Deleted member 11976

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Oct 27, 2017
This generation has to deal with a tonne of shit I don't think I could handle as a kid. Smartphones, social media, and the related algorithms are not something I'd want to grapple with as a young kid.

There are lots of ways they have it better but I'm not optimistic about the next 100 years, as lots of posters have already mentioned.


Oct 30, 2017
Yup, this. I'm pretty sure depression and suicide rates have skyrocketed in older children and teens as well.
I'm surprised that this seems to be true.



Oct 27, 2017
The internet and social media have been a disaster for mental health. I was already an anxious kid and having AIM nearly made me go nuts. If Facebook had been a thing back then I'd probably be in prison now

Garp TXB

Apr 1, 2020
I feel like it's so relative. In 30 to 40 years we'll have everyone running around with augmented reality contact lenses and ear implants that literally change reality around them constantly.

Then the grown kids from today will say how in the old days they had to carry around these stupid old phones with them everywhere .


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I can't really say much, was a late 80's/90's kid and had it just fine.

Deleted member 83122

User requested account closure
Oct 15, 2020
Oof, it got too real.

I admit, I would've liked a decent smartphone when I was a kid even in HS the ability to chat with int'l friends would've made school a lot less lonely. Also, switch.
I was kind of a loner in HS too, and OP has a point about libraries I suppose. That was where my small circle congregated. I also had a penpal from France, I think it would be harder to troll someone with a 2-month at a time correspondence, haha! AOL had just popped on the scene in 11th grade for me, so I was kind of online (1998) back then. But these youths got bullies in every facet of life, I would say.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah. I think living through the eighties and nineties was better. There was a sense of freedom that I don't think exists anymore.


Oct 30, 2017
I've thought often about how I'm in the youngest generation that will have the benefit of knowing the world before and after the internet.

It's all going to be yelling at clouds, from here on out.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
If we're taking specifically about electronics, sure.

If we're talking in general, a) every single generation thinks that of the next generation, and b) it's not been true for at least three generations. My parents had it much easier than me, and myself (now 43) had it much easier than this generation has it in many respects.

If we're talking the average joe / middle class, it'd say boomers were the generation that had it easiest than any other (which of course makes it ironic that they're the poster kids for out-of-touch "you have it so easy now" rants. Each generation before that had it worse, and each generation after them (inasmuch "middle class" even exists any longer) has had it progressively worse, too. I fear for my friends' kids' future.


Oct 30, 2017
From a consumer point of view, I guess this is true...but uh, I'm not sure anyone who says that kids don't know how good they have it nowadays has a grip on the reality of what today is really like


True, social anxiety and depression is worse than ever. Social media enabled bullying is a lot worse than what we went through.

Also future generations are inheriting a planet that is fucked by the boomers.
Add to that the fucked economy and the social pressure of
"you should finish college with a bachelors in 4 years"
"You should be living on your own by 18"
Etc etc

anyone born in the 90s and forward is struggling, add to that how irresponsible "grown ups"/boomers have been with the pandemic, I'm surprised suicide numbers aren't over the roof


Oct 27, 2017
Economically speaking, children in the (former) industrialised nations have it much harder these days than their parents.


Oct 27, 2017
  1. Jobs were less competitive and required less technical skills, no global competion
  2. social media is horrible for mental health
  3. fomo due to social media
  4. always plugged into news
  5. kids dont play outside as much and I think it's really important to play outside for normal development
  6. having to wait for movies, games etc mace us appreciate everything so much more. I think the reward system got screwed with saturation and ease of access of digital entertainment.


Oct 29, 2017
I was born in the mid to late 80s, and I am thoroughly happy that I got to live my childhood and prime already. Kids today not so lucky. I would not want to live my 20s in the 20s, let's just say that. No amount of endless mass consumption would ever change that.

They're all going to burn, choke, or drown to death in the next 50 years.



Oct 25, 2017

Add to that the fucked economy and the social pressure of
"you should finish college with a bachelors in 4 years"
"You should be living on your own by 18"
Etc etc

anyone born in the 90s and forward is struggling, add to that how irresponsible "grown ups"/boomers have been with the pandemic, I'm surprised suicide numbers aren't over the roof

finishing college in 4 years and living on your own by 18 were social pressures in the '80's and 90's too. If anything I feel it is more accepted to live at home longer now than it was 25 - 30 years ago.

I think boomers and college age adults are the irresponsible ones during this pandemic. I'm quite proud of gen x (my gen). We seem to be taking it seriously. But with everything there are bad apples in every bunch. There isn't one single group to blame or praise. We all screwed up.
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Oct 30, 2017
finishing college in 4 years and living on your own by 18 were social pressures in the '80's and 90's too. If anything I feel it is more accepted to live at home longer now than it was 25 - 30 years ago.

I think boomers and college age adults are the irresponsible ones during this pandemic. I'm quite proud of gen x (my gen). We seem to be taking it seriously.
You're really missing out on the Nordic model where people do indeed live on their own post-high school.


Nov 27, 2020
The Netherlands
I don't think most of the things listed in the OP were really problems at the time, they were just the way things were. How we consume media changes, but I doubt it has much of an impact on the enjoyment we get out of it. Likewise, our current tv's, consoles, internet, smartphones and other tech will seem primitive in twenty years, but that doesn't really change much about how good (or bad, as people point out) we have it now.


Oct 27, 2017
OP, you never knew how good you had it gaming in the 16 bit era - i had to wait 15 minutes for my C64 tape games to load, often crashing at the final hurdle.

See the flaw in your argument? There's always a bigger fish

Wein Cruz

Oct 27, 2017
Idk maybe it's just me but 2020 is not the year to float this particular belief in any capacity.


Oct 27, 2017
Consumerism got easier and lots of new toys. I love my stuff.

Now if only human rights could keep the fuck up.
Nov 18, 2020
Kids have it great with tech but I fully believe tech is a double-edged sword and we would be better off in society without the Internet or mobile phones. It has hastened the disintegration of our society through an exponential increase of radicalism and conspiratorial thinking, and constant Internet usage alters your brain negatively (e.g. it affects your short-term memory and ability to pay attention).

I read a Census Bureau study recently that said 75% of young people nowadays struggle with some sort of mental illness, exacerbated by their surroundings. I just can't in good conscience think that young adults have it better now than when I was a kid in the 90's / early 00's.

cdr Jameson

Oct 27, 2017
Sure, some teenagers now have a big TV and consoles but as a teen I could sneak into a theatre for free easily and smoke during the whole film. My parents would not know where I was most of the time as long as I was home in time for diner. I would ride my bike for kilometers and throw my friends skateboard in the river.


Oct 28, 2017
I disagree. When I went to school before No Child Left Behind, we actually had break times, time for recess, and were able to fail and learn from our mistakes. Today's education is a joke. It's all about getting an A and getting good scores on tests. Actually learning things and becoming well informed citizens doesn't matter anymore. Getting ready for a job is all that matters. Back in the day we were actually allowed to be kids. Kids today have to grow up so fast.

It also depends a lot on the parents. Bullying on social media is terrible, so parents need to teach their kids coping skills and other strategies to prepare them.


Oct 27, 2017
I've noticed how dependent we have become of electricity.

While ago because of some repairing in the apartment building basement electricity and water was cut off about 12 hours.

You are so used to keep computer and tv on or make coffee or use microwave.
And suddenly when all those are unavailable it felt so strange. It was also dangerous. I had to use flashlight when leaving the apartment. Corridor was so dark I couldn't see shit.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like making this thread while young kids can't eat indoors or necessarily even go to school is weird.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Technology is being used to literally fucking with people's cognitive well-being and distorting their perception of reality in a way that no one could have seen coming.

Imagine if these big tech companies devoted time to climate modeling solutions instead of milking money and time from anyone that uses their platforms.

Instead, initiatives that want to save the planet have to rely on funding and donations LOL.

Cap that with an incredibly narcissistic president winning the presidency in 2016 in an already incredibly narcissistic country empowering the most self-obsessed of people. The gloating on social media gets worse, everyone is a winner or a loser, shit, if you ask me we had it easier back then. Young people are getting super fucked over. Being able to stream on your phone or bury in your face in instant entertainment or gratification doesn't stop the world from burning.
Lightning Count
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off

Then try addressing these criticisms.

Worst gun death rate of any developed nation. Any attempt at meaningful gun law reformed bl0vkee, despite overwhelming public support.
Healthcare system is a joke and designed to fuck over the working class.
Opiod crisis.
Systems of power and authority are still fundamentally white supremacist.
Most corrupt president in history has been fully enabled by complicit party for 4 years.

King of Cups

Oct 27, 2017
I dunno, I personally would hate to grow up in this age. When everything is an option, everything seems so....unsatisfactory.
Lightning Count
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
Looking back through my opening post, I admit it, I was wrong.

This current generation is getting fucked over left, right and centre. Their job and life prospects are overall much worse than any past generation, including my own.

I also regret making this topic, in hindsight, technology is pretty much the only thing that has improved. I fully stand by criticisms of the US though.

I'm going to walk away from this topic and just let it die. This was pretty much old man yells at cloud by me.

Pall Mall

Oct 25, 2017
As a late 90s birth I sit somewhere in between 'the old' and 'the new', though perhaps a little skewed towards the latter. I think postmodern living is actually really difficult on the human psyche, the meaninglessness of it all is almost too much to bear. Having good internet, consumer goods, thats not really 'having it good' I think. Its nice and convenient but what about the meaningfulness of life?
You underestimate the pleasure of having something AFTER you WAITED for it.

You underestimate the pleasures of dreaming about something - the road, not the destination - and overestimate the pleasure of instant gratification.

You underestimate the evil of ingratitude that can show up once people have everything they want instantly.

You underestimate the toll of negative, depressive folks on internet forums like this one can have on young people.
Like, this is incredibly spot on.

And the way this compounds with a global job market, your value and self worth being constantly questioned in the face of intense and persistent competition that never stops... Its like a rat race on steroids with no end, and the onus is on you to find your place in it.


Alt Account
Jun 10, 2019
I'm so happy that we didn't have social media when i was a kid. The Internet was a place of escape and wonder, not a constant source of misery.
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Oct 27, 2017
We also didn't know how good we had it.
When my father was born in 59,they didn't even have running water. And that was Germany. Countryside though but yeah..

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
They're all going to burn, choke, or drown to death in the next 50 years.
Yeah, this is how I feel. I feel bad for them. I kinda feel like I won't be out of here before the horror is felt (80s kid). Heck just hearing that Wall Street began trading water futures as a commodity made me feel like I had to go grab a ice cold glass to cherish it while I could, and I did.

Oil should be out but it's still pushed because it's something to make money on. People couldn't even stop a horrible pipeline from being ran through their lands without being beat up, having their own cops sicked on them by out of state corporate power, even though there was massive support to try to stop it around the nation. These companies and investors are ok with destroying the planet, then turn to water trading as a backup because it will soon be a big money maker thanks to the crappy way this planet is being destroyed by greed.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah no fucking way things are better for most kids these days. Screens everywhere means that a huge swath of people have taken the 'use screens as babysitters' thing into overdrive where you're made to be sitting in front of a screen and viewing whatever dumb show your parents put in front of you. The sheer amount of content and quality of content is indeed great, but it's gotten to the point that people just have choice fucking paralysis.

We really cut down on screen time and tech anything for our kid since it was harming behavior, development, etc etc. Fuck all of that.

Social media in your adolescent age would suck. Imagine all the 'don't do this and this on the internet' kind of checklist you have in your head, and imagine being 15 and thinking you can break all those rules cause you're 15. Ruining your future has never been easier.

Looking back through my opening post, I admit it, I was wrong.

This current generation is getting fucked over left, right and centre. Their job and life prospects are overall much worse than any past generation, including my own.

I also regret making this topic, in hindsight, technology is pretty much the only thing that has improved. I fully stand by criticisms of the US though.

I'm going to walk away from this topic and just let it die. This was pretty much old man yells at cloud by me.

Major kudos for coming back to the thread after pretty much everyone disagreed with you.


Oct 25, 2017
France / san francisco
I grew up in the 80s and 90s and feel the same way. I'm really, really glad I did not grow up with social media. As other people have said, kids are definitely better off as far as technology goes but I don't if I would consider the rest of their lives an upgrade. Anyway, some more "back in my day" observations:
  • If you wanted to watch a movie you didn't physically own, you had to go to the video store, look at boxes on shelves to see if the movie looked interesting, and hope that someone else hadn't already rented it.
  • If you didn't know how to get somewhere, you had to ask for directions or get yourself a printed map to plot your own course. Would it be the fastest way there? Probably not.
  • If you wanted to talk to someone, you had to call the one number belonging to everyone in the house and hope that someone you wanted to talk to was there (and that someone you DIDN'T want to talk to didn't pick up).

I remember as a kid, we would draw map of where we lived and give it to our friend when we wanted to invite them to our house.

As we lived in different cities and streets in europe are NOT a grid, that was a real challenge lol.


Nov 13, 2017
To like...go outside and play? Yes it's much safer than it ever has been.

On the other hand, unsupervised internet access is not safe for kids at all.

True, I was just addressing the assertion made by multiple people that you can't have kids go into the woods or on bike rides by themselves or whatever. That seems more like helicopter parenting, maybe as a result of being exposed to more "news" and being wary, than any huge increase in danger, at least in getting kidnapped or what have you.