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Deleted member 29682

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Nov 1, 2017
You can only ride the nostalgia Kickstarter for so long. I for one never had any fondess for top-down isometric RPGs with pause and play D20 combat systems. Shit belongs in the past.

By comparison Divinity: Original Sin 2 sold 700k in its first month. As much as I enjoy the PoE series, I doubt Microsoft bought them to do more of that. I'd put my money on a bigger budget console RPG.


Oct 25, 2017
Sure, I'm just talking about in terms of their past in publishing and studio management. Between their studio graveyard, and various unpopular efforts over the years, MS matches up to EA pretty well.
I'm pretty sure EA has dismantled more devs than MS. Cancelled games is one thing but devs is another story.
Oct 26, 2017
Its good to see it happen. Spencer did say it would happen but people were skeptical. Cant blame them.
But they are delivering now on alot of fronts Spencer think is important. Xbox finally has the room they needed. And a CEO who believes that also.
Yeah, and it's good they are looking for devs not just from the west, but also from Eastern Europe and maybe Japan too.
Aug 23, 2018
Asobo would be amazing. And MS has a relation with them also.
That new game from them looks great also.




The fuck is this?! Asobo were the ones who made the Disney Kinect games?


Oct 27, 2017
If they don't have any first party RPGs and the competition does, they'll lose business from RPG fans to the consoles that have those games.

MS has no RPGs at the moment.
Nintendo has niche JRPGs that Westerners mostly don't care for.
Third-Parties have plenty of traditional RPG's for consumers to play.

They really don't have any reason to start funding RPG's right now, no matter how much I would really want them to.

By comparison Divinity: Original Sin 2 sold 700k in its first month. As much as I enjoy the PoE series, I doubt Microsoft bought them to do more of that. I'd put my money on a bigger budget console RPG.

Not even Obisidian wanted to be making those games. They were practically begging to be bought so they could make AAA stuff again.


Oct 27, 2017
ResetERA - "MS needs more studios in order to produce more games"

Microsoft - "Invests in studio with little future to produce games"

ResetERA - "Fuck MS"

Pretty much. They can't win really.

Deleted member 13645

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Oct 27, 2017
Ted price has maintained he wanted insomniac to be independent

Given their success they have little reason to accept a buyout

They're also not the type of studio Microsoft is looking at. They want to pick up smaller teams or studios who are struggling and could use the financial stability that Microsoft could offer. Every studio they've bought fits that except for Playground, and I imagine that's because Playground has become such a big part of Microsoft's 1st party that a publisher like EA buying them would be really bad for Microsoft.

So a developer like Insomniac doesn't fit what they're looking at. Insomniac is very successful being independent.


Oct 26, 2017
The only question I still have is what happens to their game with Take Two. It's been in the works for a while since it's been leaked forever ago, but we've still seen nothing on the game. Does it go on as planned? Does it get cancelled? I can't imagine that would please tim cain and boyarsky. I think it was Leonard who called it his dream game.

When companies are negotiating deals like this, that's exactly the sorts of things they work out. If development work/investment is mostly from an outside publisher, they tend to treat it as a project to be completed according to the original terms. If it's a fully internal project, the progress on that can even be used to sweeten the terms or price of the acquisition itself, from the dev's point of view.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
The only question I still have is what happens to their game with Take Two. It's been in the works for a while since it's been leaked forever ago, but we've still seen nothing on the game. Does it go on as planned? Does it get cancelled? I can't imagine that would please tim cain and boyarsky. I think it was Leonard who called it his dream game.
I doubt anything would change. Any deal will probably maintain T2's role as publisher or buy them out/share in the new game. If Obsidian was able to keep primary ownership of the IP all the easier and better for them.

Kind of like what happened with BioWare and Mass Effect. MS bankrolled ME1, but EA came in and bought them out right after and took over for ME2/3. Plenty of similar situations have occurred. I mean it would absolutely kill moral for them to nuke an entire project that's been in the works for years now.


Oct 25, 2017
It will be interesting to see what this does for Obsidian. They're a really talented studio that has not been able to really make it "big" after the whole New Vegas thing. That said I'm curious what being bought and made a first party studio does for them. Do they become even better at what they do now that they have a more stable long lasting situation or do they lose a lot of what made them so special by being absorbed into a much larger company with perhaps different focuses.


Oct 27, 2017
Why are people cheering for the most prominent CRPG studio biting the dust?
Why would this make them bite the dust? Microsoft isn't EA or Activision, they don't have a history of buying studios and shuting them down or even taking them over; when they have done that, it was only after years, after an entire company shift due to failurre (ie, shifting away from phone manufacturing).

Microsoft said with the last batch they bought that the studios would continue to be separate and do whatever they want, but now with Microsoft backing; I would expect this would be the same.


Nov 4, 2017
Please have them develop a spiritual successor to Fallout: New Vegas in the form of a Shadowrun RPG


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 29, 2017
MS just needs to fix/revamp their storefront on PC and they can have a very good next gen.

Gamepass, Streaming service, Play anywhere, revamp of 1st party studios and acquisitions and Backward compatibility.

If all of that is there plus the fixed store BEFORE the next gen of Xbox launches then it will be a great gen.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Not really happy about less independent studio's around. I wish Microsoft would develop the talent internally instead of buying it.

Sony did it with Naughty Dog and Guerrilla games.

Joke post?

Naughty dog was independent. They started out as a small studio making games for various systems (even Sega!).

They then had a contract with Universal to make a PlayStation game and decided to make a platformer. It was so high quality it became Playstations mascot against Nintendo & Mario.

Once the original PS Era was ending, Sony bought Naughty Dog and they created another platformer for the PS2 (Jak and Daxter).

Guerilla was independent when it made Killzone and Shellshock Nam (on Xbox, PS2, and PC).

In the middle of developing Killzone 2, Sony bought them.


RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
United States
I feel like it's silly that this needs to be stated, but this acquisition alone would not allow Microsoft or Obsidian to make Fallout, Star Wars, Alpha Protocol, or even Tyranny, lol.


Chicken Chaser
May 3, 2018
Naughty Dog was bought in 2001 after making PS exclusives for 5 years. They had previously made a 3DO game in 1994 and a Genesis game in 1991. They arguably didn't break out into the greatness they are known for today until 2009 with Uncharted 2.

Not even close to the same situation.

What about Bungie?


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
MS has no RPGs at the moment.
Nintendo has niche JRPGs that Westerners mostly don't care for.
Third-Parties have plenty of traditional RPG's for consumers to play.

They really don't have any reason to start funding RPG's right now, no matter how much I would really want them to.

Not even Obisidian wanted to be making those games. They were practically begging to be bought so they could make AAA stuff again.

I'm more talking about the future. In three or four years Obsidian will be fully up to speed and Nintendo will be plugging along doing what they always do. If Sony has NOTHING to counter what MS is doing by then, we're in trouble.


Oct 27, 2017
i think this is because crpg is a very niche genre that a very small number of people play. could be wrong tho

You're not.

I'm more talking about the future. In three or four years Obsidian will be fully up to speed and Nintendo will be plugging along doing what they always do. If Sony has NOTHING to counter what MS is doing by then, we're in trouble.

I mean, in this scenario MS has one RPG released by one studio that may or may not be good. And Nintendo, maybe, maaayyyybe, puts out another niche JRPG.

Why should Sony feel threatened? It'd be one thing if every MS studio was working on RPGs, the same way Sony's First Parties seem to just work on single-player narrative driven games. But, right now they've just got Obsidian who we don't even know what they're actually working on.
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