Dec 23, 2017
What's strange is that both games came out in 2012 but Kingdoms of Amalur came out first? Huh, interesting! It didn't really hit me until late into KoA's story.

I beat the game earlier today and it kinda dawned on me how similar it is to Dragon's Dogma.

Of course, there's no pawn system here, and Dragon's Dogma doesn't have any skill checks like Persuasion. Both games are similar, but they definitely carve their own paths.

Dragon's Dogma has more classes than KoA, however KoA condenses the classes into 3 stat types.

Fighter/Warrior - Might
Strider/Ranger - Finesse
Mage/Sorcerer - Sorcery
Assassin - Might/Finesse
Magick Archer - Finesse/Sorcery
Mystic Knight - Might/Sorcery

The world map gave me a familiar feeling to Dragon's Dogma world map as well.

Kingdoms of Amalur World Map:

Dragon's Dogma World Map:

I do think KoA has Dragon's Dogma beat when it comes to the over world map. Dragon's Dogma was supposed to have more areas in the game but never made it into the final release.

Strangely enough I prefer the world map and the over all aesthetic and game play feel of Dragon's Dogma. Both games seem to suffer from the "Taking DLC equipment into main story line makes you OP." issue too.

In any case, I really liked and enjoyed both games! Are there any other games out there that are similar to these two?


Oct 27, 2017
This may sound like sacrilege but I never had the chance to play either one.

I think they may be too old for me to try now. Really hoping we get Dragon Dogma 2 and something to succeed Kingdoms of Amalur.