
Nov 6, 2017
Trump thought the Iran nuclear deal was the worst possible even though Iran gave IAEA inspectors unlimited access to any location in Iran. Some nuclear facilities even have 24x7 surveillance by the IAEA. In this deal with North Korea there's just a promise that NK will denuclearize and nothing more. But the Iran deal was a bust and this is a success according to Trump? The North Koreans must have been ecstatic about Trump's promises, the South Koreans must have been aghast.
Oct 30, 2017

Nice of Tom Cotton to confirm what DPRK already suspected, holding those nukes are the ticket to the table.
Considering we invoked the idea of Libya before the onset of negotiations, it'd be ridiculous to think that Kim even gave denuclearization a second thought after having gotten to the world stage.

What the DPRK suspected? No, this was always a known quantity and something they've obviously been working towards. They wanted a seat at the table and now they have one. They survived the sanctions and made nuclear weapons and viable delivery methods. They won the game, now it's just a question of how big a trophy they get.


Oct 25, 2017

President Trump says he got North Korea to commit to destroying a major missile testing site but "we didn't put it in the agreement because we didn't have time."


Deleted member 19003

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
What a farce. So Trump has said he's going to stop US excercises and possibly remove forces from SK, and NK doesn't have to do anything in return? Lol. NK played Trump so hard. Even if the US doesn't stop military exercises, NK still gets to keep a political and propoganda win, plus getting recognition on the world stage. Terrible.


Oct 30, 2017
Trump thought the Iran nuclear deal was the worst possible even though Iran gave IAEA inspectors unlimited access to any location in Iran. Some nuclear facilities even have 24x7 surveillance by the IAEA. In this deal with North Korea there's just a promise that NK will denuclearize and nothing more. But the Iran deal was a bust and this is a success according to Trump? The North Koreans must have been ecstatic about Trump's promises, the South Koreans must have been aghast.

Saint Trump can do no wrong to a significant chunk of the US population.

Leaving the Iran deal was stupid and now we're left to pick up the pieces and deal with a theocratic regime that how has more leverage. It's a disgrace.

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
Trump thought the Iran nuclear deal was the worst possible even though Iran gave IAEA inspectors unlimited access to any location in Iran. Some nuclear facilities even have 24x7 surveillance by the IAEA. In this deal with North Korea there's just a promise that NK will denuclearize and nothing more. But the Iran deal was a bust and this is a success according to Trump? The North Koreans must have been ecstatic about Trump's promises, the South Koreans must have been aghast.

This is what really gets me.
Trump and his supporters endlessly trashed on the Iran deal for not being comprehensive enough, and yet at the same time would support this measly agreement with NK.


Oct 27, 2017
This is what really gets me.
Trump and his supporters endlessly trashed on the Iran deal for not being comprehensive enough, and yet at the same time would support this measly agreement with NK.
He only hated that deal because he didn't make the deal himself.

It could've been an even worse deal, but if he was the one who got it, he'd tout it as one of the best deals ever made, a really good deal.
Nov 11, 2017
Watching/reading coverage of this summit and interviews with experts on the subject, it is shocking just how stupid this summit was for the US.

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
He only hated that deal because he didn't make the deal himself.

It could've been an even worse deal, but if he was the one who got it, he'd tout it as one of the best deals ever made, a really good deal.

Right I understand that. But it is embarrassing watching his supporters defend it, people that I know are educated individuals.
It is almost like they are too far in the hole to stop supporting him at this point.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
This summit gives two things to Kim, it legitimizes his government (previously the US only recognized South Korea as the sole legitimate representative of all of Korea), which is something the Kim's have wanted for decades, and it gives him a bargaining chip with China. What do we get out of it? A photo-op for our president and agreements that, if you think the DPRK are going to keep them, I have a bridge in Brooklyn you may be interested in.

Didn't we get reports that it had a major collapse that almost certainly put it out of use, like, several months ago?


Oct 27, 2017
Kim has so many tools right now. He can wring this thing out FOREVER, benefiting from the press and this moment for a lifetime if he wants. He can spin it however he wants to his people. That he inspired the United States, that he wowed us, and lead us on the world stage. The moment the US ignores NK or is perceived to drop any of its agreements he can say we lied and misled them giving them all the justification they need to start up again. Hell, even the next US administration is going to be bound to the actions Trump took today. No more being tough with North Korea. We are going to be walking on eggshells with them for a very long time.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
This summit gives two things to Kim, it legitimizes his government (previously the US only recognized South Korea as the sole legitimate representative of all of Korea), which is something the Kim's have wanted for decades, and it gives him a bargaining chip with China. What do we get out of it? A photo-op for our president and agreements that, if you think the DPRK are going to keep them, I have a bridge in Brooklyn you may be interested in.

Didn't we get reports that it had a major collapse that almost certainly put it out of use, like, several months ago?
Yes, there was speculation about that before all this, and news outlets began reporting on it, as it was mostly confirmed, around April 25th shortly after NK said there was no need for more testing.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure this has been posted. But it's stuff like this that baffles me when some of you take Trump at his word.

But here he's a bit honest.



More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

"He is very talented," Trump said of Kim at a news conference. "Anybody that takes over a situation like he did, at 26 years of age, and is able to run it and run it tough — I don't say it was nice or I don't say anything about it — he ran it. Very few people at that age — you can take one out of 10,000, probably, couldn't do it."

Let me get this straight.

This fuckhead praises China for handling Tiananmen with "strength" (also calling the student protest for free speech a "riot"), praises Kim for.... being a dictator, praises Duarte for murdering his own people in kangaroo chummy chummy with these people, but insults the leaders of countries like Canada, France, and Germany-- our allies, countries that actually care about things like human rights and freedom and stuff...

and how the fuck is his base okay with this? Jesus fucking Christ aren't they supposed to be all "patriots" and "mah freedoms"? What the fuck? What timeline is this? What is going on?

Ogami Itto

Oct 25, 2017
Looking at all the delusional Trump fans in here all I'm thinking is HURRY UP MUELLER! This shit and that topic about the steel mill in Pittsburgh makes me think we are in for four more years, these people will never learn.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Iran deal was a good thing for the world. Trump is a fucking moron for pulling out of that one.

This deal is also a good thing for the world. Lets hope people dont talk the gullible idiot out of it too.


Oct 27, 2017
Iran deal was a good thing for the world. Trump is a fucking moron for pulling out of that one.

This deal is also a good thing for the world. Lets hope people dont talk the gullible idiot out of it too.

What deal?!?!

People should fucking talk him out of giving up concessions and getting winks and handshakes in return.


Oct 26, 2017
What a farce. Un got nearly everything he could have wanted and Trump got a photo op with nothing in return (no wait, Trump condos on NK beaches!) while pissing off our allies in the process. "Commit to work towards denuclearization." That's it. Give me a fucking break. Same song and dance NK has played for decades now, only this time they finally found a useful idiot who wants so bad to be liked that he'll do anything to get that feeling, even if it's shit. The Art of the Deal. Brilliant.

Hey Trump supporters, how's it feel to constantly support a President who sells out your country for nothing? Why do you still willfully keep the blinders on? To 'own the libs'? Well, congrats. You've all played yourselves and you're still happy to wallow in that fact for god knows what purpose at this point. Pathetic.


Apr 4, 2018
There is no deal. Don't fucking compare the Iran deal and this garbage. They are literally nothing alike


There is literally NOTHING here. NOTHING was accomplished aside from giving a murderous dictator good press. Trump gained literally nothing for the US and South Korea while directly legitimizing Kim's autocratic power.

You people giving Trump credit can't even articulate what you're giving credit for. He isn't easing tensions. He hasn't achieved disarmament. He's don't nothing but give Kim propaganda to use.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Right now the deal consists of an oral agreement for North Korea to kill an engine testing site, and return remains of U.S. soldiers killed in combat, while the U.S. ends its wargames with South Korea.

Unfortunately, ending Wargames with South Korea was not discused at all with South Korea, leaving them confused and probably pretty upset.