Jun 12, 2021

Let me ask you a question: If the Cosby stuff was totally unrelated, was it still okay for them to say "hey, gather the hot chixxx and bring them to our hotel room full of liquor while we talk about whether or not one man can fuck all of them?"

Was that okay?

If it wasn't, maybe you need to unpack why the Cosby shit was what you got hung up on.

I never said I was hung up on it. It was just one of the thoughts I had when I saw the headline about a "Cosby Suite" and the article mentioned it being in 2013. I never said it was okay, the majority of my response was about why that would be ignorant to dismiss this particular thing as "well people didn't know about the Cosby stuff"

This is disgusting reading about through all what has been surfacing this last week about Blizzard/Activision. I hope there are big consequences for everybody responsible.

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
All I see when I look at this picture is proof of how widespread this phenomenon is. How embedded in the industry.

I hope these guys ARE all held accountable. But I also hope for a lot more change. I am trying to advocate for every education on my end - all my current projects are about working on communities and courses and education - but the industry is gonna have to do a hell of a lot more too.


Oct 9, 2019
My god. How was this acceptable behavior at a company? Sickening to think these people create the games we consume.


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona

Le Dude

May 16, 2018
Definitely not buying Diablo 2 anymore, that's for sure.

What good game developers do we have left? Nintendo, EA, and .... Valve?
Yeah I was considering Diablo 2 but no way now. I was talking to my brother about what good game publishers are left and that's pretty much the three I came up with. Though EA obviously has been awful in regards to closing down studios and they also heavily utilize predatory monetization tactics. Reading other replies to your comment it sounds like Valve has had a few harassment claims too, plus it's not like they put out particularly many games anyways. The entire industry is basically a giant shitshow.

EDIT: I guess I don't know much about Japanese publishers either, like Bandai Namco, Square Enix, Capcom, etc . . .

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
I never said I was hung up on it. It was just one of the thoughts I had when I saw the headline about a "Cosby Suite" and the article mentioned it being in 2013. I never said it was okay, the majority of my response was about why that would be ignorant to dismiss this particular thing as "well people didn't know about the Cosby stuff"

This is disgusting reading about through all what has been surfacing this last week about Blizzard/Activision. I hope there are big consequences for everybody responsible.
I'm so tired.

"I mean my first thought initially was "Well when did the Bill Cosby stuff really take off" but even just doing the bare minimum research into this shows that there was plenty about bill Cosby before these pictures, AND what else would they even be referencing? Seems pretty clear to me that calling your hotel room where you have lots of liquor and plan to bring women to it the "Bill Cosby Suite" means you knew exactly what he was accused of."

But sure, you were not at all thinking about that and what it meant for this article.

Listen. I'm not trying to say that people in this thread are evil or bad. I am trying to show you that when you do this stuff, you are just giving them ammunition. I am asking, nay, I AM FLAT OUT BEGGING ALL OF YOU TO STOP FOR A SECOND AND JUST... THINK.

Cosby has absolutely nothing to do with this at the end of the day. He was just fodder for more rape jokes because this was all a series of rape jokes. Because they are predators.

I understand the article frames this through Cosby and the Cosby Suite because that's shocking and it gets us to pay attention. We understand HOW bad that is. But it has also created a loophole for the perpetrators, who can blink and say but oh! it was about sweaters! Look at all these other people who also think that's totally reasonable?

So what feels to you like a perfectly reasonable reaction- let me just look this up and check!- creates space for something else. There are implications.

Can y'all please stop doubling and tripling down on it when this is pointed out?


Part of what needs to change is the way we frame these conversations. We do not need to give them the benefit of the doubt on the Cosby thing because every other sign points to all of it being rape culture anyway.

Which we both agree is bad.

So clearly the meat of the conversation, we are same page. What I am trying to get you to think about is the framing.

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
Not sure about Nintendo, but both EA and Valve have had their share of harassment problems.

Valve has been harboring the alt-right and protecting them for a long time. People just don't like to talk about it here.


Valve is allowing racist bots to invade ‘Team Fortress 2’

For the past two months, Team Fortress 2 has been under attack by a horde of racist, homophobic, sexist robots. Valve hasn't done anything about them.


Valve's new content policy is a gutless attempt to dodge responsibility

Valve has spent years trying to lower the barriers to entry on its digital storefront. From its initial hands-on curati…


Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
Who thinks this recent commotion will cause even more companies to have their own day of reckoning? Not counting those who are already named, but companies that we didn't know were involved in similarly toxic culture.


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA, USA
Definitely not buying Diablo 2 anymore, that's for sure.

What good game developers do we have left? Nintendo, EA, and .... Valve?
None. In the current environment of inextricable ethical dilemmas in gaming due to capitalism, no publisher should be considered "good." And developers should be critiqued based on individual performance (internal issues like crunch, employee health/safety, racism, sexism, etc.).

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
Also, isn't Riot games notoriously toxic as well? If they are who I think they are, then the guy will be fine. They'll probably even promote him and give him a raise.

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
Well, I think they're ok with it as long as it stays under the radar.

I found this after making my post.


Inside The Culture Of Sexism At Riot Games

Throughout her three years at Riot Games, the company behind League of Legends, Lacy made it her mission to hire a woman into a leadership role. Lacy had heard plenty of excuses for why her female job candidates weren’t Riot material. Some were “ladder climbers.” Others had “too much ego.” Most...

He fits right in with them. I also don't remember hearing any repercussions over these allegations. Looks like he'll be fine. At most, they'll demote him to hot chixx bringer of the office.
Oct 25, 2017
new jersey
I have never heard of any FFXIV harrassment stories.

Also, everyone in these pictures still at Blizzard must be fixed asap.
Not that we know of, atleast. Still its frankly fucking disgusting to use this opportunity to advertise FF14 (for free) as a more "ethical" game to play over WoW. Don't fucking exploit this situation to get more people to play your billion dollar company's MMO over another billion dollar company's.

Not directed at you, by the way. Just venting.