
Oct 25, 2017

The video game Borderlands 3 was a big sales success when it launched last fall, according to its publisher, 2K, which described it as "a billion-dollar global brand." That's why it was shocking to employees at Gearbox, the developer of the game, when the studio's CEO, Randy Pitchford, told them yesterday that they would not receive the significant royalty bonuses they expected.

Employees at the studio will get small bonus checks, but nothing close to the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands that many had expected. This account is based on conversations with six people close to Gearbox, all speaking anonymously because they were not authorized to talk about what happened. Some said it was crushing news that has upended their financial plans for the future.

Pitchford also told Gearbox developers that if they weren't happy with the royalty system, they were welcome to quit, according to those who were in the meeting. He did not attribute the diminished bonuses to the coronavirus pandemic, which has led to economic uncertainty and pay cuts in many other fields. He did say that he hoped to get more money to employees as an advance from 2K on future royalties.

When asked for comment, Gearbox sent over the following statement:

Borderlands 3 represents an incredible value to gamers and an incredible achievement by the team at Gearbox Software. Our studio is talent-led and we believe strongly in everyone sharing in profitability. The talent at Gearbox enjoys participation in the upside of our games – to our knowledge, the most generous royalty bonus system in AAA. Since this program began, Gearbox talent has earned over $100M in royalty bonuses above and beyond traditional compensation.

In the most recent pay period Gearbox talent enjoyed news that Borderlands 3, having earned revenue exceeding the largest investment ever made by the company into a single video game, had officially become a profitable video game and the talent at Gearbox that participates in the royalty bonus system has now earned their first royalty bonus on that profit. Additionally, a forecast update was given to the talent at Gearbox that participates in the royalty bonus to set expectations for the coming quarters. Gearbox is a private company that does not issue forward looking statements to the public, but we do practice transparency within our own family.


Oct 25, 2017
Title burying the lead on Gearbox paying below-market wages and justifying that with those bonus promises.

TBH this is 100% Randy, scammer scamming.


Oct 25, 2017

Jason Schreier on Twitter

“Some Gearbox developers say they had made financial plans based on the bonuses they were promised last year -- those plans are now upended. Meanwhile, Randy Pitchford took a $12 million bonus from the company when BL3 started development in 2016.”
Oct 25, 2017
Milwaukee, WI
Oh my goodness, I spit all this Kopi luwak coffee all over my brand new $10,000 monitor! And I dropped my priceless Victorian age crystal wine glasses! And accidentally crushed the last known dodo bird egg with my foot!

I am shocked SHOCKED to learn that Gearbox is being a shady fucker!

Instant Vintage

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
Excellent work as always jschreier

I'll never purchase another thing from Gearbox.

And I recognize how shitty that is to the developers and Q&A Testers and artists that work there (and also how small of a drop in the bucket my future lost sale is) but fuck that. Especially if Randy fucking Pitchford said that nasty ass "if you don't like it then quit" phrase.


Oct 25, 2017
Randy is an asshole in other news the sky is blue. This should not surprise anyone especially those who have paid attention over time to the sort of person Randy is.

Ctrl Alt Del

Jun 10, 2018
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Upper management at Gearbox seems shitty time and time again. They're in the wrong there but also it's not really advisable to spend money you don't have (yet), even if it's supposed to come sometime (@ the devs).


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Paying below normal wage with the promise of future revenue seems scummy as fuck. I get part of the company's profits every year, that's by law here in Peru for companies with over 20 employees. Sometimes it can be 5 or 6 salaries, sometimes just 1 or 2 depending on how the company performed.


One Winged Slayer
Jun 21, 2018
Wow this is a new low for Randy. Actually evil.

I don't know how much crunch this game had but it really puts it into perspective when you hear that dev's bonuses rely on crunch games succeeding. Sounds pretty easy to make those bonuses disappear even with huge sales.


Oct 25, 2017
I wish it was possible for, like, everyone in Gearbox except Randy to just leave and just make a new studio without him.

I know it's not, but I don't think I'll ever be comfortable supporting Gearbox knowing money is going to Randy. Dude is a snake oil salesman of the highest order.


Oct 25, 2017
That is really shitty.

They pay them less than they deserve to being with the promise that you will get a bonus if the game sells well. The game sells well and then they tell them oops it cost us more than we though it would to make so go take this pittance. And if you don't like it go fuck yourself.