
Oct 25, 2017
I understand how consent works. Thanks for the veiled personal attack there.

I'm saying the statement likely did not seem like a huge concession in 2004.

It wasn't really a personal attack, just some snark because you're being kind of ridiculous. Him admitting that she didn't view it as consensual should be all the evidence that we need TODAY to stop defending his actions and to STOP pretending that's he's perfectly innocent. Ignore the context of 2004, think about the things that people are saying about him and that statement right now.


Oct 25, 2017
It went to trial and was dropped. It's been 15 years. No other accusers have come forward. Kobe has a great reputation.

Since I have no ability to know whether he did it or not, and for the above reasons, I don't feel like I have legitimate reason to hold this against him. He shouldn't have cheated of course but that's not my business.

That said, I want to say that sports culture is is disgusting when it comes to treatment of women. I've been to UT football games and seen actually convicted rapists on the field. They don't get in trouble because they are good at sports. It's sickening. So even though I don't fit Kobe in with them, the public still needs to be vigilant in standing up for women especially with sports figures.


Oct 27, 2017
What is it about Kobe that brings out all these people making excuses that wouldn't fly for anyone accused nowadays.

Oh right he's a rich basketball superstar
Or maybe because he already went through this 15 years ago and it was a much bigger deal back then. Or maybe because the charges were also dropped.

There's a difference between Kobe and a lot of these other people. Mainly because it was a one time incident and as I said, the charges were dropped.

If multiple women came out against Kobe and this wasn't just a one time thing, then yeah, he should be put through the ringer. But you can't just keep bringing up the same thing over and over again after it was already resolved 15 years ago.

That's like your mom or wife saying "you always forget to take the trash out" just because you forgot one time and haven't forgotten since.

He's not a rapist. Let him live.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I remember this being a huge deal when it happened. I was never a huge fan of Kobe and this incident made me dislike him even more. However, my respect did increase for him as his career went on. It definitely seemed like he matured as a person, but maybe that's just because of good PR.

I'm not really qualified to determine if he's guilty or not but I can only hope that his accuser is at peace.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
It went to trial and was dropped. It's been 15 years. No other accusers have come forward. Kobe has a great reputation.

Since I have no ability to know whether he did it or not, and for the above reasons, I don't feel like I have legitimate reason to hold this against him. He shouldn't have cheated of course but that's not my business.

That said, I want to say that sports culture is is disgusting when it comes to treatment of women. I've been to UT football games and seen actually convicted rapists on the field. They don't get in trouble because they are good at sports. It's sickening. So even though I don't fit Kobe in with them, the public still needs to be vigilant in standing up for women especially with sports figures.

Kobe is an alleged rapist who had his lawyers put pressure on the victim so that she would not testify which was the foundation of the entire case. Then settled the civil suit for an undisclosed amount of money and a gag order. Saying it went to trial and it was dropped is missing a lot of context.


Oct 28, 2017
But, you do understand how consent works right? Its not a one way street, you BOTH have to view it as consent.

That's not how a court case works. They gather evidence, testimonies and then decide based on how thry perceive the evidence whether the encounter was or was not consentual. If it was just based on your interpretation we wouldn't still be having all these cases.

And the dude did not admit to raping her in that statememt. Like I said in the other thread, that's a wild interpretation there.

I still think he did it though. But that's a separate issue from what you're pushing. The dude definitely had his image trashed when this was going on. But he pretty much recovered fine because when you're in the prime of a crazy career bar murderimg someone on camera everyone is gonna let it pass.

But like, tbh I dont think anyone really forgot about this.


Oct 25, 2017
It went to trial and was dropped. It's been 15 years. No other accusers have come forward. Kobe has a great reputation.

Since I have no ability to know whether he did it or not, and for the above reasons, I don't feel like I have legitimate reason to hold this against him. He shouldn't have cheated of course but that's not my business.

That said, I want to say that sports culture is is disgusting when it comes to treatment of women. I've been to UT football games and seen actually convicted rapists on the field. They don't get in trouble because they are good at sports. It's sickening. So even though I don't fit Kobe in with them, the public still needs to be vigilant in standing up for women especially with sports figures.

He did do it. He says in the settlement he realizes that the woman in question felt the sex they had was not consensual.

In other words, she was raped.


Oct 25, 2017
Or maybe because he already went through this 15 years ago and it was a much bigger deal back then. Or maybe because the charges were also dropped.

There's a difference between Kobe and a lot of these other people. Mainly because it was a one time incident and as I said, the charges were dropped.

If multiple women came out against Kobe and this wasn't just a one time thing, then yeah, he should be put through the ringer. But you can't just keep bringing up the same thing over and over again after it was already resolved 15 years ago.

That's like your mom or wife saying "you always forget to take the trash out" just because you forgot one time and haven't forgotten since.

He's not a rapist. Let him live.
We don't know this for certain

Now, what we can say is that he ain't had shit be called out against him in 15 years, but we cannot for certain say he is not a rapist. We don't know what happened that night. We just don't.

Imma still get my jokes off the same way I do with Ben tho


User Requested Ban
Oct 29, 2017
It went to trial and was dropped. It's been 15 years. No other accusers have come forward. Kobe has a great reputation.

Since I have no ability to know whether he did it or not, and for the above reasons, I don't feel like I have legitimate reason to hold this against him. He shouldn't have cheated of course but that's not my business.

That said, I want to say that sports culture is is disgusting when it comes to treatment of women. I've been to UT football games and seen actually convicted rapists on the field. They don't get in trouble because they are good at sports. It's sickening. So even though I don't fit Kobe in with them, the public still needs to be vigilant in standing up for women especially with sports figures.

Sports culture and how women are treated in said culture around the world is the biggest issue at hand. It's disgusting in every sport and an issue that won't be resolved anytime soon. The same goes for racism and homophobia in sports. Sports outside of sports is evil shit...
Nov 8, 2017
User Banned (1 Day): victim blaming
Where was all this energy the past 15 years? The man wins an Oscar and now we gotta drag his name through the mud? Again?

And I like all of the one-sided quotes about the case. Why not bring up the multiple DNA samples collected because the victim had sex AFTER the interaction with Bryant? The Victim claimed she wore dirty underwear to the exam, but the 2nd mans DNA was on both pair of underwear. And if her interaction with man #2 would have occurred before the interaction with Bryant, the mans DNA would be present on Bryant's clothing as well. It was not.

So there is fishy information in the case, it was settled out of court, Kobe's family is OK with things now, but we are supposed to act like he's a monster?


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Where was all this energy the past 15 years? The man wins an Oscar and now we gotta drag his name through the mud? Again?

And I like all of the one-sided quotes about the case. Why not bring up the multiple DNA samples collected because the victim had sex AFTER the interaction with Bryant? The Victim claimed she wore dirty underwear to the exam, but the 2nd mans DNA was on both pair of underwear. And if her interaction with man #2 would have occurred before the interaction with Bryant, the mans DNA would be present on Bryant's clothing as well. It was not.

So there is fishy information in the case, it was settled out of court, Kobe's family is OK with things now, but we are supposed to act like he's a monster?

Fuck off with the victim blaming bullshit. Goddamn it.


Oct 26, 2017
nah these are the same kinds of excuses people make in every other thread.

The kobe stans are the ones throwing their hands up like "it was 15 years ago, lets just move on!"
I wonder why it feels like there's more to me.

Honestly thinking it's a sports fan thing but I could be wrong.
Or maybe because he already went through this 15 years ago and it was a much bigger deal back then. Or maybe because the charges were also dropped.

There's a difference between Kobe and a lot of these other people. Mainly because it was a one time incident and as I said, the charges were dropped.

If multiple women came out against Kobe and this wasn't just a one time thing, then yeah, he should be put through the ringer. But you can't just keep bringing up the same thing over and over again after it was already resolved 15 years ago.

That's like your mom or wife saying "you always forget to take the trash out" just because you forgot one time and haven't forgotten since.

He's not a rapist. Let him live.
My mom totally does this is that just a mom thing


The Old Guard
Oct 24, 2017
This thread is temporarily locked to allow site staff to catch up on the number of reports it is generating. Thanks.


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
The thread is open again. Please keep in mind that we do not tolerate victim blaming and will not allow users to trivialise sexual assault allegations.


Oct 27, 2017
The guy threw a t shirt he ejaculated into at an officer's face. He's a giant arrogant asshole anyway you look at it, and it's unfortunate that he has seen so much success in the ensuing years.

Jack Remington

User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
The thread is open again. Please keep in mind that we do not tolerate victim blaming and will not allow users to trivialise sexual assault allegations.

Why was ryutaro's mama banned simply for bringing up evidence that was brought up in a trial? He made no dismissive statement.

Honestly if discussing evidence is bannable, there is no room to have any kind of discussion about any allegations that ever come up.


Oct 27, 2017
Why was ryutaro's mama banned simply for bringing up evidence that was brought up in a trial? He made no dismissive statement.

Honestly if discussing evidence is bannable, there is no room to have any kind of discussion about any allegations that ever come up.
I agree, that's not "victim blaming", that's just stating facts that were from the case.

I don't understand what the purpose of this thread is if the case is not allowed to be discussed in any sort of discourse.


Oct 25, 2017
Why was ryutaro's mama banned simply for bringing up evidence that was brought up in a trial? He made no dismissive statement.

Honestly if discussing evidence is bannable, there is no room to have any kind of discussion about any allegations that ever come up.

I agree, that's not "victim blaming", that's just stating facts that were from the case.

I don't understand what the purpose of this thread is if the case is not allowed to be discussed in any sort of discourse.

Pretty sure it was more to do with the defense of the attacks on her character. If you really don't understand why that kind of garbage is harmful to use, then you need to take the time to go around reading about the experiences of sexual assault victims that have had to take a stand. Or even from the ones who don't want to step forward.

And from the victim blaming angle, trying to paint someone as a slut to say they were asking for it is common in these cases.


Oct 27, 2017
Pretty sure it was more to do with the defense of the attacks on her character. If you really don't understand why that kind of garbage is harmful to use, then you need to take the time to go around reading about the experiences of sexual assault victims that have had to take a stand. Or even from the ones who don't want to step forward.

And from the victim blaming angle, trying to paint someone as a slut to say they were asking for it is common in these cases.
It's not attack on her character, she really did have sex with another man in that same period of time.

That's not an attack, that's a fact.

Whether or not that affects the case or not is really not for me to decide.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not attack on her character, she really did have sex with another man in that same period of time.

That's not an attack, that's a fact.

Whether or not that affects the case or not is really not for me to decide.

Is that a fact? She said it was a dirty pair of underwear

Jack Remington

User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
It was a trial. There's no victim blaming in a trial, because the point is that the defense is arguing that there is no victim. I am not making any kind of statement as to the truthfulness of the allegations against Bryant or categorically denying that there was a victim in this particular case. But a defense team cannot just hold back if there is evidence that may appear exonerating.

And if we can't discuss said evidence here, I don't see the point of allowing any of these threads to even remain open.


Oct 25, 2017
It was a trial. There's no victim blaming in a trial, because the point is that the defense is arguing there's no victim. I am not making any kind of statement as to the truthfulness of the allegations against Bryant or categorically denying that there was a victim in this particular case. But a defense team cannot just hold back if there is evidence that may appear exonerating.

And if we can't discuss said evidence here, I don't see the point of allowing any of these threads to even remain open.

There's no victim blaming in a trial? You can't be serious with something like that.

Jack Remington

User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
There's no victim blaming in a trial? You can't be serious with something like that.

Framing it as victim blaming in the context of a criminal trial is inaccurate.

The defense's argument is that there was no assault and therefore no victim. It is their job to make this argument. And there are, occasionally, false charges. Around 5% of the time, according to the last study I saw. It certainly wouldn't be victim blaming to bring up potentially exonerating evidence in a trial that happened to be among those 5%.


Oct 27, 2017
Is that a fact? She said it was a dirty pair of underwear
So she just keeps around underwear for months on end without washing it and accidentally provides the wrong underwear in a situation where she knows it will be tested for Kobe's DNA? I mean okay, if that's what you choose to believe, so be it.


Oct 25, 2017
Framing it as victim blaming in the context of a criminal trial is inaccurate.

The defense's argument is that there was no assault and therefore no victim. It is their job to make this argument. And there are, occasionally, false charges. Around 5% of the time, according to the last study I saw. It certainly wouldn't be victim blaming to bring up potentially exonerating evidence in a trial that happened to be among those 5%.

Why are you thinking of it from the perspective from that 5%? What about the 95% that are being told that they were asking for it because they're sluts? What about the 95% being told they're hysterical, they weren't raped, because they take medication? In the VAST majority of these cases, there is a victim. Stop pretending that there is no victim blaming.

So she just keeps around underwear for months on end without washing it and accidentally provides the wrong underwear in a situation where she knows it will be tested for Kobe's DNA? I mean okay, if that's what you choose to believe, so be it.

That's what she said happened. Its not a FACT that anything else did.


Oct 25, 2017
It was a trial. There's no victim blaming in a trial, because the point is that the defense is arguing that there is no victim. I am not making any kind of statement as to the truthfulness of the allegations against Bryant or categorically denying that there was a victim in this particular case. But a defense team cannot just hold back if there is evidence that may appear exonerating.

And if we can't discuss said evidence here, I don't see the point of allowing any of these threads to even remain open.

There was no criminal trial. The prosecutor never moved forward as the victim refused to testify after settling the civil lawsuit. There were preliminary hearings.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Why was ryutaro's mama banned simply for bringing up evidence that was brought up in a trial? He made no dismissive statement.

Honestly if discussing evidence is bannable, there is no room to have any kind of discussion about any allegations that ever come up.
Yep. I'm not getting this rationale at all. There was a court decision that dismissed the charges. This is not denying the seriousness of the allegations. The mod warning is ill informed.

I know this is a sensitive topic, but there is a lot inconsistencies here due to conflating legal decisions with opinions.

I can't stand Kobe btw and I think he's guilty in my mind.

Jack Remington

User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
Okay. So if Kobe Bryant did rape that woman, then it is very unfortunate that those issues the defense believed to be exonerating existed. But they did, and the defense would not have been doing their jobs not to bring them up.

Not every rape case is going to have such potentially exonerating evidence for the defense to present.


Oct 27, 2017
Why are you thinking of it from the perspective from that 5%? What about the 95% that are being told that they were asking for it because they're sluts? What about the 95% being told they're hysterical, they weren't raped, because they take medication? In the VAST majority of these cases, there is a victim. Stop pretending that there is no victim blaming.

That's what she said happened. Its not a FACT that anything else did.
It's also not victim blaming to bring up these points that occurred. Other men's semen was found on her underwear and like I said whether that is relevant to the case is not for me to decide.


Oct 25, 2017
It's also not victim blaming to bring up these points that occurred. Other men's semen was found on her underwear and like I said whether that is relevant to the case is not for me to decide.

Can you explain the relevancy of bringing up the medications that she's taken? Her history with depression and suicidal ideation as well? What about her failing a tryout for American Idol? What do you think their goal is in bringing up these?


Nov 14, 2017
Yep. I'm not getting this rationale at all. There was a court decision that dismissed the charges. This is not denying the seriousness of the allegations. The mod warning is ill informed.

I know this is a sensitive topic, but there is a lot inconsistencies here due to conflating legal decisions with opinions.

I can't stand Kobe btw and I think he's guilty in my mind.

Personally, I'm still trying to figure out how Myles's post was victim blaming.


Nov 6, 2017
I'm pretty sure that it would be a thing if Tom Brady got caught hanging dogs from a tree with a nylon cord.

Holy shit. I never followed the story that closely. I knew the dog fighting, which is horrible. I did not know about the hanging and I just read about drowning dogs as well. How the fuck is that piece of shit and his colleagues not in jail for life?


Jan 3, 2018
There's no victim blaming in a trial? You can't be serious with something like that.

What he's saying is that the purpose of the trial is to determine whether there is a victim. You can't victim blame without a victim. This is also why I don't understand the Myles ban above: he isn't victim blaming because the discussion is about whether or not she was actually a victim. The multiple semen angle was used by the defense to show that if, for example, she went and had sex with another man after Bryant, that seems incompatible with the psychological mindset of a rape victim. And frankly it makes no sense to use facts in this thread that support Kobe being a rapist but not allow facts from the case that call that into question.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not attack on her character, she really did have sex with another man in that same period of time.

That's not an attack, that's a fact.

Whether or not that affects the case or not is really not for me to decide.

But it was a dismissal, because it was a claim that her promiscuity had fooled the rape kit.

"[The nurse] stated that there were several lacerations to the victim's posterior fourchette or vaginal area, and two of those lacerations were approximately one centimeter in length," testified Det. Winters. "And there were many, I believe, 2 millimeter lacerations. Too many to count… [The nurse] stated that the injuries were consistent with penetrating genital trauma. That it's not consistent with consensual sex."\

Detective Winters further stated that the nurse told him the vaginal injuries had most likely occurred within "24 hours," and that the accuser had "a small bruise on her left jaw line." Also, that examiners had found "blood excretions" on Bryant's T-shirt "to about the waistline." The blood, testified Det. Winters, had "the same DNA profile as the victim in this case."

The issue wasn't whether or not it was a 'valid legal defense' because we weren't arguing over that. The issue was whether or not Kobe's defense team attacked her character as a means to discredit her allegation. This was, mind you, after several posts of asking for proof. Saying "well you can't blame them they were obligated to make a legal defense" is separate from the idea that they did attempt to throw her character into question.

There are a few avenues you could go from there:

1. The victim enjoys rough sex and her promiscuity reflects the findings
2. Kobe did assault her and the cuts are indicative of that
3. The cuts came from somewhere else?

It's also not victim blaming to bring up these points that occurred. Other men's semen was found on her underwear and like I said whether that is relevant to the case is not for me to decide.

Like I said above, you'd have to think that she was assaulted by other men within 24 hours of meeting Kobe or consensual sex would create the lacerations.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
It was a trial. There's no victim blaming in a trial, because the point is that the defense is arguing that there is no victim. I am not making any kind of statement as to the truthfulness of the allegations against Bryant or categorically denying that there was a victim in this particular case. But a defense team cannot just hold back if there is evidence that may appear exonerating.

And if we can't discuss said evidence here, I don't see the point of allowing any of these threads to even remain open.

I'm not sure what fruitful discussion there even is to be had. It's a 15 year old case. We have as much evidence as we are ever going to have. Both sides are just talking at walls.


Oct 27, 2017
Can you explain the relevancy of bringing up the medications that she's taken? Her history with depression and suicidal ideation as well? What about her failing a tryout for American Idol? What do you think their goal is in bringing up these?
Obviously to paint her in a light of someone who is not mentally stable. It's not my words, that's Kobe's lawyers, that being said I do see some sort of value in bringing these things to the table (specifically the medication) aside from the American Idol thing (don't really understand that).

Either way, discussing the events of the trial should not be bannanle offense. I think Kobe is guilty as fuck for what it's worth and don't respect him as person but what do I know.


Oct 29, 2017
The blood seems to be my personal hang up. I'd like to believe there was an honest communication error, and Kobe made a huge, life-ruining error. But, the cuts make it seem more brutal. Hard thing there.


Oct 27, 2017
Man, even to this day I'm still surprised that some didn't know about Kobe's case. You couldn't escape it back then. You saw it all over tv, in music, hell it was even referenced on wrestling. I get people aren't from the US but I figured when you think of Kobe this is the #2 thing you think of.

But this is also why people need to get over it. It happened 15 years ago, he paid his dues, his reputation took the hit and his marriage suffered...but since then he has kept his nose clean and head above the water. He has done whatever the hell he can do to make things right, and some people forgive him and some haven't. But since people currently have a hard time even knowing it was once a thing means he is probably a different person than he was back then. People have a right not to forgive him, but people should also have the right to be redeemed.


Jan 3, 2018
Mike Vick was RUINED. Absolutely a shame what white america did to that man.

Vick got what he deserved, and because of that he's turned himself around and done a lot of good and by all accounts is a great guy.

Just because Big Ben hasn't gotten what he deserved (if the allegations are true) doesn't mean what happened to Vick was a shame. It means Ben needed to go to trial.