Oct 31, 2017
I bought it as a kid a long time ago, and I loved the shit out of it, but I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I don't think I ever played a game of Triple Triad or ever bothered with GF Ability growth. I got to the Ragnarok and thought I had no way of beating it. I was in 4th grade so I gave it away to my crush at the time lol

Then I had a friend gift me a PS1 copy many years later, but the discs became unreadable and I couldn't go past the beginning of Disc 3.

But now, with the Remastered version, I FINALLY actually beat it.

And I think it definitely became my favorite FF.

Just almost everything about it was glorious.

It's unfortunate that the game is a bit unfriendly and some of the systems are obtuse. I feel like a lot of people think the game requires GF spamming or draw spamming, when that isn't the case.

There's just so many options and so many abilities that it's almost overwhelming.

You could GF spam. You could also find an enemy and draw a certain magic spell to 100 and Junction that to your Strength. Or, you could learn the ability to transform cards into items that could be extracted into Magic, which can be junctioned. You could also rely on Limit Break attacks, which I think are fun little mini-games. And there's probably many other ways I could lay out just how many options you have.

So, that aside, the atmosphere is amazing.







Absolutely insane amount of variety in locales; all beautiful and creative as hell, and the game carries a mysterious atmosphere the whole way through.

Music is incredible, of course

Though I do wish they put a little more emphasis on Quistis and co., I actually really enjoyed them all (minus Irvine who I just didn't care for), and I loved Squall and Rinoa, Cid, Edea, etc.

And as for the story and its pacing; on one hand, pacing was fast, and I was never bored. It always felt like the party had like at least 3 things to worry about at a time. Which is the problem; it's a tad too fast and some important info is very easily missable. It leads to some revelations that may appear to be really dumb or out-of-nowhere, and sometimes plot points are thrown at you at breakneck speed and there's zero room to breathe and take it in.

Despite this, I found the story very enjoyable overall. Not flawlessly executed, but thoroughly enjoyable with countless memorable moments and interesting world building. I also loved all the sections with Laguna. Also mixing fantasy with sci-fi, and specifically adding in sorceresses/witches as a major part of the plot?? Literally exactly my shit.

I could go on, but it's been a long day.

Final Fantasy VIII, I fucking love you.



Oct 25, 2017
Welcome to the club!

It's such a visually beautiful game. The soundtrack is glorious and the characters are my favourite.

I never get sick of going back to this game and playing around with the battle system and Triple Triad.

Deleted member 419

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Awesome writeup and I'm very glad you enjoyed it. It is my favorite as well, and Wazzy 's too if you couldn't tell :D

I played it for the first time about 10 years ago and it shot up to my favorite in the franchise, after replaying the remaster last year it kept its position and even put some distance away from #2 (FFVI [EDIT: FFVIIr might actually be #2 now]). The game has layers upon layers of nuance in its storytelling, visual design, worldbuilding, gameplay, music...it is just one of those games that you can spend years unpacking and discussing, which is part of the reason I think it really resonates with those who end up loving it.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
I wish I could think that highly of it. The battle system is so bad that it's hard to fall in love with.

Still a good game though. Amazing soundtrack and visuals.

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Glad you liked it OP, VIII is my favourite game of all time so it's always nice to see some positivity around it. Agree with you on pretty much everything tbh, flaws and all. It's not a perfect game but god I still love everything about it


Oct 27, 2017
I think Wazzy must have a bot set up for instant alerts on FF8 threads being made lol

It's my favourite FF as well, the garden battle and the whole last part of disk one are the series at its best as far as I'm concerned


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Such a fun game. I love how bold it is with its systems and how you can break the game early on and blitz through everything or play normally or gimp yourself.... I wish more games had such freedom. Bravely default is the closest (and in some ways it even improves the formula) we've gotten since then.


I left my heart on Atropos
Oct 26, 2017
The remaster came way too late for me. After giving it a try every now and then over the years I never really got that far because it started dragging. I just couldn't stand the sections with the "other guys".
If I had the options of the remaster (battle on/off, speed up, etc.) I would have pushed through but I don't think I'll give it another shot...
Probably my least favorite FF to this date.


Oct 26, 2017
I haven't played all the Final Fantasy games but I've always had a soft spot for VIII, it's probably my favourite.

It has my favourite locations, the best music and set pieces that are still thrilling to this day. The Dollet mission, Deling assassination and Garden battle... it's such an exciting game. Also comfy as fuck trains.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
There are dozens of us! Dozens!
Absolutely love it. I'm due to play it once more.


May 25, 2018
It's a great game with a unique feel to it. The settings, the story... It has Harry Potter, Buffy and
time travel
in it, I mean what's not to love? The music is outstanding and the places are all unforgettable, which is a tour de force (I remember how much I gasped at Fisherman's Horizon and I wish I had a fully blown remake ala FF7R just for this place). It's also the most cinematic Final Fantasy, as in if they picked a FF to make a live-action TV show, FF8 would work so, so well. It has everything : romance, big scale plot, zany twists... and yeah, somehow, it's so fast paced you can miss some BIG twists.

Gameplay wise, I love how many ways there are to break the game. I loved turning monsters into cards, refining cards into items and magic in order to boost my stat. It felt like quite an unique take on playing a "classic" RPG.

On the down side : the UI is a bit raw. Now, I played the game on Vita and it's pretty much the original game, featuring some very very dragging moments (that underground base, urgh) but the Switch remaster has a lot of welcoming QoL additions (not gonna mention the graphics, waiting for Lunatic Pandora Mod for that). I feel like FF8 is an amazing game to play on Switch Lite nowadays.

What a gem.


Oct 25, 2017
I think Wazzy must have a bot set up for instant alerts on FF8 threads being made lol

It's my favourite FF as well, the garden battle and the whole last part of disk one are the series at its best as far as I'm concerned
This is the second time someone thinks I'm using a bot for VIII threads. First Quinton and now you. I'm innocent I swear.



Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
I originally played the game when it launched in 98. I remember liking the game a lot back then. Then I started going onto forums like this and so many people hated it that I thought I was crazy for enjoying it.

Then the remaster was the first time I replayed it since I originally played it and it was still as good and enjoyable as I remember.
Oct 31, 2017
The remaster came way too late for me. After giving it a try every now and then over the years I never really got that far because it started dragging. I just couldn't stand the sections with the "other guys".
If I had the options of the remaster (battle on/off, speed up, etc.) I would have pushed through but I don't think I'll give it another shot...
Probably my least favorite FF to this date.

The sections with the "other guys" were almost always really short tho?



I left my heart on Atropos
Oct 26, 2017
What if I told you x3 speed boost and no encounters makes those sections pass by very quickly?
Like I said. I wish I had these options when I tried to give this game a second or third shot but I probably won't be going back to the game which I myself think is a shame.
I got to the final disk back in the days but immediately hit a wall because I couldn't beat a boss so I gave up. Never even got that far when I revisited the game.
Since I don't have as much time as I did back then I would need to use a guide to make effective use of my time and just the thought of that feels like too much of a hassle...


Oct 27, 2017
Blue fields is great though, the battle theme is alright but they're not my favourites in any Final Fantasy

Find your Way is my personal favourite


Oct 25, 2017
Like I said. I wish I had these options when I tried to give this game a second or third shot but I probably won't be going back to the game which I myself think is a shame.
I got to the final disk back in the days but immediately hit a wall because I couldn't beat a boss so I gave up. Never even got that far when I revisited the game.
Since I don't have as much time as I did back then I would need to use a guide to make effective use of my time and just the thought of that feels like too much of a hassle...
What if I told you the remaster is 50% off right now and takes only 15-20 hours with x3 speed and all the other boosters available like no encounter? xD

But honestly if you're not feeling it then leave it. Just wanted to give you heads up that now would be the time to give the game another shot with the price reduction and boosters cutting the game down by half the amount of time it originally took.

Barrel Cannon

It's Pronounced "Aerith"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's still my least fav of the SNES/PS1 FF games storywise but I'll agree with to u on one thing OP, that goddam the art has always been good


I left my heart on Atropos
Oct 26, 2017
What if I told you the remaster is 50% off right now and takes only 15-20 hours with x3 speed and all the other boosters available like no encounter? xD

But honestly if you're not feeling it then leave it. Just wanted to give you heads up that now would be the time to give the game another shot with the price reduction and boosters cutting the game down by half the amount of time it originally took.
Damnit, not on the Switch...
I actually would have bitten if the Switch version was on sale since I can actually play it in short bursts on the couch instead of isolating myself in another room...
Oct 31, 2017
What if I told you the remaster is 50% off right now and takes only 15-20 hours with x3 speed and all the other boosters available like no encounter? xD

But honestly if you're not feeling it then leave it. Just wanted to give you heads up that now would be the time to give the game another shot with the price reduction and boosters cutting the game down by half the amount of time it originally took.



Oct 25, 2017
Damnit, not on the Switch...
I actually would have bitten if the Switch version was on sale since I can actually play it in short bursts on the couch instead of isolating myself in another room...

The portability of Switch makes playing the Remaster perfect but yeah the sale is PS4/Steam only.

The Remaster does go on sale quite often so keep an eye out. It probably won't go to 50% off on Switch but you will see 30% at some point.
No Switch sale ruining everything.



I left my heart on Atropos
Oct 26, 2017

The portability of Switch makes playing the Remaster perfect but yeah the sale is PS4/Steam only.

The Remaster does go on sale quite often so keep an eye out. It probably won't go to 50% off on Switch but you will see 30% at some point.

No Switch sale ruining everything.


Haha! I might cave if I get bored before TLoU2 comes out. The price is not really the issue but 10€ would have been in perfect impulse buy territory...


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 29, 2017
My first FF and is also my favourite . The whole game does have the surreal feel and is the actual "Fantasy based on reality" , also this was so cozy back then

I've been giving out tips on the junction system but haters gonna hate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Force your way (boss theme) is better than the battle one
Last edited:


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
I have held a conspiracy theory since I was a kid that the hate for VIII stemmed from people new to the series with 7 and we're upset it wasn't a continuation. You'll never convince me I'm wrong.

8 is my second favorite, right behind 6.


Oct 25, 2017
The Remaster does go on sale quite often so keep an eye out. It probably won't go to 50% off on Switch but you will see 30% at some point.

Last sale on the Switch version was 40% off in March, so it'll probably be about that next time too.

I'm actually waiting on the next eShop sale myself. Been wanting to give the game another shot through adult eyes, since I wasn't a fan of it at release.

Open Wound

Nov 7, 2017
After FFVIIR I got in the mood of making a replay of FF from VII up, and right now I'm once again with FFVIII (remastered version this time). Sadly, I'm definitely not going to share the same love by the end. Still on Timber, but it's as awful as I remember.

The Junction system is such a disaster. People tell you to not do the tent trick in order to not have curaga too early and make you pretty much unkillable, but you get that by simply engaging with the mechanics. But that's not even the problem, the problem is the Diablos card gives you 100 fucking black holes that transform into Demi, which gives you only 600hp points less than curaga, which in my case was a difference between 2300hp and 2900hp, which is negligible. Worse still, you can very easily refine the water spell (you just need to fight the fish monsters in the beach of the Balamb Region, which you will do because they give you 6 AP per battle) at the very beggining of the game and make all the elemental magic -aga spells already outclassed.

And the real problem isn't that the game breaks by simple engagement, or that it heavily discourages the use of magic, the real problem is that the system is entirely based on simply putting extra numbers into your base stats, which means that outside abilities like muging, you will not see your battle strategies increased as the game goes on (one spell gives you access to limit breaks without having to go on low health, which is useful for late game, but outside of that, there's nothing like FFVII's deathblow + added cut, or quadra magic+spell, or final attack+phoenix. None of that is balanced at all, but at least is fun to come up with concepts. Seeing number get very big might be appealing on a very basic level, but it gets old pretty damn fast. How they went from something as clever and egaging like the materia system to this I will never understand.)

And the story, oh god the story. What the hell is Seifer purpose??? His rivalry with Squall gets massive focus on the opening cinematic with some Duel of the Fates shit, which clashes enourmously with his actual character which is simply a brat who, after failing once again the SeeD exam for being a brat, becomes the lackey of Edea as it lets him live his childhood fantasies. That is compelling thematically, even if his dialogue and relationships with other characters are extremely barebones and poor, but nothing is done with it, he doesn't realize his failings, he doesn't get commeupance, you just defeat him and the narrative immediately forgets about him until you see him fishing at the end cutscene. What was the point of the character then!?

Forgetting about narrative elements is a constant in the game, Seifer isn't the only one. GFs causing memory loss is "foreshadowed" (you get a "GFs is speculated might cause memory loss" in the class terminal, and one NPC from Balamb Garden mentions to not belive what you hear about GFs, there's not much else) but is there entirely to justify the twist that everybody knew each other from the orphanage. Nothing comes of it, you don't meet anyone that has visible signs of memory loss outside the party (which, for some reason, only affects their childhood memories, which highlights even more that is a device entirely to justify the twist and not meaningful in any way), and it doesn't even create a dilemma for the party to mull over.
The game, probably in an attempt to surprise with twists and new concepts, just constantly throws you new narrative avennues only to realize afterwards that they haven't really made them relevant to the narrative or overall themes (Laguna's segments, as enjoyable a character as he is, are completely superfluous to the actual story, or even to the Laguna/Squall connection as the game doesn't do anything with it).

Still, for all its failings, at least it has that sense of spectacle and variety so unique to Final Fantasy in the PS1 era. They were constantly spicing up the gameplay with minigames or unique gimmicks, that while not always fun, really help with variety, uniqueness, and pacing, and FFVIII is no exception. The battle music is also phenomenal, and the visuals, even as dated as they are now, look so impressive for the time.

Sadly, despite FFVIII being my first JRPG that I played in my youth ( my first turn based game as well) and having a lot of nostalgia for it, I found that there's very little to actually love here when I completed it for the first time in 2018, and my replay isn't making me see things differently.


Oct 25, 2017
Tried playing this years ago, I never finished the game but I just hated the draw and junction system, which is a shame because I thought the setting was interesting and I absolutely love Laguna but hated basically everybody else though. I despise stoic loner characters so Squal was immediately on my shit list (still is) which is disappointing because I like his charcter design aesthetically, Selphie was boring, Irvine's arrogant shtick is just unpleasant, Rinoa is just all around fucking awful, Zell is annoying, and Quistis is almost bearable but her smarter more mature than you attitude is irritating, oh and Seifer is just the most grating individual ever. Laguna's battle theme is godly but his friends are pretty uninteresting.

Anyway, I'm glad you like it OP it has some cool stuff, like Triple Triad is definitely better than Tetra Master, but I just couldn't deal with the game's awful cast (besides Laguna) and battle system.


Oct 26, 2017
What if I told you x3 speed boost and no encounters makes those sections pass by very quickly?

I told myself I wouldn't use this when playing through VII ... But I used it.

It feels like a double edged sword. On one hand, parts go by more quickly sure. On the other hand, I have a harder time getting sucked in.

Open Wound

Nov 7, 2017
This doesn't make sense, the Squall/Laguna connection is the whole point of the story
I really don't see it being the case. Laguna has no bearing on Squall's arc. His abandoment issues come from Ellone, him being his father is inconsequential, and him defeating Adel only sets up the actual predicament Ultimecia is in, and he doesn't do anything relevant in the present time beyond being exposition man.


Oct 27, 2017
I really don't see it being the case. Laguna has no bearing on Squall's arc. His abandoment issues come from Ellone, him being his father is inconsequential, and him defeating Adel only sets up the actual predicament Ultimecia is in, and he doesn't do anything relevant in the present time beyond being exposition man.

It was intended to be almost fate that the son of Laguna and the daughter of Julia ended up together, that's the relevance of his character. I still found him an interesting character regardless of that though

I do have some complaints about the story towards the end but no more than I do with the latter parts of VII and IX


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 28, 2017
I'll always love FFVIII for giving us this(Distant Worlds ver.):

Honestly, I think it was better suited for a full remake than FFVII.


Unshakable Resolve
Jan 23, 2019
I wish I could like it. The story is a huge mess with some embarassing stuff (my favourite is "we lived in the same orphanage but we forgot") and most characters are pretty much invisible with an awful focus on Squall and Rinoa (and I find both insufferable).

Good OST though, I particularly like The man with the machine gun.

Open Wound

Nov 7, 2017
It was intended to be almost fate that the son of Laguna and the daughter of Julia ended up together, that's the relevance of his character
Well, yeah.

But that doesn't make him any more relevant to Squall's arc, or the overall theme of coming of age, or even the actual plot. Having parallels is great, but they need to serve a bigger purpose. Neverwinter Nights 2 Mask of the Betrayer does this brilliantly for example, juxtaposing the journey and relationship of characters that came before and your character's adventure and his/her companions in meaningful ways to its plot and themes. FFVIII only has the juxtaposition, in my opinion.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 24, 2018
My man. The most ambitious FF that managed to deliver for me. A lot of them post 9 always reached super far but none of them hit like 7 through 9 for me and 8 was so out there, so crazy. I love it so much, probably 4 playthroughs under my belt. I said I'd never play it again but I'll probably end up doing it again once all the upscale mods are done for the remaster.


Oct 25, 2017
The haters always come into an FFVIII thread to remind us how much they dislike it. Sigh.

I'm glad you enjoyed it though, OP. It's my favorite of the PS1 entries by a mile, and is in my personal top 3 of the franchise. Yes, it's flawed, but it's so experimental, and charming, and beautiful in the audio and visual departments, that it's always a treat to revisit its world and characters. Plus, that ending. One of my favorite endings to any story in any medium. Kudos once again for finally witnessing it.