
Oct 25, 2017
For the sake of argument, let's say the lawyer actually wrote that... I'm having a problem with the secure phone of the POTUS being readily available to anyone to Tweet from.

Wait, are they saying the lawyer used Trump's phone? I thought he only used his account in another device.


Oct 25, 2017
For the sake of argument, let's say the lawyer actually wrote that... I'm having a problem with the secure phone of the POTUS being readily available to anyone to Tweet from.
Wait, are they saying the lawyer used Trump's phone? I thought he only used his account in another device.

Also communication staff like Hope Hicks has access to Trumps twitter. He doesn't personally type all of his tweets.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh, so all of a sudden, now that Trump's back at the White House and got screamed at, the lawyer did it?

Well, why is a lawyer commenting in the first person Trump's state of mind at a time he was not involved in?

(Sidenote: it's bullshit, Ty Cobb said it was paraphrasing and now all of a sudden John Dowd wrote it? Uh huh.)


Oct 25, 2017
This is the perfect time for CNN to run the headline: Trump's lawyer says he wrote the tweet (he didn't)

Deleted member 3345

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I thought the samsung was trumps phone and not the iphone

e: the fucking insanity that we're talking about whether the director of communications is tweeting out shit that would undermine the president. fucking wow


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
Guess the play here is to prevent Mueller from using the tweet to prove intent and then hide behind attorney client privilege when called on it?

For a person with nothing to hide, he sure makes it hard to get to the truth.


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
man obama never had any juicy scandals to speculate about


Oct 28, 2017
Maybe a slight tangent, but does anyone have a good grasp of when/how tweets are considered admissible evidence? Like, you obviously hear of people being arrested over posting hate speech, but to what lengths do you need to go to to prove that it was that person in particular that posted something rather than just coming from their account?

Obviously (annoyingly) someone as high up as POTUS has more people he can feasibly claim were posting to his account, I'm just trying to wrap my head around how you would go about proving or disproving that.


User banned for use of an alt-account
Oct 31, 2017
Guess the play here is to prevent Mueller from using the tweet to prove intent and then hide behind attorney client privilege when called on it?

For a person with nothing to hide, he sure makes it hard to get to the truth.

They may not have attorney client privilege. Mueller may be able to ask them questions about what trump has said and done with facing obstruction charges if they don't answer or lie.
Oct 28, 2017
This is the perfect time for CNN to run the headline: Trump's lawyer says he wrote the tweet (he didn't)
What they have now is pretty good:



Oct 27, 2017
WaPo updated this story with this disclaimer now:


Sounds like his own lawyers know he fucked up and trying to get a fall guy to accept the sword.

That doesn't make a difference, it changes nothing. First, Trump still authorized the message and hasn't changed it or corrected it. That means he's endorsed it. Second, the communications office have already stated that all tweets on the President's Twitter account are his official White House statements. Third, even if Trump tried to deny authorizing the tweet he'd still have to answer why he never corrected it? And, why his personal lawyer was given access to his secure Twitter account? Lastly, that would make his personal lawyer a new party and key witness to the investigation, his lawyer, an officer sworn to the Court. Thus, when questioned under oath if he lied about typing out that statement solely by himself without any direction from the President, he'd likely be disbarred.


Oct 26, 2017
I just saw this news, then read the tweet, then read the story again, then re-read the tweet, and I literally did this out loud:


I want to be a fly on the wall of the White House legal counsel team's offices right now.


Oct 25, 2017
How is a lawyer allowed to basically impersonate the President of the United States? His tweet specifically referred to himself in the first person. "I fired Flynn." Even if this imaginary lawyer tweeted it, it's still Trump giving the order to tweet for him, isn't it? If it's not, why is a lawyer allowed to send out messages as the fucking President? How fucking incompetent can you be to just allow a "lawyer" like that to use your Presidential twitter account? If the lawyer declared war, then what? This is fucking stupid.
Isn't it kinda against the law to impersonate officials? I'm not counting parodies.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, Trump could plausibly say he was just absent-mindedly recollecting the things that Flynn did wrong in his tweet, without intending to make a timeline. This particular angle is a bit of a stretch, I think.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, Trump could plausibly say he was just absent-mindedly recollecting the things that Flynn did wrong in his tweet, without intending to make a timeline. This particular angle is a bit of a stretch, I think.
You say that in an official statement while you are under investigation and investigators will ask.

Deleted member 2533

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Well, Trump could plausibly say he was just absent-mindedly recollecting the things that Flynn did wrong in his tweet, without intending to make a timeline. This particular angle is a bit of a stretch, I think.

Sort of a "I fired Flynn because he lied to the VP, and also, can you believe it, turns out he lied to the FBI -found that out later, decision to fire was correct in hindsight," kind of deal? I feel like if they made "A Few Good Men" nowadays, you'd have a scene where Jack Nicholson's character is brought in front of a second panel later on and does a "I do not recall" on the whole "you can't handle the truth" speech and skates.

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Well, Trump could plausibly say he was just absent-mindedly recollecting the things that Flynn did wrong in his tweet, without intending to make a timeline. This particular angle is a bit of a stretch, I think.

Yeah this is the biggest reason this actually a nothingburger, all the WH has to do is issue a clarification that the FBI bit was only in there because that was recent news and that they were not aware of Flynn lying to the fbi. If there is other evidence that trump was aware at the time or potentially even directed Flynn to lie to the fbi (which is a pretty strong possibility) then yeah it's clear obstruction.

If Flynn is truly flipped a lot of shit is good going to keep hitting the fan I think though. He probably has some pretty damning emails, which would be sweet sweet icing if trump is done in by emails.

Deleted member 25108

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
From an outsiders point of view it seems trump still has enough wriggle room to get out of this, but it really is death by a thousand cuts at this point. I can't see any scenario where the man does not implode by the end of next year.

At this point, the concern should be around making sure he doesn't take your country and maybe even parts of the wider world with him.

But no matter how much the GOP play interference, he is done. It's not even that he has used up his lives or lost the ability to shake off scandals, it's simply that he is so broken that he is starting to play defence. The problem is with that every time he tries to smooth things over he makes it worse.

He won't shut up, but if he doesn't, the evidence against him will just build faster. It's literally a death spiral at this point.

But honestly, I do not think it matters. The rabbit is out of the bag now. All the GOP need is another Trump with a bit more political skill and a tiny bit more common sense. Things are not returning back to how they were before Trump, whether he is in office or not.