jurassic Park 3 had a script that was scrapped literally as they were about to start shooting. They wrote scripts and delivered them almost each day of the shoot. JP3 was made up on the fly.

That's why I am dismissing anyone who says JW2 is worse than JP3.


Oct 26, 2017
A film that was made up on the fly, it's really worse than JP3?

I don't know if it IS worse than JP3, both are bad movies, but I certainly enjoyed it less than JP3, yeah. JP3 at least didn't try to CONSTANTLY make me cry with the most ridicolous, kindergarten-level tearjerkers and shoehorned in social-economic message. Obviously, "save the animals!" was always an integral part of the story but the way they hammer it home in this movie again and again and again (while Damsel in Distress watches tearfully to the horizon) made it seem like I was watching a PSA explaining the concept of animal protection to me in an neverending loop. I really just want silly fun with Dinosaurs with these movies.


To your point above: Transformers 2 didn't have a script, Transformers 5 did. Yet they are at least equally bad, I'd argue that the fifth even is the worst one. The existence of a script doesn't make your movie good or acceptable or better if that script is bad :P

Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
Jurassic Park 3 had a script that was scrapped literally as they were about to start shooting. They wrote scripts and delivered them almost each day of the shoot. JP3 was made up on the fly.

That's why I am dismissing anyone who says JW2 is worse than JP3.

JP3 is mercifully short, which works in the movies favor, big time.


Oct 25, 2017
Jurassic Park 3 had a script that was scrapped literally as they were about to start shooting. They wrote scripts and delivered them almost each day of the shoot. JP3 was made up on the fly.

That's why I am dismissing anyone who says JW2 is worse than JP3.
Die Hard was being constantly rewritten as they were filming it and major elements were made up on the set. Same thing with Casablanca.

Being made up on the fly isn't an instant dismissal. JP3 wasn't even THAT bad.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
Jurassic Park 3 had a script that was scrapped literally as they were about to start shooting. They wrote scripts and delivered them almost each day of the shoot. JP3 was made up on the fly.

That's why I am dismissing anyone who says JW2 is worse than JP3.

Do we know what the original script for 3 was like?


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
I was fucking FURIOUS watching JP3 in the cinema that it ended just as the soldiers vs dinos part was about to begin. Made so much sense when I read about the production.


Dec 22, 2017
I just saw it. There were some really tense and exciting scenes but the story had so many illogical plot points that it couldn't work if even a single thing made sense.

At least the Stygimoloch was pretty funny.

The post-credit scene was an extreme letdown though.


Oct 25, 2017
I just saw it. There were some really tense and exciting scenes but the story had so many illogical plot points that it couldn't work if even a single thing made sense.

At least the Stygimoloch was pretty funny.

The post-credit scene was an extreme letdown though.
There's a post credit scene after the movie?=O


Oct 27, 2017
Just got back. Went in without expectations, came out very satisfied. This is one hell of a fun blockbuster, with a director showing his craftmanship to not only provide bombastic action, but also cool suspense. It's way better than Jurassic World imo (which I actually liked for what it was). It felt more grounded (even with a premise that might be more out there), doesn't jump sharks that much, has great visual flair and is at times actually tense and exciting.

It's not without it's faults though. The screenplay kind of misses focus (it's basically two movies in one at times), a lot of scenes are too clear mirrors of similar ideas from Jurassic Park and The Lost World and the third act could have been a tad shorter, as the final set pieces drag a bit.

But in the end it gave me all I wanted. A cool, swiftly paces blockbuster with a lot of dinosaurs and great effects. Though I'm sure it will be very divisive.

There's a post credit scene after the movie?=O

Yes. It's nothing special and could have easily just be spliced in the normal ending.

You see some ptero's land on the Eiffel tower in Las Vegas. Showing they dino's got into the world. It's the exact same beat the ending already makes by showing Blue near a suburb and Malcolms final lines


Oct 28, 2017
Saw it yesterday. Besides the (really) stupid plot, I liked it. It was quite entertaining and really well done. I cannot wait for the next one and I cannot say that about all sequels I have seen lately...

Deleted member 7051

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Oct 25, 2017
A film that was made up on the fly, it's really worse than JP3?

Opinions are opinions. People have them.

Personally I think it's the third best Jurassic Park movie. It's nowhere near as good as the original and it's not as good as Jurassic World, either. They clearly blew all their budget super early into the movie, which is why the second half feels so... small.

Despite that it's still not a bad movie. You're just constantly reminded how shitty humanity is.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Copying my verdict from the review thread:

For starters I love the first movie, dislike 2 and 3 a lot and thought 4 was basically mediocre/watchable.

This is definitely worse than JW and a lot closer to the braindead schlock of 2 and 3.

Where to begin? Almost all of the problems begin with the screenplay. J.A. Bayona is a really solid director but Trevorrow's script is incredibly flat and soulless, which carries through to basically everything else, especially the performances, which feel robotic almost across the board. Where's the feeling of visceral intensity? I never felt scared for the characters because they basically seem indestructible; Pratt's very flippant about the dino danger and just flips out of the way several times which makes him seem kinda superhuman. In the original JP the fear was palpable because the characters actually seemed legit scared.

Jeff Goldblum's screen time totals less than 2 minutes
it's the trailer scene which is spliced up at the beginning and end of the movie

There are a few effective moments - the island eruption is pretty decent but it also has a lot of goofy/lame crap in-between. There's one really haunting shot that deserved a better movie
A bracchiosaur being consumed by the fire/smoke of the volcano
and one good thing about this sequence is
it pretty much destroys Isla Nublar for good so no returning there ever
. There's also a little more dismemberment than I was expecting for a PG-13 movie even if it's not very explicit.

I did like that they were clearly using practical dinos in several scenes, certainly more so than in JW. That was one of the few truly neat touches.

It wasn't as reliant on nostalgia-bait as JW either. Yay, I guess?

The human characters are mostly shitty. Pratt is basically his same wise-cracker, Bryce is less of an icy bitch this time which is nice and actually has proper shoes. Almost all the new characters are bad except for the sassy scientist girl. Justice Smith is really annoying, he spends most of his screen time screaming and being a wimp. The actress who plays the young girl is really trying but her character is thrown into the movie for no reason and leads to a fucking RIDICULOUS twist
we think she's James Cromwell's granddaughter but it's revealed she's actually a clone of Cromwell's dead daughter. This is just dropped in the movie randomly and then not returned to for like 30 mins.
. This is never really followed up on but she basically becomes a surrogate daughter to Pratt/Bryce for act 3 and
they ride off into the sunset with her at the end

Toby Jones plays an auctioneer with a weird accent and false teeth. I don't even know what the fuck they were thinking there. Rafe Spall hams it up appropriately even if his arc is painfully predictable.

One big issue with the film is that it never really sells the whole animal rights angle. It never really convinced me that the general public would want these creatures saved after the massacre that occurred on JW, which feeds into my problem with the ending
the little girl frees the dinos into the wild of the U.S., which just seems hilariously dumb. I like the idea of them finally devoting a whole movie to the dinos running free, but the movie tried to set up freeing them as this big moral dilemma, when it really isn't.

The trailers gave most of the big beats away and most of the action is incredibly predictable and workmanlike.

The post credits scene isn't really worth waiting around for
it's 10 seconds of 2 pteradactyls attacking Las Vegas

Also for those curious about the fates of the dinos
The T-Rex survives again, walking off into the distance...and Blue also survives

Deleted member 10193

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Oct 27, 2017
The Dinosaur Protection Group stuff they were doing in the run up to the movie said that the dinos were moved from Sorna to Nublar to become new attractions.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Almost all the new characters are bad except for the sassy scientist girl.

Yeah she was awesome. I hope Daniella Pineda gets a permanent spot in the franchise because she deserves it. The rest, not so much. Justice Smith's character was the seemingly compulsory annoying whiny person that's the butt of a few jokes and exists to do "tech stuff" and scream a lot.

I don't actually agree about the animal rights issue, though... I think a major point of the movie is that it tries to frustrate you with how poorly humanity handles the dinosaurs. It's an animal rights issue that humanity should care about, but doesn't.

It's actually a pretty good analogy for real life endangered species, I think. Humanity cares less about saving them than it should and I really do hope people frustrated by humanity's complacency in Fallen Kingdom towards dinosaurs are a little less complacent themselves about saving actual endangered species in our world.


Oct 28, 2017
I saw this yesterday. I haven't seen Jurassic World (just by circumstance than choice).

This really sucked.

Why they kept Treverrow around to write the script is a mind boggler considering this had the same issues Book of Henry did. It's a sociopath trying to write a Spielberg movie and it doesn't work. Characters are flat, jokes don't work. The has its climax in the first half hour, and the rest is a never-ending epilogue with artificial mayhem and bizarre story twists.

I assume this may have been an issue in the first film - but why do they write Pratt's character like the Rock? It's a waste of his talents.

New Dino was cool I guess. Would have watched a film of it wrecking stuff.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
I can't wait for more people to have seen this so we can talk about that reveal. Probably the dumbest thing I've seen in a blockbuster in ages.


Oct 27, 2017
London, UK
I saw Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom yesterday. And besides a few outlandish characters and Ideas, it was just fun dumb summer fun. The film doesn't take itself too seriously, instead provides 2-hours of popcorn munching dinosaur action. Story elements are pretty generic, but I did like the whole legal angle of the genetically modified dinosaurs. Pushing questions about humanity's obsession with interfering with mother nature, and profiting from animals.

My only gripes lie with the frankly appalling characters as they don't unique personalities, instead are just used to get up and personal with the modified dinosaurs. I also despised the forced romantic connection between Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard, as their characters have no relatable traits and bring nothing to the story. Why do adventure movies keep doing this? I want to see dinosaurs fighting not pointless romance.

All in all, I had tons of fun and will be seeing it again on the Weekend. Just don't go into it the expecting much, and you will be pleasantly surprised.

PS: The opening is just badass, and was a treat to see in IMAX 3D.



Nov 6, 2017
have tickets to the premiere tomorrow here in sweden. im looking forward to it. im in for a fun ride with dinos

i did like JW more then i thought. Some of it its really good i think. other parts not so. its better then both JP3 and some parts of JP-LW.


Oct 31, 2017
have tickets to the premiere tomorrow here in sweden. im looking forward to it. im in for a fun ride with dinos

i did like JW more then i thought. Some of it its really good i think. other parts not so. its better then both JP3 and some parts of JP-LW.

Jurassic World is something I always wanted to see in a Jurassic Park movie. A fully functional park. Exactly what I got.
Got my tickets for tommorow... can't wait :)
Oct 26, 2017
Saw this, just another dumb popcorn flick with a shoehorned message. Hated how they used Jeff Goldblum. There is one great scene for me:

The brachio being left on the island as it is consumed by lava. That left a mark on me


May 11, 2018
Legit loved that, was not expecting the tone and the tense nature of some of the scenes.
Not since the raptor in the grass or the trailer over the cliff in TLW has the series had that tension for me.

Real Hero

Oct 27, 2017
This was much better than JW, its extremely insulting and stupid like that film but at least it doesn't completely rely on nostalgia and tries its own thing, what it tries is extremely silly though


Oct 25, 2017
Fallen Kingdom has to be more entertaining than JP3 right? JP3 was boring as hell.

Also TLW isn't even that good of a movie.