
Oct 25, 2017
Days Gone stars Deacon St. John, who is less a character and more a few emotions and grunts wrapped up in a leather vest. Deek, as his friends call him, is a very serious and gruff dude. To let us know how serious and gruff Deek is, Days Goneconstantly has him talk in a Batman-like whisper-yell. I mean constantly.
"How do you like that, you ripper fucks?" and other similar voice lines play all the time. Kill a freaker, Deacon lets you know about it. Kill some rival bandits, oh boy you better believe Deacon lets you know about it. Sometimes these can go on. One time I killed a person and as I quickly rolled towards my next enemy, Deacon kept talking. It wasn't until I started the next kill that I cut him off and then moments later he was spouting off again.

He will also sometimes just say stuff that makes no sense. I killed an enemy with a sneaking knife stab and afterward, Deacon yelled about getting killed by someone who "shoots back." I didn't shoot him Deek. Are you okay? Pay attention dude. Please.
I dug around the settings to see if I could find a button that would shut him up or at least tone down how often he speaks. The always chatty Deacon is becoming even more annoying as I spend more time in the game. He is starting to repeat himself. A lot.

I don't usually mind characters in games repeating a line. I understand that games only have so many audio lines. Eventually, you hear it all. But when you have someone who talks as much and as often as Deacon St. John, the repeated lines grating more quickly.
Deacon, you don't need to talk all the time. Listen more. Please.
Having watched a few let's plays and other videos, it's hard to disagree. The trend of characters talking more and more about everything they do is starting to be really tiring.

More at the link.


Oct 25, 2017
Cologne, GERMANY
What a shitty article. Deacon is lonely. He lost his wife and Boozer got hurt. And he is full with anger. And it's more immersive that he talks and shows his expressions.
Protagonists who really never talk are the issue.


Oct 27, 2017
It's legit one of the worst parts of the game. It doesn't help that a lot of the line delivery is terrible. Skipping the shitty truther radio sections is a real hard choice to make. You either hear the shitty radio or Deacon randomly yelling "NOT TODAY COPELAND, I'M HAVING TOO GOOD A DAY FOR YOU TO RUIN IT WITH YOUR BULLSHIT" in one of the worst line deliveries I've ever heard in a videogame.


Oct 25, 2017
Him talking to himself is what makes the character for me. I relate to it a LOT. That's exactly how I would be and sometimes am, especially when I'm stressed. I just process stuff by saying my thoughts out loud when I'm alone. It really helped make Deacon a more realistic character for me personally. It also helps with characterizing him as a bit unstable which IMO works in the game's favour.

I'm not surprised if I'm in the minority with this, but I liked the mumbling in this one.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
After the Persona 5 article I really dislike Kotaku UK. This article is so abrasive


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
I like it honestly.

Makes him more believable imo. More human.

Would be fucking creepy if he would be silent all the time.


Oct 27, 2017
Milano - Italy
Shut the hell up, Kotaku UK.

Incidentally, in a world were humanity is nearly extinct and one spends a lot of time alone, it's legitimately normal to start talking to oneself.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
There's a weird disconnect between Deacon in the story segments and during gameplay. In cutscenes he's kind of an asshole, during gameplay he comes off as a straight up psychopath.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
That moment when Bubsy of all things has the solution to the problem.


Just have an option slider that lets you decide how much the character talks.

(I'm all for characters talking more, Silent Characters only really work if it's a custom character or a Pair of Jeans character that you are supposed to put yourself into.)


Oct 27, 2017
All the contextual dialogues he had in my game were incredible, the number of them is incredible, great job bend studio !


Oct 26, 2017
His rants are excellent. He's really traumatized from the shit that's gone down, so he talks to himself a lot, which makes sense. It's also great when taking down a ripper camp and Deacon starts yelling how they're all going to die.


Oct 25, 2017
Glad to see so many pushing against the OP argument in this one. Glad to see I wasn't alone after all :P
Oct 25, 2017
His rants are excellent. He's really traumatized from the shit that's gone down, so he talks to himself a lot, which makes sense. It's also great when taking down a ripper camp and Deacon starts yelling how they're all going to die.

It's actually really refreshing to have a character like Deacon whose so completely lost it in many ways.

It adds to the enjoyment.


Apr 2, 2019
Traumatized and unstable man out in a post-apocalyptic world fighting to survive every day while coping with the loss of his wife speaks to himself. Sounds like the writer doesn't like Deacon's character and is nitpicking.

Days Gone stars Deacon St. John, who is less a character and more a few emotions and grunts wrapped up in a leather vest.
Didn't play the game or..?

All the contextual dialogues he had in my game were incredible, the number of them is incredible, great job bend studio !
Agreed. It isn't as if he keeps regurgitating the same lines. Bend did a good job at having a variety of situational commentary. The VA was incredible and his dialogue added to whatever scenario you found yourself in, especially when your only point of human contact is typically in brief conversations over a radio.


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
I highly disagree.

I actually love he talks a lot, in good & hilarious way.

Props to Sam Witwer for great job.



Oct 27, 2017
I've not played Days Gone, but no way can it be worse than Wheatley's incessant rambling in Portal 2. Ugh.


use of an alt account
Feb 15, 2018
I found him to be pretty charming, this article seems pointless tho

Deleted member 27751

User-requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
What a shitty article. Deacon is lonely. He lost his wife and Boozer got hurt. And he is full with anger. And it's more immersive that he talks and shows his expressions.
Protagonists who really never talk are the issue.
They aren't saying him talking to himself is bad, but that he does it too much. So much so that it interrupts gameplay and becomes monotonous and less impactful. Maybe read the full context before claiming its an entirely shit article.


Oct 27, 2017
Isn't this a trend in all of media tho ? Like there always has to be funny banter..a quick jab at someone..anything to take tension out of a moment because..no no we can't do that...why not joke and laugh it off to show how much of a complete badass the protag/character is ? I expect the next big movie to have a scene with all odds stacked against the protag and him/her calmly quoting D.Va "Is this EZ mode ?" ...and I will burn down the cinema ( no I wont).


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I haven't played the game but i usually like it when they talk to themselves. It often reveals more about their character.


Oct 27, 2017
They aren't saying him talking to himself is bad, but that he does it too much. So much so that it interrupts gameplay and becomes monotonous and less impactful. Maybe read the full context before claiming its an entirely shit article.
But then how would I bitch about a valid criticism of a game I like?!

Why do some people seem offended by this article?
Because Days Gone largely received middling reviews and as a result a certain subset of people who really enjoy it feel like every criticism of it is a personal attack against them.

I haven't played the game but i usually like it when they talk to themselves. It often reveals more about their character.
It's less that he does it more that he does it far far too much. It also doesn't reveal much beyond "he likes killing things."


Jan 15, 2018
Depends of the game, I dislike it in games like Tomb Raider (glad Shadow let's you turn it down a bit) but like it in games like this one.


Oct 27, 2017
Shut the hell up, Kotaku UK.

Incidentally, in a world were humanity is nearly extinct and one spends a lot of time alone, it's legitimately normal to start talking to oneself.

Yeah I get that I Am Legend vibe from this game.

I need to get my hands on the game to know what they are talking about. But it just seems like a weird take about a game that is seemingly divisive already.


Oct 29, 2017
I like it honestly.

Makes him more believable imo. More human.

Would be fucking creepy if he would be silent all the time.


You might not like his personality, but at least he has one. And gamers should know best the kind of shit that comes out of people's mouths when in "combat".
Feb 3, 2018
I was next to a horde when Radio Free Oregon popped up and after it had played Deacon just yells about it LOUDLY.

Yeah perfect timing Deacon to yell loudly what an idiot Copeland is.


Oct 28, 2017
I can't stand characters in games that talk a lot. Claptrap in Borderlands comes to mind as the worst case of yappy annoyance. Constant worthless dialogue like they think our attention spans are so short that we need constant stimuli. It is true we have no attention span but it doesn't mean we want to listen to incessant rambling.


Oct 26, 2017
There's a weird disconnect between Deacon in the story segments and during gameplay. In cutscenes he's kind of an asshole, during gameplay he comes off as a straight up psychopath.

Not really. There's some story segments that show that he's really holding himself back when he's with other people. Boozer calls out on how Deacon closes himself off to other people as he internalises his own grief in a way that he doesn't want to share with other people.

It's not elegant, but the story does have moments to explain why Deacon - when he's alone and Deacon - when he's with other people - act differently.
Oct 25, 2017
Man, that sounds worse than Horizon, and didn't like that one for this exact reason.

I'd say there's a big difference between Aloy and Deacon. Aloy does a lot of observation commentary where as Deacon just sort of rambles in response to things in a pretty crazy way (most of the time).

Between the two, Deacon is personally far more enjoyable since it's more unique and not really a, "let me narrate what's on screen" type of deal.