Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
This story has been making the rounds through social media over the weekend and is now starting to be picked up by national media.

Ralph was going to pick up his two younger brothers. According to his aunt, after ringing the doorbell at the wrong house, its white homeowner shot him in the head through a glass door. He shot him a second time after he fell to the ground. Ralph is currently hospitalized and in critical condition.

The shooter is currently free. No charges as of yet.

A couple articles, one from local Kansas City news and another from CNN:


Hundreds demand hate crime charges against Kansas City man who shot Black teen

Protesters demanded the shooter's arrest and said Kansas City police don't do enough to protect Black children. Police Chief Stacey Graves said they need a statement from the victim before they can proceed with any possible charges.

Hundreds of people gathered at NE 115th Street in Kansas City's Northland to protest the shooting of a 16-year-old boy last week. As they stood in front of the house where he was shot, protestors chanted for justice and demanded prosecution of the shooter for what they called a hate crime.

The boy, who family has identified as Ralph Yarl, was on his way to pick up his twin brothers from a friend's house and arrived at the wrong address, about a block away. According to a Go Fund Me by his aunt Faith Spoonmore, after Yarl rang the doorbell at the wrong address, the homeowner shot him in the head through a glass door and again after he fell to the ground.

Yarl is in the hospital in critical condition, but alive, according to the family. The homeowner is currently free. They have not yet been charged with a crime.


A teenager was shot by a homeowner after going to the wrong house to pick up siblings, Kansas City police say | CNN

A teenager was shot and wounded by a homeowner after mistakenly going to the wrong home to pick up his siblings in Kansas City, Missouri, police said Sunday.

The homeowner – who has not been identified – was taken into custody and placed on a 24-hour hold, then released pending further investigation due to the need to obtain a formal statement from the victim and to gather additional forensic evidence, Kansas City Police Chief Stacey Graves said in a news conference Sunday.

Under Missouri state law, a person can be held for up to 24 hours for investigation of a felony, at which time they are required to be charged or released, Graves said at the press conference.

GoFundMe for Ralph https://www.gofundme.com/f/nf36y-cover-medical-expenses

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Aug 31, 2019
Everett, Washington
Hope he pulls through. Hope the homeowner is charged with attempted murder after that second shot when he was on the ground.

But this is America so they will probably walk free.


Oct 27, 2017
Hopefully he pulls through, but I'm doubtful. This is absolutely horrifying. I just can't wrap my head around such insanity.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
What the feck is wrong with you people, everyday someone is getting shot. It's terrifying to know how easy it is to have access to guns.

Hope the kid recovers.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
Home owner should go to jail. You can't just shoot through a godamn door for no reason. That is fucked.


Oct 27, 2017
Better be charged with goddamn attempted murder after that - shooting someone outside your door is beyond absurd. Shooting them again is insane.

Mars People

Comics Council 2020
Oct 25, 2017
How the hell do you gun someone down in cold blood in America and not get immediately arrested.
Nov 5, 2017
Absolutely sickening. He rang the wrong doorbell and that's what you do? How is that even logical? Lock that piece of shit up for life.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
The guy should be in prison but we all know the police and the justice system are part of the reason why people have the confidence to do shit like this in the first place. I sincerely hope that this is one of those occasions where he's arrested, charged and spends a major chunk, if not all, of the rest of his life behind bars. Just a disgusting wretch of a human being.


Prophet of Truth
Apr 7, 2019
Fucking disgusting shit.

Home owner should already be in jail, dude even tried to make sure the boy would die.

People are fucked up, going for a gun when ya see a kid ring at your door.
Shit is absolutely disgusting and frustrating, because somehow I am almost certain that the home owner would not have shot me, an average white dude, in that situation


Oct 25, 2017
It's such a wild culture of fear and racism these people must live in at all times. To see a black kid and think well they must be coming for me, time to murder.


Nov 27, 2017
Saying they need a statement from the victim before going forward with charges is a real lame excuse to not do what they should which is lock the homeowner up immediately.


Alt account
Jan 24, 2022
Saying they need a statement from the victim before going forward with charges is a real lame excuse to not do what they should which is lock the homeowner up immediately.

It's also not true, they don't need a confession to charge him. They already have enough evidence to do that. In fact at this point there's no way they're gonna get a statement. He's going to lawyer up and plead the 5th. Completely idiotic and nonsensical police work.


Nov 27, 2017
It's also not true, they don't need a confession to charge him. They already have enough evidence to do that. In fact at this point there's no way they're gonna get a statement. He's going to lawyer up and plead the 5th. Completely idiotic and nonsensical police work.

If the victim had died what would they do? "Can't get a statement from a dead person, therefore the killer walks free"?
Right, like we know they don't need any statement to do the most basic thing, lock up the homeowner. We know why they haven't.


Alt Account
Aug 5, 2022
It's also not true, they don't need a confession to charge him. They already have enough evidence to do that. In fact at this point there's no way they're gonna get a statement. He's going to lawyer up and plead the 5th. Completely idiotic and nonsensical police work.
It says statement from person shot not the homeowner. That said, I don't see why they need that statement either. Seems like enough evidence exists to know something wrong happened here.


Alt account
Jan 24, 2022
It says statement from person shot not the homeowner. That said, I don't see why they need that statement either. Seems like enough evidence exists to know something wrong happened here.

Well then that's even more idiotic, so if he died I guess they'd just say oh shucks we'll never know what happened


Alt account
Jan 24, 2022
Not sure. I'm guessing specifically because the victim is alive and can give the statement is probably why? Not positive.

The thing is, they could do that anyways when he recovers. To suggest that someone can shoot someone in the head for no reason, then shoot them again when they are incapacitated without any criminal charges until the authorities obtain the victim's statement is absurd. Clearly they already know he was at the wrong address picking up his siblings.


Oct 26, 2017
Shoot someone for no reason, get held up for 24 hours, then walk free until "further investigation". The US feels like it's operating on video game laws.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
I don't even know what to say. This man shot a kid in the head then got close and shot him again and he was detained for 24 hours and allowed to go because they need what... the kid to say that they were shot in the head?

And the worst of it is that the reason is obvious to everyone.


Feb 17, 2018
Been a few years since the last time someone got shot because they rang the wrong address, at least I haven't heard of it. Hope the victim makes it, and the shooter goes to jail for a long time.


Oct 27, 2017


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
I'm trying to hold it together yall. I feel like I've been largely desensitized because bullshit like this happens every day.

But man, this is just beyond. I'm not sure how police can think they are the good guys, when they release a man who shot a kid twice in the head for ringing his doorbell.

Like there's SO much evil behind this single incident that my stomach is in knots. It's not an 'error' it's state-sanctioned , cold-blooded murderous intent. What a horrific story to wake up to.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah there is no part of any state's castle doctrine or stand your ground laws that allows for shooting someone on your porch for ringing your doorbell. This piece of shit will almost certainly be arrested and sentenced, and odds are that there is potentially ring doorbell footage from a neighbor that will speed the case along

Fucking infuriating


Oct 27, 2017
What the hell, the GoFundMe says he went to three different houses after being shot before someone helped him. And only after he lied on the ground with his hands up.


Oct 25, 2017
We arm everyone in America then scare them. This is the outcome. We solve everything with a gun.

The second shot on the ground is the biggest wtf.

Edit: Just read the gofundme.
The man in the home opened the door, looked my nephew in the eye, and shot him in the head. My nephew fell to the ground, and the man shot him again. Ralph was then able to get up and run to the neighbor's house, looking for help.
Unfortunately, he had to run to 3 different homes before someone finally agreed to help him after he was told to lie on the ground with his hands up.


Oct 27, 2017
The thing is, they could do that anyways when he recovers. To suggest that someone can shoot someone in the head for no reason, then shoot them again when they are incapacitated without any criminal charges until the authorities obtain the victim's statement is absurd. Clearly they already know he was at the wrong address picking up his siblings.

It's absolute bullshit. Prosecutors press for charges when victims don't want to all the fucking time. To say they need a statement is an absolute lie. They simply don't want the headache from White people on pressing charges.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Infuriating, and I can't post what I want to say but you can guess in regards to all of this.

At a minimum if it was a white kid he never would have been able to walk out after the interview; at this point I blame less the owner even though I want him in a pinebox than the his correct fucking conclusion that as a white man he could murder a black kid and have the cops try to help him get off.

If wasn't a perfect victim w/ the protests and some stoner skateboarder who teepeed a house for homecoming a few days ago we would have heard about how he was high and trying to vandalize houses.

And those neighbors? Disgusting
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Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
I hope the boy makes a full recovery, and the shooter spends the rest of their miserable life behind bars thinking about how they came to be the kind of person who lives in such fear that they'd try to kill a child.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
Fox News is going to be firing up the AI to "find" a picture of the kid smoking marijuana to justify this.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
We arm everyone in America then scare them. This is the outcome. We solve everything with a gun.

The second shot on the ground is the biggest wtf.

Edit: Just read the gofundme.

Three different homes???

And that bastard who forced the kid to hold his hands up before rendering help can go to hell to.

What kind of gated neighborhood bullshit is this? Did that poor boy unknowingly wander into a Klan neighborhood?
Oct 27, 2017
Holy crap! That's not far from where I live. I looked at houses in that neighborhood, but they were all priced higher than the surounding areas, so I passed. Glad I did.

I hope they boy recovers and gets the justice he deserves. I'm still shocked that it took 3 houses to find someone who would help. What the crap is wrong with people?