
Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
OK listening now

And most of those comments are traaaaaash holy fuck. The black guy was reasonable, but those white Québécois morons... cringy af. Especially that 80 year old woman, who bragged about proudly doing blackface in costumes back in her younger day etc... I mean ok she's old but yiiiikes (the host kinda laughing and enabling her was cringy too). One lady even said that Trudeau shouldn't have apologized and should have defended himself. Fucking hell.

So many people saying it's not racist because it's a costume, etc... 🤦‍♀️

That lady at the end was reasonable at least, and explained why it's not white people's place to determine if it's offensive or not. She and the black documentarist were the only callers who didn't make me want to plant my face in my desk.


Oct 26, 2017
Scheer going in too hard will backfire.

OK listening now

And most of those comments are traaaaaash holy fuck. The black guy was reasonable, but those white Québécois morons... cringy af. Especially that 80 year old woman, who bragged about proudly doing blackface in costumes back in her younger day etc... I mean ok she's old but yiiiikes (the host kinda laughing and enabling her was cringy too). One lady even said that Trudeau shouldn't have apologized and should have defended himself. Fucking hell.

So many people saying it's not racist because it's a costume, etc... 🤦‍♀️

That lady at the end was reasonable at least, and explained why it's not white people's place to determine if it's offensive or not. She and the black documentarist were the only callers who didn't make me want to plant my face in my desk.
I agree, but these are the people who will go vote


Oct 27, 2017
OK listening now

And most of those comments are traaaaaash holy fuck. The black guy was reasonable, but those white Québécois morons... cringy af. Especially that 80 year old woman, who bragged about proudly doing blackface in costumes back in her younger day etc... I mean ok she's old but yiiiikes (the host kinda laughing and enabling her was cringy too). One lady even said that Trudeau shouldn't have apologized and should have defended himself. Fucking hell.

So many people saying it's not racist because it's a costume, etc... 🤦‍♀️

That lady at the end was reasonable at least, and explained why it's not white people's place to determine if it's offensive or not. She and the black documentarist were the only callers who didn't make me want to plant my face in my desk.

Canadians are secretly super racist. I've known that my whole life and I'm kind of relieved the truth is coming out now.


Oct 25, 2017
Scheer is going to be screaming about this until Election Day.

Might take some heat off of Trudeau for SNCL though, which was arguably the more damaging scandal (because Canadians dgaf about racism).

Let him scream, he still hasn't apologized for his homophobia, and he said an apology is good enough for his racist candidates so he looks dumb concern trolling when he's the head of the racist party.
Oct 25, 2017
A school full of privileged twerps all saw nothing wrong, of course.

Thank you! After 30+ years of consuming propaganda, I'm finally learning the truth from your post that White people are native to North America.

Canada was built on the harmonious relationship between the aboriginals along the st Lawrence (huron alliance) and the french (samuel Champlain). Jesuits and french traders co existed with aboriginese relatively peacefully..

Until the english came and tried to culturally genocide the french and then failing that tried it on aboriginals.

But yeah, New France Id consider the beginning of Canada. Theres a reason we are said to be founded by three nations


Oct 27, 2017
Canada was built on the harmonious relationship between the aboriginals along the st Lawrence (huron alliance) and the french (samuel Champlain). Jesuits and french traders co existed with aboriginese relatively peacefully..

Until the english came and tried to culturally genocide the french and then failing that tried it on aboriginals.

But yeah, New France Id consider the beginning of Canada. Theres a reason we are said to be founded by three nations

Did you learn this from history books written by white people


Feb 25, 2018
Canada was built on the harmonious relationship between the aboriginals along the st Lawrence (huron alliance) and the french (samuel Champlain). Jesuits and french traders co existed with aboriginese relatively peacefully..

Until the english came and tried to culturally genocide the french and then failing that tried it on aboriginals.

But yeah, New France Id consider the beginning of Canada. Theres a reason we are said to be founded by three nations

Champlain was way ahead of it's time with his treatment of aboriginals.

Did you learn this from history books written by white people



Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Canada was built on the harmonious relationship between the aboriginals along the st Lawrence (huron alliance) and the french (samuel Champlain). Jesuits and french traders co existed with aboriginese relatively peacefully..

Until the english came and tried to culturally genocide the french and then failing that tried it on aboriginals.

Comparatively to other colonialists, sure, Cartier and Champlain were not as openly hostile to aboriginals, but to suggest that they were living in perfect peachy harmony with them and it's all the English's fault is hardly accurate, come on.
Oct 25, 2017
Did you learn this from history books written by white people

Ive studied canadian/aboriginal history in university. Of course not all of it was pretty but new france was relatively decent compared to what the English were doing in the south. But dont get me wrong lol, after the seven years war and the introduction of the English was 200yrs of anglophones trying to destroy the french and aboriginals. Im just arguing that if we consider new france as the beginning of Canada then it wasnt founded on racism or by racists (Champlain in general had a great relationship with the huron even adopting 3 aboriginal children).

If we start at the royal proclamation then yeaaah Id say we were founded by racists or if we start at 1867 then again yeah

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
No way you can look at his time in office and think he's racist or has some racist agenda.

People want to go all James Gunn on him now.
Y'all are very brand new over here sometimes. You can be racist and not be hateful. You can be racist and do great things for minorities. Lyndon Baines Johnson says hello!!!

Justin is that dumb white Liberal that every minority encounters when their social group diversifies. We meet Liberal asshats like this in college and the workplace all the time. Justin doesn't want me swinging from a tree but for some reason greets me with "what up homeslizzice!?" at the water cooler even though I never speak like that Lol.


Feb 25, 2018

Comparatively to other colonialists, sure, Cartier and Champlain were not as openly hostile to aboriginals, but to suggest that they were living in perfect peachy harmony with them and it's all the English's fault is hardly accurate, come on.

Of course. That would be like believing aboriginals lived in perfect peace and harmony between different tribes until colonialists got here. The reality is way more nuanced.


Nov 6, 2017
It's either a stain on the Liberal Party or on the entire country.
I still want to believe that the overwhelming majority of Canadians are not conservative nutters and at least centrists, but the Liberals are such a disappointment. Canada needs another left-leaning choice to overtake them. It is long overdue for the Liberals to stop being the dominant default choice. There is no future with them. We need them to win now, but they need to be phased out, and not just their racist pretty boy.

Canada needs better choices than the 2 dominant parties. We do not want to be like the US 2 party system, at least not the current Cons and Libs we've had to put up with for decades. Settling for dumb or dumber is getting us nowhere.
Oct 31, 2017
Y'all are very brand new over here sometimes. You can be racist and not be hateful. You can be racist and do great things for minorities. Lyndon Baines Johnson says hello!!!

Justin is that dumb white Liberal that every minority encounters when their social group diversifies. We meet Liberal asshats like this in college and the workplace all the time. Justin doesn't want me swinging from a tree but for some reason greets me with "what up homeslizzice!?" at the water cooler even though I never speak like that Lol.

Yeah, I've encountered a few foreign lefty asshats who call Canadian indigenous people standing up for their culture "woke" and are unapologetic about it.


Oct 25, 2017
It's exactly the same format of any politician apologizing for something like this. It's near identical to Northam's apology. "I didn't understand and I'm sorry. I'm A-okay now though!" If he wins, it's going to make it near impossible for racists to be politically punished after their racists acts are outed. They will always refer to Trudeau as their scaepgoat.
Northam's apology was ten times worse than this because he was so wishy washy about it and told colleagues that he didn't want to apologize because he wasn't sure it was him or whatever

Him saying "yes it was me, I fucked up, I'm deeply sorry and I've learned from my mistakes" is really the best he could do, and that's exactly what he did


Oct 25, 2017
I still want to believe that the overwhelming majority of Canadians are not conservative nutters and at least centrists, but the Liberals are such a disappointment. Canada needs another left-leaning choice to overtake them. It is long overdue for the Liberals to stop being the dominant default choice. There is no future with them. We need them to win now, but they need to be phased out, and not just their racist pretty boy.

Canada needs better choices than the 2 dominant parties. We do not want to be like the US 2 party system, at least not the current Cons and Libs we've had to put up with for decades. Settling for dumb or dumber is getting us nowhere.

We have another left leaning party but they're not popular for some reason.

If Jack Layton was still alive today the NDP very well could have been that choice.

Ah yes Jack Layton of "Let's prop up Stephen Harper minority government" fame.


Oct 25, 2017
I still want to believe that the overwhelming majority of Canadians are not conservative nutters and at least centrists, but the Liberals are such a disappointment. Canada needs another left-leaning choice to overtake them. It is long overdue for the Liberals to stop being the dominant default choice. There is no future with them. We need them to win now, but they need to be phased out, and not just their racist pretty boy.

Canada needs better choices than the 2 dominant parties. We do not want to be like the US 2 party system, at least not the current Cons and Libs we've had to put up with for decades. Settling for dumb or dumber is getting us nowhere.

They aren't, and the overwhelming majority vote non Conservative at the federal level. What we need is electoral change to give parties like the NDP actual representation that matches their voting results. Adding more left parties doesn't change the problem, and in fact it might even make it worse.

The Cons are smart in that they will put their differences aside to win (Reform merging with Alliance, and Wild Rose joining Alberta Conservative Party).

Voting reform also means I don't go to the booth, check NDP, and know full well my vote means shit all as my riding votes in an incumbent CPC candidate.


Oct 25, 2017
This combined with the Muslim Council response is very telling

Minorities aren't toddlers, and nobody is buying the CPC concern trolling here.

Someone who is strongly pro multiculturalism having his skeletons exposed and apologizing for it is better than the guys openly cuddling with white Nationalists

And I'm glad people can think reasonably like that.


Oct 25, 2017
Is "racialized" a word that only Canadians use? I don't think I've ever seen it used in American political discourse.


Oct 25, 2017
Am I the only one who thinks this is getting blown up to much? I'm not saying what he did is right at all. But he did this when he was in the 1990s and early 2000s. It seems he has matured since. We all do dumbshit when we are young. Unless he's still doing shit like this then fuck him.
Jun 2, 2018
Northern Ireland
Am I the only one who thinks this is getting blown up to much? I'm not saying what he did is right at all. But he did this when he was in the 1990s and early 2000s. It seems he has matured since. We all do dumbshit when we are young. Unless he's still doing shit like this then fuck him.

He was an adult when this happened.

It never ceases to amaze me how highly important, influential people can be so fucking dumb.


Jun 6, 2019
Am I the only one who thinks this is getting blown up to much? I'm not saying what he did is right at all. But he did this when he was in the 1990s and early 2000s. It seems he has matured since. We all do dumbshit when we are young. Unless he's still doing shit like this then fuck him.
Everyone does dumb shit. Some people drink too much at a party. Other accidently crash their car.

Doing brownface is not part of the "dumb stuff everyone does" category.


Oct 25, 2017
He was an adult when this happened.

It never ceases to amaze me how highly important, influential people can be so fucking dumb.
Yes, I get that. Once again have you never done stupid stuff growing up even as an adult. Just saying if in the past 10 years he hasn't done anything racist then why blast him a new one when he's changed. Young adult to almost being 40 people change drastically.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, I've encountered a few foreign lefty asshats who call Canadian indigenous people standing up for their culture "woke" and are unapologetic about it.
I'm not a psychic. Didn't know homey was Native when I posted and apologized thereafter. Your deflection is cute and all but my point is racism isn't binary. If you want to give a spoiled rich kid that grew up in a White wealthy bubble, in a racist country, and has been caught 3x redhanded the benefit of the doubt, that's on you. Surely there's not a racist bone in Justin's body.

Edit: My bad he was 29 and not a kid either LOL.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Am I the only one who thinks this is getting blown up to much? I'm not saying what he did is right at all. But he did this when he was in the 1990s and early 2000s. It seems he has matured since. We all do dumbshit when we are young. Unless he's still doing shit like this then fuck him.
Like all Justin Trudeau media stories - it is getting way more air from the press (and us here) than it will in the general public. edit: I am not trying to downplay how bad it is that he did it
Oct 25, 2017
The first rule of blackface: don't ever do it

The second rule of blackface: don't ever do it

It's the easiest thing in the world to say and yet people still manage to fuck it up on the regular.

I'm amazed that this never came out before though.


Jun 6, 2019
Why are people here calling this a "mistake"

People dont mistakingly do brown or blackface.


Apr 3, 2018
What baffles me is that this shitbag supporting bombing actual brown people in Yemen and Syria gets a free pass from the media.
Oct 31, 2017
It was 2001. Society has changed a lot since then. I couldn't read more than the first few replies. God forbid someone does something stupid or insensitive!!! We aren't allowed to make mistakes
Oct 27, 2017
We have multiple parties but in terms of popularity it comes down to 2 in most parts of the country.

non-Conservative voters know all about not splitting the vote.
Yes but usually 1 party has a majority of seats. And usually the largest party will just govern even if they don't have a majority without making a formal European style coalition absent the other parties taking them down and triggering an election. So the government would only have ministers from the largest party even if that party doesn't hold a majority of seats.
Government is comprised of a cabinet chosen by the leader of the party with the most seats in the house. The opposition parties are the rest of the seats of the house, with the official opposition being the party withe most seats outside of the ruling party. So the opposition is sort of a coalition of different parties. The ruling party can change if the opposition parties agree to form a coalition government (assuming they can get more seats than the present ruling party), but the process can be halted by proroguing parliament (essentially shutting down the house). This occurred previously under a Conservative minority government proroguing parliament when 3 opposition parties agreed to form a coalition.

You may be thinking of that scenario.
Thanks for the education, much appreciated!
Oct 31, 2017
This isn't mere "stupid stuff". Stop trying to trivialise it.

Seems like it was a one-time thing. In 2001 I don't think that was seen as something unacceptable. He's clearly different, he doesn't do it anymore, and clearly sees it as wrong. I don't get the issue.

5 years ago I made a dumb "did you just assume my gender?" transphobic joke online. I understand that it was wrong and stupid of me and I get embarrassed thinking about it. Am I still transphobic? Do I deserve to be shat on for it?

People can still change once they're an adult. My mom is over 60 years old and I would say she grows at a much faster rate than she did 10 years ago.


Nov 6, 2017
It was 2001. Society has changed a lot since then. I couldn't read more than the first few replies. God forbid someone does something stupid or insensitive!!! We aren't allowed to make mistakes
2001 isn't ancient history. It's been known for decades that blackface is not cool, especially in North American. He didn't make this "mistake" once and learn from it. He did it at least 3 times. A teacher at age 29 isn't some dumb kid making a mistake.