
Oct 25, 2017
I love the game, I just want to point something out that might impact this, all Japanese games have small things that make them Japanese. If it's different cultural norms, bad translations, different branding etc etc

You take a boat from Ohio to Iowa, the game has no concept of US geography, unlike Horizon ZD.
Monster is fairly new to Japan and very popular right now.
The names used for characters are very Japanese.


Aug 17, 2019
The fact that the discourse around this game (which, 12 hours in, I can't fault one bit) is so focused on 'intelligence' only serves to highlight just how far games and gamers have to go. Both 'sides' of this ridiculous argument should be embarrassed.

I think Death Stranding is wonderful. That has nothing to do with being intelligent, or 'pretentious'. It means I enjoy and appreciate a thing. It resonates, and that's great. I wish my fellow Death Stranding likers could just be happy to enjoy something this much without being dickheads.

The next poster might think Death Stranding is boring, find it frustrating, or heavy handed and self-indulgent. That doesn't make them unintelligent, unsophisticated or only capable of appreciating 'shootbang'. It just does nothing for them. And that should be fine, both to the people who feel differently, and to themselves. It's okay to not like a thing. Trade it in and move on. Be happy for the people for whom it's something really fun or special. Stop being mad at something that isn't for you, simply for existing.

Stop being dickheads. I can't wrap my head around why you would continue to berate anyone for not feeling the same way you do.

Go play your game.
Go play something else.

Because this is fucking infantile.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm American and kinda like DS. Fuck this bullshit that wants to gloss over the problems with this game. If you want to make something different then expect divisive reviews. It doesn't.guarantee anything.

I like the desolation and mood, reminds me of Inside. But the menu's, bossfights, and enemy encounters are seriously lacking. Plus about halfway through and the story is not good at all. Let the chips fall where they may and if the game sells well enough, expand with a sequel.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't disagree...Well, I kinda agree would be a more suitable statement. Europeans are more tolerant of the weird, bizarre and eexperimental. This is especially true with movies: Tarantino was applauded there way before he got consecrated in the US.

Besides the fact that NA didnt review the game any lower then other regions.

Deleted member 20630

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Kojima is a brilliant marketer. He oversees some really great trailers, spins his work really well, and comes up with some amazing PR and marketing stunts. That is the extent of his genius. I sure won't deny that the man has pulled off some really cool and memorable marketing gimmicks, and that I've never seen a bad trailer for any of his games.

I legit wish his games were as clever as that. I wish I could love them, but I'm sticking by my comparison to him being about as good a writer as David Cage. Hell, he even loads his games with gross sexism just as often.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't wait for Kojima to start making movies and get utterly eviscerated by actual professional film critics that don't have the low standards for story and dialogue that games media does. The shock will be real.


Designer / Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Serious question - is this real?
It's real, I took the pic myself at the pop-up gallery last Friday. You can read about the event here:

What that blog doesn't tell you is that after your reservation gets read and you get past that nice lit hall with the Ludens statue, the very first thing you see is a showcase of Kojima's conference passes and Death Stranding's pre-release awards:


Not only that, but the gallery's walls were plastered with Kojima quotes.



But what really struck me is that despite the event being a gallery, NOTHING was labeled except for the selfie wall.
So I had no idea who made any of this gorgeous concept art.


Deleted member 20630

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
My post specifically mentioned every single thread with Kojima in it and I absolutely do not need to waste my time going through all the threads including the numerous locked ones to find "evidence" fucking lol. Learn to read and go look into it yourself.

Cool. So you're literally just trolling, and since you refuse to provide evidence for some really extraordinary claims like how people make alt accounts just to badmouth him, I have to also assume you're just outright lying.
Oct 27, 2017
How about Kojima's Boktai, where after defeating every boss you had to slowly drag their coffin back to your home base or else they'd revive?

(For the record, I actually like Boktai, and I actaully like that element of it. I'm just reminded of it here.)

Tables would be flying out the window. Sounds like an utterly awful mechanic tbh.
Nov 1, 2017
The fact that the discourse around this game (which, 12 hours in, I can't fault one bit) is so focused on 'intelligence' only serves to highlight just how far games and gamers have to go. Both 'sides' of this ridiculous argument should be embarrassed.

I think Death Stranding is wonderful. That has nothing to do with being intelligent, or 'pretentious'. It means I enjoy and appreciate a thing. It resonates, and that's great. I wish my fellow Death Stranding likers could just be happy to enjoy something this much without being dickheads.

The next poster might think Death Stranding is boring, find it frustrating, or heavy handed and self-indulgent. That doesn't make them unintelligent, unsophisticated or only capable of appreciating 'shootbang'. It just does nothing for them. And that should be fine, both to the people who feel differently, and to themselves. It's okay to not like a thing. Trade it in and move on. Be happy for the people for whom it's something really fun or special. Stop being mad at something that isn't for you, simply for existing.

Stop being dickheads. I can't wrap my head around why you would continue to berate anyone for not feeling the same way you do.

Go play your game.
Go play something else.

Because this is fucking infantile.

Stop being dickheads. I can't wrap my head around why you would continue to berate anyone for not feeling the same way you do.

Go play your game.
Go play something else.

Because this is fucking infantile.

Stop being dickheads. I can't wrap my head around why you would continue to berate anyone for not feeling the same way you do.

Because this is fucking infantile.

Kojima logic.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Besides the fact that NA didnt review the game any lower then other regions.

People are just going keep ignoring this to push their narrative. They were pulling this same dumb shit in the review thread and now that god king Kojima parroted it they think they've hit the jackpot. Too bad it's all based on a lie. But who cares about the truth, right?


Oct 28, 2017
He just...comes off like such a pretentious windbag.

The dude's career is almost entirely driven by a melodrama stealth series, so I don't get where it even comes from. Guessing it's too many people are around him saying he's a genius.

The first-person shooter comment is just nonsensical, when his own games are reviewed better by US outlets than multiple other FPS series up to Call of Duty. Not to mention multiple other genres outside guns have gotten well reviewed, even including games that have very little in the way of gameplay systems that involve quite a bit of walking across terrain.

I've seen enough gameplay footage of Death Stranding to note how it iterates on his last Metal Gear Solid game, and not enough unique systems to even back up how "very original" he thinks his game is.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought it was pretty clear I was talking about as a writer, but you're right.

To clarify for anyone responding to my initial post, I am comparing their writing chops. They are both over-indulgent hacks obsessed with Hollywood who would be laughed off the face of the Earth if they ever made an actual movie subject to scrutiny by film critics
Funny you say that as they sent DS to some film critics to review as well and from what I've seen they loved it


Oct 25, 2017
I can't wait for Kojima to start making movies and get utterly eviscerated by actual professional film critics that don't have the low standards for story and dialogue that games media does. The shock will be real.
He has a pretty decent sense of direction and cinematography. The writing, especially character writing, is his Achilles heel.


Oct 25, 2017
I absolutely adore the game but it's definitely not for everyone, it doesn't matter what country you are.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm American and kinda like DS. Fuck this bullshit that wants to gloss over the problems with this game. If you want to make something different then expect divisive reviews. It doesn't.guarantee anything.

I like the desolation and mood, reminds me of Inside. But the menu's, bossfights, and enemy encounters are seriously lacking. Plus about halfway through and the story is not good at all. Let the chips fall where they may and if the game sells well enough, expand with a sequel.

This 100x, dude just needs to shut up about others not being smart enough to understand his game that clearly has flaws that many gamers have noted.


Oct 25, 2017
Well I'm glad I steered clear of Giantbomb's review. I'm having fun with the game.
Giant Bomb's review was actually about how the reviewer enjoyed the traversal gameplay most of all and thought the shooting/combat was bad and out of place, as well as thinking that the writing was terrible.


Jan 4, 2018
Besides the fact that NA didnt review the game any lower then other regions.

I was pointing out a certain trend, not necessarily this game in particular. I happen to agree with the general statement encompassing other art forms. I have not played DS yet, and I have never been the biggest fan of Kojima (the writer, that is; as a director, he is extremely talented, I think).


Oct 28, 2017
He's wrong, but i can understand why he said that. Even in era before the game got released, you'll see many post asking "where is the gameplay" during trailer. Probably muddled his perception.


Oct 25, 2017
I was pointing out a certain trend, not necessarily this game in particular. I happen to agree with the general statement encompassing other art forms. I have not played DS yet, and I have never been the biggest fan of Kojima (the writer, that is; as a director, he is extremely talented, I think).

So you were agreeing with something that was wrong?
Oct 25, 2017
Las Vegas
It's real, I took the pic myself at the pop-up gallery last Friday. You can read about the event here:

What that blog doesn't tell you is that after your reservation gets read and you get past that nice lit hall with the Ludens statue, the very first thing you see is a showcase of Kojima's conference passes and Death Stranding's pre-release awards:


Not only that, but the gallery's walls were plastered with Kojima quotes.



But what really struck me is that despite the event being a gallery, NOTHING was labeled except for the selfie wall.
So I had no idea who made any of this gorgeous concept art.


You know...maybe it's starting to make more and more sense why some Executive at Konami basically told Kojima to fuck off. Just a little bit more.

Having said that, I'm enjoying Death Stranding, but I can completely understand why somebody would not like this game. The fact that Kojima can't figure that out is pretty amazing for all the wrong reasons.


Newbie Paper Plane Pilot
Oct 25, 2017
It's real, I took the pic myself at the pop-up gallery last Friday. You can read about the event here:

What that blog doesn't tell you is that after your reservation gets read and you get past that nice lit hall with the Ludens statue, the very first thing you see is a showcase of Kojima's conference passes and Death Stranding's pre-release awards:


Not only that, but the gallery's walls were plastered with Kojima quotes.



But what really struck me is that despite the event being a gallery, NOTHING was labeled except for the selfie wall.
So I had no idea who made any of this gorgeous concept art.


You know the funny thing that strikes me about this is that, when you have a team of developers, you'll see others in the limelight and you can distinguish developers on the team.

Does anyone else know who played a big part in DS other than Kojima?

BTW.. having nothing but his quotes on the walls... ugh.
Oct 25, 2017
He's right in a more general sense. This didn't connect with the average casual gamer because it's not a shooter or open world fantasy game. Delivering boxes isnt going to sound appealing to a lot of people on paper.