
Mar 9, 2018
The safe bet is Universal thought Solo would have a much stronger performance in the US, and wanted to steer clear. And Incredibles 2 the week after would have made it a logically risky slot, being hit from both sides.
Deadpool 2 was originally supposed to be released the week after Solo. So then it would have been Solo, DP2, JW and Incredibles 2 aka a blood bath.

Although just take one look at the release schedule for the summer of 2019 and what I just described above is pretty much it....but almost every week lol
Oct 25, 2017
Here's my quick review. For starters I love the first movie, dislike 2 and 3 a lot and thought 4 was basically mediocre/watchable.

This is definitely worse than JW and a lot closer to the braindead schlock of 2 and 3.

Where to begin? Almost all of the problems begin with the screenplay. J.A. Bayona is a really solid director but Trevorrow's script is incredibly flat and soulless, which carries through to basically everything else, especially the performances, which feel robotic almost across the board. Where's the feeling of visceral intensity? I never felt scared for the characters because they basically seem indestructible; Pratt's very flippant about the dino danger and just flips out of the way several times which makes him seem kinda superhuman. In the original JP the fear was palpable because the characters actually seemed legit scared.

Jeff Goldblum's screen time totals less than 2 minutes
it's the trailer scene which is spliced up at the beginning and end of the movie

There are a few effective moments - the island eruption is pretty decent but it also has a lot of goofy/lame crap in-between. There's one really haunting shot that deserved a better movie
A bracchiosaur being consumed by the fire/smoke of the volcano
and one good thing about this sequence is
it pretty much destroys Isla Nublar for good so no returning there ever
. There's also a little more dismemberment than I was expecting for a PG-13 movie even if it's not very explicit.

I did like that they were clearly using practical dinos in several scenes, certainly more so than in JW. That was one of the few truly neat touches.

It wasn't as reliant on nostalgia-bait as JW either. Yay, I guess?

The human characters are mostly shitty. Pratt is basically his same wise-cracker, Bryce is less of an icy bitch this time which is nice and actually has proper shoes. Almost all the new characters are bad except for the sassy scientist girl. Justice Smith is really annoying, he spends most of his screen time screaming and being a wimp. The actress who plays the young girl is really trying but her character is thrown into the movie for no reason and leads to a fucking RIDICULOUS twist
we think she's James Cromwell's granddaughter but it's revealed she's actually a clone of Cromwell's dead daughter. This is just dropped in the movie randomly and then not returned to for like 30 mins.
. This is never really followed up on but she basically becomes a surrogate daughter to Pratt/Bryce for act 3 and
they ride off into the sunset with her at the end

Toby Jones plays an auctioneer with a weird accent and false teeth. I don't even know what the fuck they were thinking there. Rafe Spall hams it up appropriately even if his arc is painfully predictable.

One big issue with the film is that it never really sells the whole animal rights angle. It never really convinced me that the general public would want these creatures saved after the massacre that occurred on JW, which feeds into my problem with the ending
the little girl frees the dinos into the wild of the U.S., which just seems hilariously dumb. I like the idea of them finally devoting a whole movie to the dinos running free, but the movie tried to set up freeing them as this big moral dilemma, when it really isn't.

The trailers gave most of the big beats away and most of the action is incredibly predictable and workmanlike.

The post credits scene isn't really worth waiting around for
it's 10 seconds of 2 pteradactyls attacking Las Vegas

Also for those curious about the fates of the dinos
The T-Rex survives again, walking off into the distance...and Blue also survives

I expect the Tomatometer to drop quite sharply over the next few weeks. No way this shit's staying fresh.
Let me ask this. Going into Jurassic World, I was kind of excited because it sounded so so stupid. Problem was it was presented so poorly and dull that even the goofy aspects never popped into the laughable schlock territory. Does this at least achieve its proper stupidity levels, or is it also terribly directed like JW?

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
Just got back from the theaters.

I don't know how much time I have left, but maybe my full thoughts tomorrow. I will start by saying this: shaneo632 made the post credits scene sound way more exciting than it really is. This movie does NOT understanding what an end credits scene is supposed to be. It serves no purpose. Doesn't hint at anything cool. Doesn't have a cool cameo. It could have easily been inserted anywhere at the end of the movie, and it wouldn't be out of place. Stick around after the credits and get ready to be disappointed.

This movie is a remake of the Lost World. So many scenes remind you of that movie. I don't even think it's intentional, since there are plenty of homage shots to JP, again. Except the ending scene's CGI somehow manages to look worse than the 1993 shot.

Oh, and the T.rex and Carno are actually a running gag. They are joke characters now.


What Are Ya' Selling?
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
ive loved every Jurassic movie except #3

Looking forward to this.

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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
JW was such a joke. If I didn't have moviepass, I would give no thought to seeing this.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Let me ask this. Going into Jurassic World, I was kind of excited because it sounded so so stupid. Problem was it was presented so poorly and dull that even the goofy aspects never popped into the laughable schlock territory. Does this at least achieve its proper stupidity levels, or is it also terribly directed like JW?

The direction is mostly fine, to be honest. There are some nice shots in there and it doesn't look as amateur as Trevorrow's work.
Oct 25, 2017
Just got back from the theaters.

I don't know how much time I have left, but maybe my full thoughts tomorrow. I will start by saying this: shaneo632 made the post credits scene sound way more exciting than it really is. This movie does NOT understanding what an end credits scene is supposed to be. It serves no purpose. Doesn't hint at anything cool. Doesn't have a cool cameo. It could have easily been inserted anywhere at the end of the movie, and it wouldn't be out of place. Stick around after the credits and get ready to be disappointed.

This movie is a remake of the Lost World. So many scenes remind you of that movie. I don't even think it's intentional, since there are plenty of homage shots to JP, again. Except the ending scene's CGI somehow manages to look worse than the 1993 shot.

Oh, and the T.rex and Carno are actually a running gag. They are joke characters now.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, I'm actually really surprised since J. A. Bayona was directing but maybe the script is just REALLY bad? Universal should've hired Kathleen Kennedy just to fire Trevorrow after he sent in his script for Fallen Kingdom.


Oct 25, 2017
There's just nowhere to take this franchise.
I don't really mind to be honest, I was a massive fan of the first three when I was a kid but it's been going on 20 years since I've seen the first two and 17 or so since I saw the third. It's no really a franchise I care about anymore, I was more rooting for Bayona since I thought A Monster Calls was great and less because it was Jurassic Park.


Nov 1, 2017
Brisbane, Australia
I feel like this series died when living fucking dinosaurs were no longer considered interesting enough to carry a story.

But I also feel like JP1 is one of the best films ever made and JW is a soulless husk so obviously I'm completely out of touch with the audience/world now.


Mar 9, 2018
Also this is unrelated to JW but another disappointing film coming out is Ocean's 8. Great performances by the cast whom are let down by a weak ass story.

It's as if writers in Hollywood have just gotten lazy and can't think outside the box anymore. Or maybe Hollywood needs to open the door to different/new writers in order to get fresh ideas


Dec 22, 2017
Man, I'm actually really surprised since J. A. Bayona was directing but maybe the script is just REALLY bad? Universal should've hired Kathleen Kennedy just to fire Trevorrow after he sent in his script for Fallen Kingdom.
I have seen it and that's exactly the problem. I felt that a lot of the tense and scary scenes were really well made and he propably would have been able to pull of some moody, slow scenes if the script gave any room to breathe. Instead it basically races through every ridiculous setpiece, all stitched together by a completely illogical plot.

I hate to say this but you really have to shut off your brain for this movie.


Oct 25, 2017
awww bummer. The first batch of reviews seemed promising but this is falling fast :-(


Oct 27, 2017
JW was such a joke. If I didn't have moviepass, I would give no thought to seeing this.
If i still had movie pass i still wouldn't see this.

2+ hours with that awful script delivered by those terrible characters. Maybe if they paid me.

It's as if writers in Hollywood have just gotten lazy and can't think outside the box anymore. Or maybe Hollywood needs to open the door to different/new writers in order to get fresh ideas
That's something people have been saying for at least 40 years.

I feel like this series died when living fucking dinosaurs were no longer considered interesting enough to carry a story.

But I also feel like JP1 is one of the best films ever made and JW is a soulless husk so obviously I'm completely out of touch with the audience/world now.
There's a Bumblebee solo Transformers movie this year.

Think on that.
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Nov 1, 2017
Brisbane, Australia
Also this is unrelated to JW but another disappointing film coming out is Ocean's 8. Great performances by the cast whom are let down by a weak ass story.

It's as if writers in Hollywood have just gotten lazy and can't think outside the box anymore. Or maybe Hollywood needs to open the door to different/new writers in order to get fresh ideas

Well in terms of heist films we had Logan Lucky a while back and it didn't perform very well, from a purely financial point of view there's not much evidence that it's worth the effort/cost of writing and making a good film. JW made billions and FK will probably make like ~75% of that which will be a drop but still hugely profitable... The audience at large can't really be trusted.


Oct 27, 2017
I still don't understand why people care about Jurassic Park.
I still don't understand why there's such an adamant defense force for the World franchise.

It's a shameless, soulless cash-grab spearheaded by a egotistical hack. There's nothing charming about it.

Well in terms of heist films we had Logan Lucky a while back and it didn't perform very well, from a purely financial point of view there's not much evidence that it's worth the effort/cost of writing and making a good film. JW made billions and FK will probably make like ~75% of that which will be a drop but still hugely profitable... The audience at large can't really be trusted.

If you need proof of that look at Blade Runner 2049.

You know, I assumed it would be a project like Jurassic World when they announced it but it really is the total opposite. It's an amazing movie that clearly had a lot of thoughtful consideration poured into every aspect of it and it actually exceeds the original.

And I saw it theaters *pats back*
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Oct 27, 2017
I still don't understand why there's such an adamant defense force for the World franchise.

It's a shameless, soulless cash-grab spearheaded by a egotistical hack. There's nothing charming about it.

It's the first JP film that properly acknowledges the first film right down the musical cues and throwbacks to the old park logo, jeeps, etc. that's why that worked.

It is some what generic, but I still enjoyed as a huge fan of the first film. It was the sequel in many ways I was waiting for since 1993. JP2 and 3 just felt like their own things. That said I'm not going to pretend World is some great film but I enjoyed it.


Nov 17, 2017
I'm not super excited to see this movie in the first placw but the reviews are hardly exciting. I'll probably end up seeing it in theaters and liking it. For all the hate JW gets, I actually liked it but can easily admit that it's not a very good movie. I just like seeing a movie about dinosaurs.


Oct 27, 2017
It's the first JP film that properly acknowledges the first film right down the musical cues and throwbacks to the old park logo, jeeps, etc. that's why that worked.

It is some what generic, but I still enjoyed as a huge fan of the first film. It was the sequel in many ways I was waiting for since 1993. JP2 and 3 just felt like their own things. That said I'm not going to pretend World is some great film but I enjoyed it.
But that's all surface-level audience manipulation.


Oct 27, 2017
Basically all summer movie blockbusters are that, especially sequels.
You're not wrong, I just keep going back to the awful script and characters getting in the way of my enjoyment of the big dumb dinosaur action.

I'm not super excited to see this movie in the first placw but the reviews are hardly exciting. I'll probably end up seeing it in theaters and liking it. For all the hate JW gets, I actually liked it but can easily admit that it's not a very good movie. I just like seeing a movie about dinosaurs.

I have a movie for you



Nov 6, 2017
My favorite things about Jurassic Park are watching the parks unravel and get overrun. Needless to say, JP1 and JW are my favorites. It's hard for me to get as excited for this one, when it seems like everything's already unraveled from the very start.

Deleted member 10193

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Getting fed up of the negativity. I don't get why people have such high expectations, this was never going to capture the magic of the original. The Lost World didn't and that was made by Spielberg himself.

Not every film has to be high 90s instant classic. That isn't to say you should give it a pass but almost every modern film is a disappointment that doesn't live up to the past.

Embrace it for what it is, not what it isn't. I can count the number of dinosaur films on one hand in recent memory. All the negativity will just make the franchise go away for another 14 years.

Deleted member 10193

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017

If you don't like it why would you deprive other people who actually enjoy it?

People sticking the knife in at a mediocre sequel has destroyed many franchises.

Ghostbusters had only just come back and all the hate has pretty much destroyed any chance of a future movie.